31 dezembro 2015
30 dezembro 2015
YouTube - Int'l Biz Times - Next News - Sputnik - Dec 2015 clik1 clik2 clik3
Parlamento alemão acusa: "EUA com suas guerras criou este monstro terrorista ISIS".
Parlamento alemão acusa: "EUA com suas guerras criou este monstro terrorista ISIS".
The chairman of Germany’s The Left party and member of the Bundestag, Sahra Wagenknecht, bluntly accused the West, and the US in particular, of creating a Daesh “monster” by waging wars in the Middle East. On Monday Wagenknecht told Germany's DPA news agency that the Daesh militant group would have had no chance of becoming so large and constituting a threat to world peace if not for US foreign policy and the way it has destabilized Syria. "There would have been no IS [Daesh] if there was no war in Iraq," she explained. "The organization would not have been so strong if not for bombardments of Libya and destabilization in Syria. The West, first of all the United States, has made this monster bigger by their wars,"
"Não é menos criminoso matar civis na Síria com bombas, do que abatê-los em teatros de Paris".
The politician criticized Germany for protecting the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle earlier in December. She compared Germany's support for French airstrikes in Syria with the November 13 terrorist attacks in Paris, saying it is hypocritical to draw a line between civilian deaths in the Middle East and those in developed countries. "Of course it is no less of a crime to murder innocent civilians in Syria with bombs than it is to shoot them in Parisian restaurants and concert halls," Wagenknecht stated. Germany has traditionally been cautious about being engaged in military missions abroad. The country has consistently maintained that its military would not join the airstrikes currently being carried out by Russia and the US-led coalition. Wagenknecht has previously spoken in opposition of Germany's participation in the war.
YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - Dec 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2 -
É flagrante de crime: TV oficial alemã forja estória. Daí ator vira soldado e acusa Rússia de guerra.
TV aí forja cenas em campo, gera imagens que sugerem guerra real.
É flagrante de crime: TV oficial alemã forja estória. Daí ator vira soldado e acusa Rússia de guerra.
A Russian citizen from the city of Kalinigrad, Yuri Labiskin, claimed in an interview to the Russian television broadcaster 'Russia-1' that he was paid by German journalists from the Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF) to state that Russian military forces are allegedly fighting in the eastern Ukraine. "Honestly speaking, I lied as he [ZDF journalist in Moscow Dietmar Schumann] had told me. He told that I would receive money after an interview," Labiskin said. He went on to say that former ZDF producer Valeri Bobkov paid him "50,000 rubles (around €650 or $710) for a week of working."
TV aí forja cenas em campo, gera imagens que sugerem guerra real.
26 dezembro 2015
South Front - Dec 2015 - clik 1
EUA declina, daí Turquia gulosa aproveita o vácuo. Avança sobre vizinhos, é Império neo-Otomano.
EUA declina, daí Turquia gulosa aproveita o vácuo. Avança sobre vizinhos, é Império neo-Otomano.
Judging by the developments of recent several years, Mustafa Kemal’s dream of a secular Turkish nation-state is, of not yet dead, then certainly on life support. Recent Turkish governments but particularly president Erdogan have changed course toward transforming Turkey into…something else. It is not yet clear what the new Turkey will look like, though it is already evident this is a country that has enormous ambitions which hint at a plan of imperial revival. Turkish notables such as the President Turgut Ozal, who proclaimed the 21st century to be “Turkey’s Century,” or Prime Minister Suleyman Demirel, who spoke of a “Turkish world” spanning between the Adriatic Sea and the Great Wall of China, gave voice to Turkish elites’ neo-Ottoman ambitions. Turkey began to shift away from ethnic Turkish nationalism as the founding principle and instead embrace Islam as the glue that binds together all the peoples of the state, which has the advantage potentially greatly expanding Turkey’s borders to absorb many of its neighbors. Nowhere was that shift more evident than in Erdogan’s calling Kurds Kurds, as opposed to Mountain Turks, which was the required term used since Ataturk’s times. Until recently, the pan-Turkic agenda had been pursued through largely benign means of applying Turkey’s “soft power”, both through the institution of Turkic Council founded in 2009 and comprising Kazakhstan, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, and Azerbaijan, and through bilateral economic, cultural, and political ties which include educational and cultural exchanges among other measures. Turkey’s penetration into Muslim post-Soviet territories is facilitated by the success which Turkish businesses had in establishing themselves on post-Soviet markets.
However, America’s failures in and destabilization of Iraq and the subsequent “Arab Spring” revolutions have greatly expanded Turkey’s scope of interest, which now includes virtually all of North Africa (Turkey, for example, maintained close relations with Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood) and other parts of the Middle East. US apparent withdrawal from the Middle East is creating a vacuum of power and a sea of instability which Turkey is very actively seeking to fill, and it is impatient to do so lest some other power preempt it in that task. The rift between Russia and the West caused by the West’s regime change policy in Ukraine and subsequent sanctions on Russia likewise signaled to Ankara that the situation is optimal for Turkish expansion, with a window of opportunity that likely would not stay open for very long.
Fiasco no deflagrar guerra OTAN-Rússia, reputação já em ruínas. Agora amarga sanções russas.
Even the United States seems concerned by the breadth of Ankara’s ambitions, judging by it ordering Turkey to vacate its positions in northern Iraq and its unwillingness to rush to its “NATO ally’s” defense in recent weeks following the ambush of the Russian Su-24 near the border with Turkey. Finally, following the refugee crisis which was wholly of Erdogan’s making in order to bludgeon the EU into acquiescence in Ankara Middle East schemes, nobody in that organization will ever believe Erdogan is a reliable partner. Erdogan’s erratic policies appear to have had the effect of alarming the EU, in particular, so much so that the West, which usually has no trouble in coming up with excuses to impose sanctions on Russia, did not come to Turkey’s aid when it found itself on the receiving end of Russia’s economic restrictions. However, Turkey’s internal political divisions and conflicts meant Erdogan was not able to establish a clear and focused policy of either pan-Turkism or neo-Ottomanism, with the effect of damaging Turkey’s international reputation in virtually every politically relevant part of the world and embroiling it in costly conflicts from which it will find it difficult to extricate itself in a face-saving manner. Turkey’s predicament is likely why Russia has been so bold in inflicting economic pain on Turkey in retaliation for its “stab in the back”, confident that at the moment Turkey has almost no friends willing to confront Russia on its behalf. Indeed, US and especially EU actually seem pleased with Russia taking Turkey to task in order to reduce its international adventurism. In the absence of a serious rethinking of priorities, Turkey’s pan-Turkic and neo-Ottoman ambitions are liable to suffer a major setback, undoing two decades of progress.A REAÇÃO DOS POVOS :
Estadão - Globo - Dec 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2
Motor-mór do terror desde 1970, Sauditas tentam sufocar críticas forjando coalizão anti-terror, bem cheia de países pró-terror.
Motor-mór do terror desde 1970, Sauditas tentam sufocar críticas forjando coalizão anti-terror, bem cheia de países pró-terror.
A Arábia Saudita vem bancando o terrorismo islâmico desde que o boom dos preços do petróleo nos anos 1970 ampliou enormemente a riqueza do país. Segundo relatório de 2013 do Parlamento Europeu, parte dos US$ 10 bilhões investidos pela Arábia Saudita em sua “agenda wahabista” no sul e sudeste da Ásia, “foi desviada” para grupos terroristas, incluindo o Lashkar-e-Taiba, responsável pelos atos terroristas em Mumbai em 2008. Líderes ocidentais reconhecem há muitos anos o papel da Arábia Saudita. Num telegrama diplomático de 2009, a então secretária de Estado dos EUA, Hillary Clinton, identifica a Arábia Saudita como “a mais significativa fonte de recursos para grupos terroristas sunitas em todo o mundo”. Em virtude, em grande parte, do interesse ocidental no petróleo saudita, o reino não sofre sanções internacionais.
Europa hipócrita fêz vista grossa por décadas, e imprensa também.
Agora, com o crescimento de movimentos terroristas como o EI, as prioridades estão mudando. Como disse o vice-chanceler alemão, Sigmar Gabriel, em recente entrevista: “Precisamos deixar claro aos sauditas que o tempo de olhar para o outro lado acabou”. Essa mudança forçou o reino saudita a anunciar uma “repressão” contra pessoas e grupos que financiam o terror. Mas, de acordo com recente relatório do Departamento de Estado dos EUA, doadores e instituições de caridade com base na Arábia Saudita continuam apoiando militantes sunitas.
Dessa perspectiva, o surpreendente anúncio de uma aliança antiterror de 34 países, com centro de operações em Riad, é um passo lógico, destinado a sufocar as críticas ocidentais enquanto alimenta a influência sunita no Oriente Médio. Mas é claro que a aliança é uma vergonha. Basta dar uma boa olhada em seus membros. A aliança inclui todos os principais patrocinadores de grupos extremistas e terroristas, do Catar ao Paquistão. É como se um cartel de droga anunciasse que está liderando uma campanha antinarcóticos. Na lista de membros da aliança também estão, com a exceção do Afeganistão, todas as fortalezas jihadistas, incluindo os conflagrados Líbia e Iêmen.
Breitbard News - Dec 2015 - clik 1
EUA, povo tá quebrado: 62% tem menos de mil dólares no colchão.
EUA, povo tá quebrado: 62% tem menos de mil dólares no colchão.
Google Consumer Survey for the Los Angeles-based GOBankingRates.com, which publishes the best personal deposit interest rates to a million subscribers each week, found that 62 percent of Americans do not have $1,000 in savings.
About 13 percent have less than $1,000; 9 percent the bare minimum to keep the account open; 28 percent have $0 in a savings account; and 21 percent do not have any savings at all. For those Americans with the discipline or capability to save at least $1,000, about 10 percent have between $1,000 and $4,999; 5 percent have between $5,000 and $9,999; and only 14 percent have more than $10,000.
About 13 percent have less than $1,000; 9 percent the bare minimum to keep the account open; 28 percent have $0 in a savings account; and 21 percent do not have any savings at all. For those Americans with the discipline or capability to save at least $1,000, about 10 percent have between $1,000 and $4,999; 5 percent have between $5,000 and $9,999; and only 14 percent have more than $10,000.
Sputnik - DAWN - Daily Kashmr - Daily Capital TV - Dec 2015 clik1 clik2 clik3 clik4
Eurásia cinge defesa: Paquistão é nuclear, aliado chinês, se junta à Rússia. É contra intervir na Síria.
Eurásia cinge defesa: Paquistão é nuclear, aliado chinês, se junta à Rússia. É contra intervir na Síria.
Pakistan opposes any efforts to topple the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Pakistan's foreign secretary said on Wednesday. "Pakistan is also against foreign military intervention in Syria and fully supports the territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic," Aizaz Chaudhry said during a meeting of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee.
"Pakistan supports all efforts employed at facilitating a peaceful Syrian-led and inclusive solution that meets the aspirations of the Syrian people through a comprehensive political dialogue," he added. Chaudhry's remarks are a significant shift in Pakistan’s policy toward the ongoing Syrian crisis. Until now, Islamabad had remained neutral in the five-year conflict, which has claimed the lives of around 250,000 people and displaced a million more. The new policy falls in line with that of Russia and Iran, along with the UN resolution adopted this month that does not insist on Assad’s removal. The policy also runs counter to that of Saudi Arabia and Turkey, close allies of Pakistan. Traditionally, Islamabad has stayed clear of Middle East politics by delicately balancing its ties with the Arab world and Iran.
"Pakistan supports all efforts employed at facilitating a peaceful Syrian-led and inclusive solution that meets the aspirations of the Syrian people through a comprehensive political dialogue," he added. Chaudhry's remarks are a significant shift in Pakistan’s policy toward the ongoing Syrian crisis. Until now, Islamabad had remained neutral in the five-year conflict, which has claimed the lives of around 250,000 people and displaced a million more. The new policy falls in line with that of Russia and Iran, along with the UN resolution adopted this month that does not insist on Assad’s removal. The policy also runs counter to that of Saudi Arabia and Turkey, close allies of Pakistan. Traditionally, Islamabad has stayed clear of Middle East politics by delicately balancing its ties with the Arab world and Iran.
25 dezembro 2015
YouTube VIDEO - Sputnik News - South Front - clik 1 - clik 2 - clik 3
Rússia em revide à Turquia, vai esfacelá-la ao insuflar 20 milhões de curdos à secessão, 30% do país.
Rússia em revide à Turquia, vai esfacelá-la ao insuflar 20 milhões de curdos à secessão, 30% do país.
In recent years, Ankara has spoiled relations with many countries and the conflict with Moscow will only aggravate the situation. If Russia supports the Kurds, Ankara will become completely entangled in the conflicts both on domestic and international levels, German newspaper Der Tagesspiegel wrote. According to the newspaper, Russia’s potential alliance with the Kurds would have fatal consequences for Turkey. It would be an “absolute nightmare” for Erdogan who will have to wage war on two fronts – domestically and internationally.
. The Turkish President is isolating himself from other countries and rapidly losing friends on the international arena. “Zero problems with neighbors" was the political maxim of Ahmet Davutoglu, when he took the post of the Turkish Foreign Minister in 2009. Six years later it became clear that Turkey's relations with its neighbors are almost entirely characterized by problems and disputes. In recent years, Ankara has spoiled its relations even with former allies like Israel and Egypt and has lost its influence in the Middle East and North Africa, surrounding itself with opponents, the article said. Nevertheless, the Syrian Kurds remain one of the most explosive factors in the Middle Eastern region. They have close ties with the outlawed Turkey’s Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) which Ankara perceives as an even greater threat than Daesh. For several weeks, government forces have been fighting against the Kurds in southeastern regions of the country. The military offensive has claimed the lives of more than 100 people. According to the newspaper, the Kurdish issue is becoming even more complicated for Ankara taking into account its conflict with Russia. If Moscow decides to support the Kurdish forces, Turkey's domestic political problems will come to a new level and submerge the country into full chaos, the article said.
YouTube - South Front - Sputnik News - Next News Network - clik1 clik2 clik3 clik4
Mais seis dias de inferno. Rússia segue obliterando terroristas dos EUA: 1.093 núcleos aniquilados.
Russian warplanes have conducted 302 sorties and hit 1,093 terrorist targets in Syria over the past six days, the Russian Defense Ministry said Wednesday. "Jets from the Russian air group in the Syrian Arab Republic have conducted 302 sorties and hit 1,093 targets in the provinces of Idlib, Aleppo, Deir ez-Zor, Hama and Homs from December 18 to December 23," Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said. Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said that Russian jets destroyed a terrorist training camp in the Syrian province of Idlib hosting fighters from Turkey and CIS states.
Mais seis dias de inferno. Rússia segue obliterando terroristas dos EUA: 1.093 núcleos aniquilados.
Russian warplanes have conducted 302 sorties and hit 1,093 terrorist targets in Syria over the past six days, the Russian Defense Ministry said Wednesday. "Jets from the Russian air group in the Syrian Arab Republic have conducted 302 sorties and hit 1,093 targets in the provinces of Idlib, Aleppo, Deir ez-Zor, Hama and Homs from December 18 to December 23," Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said. Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said that Russian jets destroyed a terrorist training camp in the Syrian province of Idlib hosting fighters from Turkey and CIS states.
. "Russian Su-34 bombers destroyed a major terrorist training camp in the Idlib province. A large group of experienced instructors from neighboring states had been stationed in the camp. Information about this camp, where the majority of terrorists arriving from Turkey were citizens of CIS countries, was received from representatives of the Syrian patriotic opposition about a week ago." Moreover, the Russian Defense Ministry spokesman said that Su-34 aircraft have destroyed two oil storage facilities and dozens of fuel pumps in the Deir ez-Zor province.
. "Russian aircraft continued conducting strikes against illegal oilfields controlled by terrorists in the Syrian Arab Republic. Su-34 bombers destroyed two oil storage bases, three oil-extraction plants along with dozens of fuel pumps located there." A Russian Su-24 bomber launched an attack on Daesh military equipment in the Syrian province of Homs, destroying six off-road vehicles equipped with heavy machine guns and three militants' trucks. "Russia's Su-24 bomber conducted airstrikes against a concentration of Daesh military equipment in the Homs province." A Su-34 jet also destroyed a Ahrar ash-Sham militant group's command post in the Aleppo province, Konashenkov said.
YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - clik 1 - clik 2 - clik 3 -
Ocidente no ataque, Eurásia cinge pacto de defesa SCO: Rússia arma aliados, mísseis antiaéreos letais.
Ocidente no ataque, Eurásia cinge pacto de defesa SCO: Rússia arma aliados, mísseis antiaéreos letais.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is on a two-day visit to Moscow, has announced a large-scale development program for the country’s armed forces, which could be worth $150 billion. The announcement comes as Moscow and New Delhi plan to sign a number of multi-billion dollar defense and nuclear energy deals. India has already approved the purchase of five S-400 air defense systems from Russia which is part of the biggest arms deal between the two countries in a decade. Among other arms contracts expected to be signed is the purchase of 200 light Ka-226T helicopters, which would replace India’s outdated Cheetah and HAL Chetak machines. The sides could also agree the lease of a Russian nuclear submarine, along with the purchase of three Russian battleships. There could also be a breakthrough in the protracted negotiations for joint production of Russia's PAK FA (T-50) fifth-generation fighter jets.
. Energy cooperation, investment and trade will be also on the agenda during the talks. Trade between the countries is planned to increase from $11 billion to $30 billion over the next decade. Trade between Russia and India does not correspond with the level of trust and cooperation between the countries, according to the First Deputy Minister of Russia’s Economic Development Ministry Alexey Likhachev. “Russia is ready to turn on the green light for the restart of the relationship,” Likhachev said at the opening of the meeting with representatives of Russian and Indian businesses on Thursday. The countries will also discuss hydrocarbon exploration and the development on Russia's Arctic shelf, as well as the construction of nuclear power plants in India. Work on the Russian-designed Kudankulam reactor is underway. The first generator is already operating and a second is expected to start in the coming months. The Russian and Indian leadership will discuss foreign policy issues, particularly cooperation within the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization), the fight against terrorism in the Middle East and the future of Afghanistan.
13 dezembro 2015
Press TV - Dec 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2
"EUA está indo além dos limites com Rússia, provocando guerra. Isto é insanidade criminosa".
"EUA está indo além dos limites com Rússia, provocando guerra. Isto é insanidade criminosa".
The United States is “pushing the envelope” with its “insane” policies towards Russia, setting the stage for a military confrontation with the rival nuclear power, says a former US Senate candidate in Texas. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu warned Friday that “about 200 US nuclear bombs are currently deployed in Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany and Turkey.” Russia does not look favorably upon the deployment of nuclear weapons in NATO states near its borders. Russian President Vladimir Putin said in June that if NATO threatens Russia, Moscow will respond to the threat accordingly. “When we look at this whole [issue of] Vladimir Putin’s Russia and NATO, the United States has broken a series of explicit promises to Russia… that the United States would not move American and NATO military assets closer to Russian borders,” Mark Dankof said in an interview with Press TV. “We have broken that promise.” “We promised that we would not recruit former Eastern Bloc countries to join NATO, we have broken that promise,” he continued. “And then of course, we have proceeded in what we have been doing against Russian interests in Ukraine, where we supported the illegal coup d'etat there in February 2014,” Dankof noted. “And of course, what the United States has been doing in conjunction with Israel and Saudi Arabia and Turkey and the [Persian] Gulf Cooperation Council states in supporting ISIL and supporting al-Qaeda affiliates in Syria in an attempt, among other things, to marginalize the Russian position in that part of the world, we have really been pushing the envelope,” he said. The analyst said that “these policies are wrong, they’re evil, and they’re immoral. But beyond that, they are simply insane.” “Because Russia is a proud nation, Russia is a legitimate military power. Russia is a nuclear power,” he added.
Dankof said these reckless policies have caused the United States to lose its “prestige” in the world. “Look at what the United States has been doing for the last 14 years; we have been involved for three times the length of time that we were involved in the Second World War, floundering in Iraq, floundering in Afghanistan, creating new tragedies and new disarray in Libya, and in Syria, and in Yemen, and in Somalia, and in Pakistan with no end in sight,” he noted. “Does any sane person really believe that the United States needs to add a political and military confrontation with Vladimir Putin’s Russia to what it has been doing for the past 14 years?” Dankof asked. The crises in Ukraine and Syria have plunged the US-Russian relationship to its lowest point since the Cold War. US Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday that Washington will only step up pressure on Moscow if “Russian aggression” continues. "If Russian aggression persists, the cost imposed on Moscow will continue to rise," Biden said in a rare address to the Ukrainian Parliament in Kiev.
Dankof said these reckless policies have caused the United States to lose its “prestige” in the world. “Look at what the United States has been doing for the last 14 years; we have been involved for three times the length of time that we were involved in the Second World War, floundering in Iraq, floundering in Afghanistan, creating new tragedies and new disarray in Libya, and in Syria, and in Yemen, and in Somalia, and in Pakistan with no end in sight,” he noted. “Does any sane person really believe that the United States needs to add a political and military confrontation with Vladimir Putin’s Russia to what it has been doing for the past 14 years?” Dankof asked. The crises in Ukraine and Syria have plunged the US-Russian relationship to its lowest point since the Cold War. US Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday that Washington will only step up pressure on Moscow if “Russian aggression” continues. "If Russian aggression persists, the cost imposed on Moscow will continue to rise," Biden said in a rare address to the Ukrainian Parliament in Kiev.
YouTube VIDEO - Real News Network - Dec 2015 - clik 1
"Navio afundando: nossa política é gerar guerras sem fim, sustenta o complexo industrial militar".
Abby Martin interviews retired U.S. Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, former national security advisor to the Reagan administration, who spent years as an assistant to Secretary of State Colin Powell during both Bush administrations. Today, he is honest about the unfixable corruption inside the establishment and the corporate interests driving foreign policy. Hear a rare insider's view of what interests are behind U.S. wars, the manipulation of intelligence, the intertwining of the military and corporate world, and why the U.S. Empire is doomed.
11 dezembro 2015
YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - Tass News Agency - Dec 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2 -
Moscow ordena: "destruir de imediato na Síria qualquer ameaça às fôrças russas".
Moscow ordena: "destruir de imediato na Síria qualquer ameaça às fôrças russas".
MOSCOW, December 11. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered Russian military to destroy any targets that threaten Russian Armed Forces in Syria. "I order to act very tough. Any targets that threaten Russian forces or our infrastructure on the ground should be immediately destroyed," Putin told a session of the Defense Ministry’s collegium. The president also warned against "those who will again try to organize any provocations against our servicemen." "We have already taken additional measures to ensure security of Russian servicemen and air base. It was strengthened by new aviation groups and missile defense systems. Strike aircraft will now carry out operations under cover of fighter jets," Putin said. Putin said that the Russian military have caused a substantial damage to terrorists in Syria, adding that the actions of the Russian Armed Forces are worthy of praise. "The combined operation of the Aerospace Defence Forces and the Navy, the use of newest high precision weapons systems has caused a serious damage to the terrorist infrastructure, thus qualitatively changing the situation in Syria," the president said. The president also ordered the defense ministry to coordinate actions in Syria with Israel’s command post and the US-led international coalition.
"It’s important to develop cooperation with all countries really interested in destroying terrorists. I am talking about contacts on ensuring flight safety with the command post of Israel’s air force and forces of the US-led coalition," Putin said. According to the official, terrorists in Syria pose a direct threat to Russia and Moscow’s actions are carried out to protect the country rather than due to abstract interests. "Our actions there are not due to any unclear and abstract geopolitical interests and the wish to get training and test new weapons systems. This is not the most important thing. The goal is to avert the threat for the Russian Federation itself," Putin said at the meeting of the Defense Ministry’s board.
. Putin stressed that representatives of various ethnic groups not only from Russia’s North Caucasus but also from other regions take part in the combat actions and also boast of participating in "punitive actions." The gunmen in Syria have created "a true bridgehead." "Their plans were evident: to strengthen and spread their expansion to the new regions," the Russian president said. According to Putin, the actions of Russia’s Armed Forces in Syria "were synchronized with the work of law enforcement bodies and special services on Russia’s territory." The Federal Security Service reveals terrorist cells, including of the Islamic State group, "on almost all the territory of the country."
"It’s important to develop cooperation with all countries really interested in destroying terrorists. I am talking about contacts on ensuring flight safety with the command post of Israel’s air force and forces of the US-led coalition," Putin said. According to the official, terrorists in Syria pose a direct threat to Russia and Moscow’s actions are carried out to protect the country rather than due to abstract interests. "Our actions there are not due to any unclear and abstract geopolitical interests and the wish to get training and test new weapons systems. This is not the most important thing. The goal is to avert the threat for the Russian Federation itself," Putin said at the meeting of the Defense Ministry’s board.
. Putin stressed that representatives of various ethnic groups not only from Russia’s North Caucasus but also from other regions take part in the combat actions and also boast of participating in "punitive actions." The gunmen in Syria have created "a true bridgehead." "Their plans were evident: to strengthen and spread their expansion to the new regions," the Russian president said. According to Putin, the actions of Russia’s Armed Forces in Syria "were synchronized with the work of law enforcement bodies and special services on Russia’s territory." The Federal Security Service reveals terrorist cells, including of the Islamic State group, "on almost all the territory of the country."
Bloomberg - Zero Hedge - Dec 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2
Rússia aumenta fôrças nucleares: mais cinco regimentos de mísseis estratégicos intercontinentais.
Rússia aumenta fôrças nucleares: mais cinco regimentos de mísseis estratégicos intercontinentais.
President Vladimir Putin ordered defense chiefs to strengthen Russia’s strategic nuclear forces amid rising tensions with the U.S. over the global balance of power. New weapons should go to “all parts” of the nuclear triad of air, sea, and land forces, Putin told a Defense Ministry meeting in Moscow on Friday. Action must also be taken “to improve the effectiveness of missile-attack warning systems and aerospace defense.” Russia’s military will have five new nuclear regiments equipped with modern missile complexes next year, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu told the same meeting.
More than 95 percent of the country’s nuclear forces are at a permanent state of readiness, he said. Putin’s moves to reinforce Russian nuclear capabilities are reviving Cold War tensions with the U.S. and its allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The U.S. warned in June that the Kremlin’s “nuclear saber-rattling” is undermining stability in an attempt to intimidate European neighbors. Russia’s nuclear arsenal, its annexation of Crimea in 2014 andSUPPORT
for separatists in eastern Ukraine, in July led Marine General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to call the country the most pressing threat to U.S. national security. Putin said Russia’s military must continue its program of training drills and devote special attention to the “transport of troops over long distances” as well as “strategic nuclear deterrence” and the ability to airlift forces including “anti-aircraft, missile and electronic elements.”
More than 95 percent of the country’s nuclear forces are at a permanent state of readiness, he said. Putin’s moves to reinforce Russian nuclear capabilities are reviving Cold War tensions with the U.S. and its allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The U.S. warned in June that the Kremlin’s “nuclear saber-rattling” is undermining stability in an attempt to intimidate European neighbors. Russia’s nuclear arsenal, its annexation of Crimea in 2014 andSUPPORT

09 dezembro 2015
YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - Conterpunch - Dec 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2 - clik 3
HISTÓRICO. credibilidade do FMI extinta: coação anti-calote agora só protege aos aliados-EUA.
HISTÓRICO. credibilidade do FMI extinta: coação anti-calote agora só protege aos aliados-EUA.
The IMF has changed its own rules on lending money to indebted countries, in order to save cash-strapped Ukraine from imminent default. Previously, the IMF was very strict when dealing with countries in arrears to other governments. Ukraine owes around 3-billion dollars to Russia - and Kiev says it's not planning to return the money. Despite this, the IMF has decided to keep propping up Ukraine's economy. Ukraine has refused to pay not only private-sector bondholders, but the Russian Government as well. This should have blocked Ukraine from receiving further IMF aid. Refusal to pay for Ukrainian military belligerence in its New Cold War against Russia would have been a major step forcing peace, and also forcing a clean-up of the country’s endemic corruption. Instead, the IMF is backing Ukrainian policy, its kleptocracy and its Right Sector leading the attacks that recently cut off Crimea’s electricity. The only condition on which the IMF insists is continued austerity. Ukraine’s currency, the hryvnia, has fallen by a third this years, pensions have been slashed (largely as a result of being inflated away), while corruption continues unabated. Despite this the IMF announced its intention to extend new loans to finance Ukraine’s dependency and payoffs to the oligarchs who are in control of its parliament and justice departments to block any real cleanup of corruption. For over half a year there was a semi-public discussion with U.S. Treasury advisors and Cold Warriors about how to stiff Russia on the $3 billion owed by Ukraine to Russia’s Sovereign Wealth Fund.
There was some talk of declaring this an “odious debt,” but it was decided that this ploy might backfire against U.S. supported dictatorships. In the end, the IMF simply lent Ukraine the money. By doing so, it announced its new policy: “We only enforce debts owed in US dollars to US allies.”
It is easier to create new institutions such as the A.I.I.B. than to retrofit old and ill-designed ones burdened with the legacy of their vested founding interests. It is easier to expand the Shanghai Cooperation Organization than to surrender to threats from NATO. U.S. geostrategists seem to have imagined that if they exclude Russia, China and other SCO and Eurasian countries from the U.S.-based financial and trade system, these countries will find themselves in the same economic box as Cuba, Iran and other countries have been isolated by sanctions. The aim is to make countries choose between impoverishment from such exclusion, or acquiescing in U.S. neoliberal drives to financialize their economies and impose austerity on their government sector and labor. What is lacking from such calculations is the idea of critical mass. The United States may use the IMF and World Bank as levers to exclude countries not in the U.S. orbit from participating in the global trade and financial system, and it may arm-twist Europe to impose trade and financial sanctions on Russia.
But this action produces an equal and opposite reaction. That is the eternal Newtonian law of geopolitics. The indicated countermeasure is simply for other countries to create their own international financial organization as an alternative to the IMF, their own “aid” lending institution to juxtapose to the U.S.-centered World Bank. All this requires an international court to handle disputes that is free from U.S. arm-twisting to turn international law into a kangaroo court following the dictates of Washington. The Eurasian Economic Union now has its own court to adjudicate disputes. It may provide an alternative Judge Griesa‘s New York federal court ruling in favor of vulture funds derailing Argentina’s debt negotiations and excluding it from foreign financial markets. If the London Court of International Arbitration (under whose rules Russia’s bonds issued to Ukraine are registered) permits frivolous legal claims (called barratry in English) such as President Poroshenko has threatened in Ukrainian Parliament, it too will become a victim of geopolitical obsolescence. The more nakedly self-serving and geopolitical U.S. policy is – in backing radical Islamic fundamentalist outgrowths of Al Qaeda throughout the Near East, right-wing nationalist governments in Ukraine and the Baltics – the greater the catalytic pressure is growing for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, AIIB and related Eurasian institutions to break free of the post-1945 Bretton Woods system run by the U.S. State, Defense and Treasury Departments and NATO superstructure. The question now is whether Russia and China can hold onto the BRICS and India.
Sistema financeiro global racha em dois: BRICS e EUA+satélites.
This means that what was simmering as a Cold War against Russia has now turned into a full-blown division of the world into the Dollar Bloc (with its satellite Euro and other pro-U.S. currencies) and the BRICS or other countries not in the U.S. financial and military orbit. What should Russia do? For that matter, what should China and other BRICS countries do? The IMF and U.S. neocons have sent the world a message: you don’t have to honor debts to countries outside of the dollar area and its satellites. Why then should these non-dollarized countries remain in the IMF – or the World Bank, for that matter? The IMF move effectively splits the global system in half, between the BRICS and the US-European neoliberalized financial system. Should Russia withdraw from the IMF? Should other countries? The mirror-image response would be for the new Asian Development Bank to announce that countries that joined the ruble-yuan area did not have to pay US dollar or euro-denominated debts. That is implicitly where the IMF’s break is leading.
EUA tenta isolar Russia e China, que reagem. Montam sistemas autônomos, aglutinando a Ásia.
By treating Ukraine’s nullification of its official debt to Russia’s Sovereign Wealth Fund as the new norm, the IMF has blessed its default on its bond payment to Russia. President Putin and foreign minister Lavrov have said that they will sue in British courts. But does any court exist in the West not under the thumb of U.S. veto? What are China and Russia to do, faced with the IMF serving as a kangaroo court whose judgments are subject to U.S. veto power? To protect their autonomy and self-determination, they have created alternatives to the IMF and World Bank, NATO and behind it, the dollar standard. America’s recent New Cold War maneuvering has shown that the two Bretton Woods institutions are unreformable.It is easier to create new institutions such as the A.I.I.B. than to retrofit old and ill-designed ones burdened with the legacy of their vested founding interests. It is easier to expand the Shanghai Cooperation Organization than to surrender to threats from NATO. U.S. geostrategists seem to have imagined that if they exclude Russia, China and other SCO and Eurasian countries from the U.S.-based financial and trade system, these countries will find themselves in the same economic box as Cuba, Iran and other countries have been isolated by sanctions. The aim is to make countries choose between impoverishment from such exclusion, or acquiescing in U.S. neoliberal drives to financialize their economies and impose austerity on their government sector and labor. What is lacking from such calculations is the idea of critical mass. The United States may use the IMF and World Bank as levers to exclude countries not in the U.S. orbit from participating in the global trade and financial system, and it may arm-twist Europe to impose trade and financial sanctions on Russia.
But this action produces an equal and opposite reaction. That is the eternal Newtonian law of geopolitics. The indicated countermeasure is simply for other countries to create their own international financial organization as an alternative to the IMF, their own “aid” lending institution to juxtapose to the U.S.-centered World Bank. All this requires an international court to handle disputes that is free from U.S. arm-twisting to turn international law into a kangaroo court following the dictates of Washington. The Eurasian Economic Union now has its own court to adjudicate disputes. It may provide an alternative Judge Griesa‘s New York federal court ruling in favor of vulture funds derailing Argentina’s debt negotiations and excluding it from foreign financial markets. If the London Court of International Arbitration (under whose rules Russia’s bonds issued to Ukraine are registered) permits frivolous legal claims (called barratry in English) such as President Poroshenko has threatened in Ukrainian Parliament, it too will become a victim of geopolitical obsolescence. The more nakedly self-serving and geopolitical U.S. policy is – in backing radical Islamic fundamentalist outgrowths of Al Qaeda throughout the Near East, right-wing nationalist governments in Ukraine and the Baltics – the greater the catalytic pressure is growing for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, AIIB and related Eurasian institutions to break free of the post-1945 Bretton Woods system run by the U.S. State, Defense and Treasury Departments and NATO superstructure. The question now is whether Russia and China can hold onto the BRICS and India.
YouTube VIDEO - Next News Network - Dec 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2 -
Rússia segue em bombardeios devastadores contra terroristas dos EUA: intensidade crescente.
Rússia segue em bombardeios devastadores contra terroristas dos EUA: intensidade crescente.
While Russia initiated a devastating submarine based assault against terrorist targets in Syria on Tuesday, Long-range bombers of the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out strikes with air-based cruise missiles on the ISIS terrorist sites with a crushing air operation. Under the direction of, Vladimir Putin, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Armed Forces, crews of Tu-160, Tu-95MS and Tu-22M3 long-range aircraft laid waste to ISIS in probably the most intense bombing campaign since the start of the war. For 30 minutes, early Tuesday, twelve Tu-22M3 long-range bombers carried out strikes at the ISIS terrorist facilities in Raqqa and Deir-ez-Zor provinces. A few hours later, a 40 minute bombing campaign, of a startling 34 air-based cruise missiles, launched from Tu-160 and Tu-95MS bombers devastated terrorists in Aleppo and Idlib. The number of combat sorties carried out by the Russian Aerospace Forces has doubled to 127 combat sorties aimed at 206 terrorist facilities and carried on for 8 straight hours.
Besides the increase in the number of combat aviation sorties from the Hmeymim airbase, the Plan also includes sending an additional 25 long-range aircraft, 8 SU-34 bombers and 4 SU-27SM fighters from Russia to conduct airstrikes in Syria. According to the Russian military, The intensity of the bombing campaigns will allow for crushing and pinpoint strikes against the ISIS militants all over the territory of Syria. Additionally ten Russian spacecraft have been assigned to conduct imagery and radar reconnaissance, including civilian-purpose spacecraft. Likewise, the he orbits of a number of satellites have been corrected to allow them to monitor Syrian territory. The Russian military claims that, For the first time in 4 years of war, with the aid of Russian forces, the Syrian Army has now liberated 80 inhabited areas, assuming control over a territory of over 500 square kilometers. The Russian Defence Ministry informed the US Air Force Command and other coalition countries’ Commands about the airstrikes in advance. According to General Zhikharev, the Tu-160’s and Tu-95MS’s have returned to their airfields and are now undergoing preparations for future” bombing campaigns. All this as American, French, British, German, Chinese, Iranian, Saudi, Iraqi, Israeli, and possibly Japanese, forces are conducting military operations in the region as well. We'll keep you updated as more information becomes available. Please distribute this to your social networks and as always we welcome your input in the comments below. This has been a Next News Network breaking news alert.
Adverte os EUA: submarino lança míssel cruise de longo alcance, é como míssel intercontinental.
The Russian military conducted a massive strike of their Kalibr sea-based missiles on Tuesday eliminating of two important ISIS command centres in the Raqqah province. The salvo deployed from the, Rostov-on-Don submarine, just as curious remarks by Vladimir Putin were released in the Russian media regarding the use of Nuclear-Armed missiles in the war against ISIS. Putin said the results of strikes against ISIS targets with new high-precision weapons should be continually analyzed, and expressed hope that the fight against the terrorists would not require nuclear warheads. Putin stated, "We know that high-precision weapons can be equipped with both conventional warheads, and with nuclear warheads. Naturally, in the fight against the terrorists we hope that is something that will never be needed." As tensions continue to rise now with, American, French, British, German, Chinese, Iranian, Saudi, Iraqi, Israeli, and possibly Japanese, forces all conducting military operations in the region, it seems the likelihood of hope running out increases with each passing day. We'll keep you updated as more information becomes available. Please distribute this to your social networks and as always we welcome your input in the comments below. This has been a Next News Network breaking news alert.
07 dezembro 2015
YouTube VIDEO - USA Watchdog - Dec 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2
É insustentável a arquitetura da economia: no pós-colapso, longos ajustes, e com graves rupturas.
É insustentável a arquitetura da economia: no pós-colapso, longos ajustes, e com graves rupturas.
there is going to be a collapse in the credit, and then we will have the next stage of this where the central banks freak out one more time and pour more money into the markets. We believe, this time, money will be given to people like you and me. . . . Once the Federal Reserve sends you and me money, whether it’s a tax rebate or check, it doesn’t matter. You should run, not walk, and buy anything you possibly can with that because that is the next stage of this story. Stage one is collapse.” Can’t this go on as long as the Fed prints money? Martenson says, “The way we have constructed the economy is unsustainable. Everybody knows that. You can’t grow infinitely on a finite planet. Look at the debt. We have added $57 trillion of new debt to the world since the crisis in 2007–$57 trillion. How much has the global economy grown in that span of time? The answer is about one-fifth as much. Anybody knows you can’t grow your debt faster than you are growing your income. That’s the system we are trying to sustain. We don’t think it’s sustainable, which is why we say people need to begin preparing, but we think there is a way to prosper too. Everything we see now is confirming that we are at the beginning of a very long period of very disruptive adjustments.”
. On the unsustainability of ever expanding debt, Dr. Martenson contends, “The United States has doubled and redoubled its debt and gone through five doublings of our debt in four decades. If we want the next two decades to look like anything like the last two decades, we are going to have to see not one, but at least two doublings of our debt. Really? How are we going to create more debt by a full doubling? The answer is–we won’t.”
YouTube VIDEO - USA Watchdog - Greg Hunter - Dec 2015 - clik 1
Inevitável colapso trará um caos absoluto, devastador. Estoura a bolha, maior crash da história.
Inevitável colapso trará um caos absoluto, devastador. Estoura a bolha, maior crash da história.
Maloney says you can blame a lot of this wild ride on the Federal Reserve. Maloney contends, “We’re going into the Bernanke bust. The 2008 global financial crisis was of Alan Greenspan’s making. Ben Bernanke just reacted to it. . . . This time, it will be stocks, real estate and bonds. So, this is going to be the biggest crash in history. This bond market bubble is something that has been constantly inflated for the past 35 years. When it pops, it’s going to be devastating. A bond bubble bursting is deflationary.”
06 dezembro 2015
Russia Insider - Sputnik News - Dec 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2 -
CENSURA DE GUERRA: mídia ocidental bloqueia denúncias russas sobre Turquia pró-terror.
CENSURA DE GUERRA: mídia ocidental bloqueia denúncias russas sobre Turquia pró-terror.
In the West, however, almost all media made no mention of it at all. Not a word in The New York Times, which could fill its front page already the same evening with details of the San Bernardino shootings in California. Not a word in leading German and British dailies, which also turned coverage inward on home stories. Further to my remarks several days ago about Euronewstaking a turn to greater balance on Russian issues, the channel did in fact show some images from the Ministry of Defense briefing in Moscow. But like the French print press, they were sparing in coverage and avoided giving any sense of the depth of documentation made available.
In today’s annual Address to the Federal Assembly, Vladimir Putin opened and closed his speech with mention of the clash with Turkey going back to the downing of the Russian aircraft in Syria and he once again charged the governing elite in Turkey with supporting jihadist terror by its trade in illicit oil. This part of the speech was duly reported by Figaro, and also by the German Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, which had published not a word about the briefing for military attaches the day before. While it is good that the Russian narrative is reproduced in these leading news outlets, the arms length approach implies confusion in the editorial offices over how to handle these developments which do not match the image of Russia as the West’s enemy and give a perplexing twist to the EU’s current rapprochement with Turkey over refugees. Meanwhile, from another stage, another ‘opera,’ we see that within the chancelleries of some major powers in Europe, the Russian charges against Turkey are taken very seriously indeed. Today’s Financial Times and other British newspapers reporting the start of British bombing in Syria that followed directly on the vote in the House of Commons yesterday tell us specifically the ‘Tornado jets target Syrian oil field.’ So apparently it is now right and proper for US Allies to bomb the sources of financing of the Islamic State, as the Russians have been doing for two months in the face of US derision that they were not finding the right targets.
The reaction of The Washington Post and The New York Times, amounting to a rehashing of an article by The Associated Press, blamed "Russia's top military brass" for "sharply raising the stakes in Moscow's spat with Ankara" through their "bluntly-worded accusations" against the Turkish president. Deputy Defense Minister Antonov, AP continued, "didn't provide any specific evidence to back up the claims of personal involvement of Erdogan and his family in the oil trade with the IS."
Invertendo os fatos reais, vários jornais acusaram Rússia de ser hostil aos turcos pró-terror.
Moreover, the Turkish president, the article recalled, had already vowed to resign if Moscow's accusations were proven to be true. The AP piece cited a spokesman from the US State Department, who "categorically rejected Russia's allegations" (naturally, before really even having a chance to look at them). "We never said oil smuggling from ISIL is not a problem," the spokesman said, but "there is no Turkish government complicity in some operation to buy illegal oil from ISIL. We just don't believe that to be true in any way, shape or form." For its part, Bloomberg also quickly took to Erdogan's defense, suggesting that the investigation was a sign that Russia was "intensifying its attacks on Turkey," and citing the commentary of a Turkish defense attache who had attended the briefing, who said that "he had expected a military briefing, rather than 'political accusations'." Foreign Policy went a step further, trotting out a Harvard expert on Russian energy geopolitics who suggested that the allegations were really just a sign that "Putin's regime, [first] with Ukraine and now Syria, has greatly revamped Russian nationalism."
Other US outlets, including USA Today and Voice of America, focused on Washington's response to the Russian briefing, citing the reactions of the White House, the State Department, and US military commanders, who rushed to defend their allies in Ankara. Col. Steve Warren, anti-ISIL coalition spokesman in Baghdad, emphasized that "the Turks" were actually "great partners" in fighting Daesh. Across the pond, in the UK, media reaction was generally more of the same. The Guardian headlined their article "Russia Steps Up Hostility Against Turkey With War Room Briefing," sarcastically suggesting that the briefing indicated that "Turkey may have replaced the US as Russia's rhetorical enemy No 1," again instead of focusing on the actual evidence. The BBC, for its part, also made clear to stick up for the UK's NATO allies, with their article on the briefing headlined "Turkey's Erdogan Says Russia IS Oil Trade Claims are 'Slander'." The Financial Times again went a step further, suggesting that the revelations are really just another component of the anti-Turkish propaganda which has emerged in the Russian media following the downing of the Russian Su-24.
The business newspaper cited the commentary of Ukrainian Interior Ministry advisor Anton Gerashchenko, who suggested that the Russian media's anti-Erdogan campaign was reminiscent of the anti-Kiev campaign it had carried out earlier. Incidentally, the newspaper forgot to mention that Gerashchenko, a rather smarmy figure in his own right, had earlier called on Ukrainian social media users to publically disclose any information they had on the Russian pilots operating in Syria, in order that terrorists might locate the servicemen and their families and take revenge. In an interesting contrast to their American and British colleagues, major French and German media outlets seemed less eager to line up behind their Turkish allies. France 24 and Germany's Bild reported on the Russian briefing skeptically, but fairly, saying more evidence was needed. For its part, Deutsche Welle went so far as to suggest, in its German-language piece, that while additional evidence in Russia's accusation toward the Turkish president "is still pending, one thing is certain: ISIL oil is reaching Turkish territory."
YouTube - Global Research - Zero Hedge - Dec 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2 - clik 3
Rússia pisa duro, acusa EUA:
"é cúmplice do terror, acoberta o tráfico turco de óleo roubado".
Rússia pisa duro, acusa EUA:
"é cúmplice do terror, acoberta o tráfico turco de óleo roubado".
"Passam pela fronteira sem sequer parar nos postos de guarda".
The slide show, hosted by Deputy Minister of Defence Anatoly Antonov, featured photos of oil trucks, videos of airstrikes and maps detailing the trafficking of stolen oil. It was the latest PR snafu for Erdogan who is struggling to convince Turkey’s allies that The Kremlin’s accusations are unfounded and that Ankara isn’t set to put NATO in an awkward position by effectively instigating a shooting war with Russia. Washington came to Erdogan’s defense in the aftermath of Moscow’s claims as State Department spokesman Mark Toner said the US is confident that Ankara “is not complicit in Islamic State oil smuggling.” Russia seemed to take that denial in stride, but after US special envoy and coordinator for international energy affairs, Amos Hochstein, said on Friday that the amount of oil smuggled into Turkey from Syria is “of no significance from a volume perspective”, Moscow appears to have had enough.
On Saturday, Russia accused the US of participating in a cover-up. “Our colleagues from the State Department and the Pentagon have confirmed that the photo-proof, which we presented at a briefing [on December 2], of the origin and destination of the stolen oil, coming from the areas controlled by the terrorists, is authentic. However, the US claim that they ‘don’t see the border crossings with tanker trucks crossing the border,’ raises a smile, if only, because the photos are still images,”
The slide show, hosted by Deputy Minister of Defence Anatoly Antonov, featured photos of oil trucks, videos of airstrikes and maps detailing the trafficking of stolen oil. It was the latest PR snafu for Erdogan who is struggling to convince Turkey’s allies that The Kremlin’s accusations are unfounded and that Ankara isn’t set to put NATO in an awkward position by effectively instigating a shooting war with Russia. Washington came to Erdogan’s defense in the aftermath of Moscow’s claims as State Department spokesman Mark Toner said the US is confident that Ankara “is not complicit in Islamic State oil smuggling.” Russia seemed to take that denial in stride, but after US special envoy and coordinator for international energy affairs, Amos Hochstein, said on Friday that the amount of oil smuggled into Turkey from Syria is “of no significance from a volume perspective”, Moscow appears to have had enough.
On Saturday, Russia accused the US of participating in a cover-up. “Our colleagues from the State Department and the Pentagon have confirmed that the photo-proof, which we presented at a briefing [on December 2], of the origin and destination of the stolen oil, coming from the areas controlled by the terrorists, is authentic. However, the US claim that they ‘don’t see the border crossings with tanker trucks crossing the border,’ raises a smile, if only, because the photos are still images,”
Major General Igor Konashenkov, a Defense Ministry spokesman said. “We advise the American side to have a look at how the tanker trucks not only drive through checkpoints at the Turkish border, but pass through them without even stopping.” As RT notes, an unnamed US State Department official confirmed to Reuters on Friday that the Russian photos of thousands of oil tanker trucks in Syria were authentic [but] stressed that he hasn’t seen “the imagery of the border crossing with trucks crossing the border, and that’s because [the US doesn't] believe it exists.”
“The declarations of the Pentagon and the State Department seem like a theatre of the absurd,” the MoD added, before noting that Washington should “watch the videos taken by its (own) drones which have recently been three times as numerous over the Turkey-Syria border and above the oil zones”. That, by the way, is an attempt to mock Washington for increasing the number of drones monitoring the situation while failing to actually conduct strikes. Earlier this week, Russia said that despite Washington’s claims, the US and its partners are actually not bombing ISIS oil infrastructure or convoys. In case the above isn’t clear enough, here’s more from the Russian MoD’s Facebook: “When US officials say they don’t see how the terrorists’ oil is smuggled to Turkey… it smells badly of a desire to cover up these acts.” We have on any number of occasions suggested that Washington has avoided striking ISIS oil convoys in an effort to ensure that the group retains the funding it needs to continue to destabilize Syria and the Assad government (see here for instance) and in order to preserve amicable relations with Ankara which appears to benefit from the trafficking of illegal crude both from Kurdistan and Islamic State. And so, Russia once again turns the screws on the West in an effort to expose what at this point looks to be a coordinated effort to facilitate the funding of international terrorism via the establishment and maintenance of smuggling routes for some 50,000 b/d of oil looted from fields in eastern Syria and northern Iraq. If the US is indeed complicit in this, it might be time to cut ties with Erdogan because Moscow is on the PR warpath and it’s just a matter of time before the smoking gun emerges.
“The declarations of the Pentagon and the State Department seem like a theatre of the absurd,” the MoD added, before noting that Washington should “watch the videos taken by its (own) drones which have recently been three times as numerous over the Turkey-Syria border and above the oil zones”. That, by the way, is an attempt to mock Washington for increasing the number of drones monitoring the situation while failing to actually conduct strikes. Earlier this week, Russia said that despite Washington’s claims, the US and its partners are actually not bombing ISIS oil infrastructure or convoys. In case the above isn’t clear enough, here’s more from the Russian MoD’s Facebook: “When US officials say they don’t see how the terrorists’ oil is smuggled to Turkey… it smells badly of a desire to cover up these acts.” We have on any number of occasions suggested that Washington has avoided striking ISIS oil convoys in an effort to ensure that the group retains the funding it needs to continue to destabilize Syria and the Assad government (see here for instance) and in order to preserve amicable relations with Ankara which appears to benefit from the trafficking of illegal crude both from Kurdistan and Islamic State. And so, Russia once again turns the screws on the West in an effort to expose what at this point looks to be a coordinated effort to facilitate the funding of international terrorism via the establishment and maintenance of smuggling routes for some 50,000 b/d of oil looted from fields in eastern Syria and northern Iraq. If the US is indeed complicit in this, it might be time to cut ties with Erdogan because Moscow is on the PR warpath and it’s just a matter of time before the smoking gun emerges.
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