29 dezembro 2013


YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - Dec 2013 - clique aqui.
VAZOU : EUA inflitra secreto manual "derruba-governo" de sabotagens em vários países. 
Ensina a assassinar juízes, oficiais e políciais.
Cortar telefones, derrubar árvores em estradas, infiltração.


YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - 18 Dec 2013 - clique aqui
Greenwald: "Objetivo dos EUA é eliminar privacidade dos cidadãos por todo o planeta".
Glenn Greenwald, the American journalist who first published the documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden tells an EU inquiry that the NSA's goal, along with its UK partner, the GCHQ, is to eliminate individual privacy worldwide.

28 dezembro 2013


R.T. News - Dec 28 2013 - clik 1 - clik 2
Greenwald acusa: "Imprensa nos EUA e UK são servos cúmplices das agências de espionagem".
“We resolved that we were going to have to be very disruptive of the status quo — not only the surveillance and political status quo, but also the journalistic status quo,” Greenwald said. “And I think one of the ways that you can see what it is that we were targeting is in the behavior of the media over the past six months since these revelations have emerged almost entirely without them and despite them.” “[W]e knew in particular that one of our most formidable adversaries was not simply going to be the intelligence agencies on which we were reporting and who we were trying to expose, but also their most loyal, devoted servants, which calls itself the United States and British media.” 

“It really is the case that the United States and British governments are not only willing but able to engage in any conduct no matter how grotesque,” Greenwald said. Nevertheless, he added, journalists tasked with reporting on those issues have all too often been compliant with the blatant lies made by officials from those governments. “[A]t one point I made what I thought was the very unremarkable and uncontroversial observation that the reason why we have a free press is because national security officials routinely lie to the population in order to shield their power and get their agenda advanced,” recalled Greenwald, who said it is both the “the goal and duty of a journalist is to be adversarial to those people in power.” 
Imprensa britânica em coro ignora denúncias do Snowden, por pressões do governo".

27 dezembro 2013


YouTube - Why Gold, Silver - Mike Maloney - 12 Dec 2013 - clique aqui.
Eles vão 'do nada' imprimir dinheiro 10x mais. Próxima recessão, 85bi/mês viram 850.
Estão desesperados com a impotência diante da estagnação.
"What's going to happen the next time there's an economic downturn? They're going to double, triple, quadruple (QE). Instead of making 85 billion per month, they're going to be making 850 billion per month. It'll go up TEN times."

24 dezembro 2013


YouTube VIDEO - Mike maloney - Dec 2013 - clique aqui.
EUA: Calote ou hiperinflação?
Condução do colapso é opcional.
Quem pagará a conta? o rico investidor ou a classe média?

22 dezembro 2013


YouTube VIDEO - Fox News - clique aqui.
Juiz federal acusa Obama de governar por leis secretas.

21 dezembro 2013


Bloomberg TV News - Dec 2013 - clique aqui.
Ouro em Londres : China comprou quase tudo, cofres quase vazios".

20 dezembro 2013


Folha de São Paulo - Dec 2013 - clique aqui.
HISTÓRICO : União Européia rebaixada. Virá efeito-cascata sobre as empresas da UE.
A imprensa parece um túmulo de silencio.
A agência de classificação de risco Standard & Poor's rebaixou a nota da União Europeia por riscos crescentes nas negociações sobre os orçamentos dos países membros do bloco. As notas concedidas pelas agências de classificação são uma espécie de selo de qualidade que indicam os riscos de uma economia dar calote. 
A União Europeia tinha a melhor nota na escala da agência, "AAA". Agora passa a ser avaliada no segundo degrau de risco: "AA+". A Standard & Poor's já havia colocado a economia do bloco em perspectiva negativa desde 2012. Desde então, já reduziu as notas de classificação da França, Itália, Espanha, Malta, Eslovênia, Chipre e Holanda. A agência cita uma piora da coesão entre os países e o risco de recusa em cumprir as regras do bloco para os orçamentos. "Em nossa visão, as negociações orçamentárias se tornaram mais acirradas, sinalizando o que consideramos ser riscos crescentes ao apoio da UE provenientes de alguns países-membros".


Veterans News Now - Dec 2013 - clique aqui.
EUA: armas devoram 63% da receita, 10x mais que educação. Mais que na Guerra Fria.
São 103 milhões na pobreza, e 47 milhões em extrema pobreza.
But of that annual $1 trillion, the money allocated for military spending amounts to some $633 billion. That is, nearly two-thirds – more than 63 percent – of the total US government’s budget is consumed by the means of war and killing. To give this some perspective, the US spends ten times more on weapons and the means of destroying and killing other human beings than it does on educating its entire nation. 
As a result of this warped “good value”, over the following year millions of unemployed Americans will see their income support terminated as the new federal budget mandates $25 billion in cuts. Millions more Americans will go hungry as $4 billion in food stamps is axed. Millions of Americans will succumb to disease and illness as $30 billion is slashed from federal health care. Already, official figures show that there are nearly 47 million Americans suffering from extreme poverty in the US. Some estimates put total US poverty at 150 million – nearly half the population – amplified by six years of economic depression since the US-bank-induced global financial crash of 2008. These same Wall Street banks, which are an integral part of the military-industrial cancer, receive $85 billion a month in bailout cash footed by the US taxpayer. Of course, this ludicrous imbalance of US military spending as a share of the nation’s wealth is nothing new. Former US President Dwight Eisenhower warned of the spawning military-industrial complex almost half a century ago. But what is revealing about today’s situation is that U.S. military spending just keeps on growing regardless of rational or moral norms. It is estimated that between 1962 and presently, the annual American so-called defense budget has more than doubled. William D Hartung at the US-based Center for International Policy reckons that the American military now consumes $100 billion per year more than the average during the Cold War years, when the US and the Soviet Union were bound up in a gargantuan arms race.
Mais que todos demais somados.
The US spends more on its military than all other nations combined, including Russia and China. Yet deluded “American exceptionalism” labels everyone else a threat to world peace. As the US expands its militarism globally and in particular towards Russia and China, it compels these countries to likewise allocate more and more of their budgets on weaponry and arms development instead of socially beneficial improvement. This negative repercussion for retarded international development cannot be overstated. As already noted, the American “dream” is in reality humankind’s nightmare. China is estimated to have doubled its annual military spend to around $200 billion over the past decade, largely fuelled by Washington’s militaristic “Asian Pivot”; Japan is now increasing its military spending by five percent as a result of Chinese territorial claims, which in turn stem from Washington’s pivot into China’s backyard; while Russia is planning to ply some $700 billion into its weapons industry over the next decade. Russian President Vladimir Putin told his Federal Assembly in Moscow last week, “Let no one have illusions that he can achieve military superiority over Russia. We will never allow it.”

19 dezembro 2013


Telegraph, UK - 18 Dec 2013 - clique aqui.
"Violenta insurreição na Itália é o temor em 2014", diz Presidente .
Desemprego, milhares de empresas à beira do colapso.
Events in Italy are turning serious. President Giorgio Napolitano has warned of “widespread social tension and unrest” in 2014 as the Long Slump drags on. Those living on the margins are being drawn into “indiscriminate and violent protest, a sterile lurch towards total opposition”. His latest speech is a veritable Jeremiad. Thousands of companies are on the “brink of collapse”. 
Great masses of the working people are on the dole or at risk of losing their jobs. Very high rates of youth unemployment (41pc) are leading to dangerous alienation. “The recession is still biting hard, and there is a pervasive sense that it will be difficult to escape, to find a way back to full growth,” he said.

11 dezembro 2013


O sistema hoje é 100% Feudal.

09 dezembro 2013


YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - Dec 2013 - clique aqui
"Os governos dos países são marionetes dos banqueiros, não refletem os interesses dos povos".
Políticos e Obama ainda serão julgados por traição à Constituição.
Povo acordou e já está reagindo, impediu o ataque à Síria.
The Middle East is at its boiling point. Syria is devastated by raging war. Israel threatens to deal with Iran once and for all -- with Washington towering over regional affairs. What is at the cornerstone of American foreign politics? With Iran and the US going through a diplomatic thaw, what game will Tel Aviv play? Today we look at these issues through the eyes of a member of the few, but one not proud: a former US marine who burned his passport and became an anti-war activist.


Forbes Magazine, Russel Sage Foundation - Dec 2013 - clik 1 - clik 2
"Cem milhões abaixo da linha da pobreza, são 33% dos EUA todo".
Imprensa em silencio absoluto.
Governo diz que são só 15%. Alguém acredita?
The “Inequality Boom” is what social scientist Sheldon Danziger, President of the Russell Sage Foundation here in New York, uses to describe the current condition of 100 million Americans — if the cost of housing, transportation and healthcare were subtracted from the median income of full-time workers. It’s a boom because under Danziger’s hypothesis, 100 million Americans is a whopping 33% of the total population; the Census Bureau figures only 15% of Americans, or 45 million, are below the $24,000 annual income level for poverty in a family of four. Danziger has been on the poverty solution academic beat almost since Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson declared war on poverty 50 years ago, and is now ensconced at one of the oldest foundations in the nation, established in 1907 for “the improvement of social and living conditions in the United States.” 
Danziger’s work is cut out for him since there is growing income inequality in the U.S. as the political controversy over reducing the level of government transfers promises to increase poverty and widen income disparity. For example, there is the growing threat that the food stamp program, now being used by 47 million people, is scheduled to be reduced. Plus, the extension of unemployment benefits, which stabilized many of those hurt by the Great Recession, is is to be substantially limited in availability. At the same time, 70% of the new jobs created by the slow economic recovery are part-time, less than 29 hours a week, without health insurance, and cannot be sufficient to support a family of four. Danziger can wax enthusiastic about the theme of what he calls “the golden age in America”, when between 1947 and 1975 (see chart) family income adjusted for inflation showed more than 90% increases in family income for the 20% segment of America. In fact the 60th percentile group in the middle had their income increase by the largest degree, 99.2%. That amounts to a near double in family income from 1947 to 1975.

08 dezembro 2013


YouTube VIDEO - Dec 2013 - clique aqui.
Chris Hedges : "Credibilidade da classe governante é estraçalhada. Agora só lhe resta o uso da força".

07 dezembro 2013


ZDNet. com - Dec 2013 - clique aqui.
HISTÓRICO. Microsoft classifica governo EUA: é "perene ameaça avançada", é grupo criminoso.
Brad Smith, Microsoft's EVP of Legal and Corporate Affairs, labeled the American government as an "advanced persistent threat" in a December 4 post on The Official Microsoft Blog. The term advanced persistent threat (APT) refers to an attacker, usually an organized group of malicious attackers, that should be considered harmful and dangerous — and an overall method of attack that plays a "long game." Microsoft's explosive post begins by stating, "Many of our customers have serious concerns about government surveillance of the Internet." (...) Like many others, we are especially alarmed by recent allegations in the press of a broader and concerted effort by some governments to circumvent online security measures – and in our view, legal processes and protections – in order to surreptitiously collect private customer data. In particular, recent press stories have reported allegations of governmental interception and collection – without search warrants or legal subpoenas – of customer data as it travels between customers and servers or between company data centers in our industry. If true, these efforts threaten to seriously undermine confidence in the security and privacy of online communications. Indeed, government snooping potentially now constitutes an “advanced persistent threat,” alongside sophisticated malware and cyber attacks.
While the writing is cautiously couched in terms of "some governments" it's crystal clear that Microsoft's "advanced persistent threat" is referring to the ongoing revelations of US government surveillance activities (in leaks by Edward Snowden), and the concerns of Microsoft's American customers. Cybersecurity firm Mandiant has tracked security breaches by advanced persistent threats since 2004; in February 2013 Mandiant reported that the most prolific APT in the world was "One of China's Cyber Espionage Units." To see one of America's biggest companies say it must protect itself from its own government as it would from a group of malfeasant Chinese cyber-spies is a moment for the history books. But security professionals worldwide may not be quite so surprised. Not because hackers issued tinfoil bonnets at birth — most security pros and researchers understand that the same APT techniques used by cybercriminals to steal data from businesses and individuals for financial gain are the same used by nation-states.

06 dezembro 2013


Yahoo Notícias - Dec 2013 - clique aqui.
Mandela aos 90 anos em 2008, EUA o dizia 'terrorista'. Mesmo já liberto, e já eleito presidente.
Libertado 1990, presidente 94-99, na lista por mais 18 anos.
Em 2008, pouco antes de seu 90º aniversário, os Estados Unidos concederam a Nelson Mandela um presente: retiraram seu nome de sua lista de terroristas, na qual ele havia figurado por décadas, colocando fim ao que funcionários americanos consideram "um assunto bastante vergonhoso". Na ocasião, o líder anti-apartheid já havia abandonado há tempos a prisão na qual permaneceu por 27 anos, e já desfrutava de sua aposentadoria e de seu papel como uma das figuras mais veneradas do século XX depois de se converter no primeiro presidente negro da África do Sul. Na quinta-feira, quando Mandela faleceu, aos 95 anos, o presidente americano Barack Obama o destacou como uma figura inspiradora que "alcançou mais do que podemos esperar de qualquer homem" e ordenou que as bandeiras em todos os edifícios públicos fossem colocadas a meio mastro - um tributo concedido raras vezes a um líder estrangeiro. 
Mas décadas atrás muitos americanos não compartilhavam a admiração por Mandela e seu partido, o Congresso Nacional Africano (ANC), que foi catalogado como uma organização terrorista pela África do Sul e pelos Estados Unidos. Seus opositores de direita o acusavam de ser um terrorista impertinente e simpatizante do comunismo. De fato, soube-se que a Agência Central de Inteligência americana (CIA) ajudou a orquestrar a prisão de Mandela em 1962, ao infiltrar um agente na ANC que fornecia dados às autoridades sul-africanas para que pudessem rastreá-lo.

04 dezembro 2013


YouTube VIDEO - USA Watchdog - Dec 2013 - clik 1 - clik 2 - clik 3
EUA, 15 Prêmios Nobel: "É câncer, vai estourar. Governo já imprime 29% do que gasta, arrecada 71%".
Kenneth Arrow ; Robert Engle ; James Heckman ; Finn E. Kydland ; Robert Lucas ; Eric Maskin ; Harry Markowitz ; Dale Mortensen ; Roger Myerson ; Edmund Phelps ; Thomas Sargent ; Thomas C. Schelling ; William Sharpe ; Vernon Smith ; Oliver Williamson
Dr. Kotlikoff explains, “The bill has been endorsed by over 1,000 economists, including 15 Nobel Prize winners in economics . . .Never in the history of this country have this many top economists from all political persuasions endorsed a piece of legislation like this.” Dr. Kotlikoff and his fellow economists all contend, “The country needs to do honest accounting.” The professor charges the government is “disguising the true problem.” Dr. Kotlikoff says, “The government is printing mountains of money to pay its bills. The Fed is printing 29 cents of every dollar that Uncle Sam is spending.” What happens if this continues? Dr. Kotlikoff says, “Eventually somebody recognizes this and starts dumping the bonds, and interest rates go up, and inflation takes off, and were off to the races.” In closing, Dr. Kotlikoff warns, “This is going to crash, but there are different ways for cancer to kill you. It can be very gradual . . . or it can attack some organ and you can die overnight. Either of those outcomes can happen.” 


YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - Dec 2013 - clik 1 - clik 2
MOMENTO HISTÓRICO : Yuan suplanta Euro, moeda global. Mais 800% negócios num ano.
The yuan has replaced the euro to become the second most widely used currency in global trade in 2013, according to the SWIFT network responsible for international financial transactions. The share of the yuan in global trade finance has jumped from 1.89 percent in January 2012 to 8.66 percent in the form of letters of credit and collections in October 2013, the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) data shows. The share of trade settlements in the euro fell from 7.87 percent to 6.64 percent in the same period. The US dollar still leads with 81.08 percent of foreign trade payments using the American currency in October. The most active yuan users are Chinese and Hong Kong companies which account for about 80 percent of the total foreign trade operations in the yuan. The remaining 20 percent is spread among Singapore (12%), Germany (2%), Australia (2%) and other countries (4%). "The renminbi is clearly a top currency for trade finance globally and even more so in Asia," Franck de Praetere, SWIFT’s Singapore-based head of payments and trade markets for Asia Pacific, commented in a statement.

01 dezembro 2013


Ben Swan News Report - Nov 2013 - clique aqui.
EUA, COLAPSO CHEGANDO : polícia confisca armas pelo país. Carta: "entregue armas, 30 dias".
A report from TruthAboutGuns.com is claiming that New York gun owners are being sent letters from the N.Y.P.D. demanding them to surrender their guns which have feeding capacities that violate the 5-round rule. Below is an excerpt from the New York Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act (NY SAFE Act) Twitter
According to Kit Daniels from InfoWars.com, “The New York Police Department is now sending out notices to registered gun owners demanding that they give up their firearms, clear proof that gun registration leads to outright confiscations.” Earlier this year, Canadian journalist Brian Lilley from Sun News warned Americans during his broadcast that gun “registration will lead to confiscation.” Lilley described how the Canadian government systematically confiscated firearms from law biding citizens: (1) create a national gun registry to track the sales of firearms, (2) pass laws that ban certain firearms, (3) notify gun owners that they have 30 days to surrender their registered firearms to local police. 
New York lawmakers have been lobbying for gun confiscation both locally and nationally. Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin (R) exposed N.Y. lawmakers’ plans to confiscate firearms earlier this year, see video. In an interview, N.Y. Governor Andrew Cuomo stated that gun “confiscation could be an option,€” regarding new gun control laws. Now gun owners are seeing his promise of gun confiscation unfolding before their eyes. In April, the California state legislature passed a bill approving $24 million in order to confiscate an estimated 40,000 handguns and assault weapons from felons and those who the state deems emotionally unfit to own firearms. California uses paramilitary teams called Armed & Prohibited Persons System (APPS) to inspect homes and confiscate firearms.