02 agosto 2013


The Market Oracle - Jul 2013 - clique aqui.
Fraude: EUA maquila PIB. Pois se gasto de energia cai, economia só poderia encolher. Nunca crescer.
While it seems that just about all of the economic data coming out of Wall Street or the U.S. Government is manipulated, there is one piece of data that is not. This valuable piece of information may also give us an idea on just how much the U.S. GDP data is being falsified. To get an idea of what is taking place in the U.S. economy, I obtained total energy consumption data from the U.S. Energy Information Agency (EIA). While the energy supply provides us a good gauge of global economic growth, consumption is a better tool analyzing the United States due to the fact that we use a great deal more energy than we produce. That graph below reveals how changes in energy consumption paralleled the rise and fall in the U.S. GDP growth rate: