20 julho 2014


Silver Doctors - Jim Willie - Max Keiser - Jul 2014 - clik1 clik2 clik3 clik4
BOMBA !!! Alemanha rompendo laços EUA/UK por Rússia/China.
Não aguentou traições dos EUA: espionagem criminosa, roubo do ouro, colapso bancário, guerras sem fim, sabotagem econômica, sanções pela culatra, política monetária destruidora etc.
The Germans have had enough, fed up with destructive US activities of all kinds. For the last few months, they have been laying out their indictment, their justification, their reasons to abandon the corrupt US-UK crowd. The bank wreckage, the market rigging, the endless wars, the sanctions which backfire, the sham monetary policy, the economic sabotage, the spying, the gold gimmicks, it has finally reached a critical level. Germany has begun to move East in full view. Berlin is outraged by clear USGovt spying, and in process of conducting a Gold audit among their population. Germany is building motives to split from the Euro Monetary Union (common Euro currency) by forging stronger open ties with Russia and China. The justification is becoming plainly laid out, in four perceived indictment charges. Germany will break from US/UK and its USDollar fiat currency regime over four primary thorny issues. It appears that the German-Russian-Chinese connection is getting stronger and stronger, and the [connection with the] US is becoming more distant. It feels like the world is changing in front of us. 
The climax event is the launch of the BRICS currency. Informed sources, whom the Jackass believes are directly involved in the planning, execution, and implementation, inform that the new currency will be gold-backed with further backbone in silver, crude oil, and in some manner natural gas.

The Gazprom gas pipelines are far more important than the financial press mention. They are the skeleton and distribution system by which to capture Europe and to install the New Gold Trade Standard. The hints of its arrival are seen in the details for the BRICS Development Bank and the BRICS Emergency Fund. Without any hesitation in my mind, it is clear that these funds will serve as fronts for massive conversion of USTreasury Bonds into Gold bullion, which will reside in the BRICS Central Bank. The decision for location of the funds might be haggled in the open, but expect the central bank to be dispersed, using various key locations. The BRICS nations are all too familiar with US , Langley tactics, to destabilize, to raise internal dissension, to launch a war, and to steal the gold in banks amidst the chaos and confusion offered by the maze and din of war. The war in Ukraine, just like the war in Syria, and the attacks on Cyprus, all had Gazprom as common element.
Inicia rompendo com o dólar. Aí ponga no euro até Eurásia botar moeda própria com lastro ouro.
The plan seem obvious for Germany, to exit the USDollar, but first to embrace the Euro as a caretaker currency platform before the Eurasian Trade Zone comes together and offers a gold-backed continental currency with broad shoulders. All of Europe will rally around the Euro flagpole, hunker down during the other financial HAARP-like storm (bearing Weimar nameplate), and ride the storm until the Russian-Chinese hard asset currency arrives. 
The BRICS have invaded the mainstream Western stage and hold a banner for all to see. The stage has been altered, its weight shifted, leaning to the East. Tremendously important historical events are occurring. The King Dollar is wounded mortally, having fallen off the throne, looking weakened, haggard, and ashen. Sympathy for the US-UK corrupt violent vindictive crew has vanished. Next comes the assaults on the European Commission, that corrupt den. The path to the Gold Trade Standard is becoming visible, the key break being the divorce between Germany and the US/UK fascists. It complements the divorce between the US and Saudis which has occurred since March. That break has been detailed in public Jackass essays. The German break is the new event, with current episodes absolutely mesmerizing for their importance and shock. Some US press sources are awakening. The United States Govt has treated France and Germany like adversaries, even enemy camps. The BNP Paribas case was atrocious for its devious ploys, giving old line Europeans a kick to the head. The US rats have infiltrated with organized networks of espionage agents. The press prefers to describe them as merely eavesdropping. In reality they are gathering information on Germany strategic planning, on Germany corporate contracts in development, and on German political functions. The consequence is a coordinated indictment taking shape which will result in the final steps coming to pass in the Global Paradigm Shift. The USDollar will be chucked into the dustbin of history, but first, it will be kicked to the used car scrap heap where it awaits finally processing. That processing consists of the conversion of USTreasury Bonds into Gold bullion on a massive scale at numerous offices. The BRICS Banks are ready to do business. They are two, the Development Bank and the Contingency Reserve Arrangement (CRA). In time the CRA will be known as the New IMF for its function, while the Development Bank will be known as the Central Bank housing gold.
Gota dágua foi EUA punir aliados como adversários. Em lhes dá conversa, logo vira as costas.
clik 1 - clik 2 - clik 3 - clik 4 - clik 5 - clik 6.
In extreme focus in the past month is item #3, the nefarious NSA espionage. Those who call it eavesdropping miss the point. It is not about catching juicy information on politician affairs. It is not to grab a lead on Merkel’s next luncheon for tabloid display. It is to seize information on Russian and Chinese developments and plans, on the commercial front and financial sector respectively. It is to infiltrate the German computer systems and communication systems, probably to plant Trojan Horses for later leverage in blackmail at the state level. The Berlin officials are well aware. The entire NSA espionage chapter appears to be exploding on the scene. In fact, word has come that Russian Intelligence offices tipped off the Berlin officials about the USGovt NSA activity before arrests were made last week. The Snowden files are being used in important ways. The Central European source stated briefly, 
“The comical part in all this is that Russian intelligence FSB and GRU tipped the German authorities off by providing the leads.” The Germans followed up quickly, so quickly that a divorce is the conclusion. In the meantime, the German-Russian cooperation with trust develops while the German-Anglo trust withers away. The break between the Germans and the Fascists from US-UK-EU may be closer than ever, as history is turned on its head since World War II. The entrenched Fascists on the global financial war front are the Americans and British accomplices, the big corrupt banks being the pillboxes. They will be abandoned, or toppled. At risk is the NATO Alliance. If and when Germany pivots fully eastward, the NATO membership will be rendered empty chair with a speaker phone attached.