30 novembro 2014


Resistir.Info - Slavyangrad - Nov 2014 - clik 1 - clik 2 
Em ataque direto à Rússia, EUA deflagram sangrenta guerra civil na Ucrânia - já bem abalada.
Larga escala, muitas centenas de milhares morrerão - até milhões.
Ao envolver Europa numa guerra, EUA surge vitorioso até aqui.
Não em vão a Milícia, durante os meses de trégua, tem estado continuamente a procurar (e a encontrar) veículos blindados pesados na estepes de Donetsk; tem estado a atrair e treinar milhares de voluntários, incluindo aqueles que possuem o conhecimento específico e as qualificações para serem capazes de usar eficazmente tecnologia moderna.
Todas as testemunhas oculares asseveram que a densidade de tropas na RPD/RPL excede o previsto e que aquelas tropas estão concentradas nuns poucos grupos com uma formação ofensiva fortemente pronunciada. E estas tropas têm sido poupadas – não foram enviadas para a frente de batalha. Elas deveriam assestar um golpe mortal às autoridades de Kiev que de imediato teriam de acabar com a frente de batalha. Este é o primeiro formato – o colapso da frente, seguido por uma ocupação gradual do território (não apenas da Novorússia, mas o de toda a Ucrânia). Mas isto será um processo lento, dependendo da prontidão da Milícia e das regiões. O segundo formato deveria trazer as regiões Central e Ocidental ao grau desejado de prontidão (a Novorússia já está pronta). Isso é uma guerra civil entre as autoridades de Kiev (Yatsenyuk contra Poroshenko, Kolomoyskyi contra todos, os nazis contra os oligarcas, o Exército contra os Guardas Nacionais, a "auto-defesa" camponesa contra os expropriadores urbanos de comida dos "destacamentos de abastecimento", etc). 
Guerra no campo será de limpeza étnica, milhões morrerão.
Isto é o mais terrível conflito, capaz de rapidamente dizimar vinte e cinco a trinta por cento da população da Ucrânia e tornar aqueles que restassem desejosos de fazer fosse o que fosse só para travar o horror. Putin tentou impedir este enorme horror, oferecendo ao ocidente, sem necessidade para a Rússia, a preservação da Ucrânia sob condições de federalização e neutralidade. Este enorme horror está a ser provocado pelos EUA. Na realidade, não está a ser provocado – foi provocado. 
O golpe e a guerra civil tornaram-se inevitáveis na Ucrânia dois meses antes das eleições parlamentares, quando ficou claro que Turchinov, Yatsenyuk e Avakov estavam a ir às eleições não ao lado de Poroshenko, mas contra ele. Os EUA estavam há muito à espera do momento em que os líderes de Kiev e seus apaniguados nazis começassem finalmente a matar-se uns aos outros. O aplicado Yatsenuk, os obedientes Avakov e Turchynov, agora despojados dos últimos farrapos de legitimidade, neste momento estão prontos para começar o tiroteio. Mas a segunda camada dos seus apaniguados ainda está temerosa. A maior parte do Exército ainda apoia Poroshenko. Para dizer isto suavemente, ela não é amistosa para com batalhões de voluntários nazis. O colapso da frente, o qual depois do fracasso das negociações australianas se tornou inevitável, elimina este ponto de apoio. Além disso, Poroshenko, como comandante supremo, perderá sua credibilidade na sociedade e nas agências de segurança. Os EUA obtêm assim o que eles querem – uma guerra civil sangrenta e em plena escala na Ucrânia com a liquidação dos remanescentes da economia e do estado, e o colapso de serviços comunitários e sociais. O território será mergulhado na Idade da Pedra numa questão de dias. Os EUA estão à espera de que, tendo finalmente preparado "o povo ucraniano", separarão para sempre a Rússia da Ucrânia. 
EUA sabem que a conta terá que ser paga pela Rússia e Europa.
Além disso, sabem que a restauração de condições de vida normais para os sobreviventes terá de ser feita pela Rússia e a UE, o que deveria comprometer os recursos de Moscovo e de Bruxelas, criando uma vantagem competitiva para Washington. Os restos da população da Ucrânia encontrarão as tropas (ou da Novorússia ou russas) da mesma forma como os alemães encontraram o Exército Vermelho em 1945 – a alinharem-se em fila diante das cozinhas de campo e absorverem nova ideologia com as papas que lhes são servidas. Não deveríamos esquecer que na Ucrânia foi construída uma sociedade totalitária e que a propaganda totalitária tem uma característica – o povo começa a amar o que ontem amaldiçoava tão logo seja mudado o foco. A maior parte do pessoal que ali constitui um "povo ucraniano" perecerá e em breve será finalmente perdido nas frentes da guerra civil. Daqueles "líderes da opinião pública", os quais nos últimos vinte anos têm moldado na Ucrânia um discurso de russofobia, os que forem particularmente felizes serão capazes de emigrar para o ocidente e sobreviver tranquilamente na obscuridade o resto dos seus dias. 

A maioria morrerá, nem que seja porque os EUA não têm qualquer necessidade de testemunhas dos seus próprios crimes. Mesmo aquela parte do povo que de manhã ainda começa o dia a cuspir na direcção de Moscovo e a prostrar-se diante do ocidente, após um curto mas eficaz banho de sangue organizado pelos políticos pró ocidentais sob slogans pró ocidentais e, ainda mais importante, uma vez que o ocidente se haja dissociado do destino da Ucrânia (o que logo será óbvio mesmo para os mais eufóricos Maidan-arbeiters), odiará o ocidente pela sua traição (artigos e blogs nesse sentido escritos pelos mais exigentes euro-integradores já começaram a aparecer nos mass-media ucranianos). Esperançosamente, por razões objectivas, a Milícia mover-se-á lentamente para o ocidente, de modo que quem quiser terá tempo para correr para a UE e aderir à Europa em termos pessoais. 

Na generalidade, quanto mais breve o período de liquidação mais vidas podem ser salvas; mas que a conta de cadáveres, já acima de trinta mil, irá a centenas de milhares é quase inevitável. Tão inevitável como dois a três milhões de emigrantes para a Europa. Isto, no melhor caso; no pior, a Ucrânia pode perder um quarto da sua população anterior à guerra (e nem todos os perdidos serão emigrantes).


 Fair Observer - Russia Insider - Nov 2014 - clik 1 - clik 2 
Povo russo vê sanções como um ataque à Rússia e a êles.
Whilst they have created for the Russian economy a mix of problems and opportunities, in political terms they are having the opposite effect to the one intended. Russians know and care about Ukraine in a way the west doesn’t and strongly support the policy the Russian government is pursuing there because they are sure it is right and because they consider it to be in Russia’s vital interests. By sanctioning Russia because of a policy towards Ukraine Russians overwhelmingly support, all the west has achieved is to convince Russians that it is against Russia and them. 
The result has been to convince Russians that the west is hostile and to consolidate Russians’ support for their government and its policy towards Ukraine, causing Putin’s popularity to rise to stratospheric levels. Far from increasing pressure within Russia on the Russian government to change its Ukrainian policy, the sanctions are doing the opposite. Regardless, the view of the sanctions amongst the Russian public clearly differs from that of the West. Ordinary Russians increasingly feel that the West has embarked on a mission to undermine Russia as a nation on the international arena. Rather than venting anger over Putin’s foreign policy and its repercussions on the economy, the president’s approval ratings remain high at 79%, up from their all time low of 53% prior to the annexation of Crimea, according to the Levada Center. 
A representative of the polling center has underlined that newfound trust in the president and the “organs of power” has come about largely due to Moscow’s “management” of the crisis in Ukraine. In fact, a large part of the population supports the idea that Western sanctions will encourage economic growth and development at home while strengthening Russia’s economic position in the long run. Evgeni Yacin, of the National Research University and Higher School of Economics, goes even further to contend that the only goal of the sanctions – to portray Russia as an evil force – has already been achieved and the policy of the Russian Federation should now be to search for internal drivers of growth.


Ron Paul Institute - Red Pill Times - Nov 2014 - click 1 - clik 2 
OTAN por 36 vezes já trombeteou que Rússia invadiu Ucrânia, mas ainda não mostrou uma só foto.
This latest NATO assertion of Russian involvement in east Ukraine is in addition to 36 -- count them -- prior claims of a Russian invasion of Ukraine since February. Thirty-six invasions of Ukraine but NATO has yet to produce a definitive photograph of a Russian military presence. Either Russia's is the most stealth army in the history of warfare or NATO operatives are misleading those they are paid to serve. While pledging more US military assistance to its allies in western Ukraine, Breedlove also condemned Russia's "militarization" of the Crimean peninsula, citing recent Russian possible deployments of a missile defense system to the area which recently rejoined Russia. 
Aside from its unsupported claims of a Russian invasion of Ukraine, NATO and the US government have repeatedly condemned any Russian military presence near Ukraine but within its own territory. Meanwhile, media reported that NATO military equipment used in various military exercises on the Russian border this summer would not be returned to bases and instead would remain in newest NATO member countries in eastern Europe. Earlier this month, General Breedlove requested that more NATO troops be stationed on Russia's borders to counter what he describes as an increased Russian threat. Said Gen. Breedlove at the Pentagon this month: "Because of the increased pressure that we feel in Eastern Europe now, and because of the assurance measures that we are taking in the Baltics, in Poland and in Romania, we require additional rotational presence...". According to incoming Commander of NATO's Allied Land Command (LANDCOM), Lt. General Ben Hodges, the Atlantic Alliance's increased troop and equipment presence on Russia's borders will extend through 2015 and 2016. "This is going to go on," he said this week. NATO increases its military presence on Russia's borders while condemning Russia for militarization. 
A lista das 36 "invasões" russas:
February 28, 2014: Ukraine Accuses Russian Invasion, Masked Gunmen, Crimean Airports.
March 2, 2014: Sarah Palin Predicted Ukraine Invasion in 2008
March 3, 2014: Russian Invasion of Crimean Peninsula. Movements and Forces
March 3, 2014: Why Did Russia Invade Ukraine? Because The West Is Weak
March 13, 2014: Russian Troops Mass at Border With Ukraine. Possible Invasion
March 15, 2014: Ukraine Says It Has Repelled A Russian Army “Invasion”
March 18, 2014: Ukraine Says Russian Army Near East Border For “Quick Invasion”
March 30, 2014: Russian invasion of eastern Ukraine could happen ‘any day’, officials warn
April 4, 104: Ukraine Defense Ministry “Warns” Of Imminent Russian Invasion
May 1, 2014: Ukraine minister: Russia planning invasion
May 21, 2014: Despite Withdrawal, Russian Invasion of Eastern Ukraine Still Possible
May 30, 2014: Russians Invade Donetsk (VIDEO)
June 2, 2014: U.S., Europe may have prevented invasion of Ukraine, Polish minister says
June 14, 2014: Russia’s slow invasion of Ukraine
June 20, 2014: Open Russian invasion into Ukraine has begun
July 30, 2014: Putin could invade Ukraine in response to sanctions
August 5, 2014: Poland Saying Russian Units Are Poised to Invade Ukraine, ‘Huge’ Escalation
August 6, 2014: Ukraine crisis: Nato fears invasion, Russian troops ‘on Ukraine’s borders’
August 6, 2014: Growing threat of Russia invading Ukraine, Hagel says
August 14, 2014: Russian aid convoy blocked as Ukraine fears invasion pretext
August 14, 2014: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues
August 22, 2014: Russian Humanitarian Convoy Enters Ukraine ; Ukraine says “Invasion”
August 25, 2014: Russia Prepares 2nd Humanitarian Convoy “Invasion”
August 27, 2014: Ukraine Reports Russian Invasion on a New Front
August 28, 2014: Ukraine Accuses Russia Of Launching Invasion, Then Promptly Retracts
August 28, 2014: NATO Releases Satellite Imagery “Proof” That Russia Has Invaded Ukraine
August 28, 2014: Has Russia invaded Ukraine? Here’s what we know
August 28, 2014: Poroshenko says Russia invaded Ukraine
August 29, 2014: U.S. official says 1,000 Russian troops have entered Ukraine
August 29, 2014: Russia’s Slow-Motion Invasion of Ukraine
August 30, 2014: European leaders warn Russian invasion of Ukraine at ‘a point of no return’
September 2, 2014: The US Says Russia Is Invading Ukraine—Should We Believe It?
September 4, 2014: Invasion of Ukraine Continues; Russian Ideologist Calls for “Genocide”
October 3, 2014: Can US Support for Ukraine Help Prevent a New Russian Invasion?
November 8, 2014: NATO Sees ‘High Probability’ Of Russian Invasion Of Ukraine
November 12, 2014: Ukraine’s Ambassador to the UN says Russia planning full-scale invasion

23 novembro 2014


Veterans Today - Nov 2014 - clique aqui 
EUA negando 70 anos de sistema de segurança global da ONU. 
Sanções à Rússia violam leis.
US-imposed sanctions are illegitimate by any standard. EU countries are pressured to impose their own. Harming their own self-interest. Other countries are bullied to comply. Threatened with reprisals or worse. Heavy-handed strong-arming is longstanding US policy. America’s 1977 International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) is way over-the-top. No legitimate society would tolerate it. Letting presidents claim unusual, extraordinary, or non-existent foreign threats. Declare national security priorities. At times a national emergency. Regulate commerce accordingly. 
Take full advantage against sovereign independent states. Iran, Syria, China and Russia among others. Rogue states operate this way. Extrajudicially by its own rules and standards. Polar opposite legitimate ones. Putin addressed the issue forthrightly. In Brisbane, Australia. At the G20 summit. Where right-wing extremist Prime Minister Tony Abbott insulted him weeks earlier. Declined bilateral talks during Beijing’s summit. Threatened to “shirtfront” him. A football term. Meaning violent chest bumping or tackling. Both leaders met in Brisbane. At Abbott’s request. Discretion overrode geopolitics. Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said interaction between them excluded “harsh phrasing.” No shirtfronting. No face-to-face insults.


News York Times - Eurasia Review - Nov 2014 - clik 1 - clik 2 
Estado policial é como câncer: 
40 agências-EUA com arapongas já em operações clandestinas.
The latest news on the burgeoning police state in the US — a page-one investigative report in the New York Times disclosing that at least 40 agencies of the US government from the Department of Health and Human Services to the Supreme Court (!) are using undercover agents to spy on and even to entrap law-abiding American citizens — suggests that we have passed the tipping point. 

One can no longer speak in terms of the US as a country that is moving towardsbecoming a police state. We are living in a police state. The Times reports that IRS personnel have been going undercover posing as accountants and even as physicians to root out tax fraud, that the Supreme Court has been dispatching some of its guards (all of whom have been trained in undercover work) “dressed down” in civilian clothes to mingle with protesters (notably abortion-rights activists) to spy on people simply exercising their First Amendment rights outside the court building, that the USDA sends out agents posing as Food Stamp recipients to try and entrap shop-owners to commit Food Stamp fraud, and that even NASA and the Smithsonian Institution have undercover operatives. Undercover cops and agents are assuming the identities of teachers, doctors, journalists and even priests.
This information has to be put together with the rampant militarization of local police forces, who have become an occupying army, and with the proliferation of spying activities by state and local police agencies, encouraged by the establishment by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security of myriad “Joint Anti-Terrorism Strike Forces, and of 76 so-called Fusion Centers. These latter are totally unregulated operations that meld the spying activities of state and local cops and the myriad three-lettered intelligence units of the federal government, as well as private corporate security units, with no specific agency assuming oversight responsibility. I used to scoff at the wild-eyed claims made by people on the right and left who said that we were living in a police state. Having lived for a year and a half in China, where a police state has been operating now for 65 years, and having visited police states in Eastern Europe during the days of the Soviet Union, I have seen and experienced what life is like when the police, secret and overt, run rampant, and I knew the US was not like those places.


The American Thinker - Nov 2014 - clique aqui 
Ocidente é conduzido ao suicídio econômico e demográfico: falsa ciência, multicultura e imigração.
The ongoing economic suicide of Europe is based on a faulty understanding of the climate issue by most Western politicians and on their extreme policy response, based on emotion rather than logic and science. 
The major European economies have reacted irrationally to contrived, unjustified fear of imagined global-warming disasters. Perhaps I should explain that the climate has not been warming for the past 18 years -- and even if it had been warming, it would be no disaster. The EU wants to cut emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, a natural plant-fertilizer, by 40% within 15 years -- by 2030. This insane drive to replace energy sources from fossil fuels that release plant-friendly CO2 into the atmosphere has led to greatly increased costs of energy. As is well understood, such actions not only hurt economic growth, but they increase poverty levels and therefore threaten the social fabric of these nations. 
The pity of it all is that these economic sacrifices in Western Europe will hardly affect the level of atmospheric CO2 -- which is controlled globally by huge emissions from China -- and soon also from India. Unfortunately, during the past few years, and even during the White House administration of George W. Bush, the United States has tended to move in the same direction -- and energy costs have gone up markedly. The regulatory burdens created by the EPA’s “War on Coal,” by holding up permits for pipelines and for exploration-production of fuels on Federal lands, etc, are imposing real costs on US households, which are the equivalent of a large energy tax -- except that none of these increased costs flow into the US Treasury.

Cultural, plus even more dangerous: Demographic Suicide.
But it is cultural suicide, which adds to economic suicide and spells doom for the future of Western Europe. I have in mind here the heavy immigration from Islamic nations -- with most immigrants unwilling to adjust to the prevailing culture of the host country. 
In many of these nations now, these immigrant communities have formed enclaves that the native inhabitants can no longer enter safely; even the police have great difficulty controlling law and order in these enclaves. Of course, the aim of many in these enclaves is to take over the host country -- using available democratic means -- and institute Sharia (Islamic law). It is clear that these immigrants are taking advantage of the democratic nature of the host nations and their willingness to grant asylum status and lavish economic subsidies to any who declare themselves as refugees. The new threat of course is Islamo-Fascism and its aim to introduce Sharia -- in at least those parts of Europe that had been Muslim lands in the past, but aiming really at all of Europe -- and eventually the rest of the world. This new threat uses a method of warfare that is different from the past and more insidious. 
Fighting these threats takes resources for surveillance, intelligence, sundry military expenditures, and weapons, both offensive and defensive. Resilience requires above all a strong economy. And one cannot have a strong economy without adequate energy resources – which gets us back to the issue of climate fears. There is no question that the policies being discussed now in Europe and in the United States would be extremely costly, would force industrial cutbacks and of course massive job losses.

22 novembro 2014


World Bulletin - Nov 2014 - clique aqui 
Rússia sobe tom, acusa Ocidente: "tenta derrubar o governo russo".
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accused the West on Saturday of trying to use sanctions imposed on Moscow in the Ukraine crisis to seek "regime change" in Russia. His comments stepped up Moscow's war of words with the United States and the European Union in their worst diplomatic standoff since the Cold War ended."As for the concept behind to the use of coercive measures, the West is making clear it does not want to force Russia to change policy but wants to secure regime change," Tass news agency quoted Lavrov as telling a meeting of the advisory Foreign and Defence Policy Council in Moscow. 
He said that when international sanctions had been used against other countries such as Iran and North Korea, they had been designed not to harm the national economy. "Now public figures in Western countries say there is a need to impose sanctions that will destroy the economy and cause public protests," Lavrov said. His comments followed remarks on Thursday in which President Vladimir Putin said Moscow must guard against a "colour revolution" in Russia, referring to protests that toppled leaders in other former Soviet republics. Western sanctions have limited access to foreign capital for some of Russia's largest companies and banks, hit the defence and energy industries, and imposed asset freezes and travel bans on some of Putin's allies. The measures have aggravated an economic downturn, which has also been worsened by a fall in global oil prices and has helped cause a nearly 30 percent slide in the rouble against the dollar since the start of the year. 


YouTube VIDEO - Russia Insider - Nov 2014 - click 1 - clik 2 - clik 3 - clik 4 
BBC já suprimiu vídeo com vários testemunhos: são revelações que derrubariam sanções anti-Rússia.
Jato militar abateu avião civil MH-17 - mas rebeldes não tem aviões.
Ucrania abateu jato civil, culpou Rússia, aí Europa botou sanções.
On July 23, two days after the Russian Ministry of Defense presented a radar track of a Ukrainian SU-25 fighter climbing to within three kilometers of MH17, the BBC’s Russian serviceaired a report by correspondent Olga Ivshina. The report originated when Ivshina and her cameraman went in search of the field outside the town of Torez, where the US government claims an SA-11 BUK surface to air missile was launched at the Boeing 777 on July 17. Instead of finding witnesses who saw or filmed with camera phones a SAM launch plume that would look like this test firing of an SA-11 in Russia, what Ivshina found instead were people who heard two loud explosions in the sky and described Ukrainian fighter jets near the MH17 crash scene. As Ivshina described in the opening of her report, these Donbas locals were certain the Boeing airliner was shot down by the Ukrainian Air Force. As RT reported in late July, the same night the video was posted on the BBC’s Russian service website the British-taxpayer funded network immediately took the video down. The ‘404 not found’ ghost URL of the video can still be found here, but the content is gone. Russia Today reported on the removal here, including the Russian blogosphere’s suspicions that this was a blatant act of censorship by the British government in order to protect Kiev.

Investigador oficial da OSCE: 
"vi os destroços, foram rajadas de metralhadora, não foi míssil".
Mas a 11km de altura, metralhadora só pode ser de um jato militar.
E todos concordam que os rebeldes não tem força aérea nenhuma.


Sputnik US - Nov 2014 - clique aqui 
Nações em pré-pânico pelo Ebola, vírus produzido em laboratório e patenteado pelo governo dos EUA.
The diagnoses of New York City health worker Dr. Craig Spencer with Ebola has sent the east coast states into a panic, with the governors of New York and New Jersey mandating a forced quarantine for all returning volunteers effective October 24th. Although the US had earlier rerouted all passengers from West Africa to one of five airport processing centers, infected Spencer still got through because he wasn't displaying symptoms at the time of his arrival. The rest of the connected world is quickly becoming a closed world, as other scared nations actually close their borders to West African states at the epicenter of the Ebola outbreak. Sierra Leone and Liberia were the first to do so as the Guina-originated virus began to take hold over the summer, but their actions set the model for Senegal, North Korea, and even Australia. Whereas North Korea has taken the extreme route of closing its border to all travelers, Australia has been more moderate by temporarily halting migration from West Africa. 
Slowly but surely, the US seems to be creeping towards more restrictive measures to prevent a full-scale Ebola outbreak. Questions could arise over the constitutionality of forced quarantines, as well as whether or not, and to what degree, that states can even carry them out. As nations one-by-one begin enacting semi-border closures to safeguard against Ebola, it seems to be only a matter of time before the US is next.


Sputnik US - Nov 2014 - clique aqui 
Mega-crise global vai insuflando secessões e espatifando países.
Catalunha, Escócia, Veneza e Criméia.
The year 2014 may go down as the year of secession votes. From Veneto - the Italian district known best for the canalled city of Venice - to Scotland and now Spain’s Catalonia, regions around the world are asking themselves if its time to stake out on their own.


YouTube VIDEO - Sputnik US - Nov 2014 - click 1 - clik 2 
Caos em Varsóvia. Um virulento nacionalismo reinfecta Europa: agora é Polônia, após Ucrânia.
Poland’s Independence Day celebrations were marred by violent clashes that required riot control forces to quell. With dozens injured and nearly 300 arrested, it clearly shows that Ebola isn’t the only disease at danger of spreading throughout Europe. The Pandora’s Box of nationalism unleashed during Ukraine’s EuroMaidan now seems to be moving west and infecting Poland. Virulent nationalism is taking hold of thousands of Poles and creating a long-term problem for the country and its neighbors. Right-Wing Hate In The Streets : Thousands of Poles turned out Tuesday night to commemorate Poland’s rebirth after World War I, but the celebrations quickly turned violent as flares were thrown, benches and pavement slabs hurled, and nationalist slogans filled the air.

21 novembro 2014


YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - Nov 2014 - clique aqui -
"Guerra fraticida e crise política na Ucrânia resultam da ânsia dos EUA em dominar o mundo todo".
The Maidan movement's one-year anniversary is bringing a few familiar faces back to Kiev including US Vice-President Joe Biden. It's his third visit this year. Following a meeting Petro Poroshenko, Biden praised the bravery of the Ukrainian people and pledged to further support their struggle for democracy. Anna Van Densky, a political commentator from EU Reporter magazine, joins RT to discuss this issue.


Bullion Star - Telegraaf NL - Netherlandsche Bank - Nov 2014 - clik 1 clik 2 clik 3 
Holanda saca 122 ton do FED, NY.
Alemanha, México, Áustria, Ecuador e Venezuela já sacaram o seu.
Compradores fortíssimos: China, Rússia e quase toda a Ásia.
The Dutch central bank, De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), has repatriated in utmost secret 122.5 tonnes of gold from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY) to its vaults in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, according to a press release from DNB published today (November 21). Last week I was approached by a financial journalist, Theo Besteman, from the biggest newspaper in The Netherlands,De Telegraaf. He asked me if I knew anything about the repatriation of Dutch gold from the FRBNY as he heard from several sources DNB was following the German central bank in repatriating gold (for the ones that are under the assumption Germany has ceased its repatriation program, please read this). I told him I heard some rumors about it and that the source was one of the big security logistics companies. He wanted to know which one, but I couldn’t tell him that. Apparently the rumors were true and Besteman did a good job finding out what was happening. The front page of De Telegraaf today: Tonnes back from the US, Gold Shipped In Secret.
The impact of the Dutch gold repatriation can be huge. First of all, because it underlines more and more countries are getting nervous about their gold reserves stored in the US. Venezuela repatriated most of its reserves from abroad in 2012, the year Germany also announced a repatriation schedule from the US and France. While Germany settled with the US to ship 300 tonnes spread over 8 years, the Dutch set a new trend to insist on immediate delivery. If more counties will follow there can be a global run on gold.

20 novembro 2014


YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - Nov 2014 - clique aqui 
"Rússia não é uma ameaça aos EUA, mas à sua dominação imperial sobre a Terra".
U.S. General Martin Dempsey mentioned ISISs and also Russia as the principle threats to the country. Richard Becker from the anti-war ANSWER Coalition views Dempsey's controversial statement as a call for more money to be spent on further beefing up the military.

18 novembro 2014


YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - Nov 2014 - clique aqui 
Ocidente manipula retórica de vagos "valores" democráticos para daí derrubar governos.


YouTube VIDEO - - Nov 2014 - click 1 - clik 2 
EUA e Europa se omitem. Aliado Poroshenko ameaça aterrorizar crianças como arma de guerra.
Poroshenko: "Their children will hole up in the basements - this is how we win the war!"
Ukraine’s President, Petro Poroshenko, in an Odessa TV address to the nation, on November 13th, said: “We will have our jobs. They will not. We will have our pensions. They will not. We will have care for children, for people, and retirees. They will not. Our children will go to schools and kindergartens. Theirs will hole up in basements [from our bombs]. Because they are not able to do anything. This is exactly how we will win this war! [I.e., we will starve and terrorize them into submission.]”

16 novembro 2014


The Telegraph, UK - SNP Scotish National Party - Nov 2014 - click 1 - clik 2 - clik 3 
UK é oligarquia vitalícia, não é democracia.  Senado inteiro é 'indicado', ilegítimos não-eleitos.
Tem até membros hereditários. Outros são indicados pela Igreja.
The Scottish National Party has slammed the UK government for the appointment of 22 new peers to the House of Lords, which brings the total number of unelected members to 796 - with each one able to claim £300 a day in expenses. 190 new Lords alone have been appointed since the general election in 2010. The chamber is so large it is second in the world to the Chinese National People’s Congress, which governs a country of 1.3 billion. A Scotland Yard investigation was already underway following revelations the three biggest donors to the Liberal Democrats – who have provided two fifths of all the party’s donations- have recently been given peerages by Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg. The Electoral Reform Society has said that between them, the new peers announced on Friday had given £7million to political parties in total. In his recent resignation statement, Lib Dem Lord Oakeshott said, 'my efforts to expose and end cash for peerages in all parties, including our own, and help get the Lords elected have failed.' 
Commenting, the SNP MP who uncovered the ‘cash for honours’ scandal Angus MacNeil MP said: “As Westminster Leaders talk about their austerity agendas, public services face cuts and the use of foodbanks increases by 400%, it is an insult to appoint more peers to the already stuffed House of Lords. “Under the Westminster system, we have the ludicrous situation that there are far more legislators who are appointed than elected - and people in Scotland elect only 4 per cent of the Westminster parliamentarians who hold powers over the economy, welfare, defence, our place in Europe, and many other crucial areas of policy. “16 of the 22 new peers have previously held political positions, either elected or employed, which exposes the myth that the House of the Lords is a chamber full of independent experts. Instead it appears sure-fire way for party political people to achieve high office without standing for election. “The SNP's long-standing position is that we believe those making laws should be elected by the people, and therefore we do not nominate members to the House of Lords. “If the rest of the UK want to keep funding the unelected House of Lords, it is a matter for them. A Yes vote means that people in Scotland can get rid of the expensive and unrepresentative Westminster tier - saving around £50 million a year in not sending MPs and peers to London- which means more cost effective and fairer government.” 
Membros indicados pelo próprio Parlamento, é sem eleição nem representatividade popular.

15 novembro 2014


YouTube VIDEO - Real News Network - Michael Hudson - Nov 2014 - clik 1 clik 2 
"Aliança energética sino-russa tem efeito de contra-sanções, daí solapa imperialismo dos EUA".
400 billion dollar 40 year oil and gas deal between China and Russia is a response to the new cold war pressure and sanctions on Russia says Professor Michael Hudson. During this year a number of governments applied sanctions against Russia for its involvement in the alleged pro-Russian unrest in the Ukraine. Sanctions against Russia were applied by many countries, with the United States and the European Union taking a lead. In retaliation, Russia has responded with sanctions against a number of countries, including a total ban on food imports from the European Union, United States, Norway, Canada, and Australia. Mr. Putin said that as a result of these deals, Russian trade with China and the rest of Asia is going to increase from 25 percent to 40 percent of Russia’s GDP. This leaves Europe out in the cold. What’s been clear at the meeting is that there’s a coming together between China and Russia. This has been the opposite of what American foreign policy has been trying to push for since the 1980s. What is ironic is that where the United States thought that it was putting pressure on Russia and sanctions following the NATO adventure in Ukraine, what it’s actually done is bring Russia and China closer together.

The most important way in which they’re coming together is reflected in Mr. Putin’s announcement that Russia is setting up its own bank clearing house system independent of the so-called SWIFT system. When you transfer funds from one bank to another, or when any bank uses U.S. dollars, it has to go through the SWIFT clearing house system in the United States. Right now the only country that’s not part of this is Iran. To Russia, this has tipped America’s hand. It showed that what U.S. Cold Warriors really want is to break up Russia and China, and to interrupt their financial and banking services to disorient their economies. So Russia, China and Iran – and presumably other Asian countries – are now moving to establish their own currency clearing systems. To be independent of the SWIFT system and the U.S. dollar, Russia and China are denominating their trade and investments in rubles and yuan instead of the dollar. So what you’ve seen in the last few days in Beijing is a rejection of the dollar standard, and a rejection of American foreign policy behind it. 

14 novembro 2014


Oil Price - Russia Insider - Nov 2014 - clik 1 - clik 2 
Rússia vai deixar Europa para trás: venderá gás à China, Índia e Japão - pagam sem chantagens.
The 26th, and perhaps most anticipated, iteration of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit concluded Tuesday, kicking off a busy week for several of the world’s most powerful leaders. The 2014 edition was set against a backdrop of tempered global economic growth, Russia’s declining relationship with the West, continued Chinese and Japanese dispute, and of course low oil prices. While the summit was short on physical confrontation, Russia supplied the drama as President Putin put his chivalry on display and launched, in earnest, his country’s Asian pivot. The 21-member nation forum – headlined by China, Russia, and the United States – accounts for nearly 40 percent of the world’s population, 55 percent of world GDP, and approximately 60 percent of world energy consumption
With his sights firmly set on the East, Putin acted quickly and inked a second big gas deal with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping. The accord, signed Nov. 9th, follows the 30-year, $400 billion deal signed in May, which will move up to 38 billion cubic meters (bcm) per year through the 2,500 mile Power of Siberia pipeline currently under construction. The two nations’ most recent cooperation centers on the long-discussed Altai pipeline – a 1,700 mile route from Russia’s productive Western Siberian fields to China’s restive Xinjiang region. Under the new deal, China will purchase an additional 30 bcm of gas for a period of 30 years. Once both pipelines are complete, China will become Russia’s largest gas customer, surpassing Germany. It’s been a busy year for Putin and Xi Jinping, who last month opened a currency-swap line. The yuan-ruble swap line worth approximately $25 billion will allow both countries easier access to the other’s currency, facilitating greater trade and investment, especially in the financial and energy sectors. As both countries look to decrease their economic dependence on the West, China is buying into assets across Russia. Heavily indebted state-owned Rosneft just sold 10 percent of its highly productive Vankor project to China National Petroleum Corporation, and Yamal LNG – a sanctions-hit megaproject in Siberia – may soon see more than $10 billion in additional Chinese investment. While Russia has placed a majority of its eggs in China’s basket, Putin has been exploring ties with no less energy hungry Japan and India. Tokyo is reportedly interested in a pipeline between the two nations in the neighborhood of 20 bcm per year, but the two countries’ political history suggests this idea will remain undeveloped for some time. Gas exports to India, the world’s third largest importer of energy, seem to make more sense for Russia – the two nations already have robust military cooperation.  


YouTube VIDEO - Nov 2014 - clik 1 
Rússia defende valores e moral cristãos, critica permissividade decadente que corrói o Ocidente.
“What can be a better evidence for the moral crisis of a human society (in the West) than the loss of its reproductive function? And today nearly all ‘developed’ Western countries cannot survive reproductively, not even with the help of migrants.” Vladimir Putin.
Transcrição parcial .


CNBC News - Yahho News - Nov 2014 - clik 1 - clik 2 

Allan Grenspan recomenda ouro.
Mas mídia ignora a credibilidade dele, e minimiza o conselho dado.

The world has no shortage of doom-saying economists ready to advise investors to stock up on gold against a coming financial catastrophe. Until recently, none of them could claim to be a former Chairman of theFederal Reserve Board. On Wednesday, though, as the Federal Open Market Committee prepared to announce the end of the years-long asset purchase program known as Quantitative Easing, Alan Greenspan, the near-legendary Fed chair whose every utterance used to be parsed by market watchers, spoke before the Council on Foreign Relations and advised listeners that under current conditions, gold is probably a good investment.

12 novembro 2014


YouTube VIDEO - Nov 2014 - clik 1 - clik 2 
Alto general alemão: "Eu não vejo evidência de invasão russa na Ucrânia. Não há uma só prova".
This guy, Harald Kujat, is a big deal in the German military. He was Chief of Staff of the German Armed Forces. He doesn't believe Western and Ukrainian evidence of a Russian invasion. This comes from a recent episode of one of the most popular political talk shows in Germany, Maybrit Illner. The other guests on the show including Martin Shulz, President of the European Parliament, kept talking about "Russian aggression".

General Kujat doesn't buy it. Here's what he said:
  • It's lot of speculation. Proof of Russia's involvement with regular force has not come to my attention so far.
  • For example, the announcement of the Ukrainian President that 23 Russian armed vehicles have been destroyed on Ukrainian soil. There are no photos of surviving Russian soldiers nor of killed Russian soldiers.
  • We have been shown five satellite pictures as a proof that Russian Forces are in the Ukraine. Three of them were marked officially as "on Russian territory". Two of them are marked as "on Ukraine territory". The Russian pictures are marked with the exact location, while the Ukrainian ones have no mention of location and coordinates.
  • We have to be very careful about what the Ukraine and the West says.

11 novembro 2014


The End of The American Dream - Nov 2014 - clique aqui 
EUA com 25 sinais de nazificação:
The United States of America is becoming more like Nazi Germany every single day. In fact, the Nazification of America is almost complete. The parallels between Nazi Germany and the United States of today are going to absolutely shock many of you. Most Americans simply have never learned what life was really like back in Nazi Germany. Under Adolf Hitler, Germany was a Big Brother totalitarian police state that ruthlessly repressed freedom and individual liberty. Under Adolf Hitler, Germany adopted socialism, dramatically increased government spending and raised taxes to astronomical levels. Under Adolf Hitler, abortion became legal in Germany, the government took over health care and Christianity was pushed out of the public schools and out of public life. 
To prove all of these points, I am going to use extensive quotes from two sources. Kitty Werthmann was a child living a peaceful life in Austria when Hitler took over her nation. Her eyewitness accounts about what life was like under Nazi Germany are invaluable. In addition, I will also be quoting extensively from author Bruce Walker. He is the author of a book entitled “The Swastika Against The Cross: The Nazi War On Christianity”, and during his years of research he has uncovered some absolutely jaw dropping stuff. After reading the information in the rest of this article, there should be no doubt that the United States is becoming just like Nazi Germany. Nazi Germany shows us what happens when the state becomes god. Adolf Hitler was certainly more racist than the leaders of America are today, but other than that there are very few differences between the road that Adolf Hitler led Germany down and the path that the United States is being led down. The following are 25 signs that America is rapidly becoming more like Nazi Germany….

#1 Nazi Germany was a totalitarian police state, monitored everything citizens did.
#2 Nazi officials often used power to force others to do dehumanizing things.
#3 In Nazi Germany, even women and children were treated like dehumanized cattle.
#4 In Nazi Germany, authorities could stop you and search, any time, any reason.
#5 Under Adolf Hitler, there were massive increases in government spending.
#6 Under Hitler, taxes were raised dramatically in order to pay for all social programs.
#7 The economy of Nazi Germany was very highly socialized. 
#8 In Nazi Germany, if you did business outside of socialism you were punished.
#9 In Nazi Germany, government regulation of business got wildly out of control.
#10 Under Hitler, free market capitalism was absolutely hated. 
#11 In Nazi Germany, the health care system was taken over by the government.
#12 Under Adolf Hitler, abortion was made “safe and legal” in Germany.
#13 In Nazi Germany, killing the “defective”, the “weak” and the “disabled” was considered to be a good thing because it made the German people “stronger”.
#14 In Nazi Germany, education was nationalized, God was kicked out of schools.
#15 Under Hitler, God was mocked, religion was pushed out of public life.
#16 Adolf Hitler fully embraced the theory of evolution, and Darwinism provided the intellectual foundation for much of Nazism.
#17 Under Adolf Hitler, the state started taking over the job of child care.
#18 In Nazi Germany, it became fashionable to mock Christians and their faith.
#19 Under Adolf Hitler, sexual promiscuity was actually encouraged.
#20 Once the Nazis took power, they rapidly implemented gun control legislation and later on they took all of the guns away from the populace.
#21 Under the Nazis, large numbers of children were taken away from good families.
#22 Under Adolf Hitler, society became very highly militarized.
#23 In Nazi Germany, the prisons were absolutely packed.
#24 Under Adolf Hitler, there was basically no freedom of speech.
#25 Under Adolf Hitler, paranoia was standard operating procedure.


R.T. News - Nov 2014 - clique aqui 
UK não perde o cacoete imperial: impor ao mundo normas que não obedece. É agressor e quer punir.
British Prime Minister David Cameron has lumped together Ebola, Islamic State and Russia - as posing the greatest dangers to the world order. He was delivering his annual speech at the Lord Mayor's banquet.


R.T. News - Nov 2014 - clique aqui 
Kissinger: "Ocidente cometeu êrro fatal na Ucrânia, pode resultar em grave tragédia, imprevisível".
"Se quiser ser honesto, deveria reconhecer o êrro".
Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has given a chilling assessment of a new geopolitical situation taking shape amid the Ukrainian crisis, warning of a possible new Cold War and calling the West’s approach to the crisis a “fatal mistake.” The 91-year-old diplomat characterized the tense relations as exhibiting the danger of “another Cold War.”
“This danger does exist and we can't ignore it,” Kissinger said. He warned that ignoring this danger any further may result in a “tragedy,” he told Germany’s Der Spiegel. If the West wants to be “honest,” it should recognize, that it made a “mistake,” he said of the course of action the US and the EU adopted in the Ukrainian conflict. Europe and the US did not understand the“significance of events” that started with the Ukraine-EU economic negotiations that initially brought about the demonstrations in Kiev last year. Those tensions should have served as a starting point to include Russia in the discussion, he believes.