YouTube VIDEO - 26 Nov 2011 - clique aqui .
Estado policial : criançinha de 5 anos, chutou policial na escola, sai algemado nos pés e mãos.
27 novembro 2011
YouTube VIDEO - 26 Nov 2011 - clique aqui .
EUA brinca com fogo, enfurece Paquistão nuclear : matou 28 soldados, incidente de fronteira.
NATO admits it’s probably to blame for a deadly helicopter raid on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, that killed up to 28 Pakistani soldiers and injured over a dozen others. Islamabad responded by cutting off the flow of vital NATO supplies to Afghanistan. The incident may deal a serious blow to their already-strained relations over lethal incursions in Pakistani territory. John Rees, a political analyst from the British-based ‘Stop the War Coalition’, told RT that the U.S. and its allies are creating an explosive situation in the volatile region.
EUA brinca com fogo, enfurece Paquistão nuclear : matou 28 soldados, incidente de fronteira.
NATO admits it’s probably to blame for a deadly helicopter raid on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, that killed up to 28 Pakistani soldiers and injured over a dozen others. Islamabad responded by cutting off the flow of vital NATO supplies to Afghanistan. The incident may deal a serious blow to their already-strained relations over lethal incursions in Pakistani territory. John Rees, a political analyst from the British-based ‘Stop the War Coalition’, told RT that the U.S. and its allies are creating an explosive situation in the volatile region.
26 novembro 2011
A.C.L.U. - American Civil Liberties Union - 23 Nov 2011 - clique aqui .
Lei nova torna EUA em 'campo de batalha'. Militares prenderão cidadãos sem acusar, sem julgar.
The Senate is set to vote on a bill next week that would define the whole of the United States as a “battlefield” and allow the U.S. Military to arrest American citizens in their own back yard without charge or trial. “The Senate is going to vote on whether Congress will give this president—and every future president — the power to order the military to pick up and imprison without charge or trial civilians anywhere in the world. The power is so broad that even U.S. citizens could be swept up by the military and the military could be used far from any battlefield, even within the United States itself,” writes Chris Anders of the ACLU Washington Legislative Office. Under the ‘worldwide indefinite detention without charge or trial’ provision of S.1867, the National Defense Authorization Act bill, which is set to be up for a vote on the Senate floor Monday, the legislation will “basically say in law for the first time that the homeland is part of the battlefield,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who supports the bill. The bill was drafted in secret by Senators Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.), before being passed in a closed-door committee meeting without any kind of hearing. The language appears in sections 1031 and 1032 of the NDAA bill.
Lei nova torna EUA em 'campo de batalha'. Militares prenderão cidadãos sem acusar, sem julgar.
The Senate is set to vote on a bill next week that would define the whole of the United States as a “battlefield” and allow the U.S. Military to arrest American citizens in their own back yard without charge or trial. “The Senate is going to vote on whether Congress will give this president—and every future president — the power to order the military to pick up and imprison without charge or trial civilians anywhere in the world. The power is so broad that even U.S. citizens could be swept up by the military and the military could be used far from any battlefield, even within the United States itself,” writes Chris Anders of the ACLU Washington Legislative Office. Under the ‘worldwide indefinite detention without charge or trial’ provision of S.1867, the National Defense Authorization Act bill, which is set to be up for a vote on the Senate floor Monday, the legislation will “basically say in law for the first time that the homeland is part of the battlefield,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who supports the bill. The bill was drafted in secret by Senators Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.), before being passed in a closed-door committee meeting without any kind of hearing. The language appears in sections 1031 and 1032 of the NDAA bill.
Debka Files - 26 Nov 2011 - clique aqui .
Escalada gravíssima: Rússia redobra aposta, envia porta-aviões também, enfrenta os EUA.
The Syrian crisis aassumed a big power dimension this week with the build-up of rival United States and Russia naval air carrier armadas in Syrian waters. The USS George H.W. Bush arrived Wednesday, Nov. 23, in the wake of the three Russian warships anchored earlier opposite Tartus which established a command post in the Syrian port. They will be augmented by Russia's only air carrier the Admiral Kuznetsov, which is due in mid-week. By deploying 70 ship-borne fighter-bombers plus three heavy guided missile cruisers and five guided missile destroyers opposite Syria, Washington has laid down military support for any intervention the Arab League in conjunction with Turkey may decide on.
25 novembro 2011
R.T. News - 25 Nov 2011 - clique aqui .
EUA responde com porta-avião nuclear: Rússia protege Síria com 3 navios de guerra.
Nuclear aircraft carrier USS George HW Bush has reportedly anchored off Syria. As an Arab League deadline to allow observers into the country passes with no response from Damascus, the possibility of intervention in Syria seems to be growing. The George H.W. Bush Carrier Strike Group along with additional naval vessels are to remain in the Mediterranean to conducting maritime security operations and support missions as part of Operations Enduring Freedom and New Dawn.The US 6th Fleet is also patrolling the area, Interfax news agency reports. Meanwhile, America and Turkey are urging their citizens to leave Syria. The US released a statement on Wednesday urging American citizens to “depart immediately while commercial transportation is available.”
EUA responde com porta-avião nuclear: Rússia protege Síria com 3 navios de guerra.
Nuclear aircraft carrier USS George HW Bush has reportedly anchored off Syria. As an Arab League deadline to allow observers into the country passes with no response from Damascus, the possibility of intervention in Syria seems to be growing. The George H.W. Bush Carrier Strike Group along with additional naval vessels are to remain in the Mediterranean to conducting maritime security operations and support missions as part of Operations Enduring Freedom and New Dawn.The US 6th Fleet is also patrolling the area, Interfax news agency reports. Meanwhile, America and Turkey are urging their citizens to leave Syria. The US released a statement on Wednesday urging American citizens to “depart immediately while commercial transportation is available.”
23 novembro 2011
YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - 22 Nov 2011 - clique aqui .
Ex-senador Gravis: "imoral, nós perdemos respeito. Imperialismo, nação está caindo, líderes cegos".
The US is like a drunkard who charges to war with anyone who might pose a threat, ex-Senator and former US presidential candidate Mike Gravel says. “I like the US. But at the same time I think my country is an imperial country that is going downhill, and our leadership does not even acknowledge the problem,” confesses Gravel. “Phony triumphalism has turned into a device to make Americans live in fear of a terrorist attack, yet you are a thousand times more likely to catch cancer than ever be hurt by that,” he points out. “All I can say about what the US is doing – it‘s immoral,” Gravel says, explaining that “as a result of 9/11, we have altered our moral compass. And people began to get used to brutalizing each other.” “We Americans used to think ‘oh, what happened in Germany could never happen with us!’ Well, it is happening with us. And it is happening to the detriment of our global position.” “In Afghanistan, in Iraq and in Vietnam at the era, all American soldiers died in vain,” Gravel claims, recalling the millions of war victims in Vietnam, which is now developing along its own path, regardless.
Ex-senador Gravis: "imoral, nós perdemos respeito. Imperialismo, nação está caindo, líderes cegos".
The US is like a drunkard who charges to war with anyone who might pose a threat, ex-Senator and former US presidential candidate Mike Gravel says. “I like the US. But at the same time I think my country is an imperial country that is going downhill, and our leadership does not even acknowledge the problem,” confesses Gravel. “Phony triumphalism has turned into a device to make Americans live in fear of a terrorist attack, yet you are a thousand times more likely to catch cancer than ever be hurt by that,” he points out. “All I can say about what the US is doing – it‘s immoral,” Gravel says, explaining that “as a result of 9/11, we have altered our moral compass. And people began to get used to brutalizing each other.” “We Americans used to think ‘oh, what happened in Germany could never happen with us!’ Well, it is happening with us. And it is happening to the detriment of our global position.” “In Afghanistan, in Iraq and in Vietnam at the era, all American soldiers died in vain,” Gravel claims, recalling the millions of war victims in Vietnam, which is now developing along its own path, regardless.
21 novembro 2011
YouTube VIDEO - 20 Nov 2011 - clique aqui .
Rússia enfrenta EUA: envia navios de guerra, proteger Síria de invasão.
Rússia enfrenta EUA: envia navios de guerra, proteger Síria de invasão.
20 novembro 2011
G.E.A.B. 59- Global Europe Antecipation Bulletin - 20 Nov 2011 - clique aqui .
Mais 30 trilhões se evaporarão até início 2013. Abalo europeu empurra EUA para o abismo.
Queda de 30% no dólar em 2012. Portanto, o fim de 2011 vai assistir, as dívidas públicas europeias atuarem como detonador para o desencadear da implosão da bomba dos EUA. Estimamos que, com a efetivação do desconto de 50% sobre as dívidas públicas gregas, a crise sistémica global entre numa nova fase: a do desconto generalizado das dívidas públicas ocidentais e do seu corolário, a fragmentação do mercado financeiro mundial. A aceleração ao longo de 2012 do processo de partição do mercado financeiro mundial em três grandes zonas monetárias cada vez desconectadas: Dólar, Euro, Yuan. Estes dois fenómenos alimentam-se mutuamente.
Mais 30 trilhões se evaporarão até início 2013. Abalo europeu empurra EUA para o abismo.
Queda de 30% no dólar em 2012. Portanto, o fim de 2011 vai assistir, as dívidas públicas europeias atuarem como detonador para o desencadear da implosão da bomba dos EUA. Estimamos que, com a efetivação do desconto de 50% sobre as dívidas públicas gregas, a crise sistémica global entre numa nova fase: a do desconto generalizado das dívidas públicas ocidentais e do seu corolário, a fragmentação do mercado financeiro mundial. A aceleração ao longo de 2012 do processo de partição do mercado financeiro mundial em três grandes zonas monetárias cada vez desconectadas: Dólar, Euro, Yuan. Estes dois fenómenos alimentam-se mutuamente.
17 novembro 2011
Associated Press - 17 Nov 2011 - clique 1 . - clique 2
Rússia, Cdte Fôrças Armadas:
"cresce muito o risco de guerra nuclear em larga escala".
Russia is facing a heightened risk of being drawn into conflicts at its borders that have the potential of turning nuclear, the nation's top military officer said Thursday. Gen. Nikolai Makarov, chief of the General Staff of the Russian armed forces, cautioned over NATO's expansion eastward and warned that the risks of Russia being pulled into local conflicts have "risen sharply." Makarov added, according to Russian news agencies, that "under certain conditions local and regional conflicts may develop into a full-scale war involving nuclear weapons."
Rússia, Cdte Fôrças Armadas:
"cresce muito o risco de guerra nuclear em larga escala".
Russia is facing a heightened risk of being drawn into conflicts at its borders that have the potential of turning nuclear, the nation's top military officer said Thursday. Gen. Nikolai Makarov, chief of the General Staff of the Russian armed forces, cautioned over NATO's expansion eastward and warned that the risks of Russia being pulled into local conflicts have "risen sharply." Makarov added, according to Russian news agencies, that "under certain conditions local and regional conflicts may develop into a full-scale war involving nuclear weapons."
YouTube VIDEO - 19 Oct 2011 - clique 1 - clique 2
Xerife desafia ordens federais:
"Nós temos SWAT municipal".
Subsequently, when Sheriff DeMeo took office in 2003, he told his deputies that illegal cattle seizures were prohibited and that any federal agents attempting to confiscate cattle would be arrested. Shortly thereafter, the BLM arrived at Hage’s ranch to perform a seizure. Sheriff DeMeo advised the federal agent that their SWAT team would be faced with Sheriff DeMeo’s SWAT team if they proceeded. He further advised federal agents that if they could produce a lawful court order for seizing cattle, he would not take the cattle off of the land, but impound them there on Hage’s ranch.
Xerife desafia ordens federais:
"Nós temos SWAT municipal".
Subsequently, when Sheriff DeMeo took office in 2003, he told his deputies that illegal cattle seizures were prohibited and that any federal agents attempting to confiscate cattle would be arrested. Shortly thereafter, the BLM arrived at Hage’s ranch to perform a seizure. Sheriff DeMeo advised the federal agent that their SWAT team would be faced with Sheriff DeMeo’s SWAT team if they proceeded. He further advised federal agents that if they could produce a lawful court order for seizing cattle, he would not take the cattle off of the land, but impound them there on Hage’s ranch.
16 novembro 2011
YouTube VIDEO, A.F.P. News - 11 Nov 2011 - clique 1 . - clique 2 .
Xerifes encaram governo federal:
"vocês não têm jurisdição aqui".
Imprensa mantém silêncio absoluto.
“A giant has been awakened,” said Plumas County, Calif. Sheriff Greg Hagwood, “and they didn’t count on that,” speaking of the federal bureaucracy. “I had spent a good part of my life enforcing the penal code, but not understanding my oath of office,” he told the audience. “I was ignorant and naïve, but now I know of the assault against our people by the federal government.” Host sheriff John Lopey of Siskiyou County, later he told the audience, “We are right now in a fight for our survival.” Glenn Palmer, sheriff of Grant County, Oregon, said, “If an elected official has not taken an oath of office, he does not belong in office.”
Xerifes encaram governo federal:
"vocês não têm jurisdição aqui".
Imprensa mantém silêncio absoluto.
“A giant has been awakened,” said Plumas County, Calif. Sheriff Greg Hagwood, “and they didn’t count on that,” speaking of the federal bureaucracy. “I had spent a good part of my life enforcing the penal code, but not understanding my oath of office,” he told the audience. “I was ignorant and naïve, but now I know of the assault against our people by the federal government.” Host sheriff John Lopey of Siskiyou County, later he told the audience, “We are right now in a fight for our survival.” Glenn Palmer, sheriff of Grant County, Oregon, said, “If an elected official has not taken an oath of office, he does not belong in office.”
04 novembro 2011
Business Insider News - 01 Nov 2011 - clique aqui .
EUA, era inevitável: Despejados estão invadindo e retomando casas tomadas pela Justiça.
Last night Occupy Oakland's General Assembly did something that is likely to catch on with occupations across the country. They voted to encourage the occupation of foreclosed properties across their city. After all, the bursting of the property bubble is part of why they're on the streets right now. There is a movement similar to this under the overall Occupy umbrella, It's called Occupy Vacant Properties, and it has been most visible in San Francisco, where families are even reclaiming their old homes post-foreclosures.
EUA, era inevitável: Despejados estão invadindo e retomando casas tomadas pela Justiça.
Last night Occupy Oakland's General Assembly did something that is likely to catch on with occupations across the country. They voted to encourage the occupation of foreclosed properties across their city. After all, the bursting of the property bubble is part of why they're on the streets right now. There is a movement similar to this under the overall Occupy umbrella, It's called Occupy Vacant Properties, and it has been most visible in San Francisco, where families are even reclaiming their old homes post-foreclosures.
YouTube VIDEO - 31 Oct 2011 - clique aqui .
Iraque: "EUA usou arma nuclear, bebês nascem deformados", dizem médicos britânicos à Justiça.
Iraque: "EUA usou arma nuclear, bebês nascem deformados", dizem médicos britânicos à Justiça.
03 novembro 2011
NBC News - 3 Nov 2011.
EUA, primeira depredação:
grupos organizados, mascarados.
EUA, primeira depredação:
grupos organizados, mascarados.
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