28 outubro 2010


Eurasia Review - Friday, 15 October 2010 10:30 - Mike Whitney.
EUA em chantagem aberta ao mundo: exige ajuda, ou 
lançará caos monetário global.
Em bancarrota - mas contraditoriamente gastando de forma desenfreada - eles imprimem dólares de enxurrada há décadas ( corroendo a própria moeda ), e agora os diplomatas americanos em reuniões do FMI e do G-20 fazem ameaças explícitas, e culpam o mundo - por poupar demais e gastar de menos.
clique aqui . Why The U.S. Has Launched A New Financial World War.
- " ... it is to defend this system that U.S. diplomats are threatening to plunge the world economy into financial anarchy if other countries do not agree to ... [ ... ] ... engineering an orderly decline in the dollar and avoiding potentially destabilizing trade fights.” ... the United States threaten to derail the international financial system, bringing monetary chaos if it does not get its way. This threat has succeeded for the past few generations".