03 janeiro 2014


Bloomberg News - Investment Watch - Jan 2014 - clik 1 - clik 2.
Jim Rickards: "devemos esperar por um colapso do dólar. 
Ouro dispara a 7,000 dólares".
Jan. 2 (Bloomberg) — James Rickards, senior managing director at Tangent Capital Partners LLC, talks about Federal Reserve policy, the outlook for financial markets and investment strategy. Rickards speaks with Erik Schatzker and Carol Massar on Bloomberg Television’s “Market Makers.” (Source: Bloomberg)

“Gold is Going to $7000.00 or Higher Based on fundamental’s, now is a Good Buying Opportunity” When it’s to late & you want to buy Gold Your Not Going Be able to find It. ” The Fed Does Not Know What I Is Doing” “The Fed is Manipulating the Dollar” - “The Fed Has Painted Itself In a Corner and Has No Way Out” - ”We Should Expect A Dollar Collapse”.