YouTube VIDEO - Sept 2013 - clique aqui.
"Fukushima espalha radiação, matará milhões no Hemisfério Norte, é como mil Hiroshimas".
Chenobyl já matou um milhão, e Fukushima é muitas vezes maior.
15 setembro 2013
CBC TV News , Rex Murphy - Sept 2013 - clique aqui .
"Mundo aterrorizado: "Liderança amadorística dos EUA nos levará à Terceira Guerra Mundial".
"Mundo aterrorizado: "Liderança amadorística dos EUA nos levará à Terceira Guerra Mundial".
13 setembro 2013
The Economic Collapse - Sept 2013 - clique aqui.
Eles negavam haver depressão em 1933, e fazem o mesmo em 2013.
Veja lista de 44 sinais de depressão aqui.
The Great Depression actually started in 1929, but as you will see below, as late as 1933 the Associated Press was still pumping out lots of news stories with optimistic economic headlines and many Americans still did not believe that we were actually in a depression. And of course we are experiencing a very similar thing today. The United States is in the worst financial shape that it has ever been in, our economic infrastructure is being systematically gutted, and poverty is absolutely exploding.
Eles negavam haver depressão em 1933, e fazem o mesmo em 2013.
Veja lista de 44 sinais de depressão aqui.
The Great Depression actually started in 1929, but as you will see below, as late as 1933 the Associated Press was still pumping out lots of news stories with optimistic economic headlines and many Americans still did not believe that we were actually in a depression. And of course we are experiencing a very similar thing today. The United States is in the worst financial shape that it has ever been in, our economic infrastructure is being systematically gutted, and poverty is absolutely exploding.
Since the stock market crash of 2008, the Federal Reserve has been wildly printing money and the federal government has been running trillion dollar deficits in a desperate attempt to stabilize things, but in the process they have made our long-term economic problems far worse. It would be hard to overstate how dire our situation is, and yet the mainstream media continues to assure us that everything is just fine and that happy days are here again. As I have already noted, the mainstream media was doing the exact same thing back during the days of the Great Depression. The following are actual Associated Press headlines from 1933... "Decisive Break from Panic Shown in Business Figures" "Markets Spurt To New Highs" , "New Farm Bill to End Depression"
The election of Roosevelt didn't end the depression. Years of bitter economic suffering and dust bowl conditions were still ahead. The Great Depression continued all the way up to the start of World War II, and the war years were certainly no picnic for average folks either. More than 90 million working age Americans are considered to be "not in the labor force". The labor force participation rate is the lowest that it has been in 35 years. 516,000 Americans "left the labor force" last month. That was a brand new all-time record high. The number of private sector jobs dropped by 278,000 last month. 77 percent of the jobs that have been "created" so far this year have been part-time jobs. Approximately one out of every four part-time workers in America is living below the poverty line. Right now, 40 percent of all U.S. workers are making less than what a full-time minimum wage worker made back in 1968. The U.S. trade deficit with China has hit a brand new record high. The U.S. trade deficit with the EU has hit a brand new record high. The number of U.S. households on food stamps is at a brand new record high. One of the largest furniture manufacturers in America was just forced into bankruptcy...
06 setembro 2013
SHTF Plan - Aug 2013 - clique aqui.
EUA, 30 anos para se recuperar, se não houver alta de impostos nem desvalorização da moeda.
Economists will often argue that booms and busts are cyclical. Every depression or recession we’ve ever experienced in America has, usually within just a few years, been followed by booming periods of growth. But, as the best and brightest of the financial world like to say, past performance is not a guarantee of future results. According to a demographic study from economists at Cornell University and the Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation, the recovery that many Americans believe is taking hold right now may not actually be happening. In fact, it could take another 30 years or more… Keep in mind that the study takes into account only the demographic factors over the next several decades and does not include additional government taxation, currency devaluation, and overall global economic supply & demand factors.
The next few decades could be uncharacteristically bleak, according to a new study. Demographic factors — which have largely aided the U.S. economy in the past — could end up pushing incomes down for the next 30 years or more.If other factors don’t force incomes up, we may be at the beginning of the longest period of economic decline in American history. These trends alone could reduce the median income by 0.43 percentage points per year between now and 2020, 0.52 points per year between 2020 and 2030, and 0.2 points per year between 2030 and 2040. Those numbers might sound small, but over time they would add up to a significant loss of purchasing power for the typical American and a long era of decline for the nation as a whole. A typical worker earning $50,000 today would earn only about $48,400 by 2020 if his or her income fell by the amounts projected in the study. The worker’s income would fall to about $45,900 in 2030, $45,000 in 2040 and to less than $44,000 in 2050. In a society built upon consumer power and the idea that succeeding generations leap ahead of preceding ones—rather than fall behind them—four decades of falling incomes could be catastrophic. The study only makes income projections relating to demographic changes. Other changes could either offset those income declines, or exacerbate them. Future tax hikes or cutbacks in Social Security—some combination of which seems likely, to deal with mounting government debt—would reduce income even more, for instance.
EUA, 30 anos para se recuperar, se não houver alta de impostos nem desvalorização da moeda.
Economists will often argue that booms and busts are cyclical. Every depression or recession we’ve ever experienced in America has, usually within just a few years, been followed by booming periods of growth. But, as the best and brightest of the financial world like to say, past performance is not a guarantee of future results. According to a demographic study from economists at Cornell University and the Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation, the recovery that many Americans believe is taking hold right now may not actually be happening. In fact, it could take another 30 years or more… Keep in mind that the study takes into account only the demographic factors over the next several decades and does not include additional government taxation, currency devaluation, and overall global economic supply & demand factors.
The next few decades could be uncharacteristically bleak, according to a new study. Demographic factors — which have largely aided the U.S. economy in the past — could end up pushing incomes down for the next 30 years or more.If other factors don’t force incomes up, we may be at the beginning of the longest period of economic decline in American history. These trends alone could reduce the median income by 0.43 percentage points per year between now and 2020, 0.52 points per year between 2020 and 2030, and 0.2 points per year between 2030 and 2040. Those numbers might sound small, but over time they would add up to a significant loss of purchasing power for the typical American and a long era of decline for the nation as a whole. A typical worker earning $50,000 today would earn only about $48,400 by 2020 if his or her income fell by the amounts projected in the study. The worker’s income would fall to about $45,900 in 2030, $45,000 in 2040 and to less than $44,000 in 2050. In a society built upon consumer power and the idea that succeeding generations leap ahead of preceding ones—rather than fall behind them—four decades of falling incomes could be catastrophic. The study only makes income projections relating to demographic changes. Other changes could either offset those income declines, or exacerbate them. Future tax hikes or cutbacks in Social Security—some combination of which seems likely, to deal with mounting government debt—would reduce income even more, for instance.
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