13 junho 2014


YouTube VIDEO - USA WatchDog.com - Paul Craig Roberts - clik 1 - clik2
"EUA prepara ataque nuclear total à Rússia. Acha que vence".
Dr. Roberts explains, “Washington not only has war plans for launching a preemptive nuclear attack on Russia, and also possibly China, but Washington has a cadre of people who advocate nuclear war. We have people running around Washington saying things such as ‘What’s the good of nuclear weapons if you can’t use them.’ . . . These weapons are so lethal that if just one percent of the inventory of the U.S. and Russia were used, the death toll would be at least 2 billion people. Also, if less than half of the inventory of either the U.S. or Russia were used, life would cease to exist on planet earth.”

Why is Russia the target for U.S. nukes? Roberts says, “Russia is a country that is large enough and has sufficient resources that it could rise to the position to being a barrier to Washington’s exercise of hegemony over the world. So, Russia has always been the target of this nuclear war doctrine. How are they implementing this? The United States is now putting, on the border of Russia, anti-ballistic missile bases, or ABM’s. In the Regan years, it was called ‘Star Wars.’ These missiles are designed for intercepting intercontinental ballistic missiles. So, if we were to attack Russia, and Russia were nuclear devastated and pushed the button and sent ICBM’s headed to the U.S. for retaliation, the anti- ballistic bases would shoot down the incoming Russian ICBM’s and leave America untouched. The doctrine is now prevalent in Washington that the United States can win a nuclear war because we have the shield of anti-ballistic missiles.” So, America is safe? Robert’s says no-way and explains, “Even if every American city is spared retaliation, all the Americans would die too due to the radiation and due to the nuclear winter. . . . all of the temperate climates would have freezing temperatures every day of the year for three years. So, clearly there wouldn’t be any food grown.