02 outubro 2010


The Guardian, U.K. - Friday 1 October 2010 09.08 BST
ONU: Desemprego global deflagrará ainda mais revoltas populares; já alcança 25 países.
Nenhuma recuperação até 2015; coesão social em risco, 213 milhões só este ano.
clique aqui . Global unemployment to trigger further social unrest, UN agency forecastsInternational Labour Organisation (ILO) notes that social unrest has already been reported in at least 25 countries. Crisis-hit Spain faced its first general strike in eight years this week as unions protested against the government's austerity measures and labour reforms. The strike on Wednesday coincided with protests in Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Slovenia and Lithuania, as well as demonstrations in Brussels by tens of thousands of workers from across Europe as part of a European day of action against public spending cuts. The ILO forecasts that global unemployment will hit 213 million this year.

"Fairness must be the compass guiding us out of the crisis," said ILO director general Juan Somavia. "People can understand and accept difficult choices, if they perceive that all share in the burden of pain. Governments should not have to choose between the demands of financial markets and the needs of their citizens. Financial and social stability must come together. Otherwise, not only the global economy but also social cohesion will be at risk."