11 abril 2015


Sputnik News - Apr 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2 
Berlin apóia, daí Kiev torna-se a 1a capital européia a glorificar o fascismo, é ideologia criminosa.
Ukraine officially recognized notorious ultranationalist groups, active in the 20th century, as freedom fighters, meaning Kiev authorities have chosen neo-Nazism as state ideology, a prominent Polish political scientist said. "Kiev authorities are forging their historic identity, openly citing neo-Nazism as an inspiration. Ukraine seems to be the only country in Europe to do this in a blatant manner, without being ashamed of its detestable past." 
According to the analyst, remarks made by Ukrainian politicians and members of parliament prove that all this is official. "Neo-Nazism is becoming a new state ideology in Ukraine," Mateusz Piskorski, head of the European Center for Geopolitical Analysis, told RIA Novosti. The analyst underlined that no other ideology has so much hatred and poison towards neighboring nations, namely the Russians and the Poles, but also the Jews and the Armenians. "Kiev has become the first European capital to openly glorify criminal ideology." 
Kiev reprime livre expressão, vai dando sumiço em jornalistas.
In Odessa — the same city where the Ukrainian civil war started on 2 May 2014 with a massacre of opponents that had been carefully planned by a team connected to the U.S. White House — there are reported to be two bloggers for the "Voice of Odessa" political site who were seized by the Security Bureau of Ukraine on April 7th, and whose "whereabouts are unknown."This report appeared in the local Odessa News. The "Voice of Odessa" site was formed right after the massacre, in order to get an independent investigation and prosecution of the perpetrators of that massacre, in which officially 46 people were burned, shot and clubbed to death, but unofficial estimates run over 200, all victims who have not been heard from since, and some of whom had allegedly even been abducted from hospitals after the massacre.