31 janeiro 2015


YouTube VIDEO - USA WatchDog - Greg Hunter - Jan 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2
"2015 caótico, volátil e violento. Líderes no crime mudam mundo".
Financial expert Catherine Austin Fitts says the world is changing through crime by our leaders. Fitts contends, “We are dealing with a lawlessness that is happening with the build out of the global systems, which is very ugly. If you look at what has happened to the Ukraine, so far, over a million people have lost their homes. That’s pretty lawless. The fighting is getting very, very painful. The other thing you have is as people see a power vacuum and the lawlessness of the leaders, they say hey let’s be lawless too. It translates all the way down into our communities. The lawlessness of drug dealing and organized crime is enormous, and it’s happening globally. . . . For markets to function, they require trust in the rule of law. We’ve seen the breakdown in the rule of law.”

Fitts predicts that 2015 is going to be “volatile and violent.” Fitts says, “I think 2015 is going to be a very rough year. I think you have to be prepared for wild swings. We’ve seen oil come down 50%.” Fitts also points out, “The creative destructive aspects are pretty scary. The thing that your listeners are struggling with is we’ve been through a lot of change. The change has been painful because the American leadership encouraged the taxpayer to misbehave. . . . I think a lot of people feel they have been left high and dry; and in fact, they have. The reality is if you look at the change we’ve experienced over the last 20 years, it’s nothing compared to the next 10 years. In the next 10 years, the change is going to accelerate. We need to stop and take a big breath, and say I don’t want to be a patsy. I was a patsy in the last 20 years. I don’t want to be a patsy in the next 10 years.”