28 outubro 2012


Der Spiegel, CNBC, Zero Hedge - 22 Oct 2012 - clik1 clik2 clik3 clik4
EUA, abandonar o barco: países tiram seu ouro guardado lá por 60 anos. Alemanha, Venezuela, Suiça.
Berlin - Das deutsche Gold liegt sicher aufbewahrt in Zentralbanktresoren in Frankfurt am Main, New York, Paris und London. Wirklich nachgeprüft hat das aber offenbar noch niemand. Der Bundesrechnungshof hat von der Bundesbank jetzt jedenfalls eine regelmäßige Prüfung und Bestandsaufnahme der riesigen Goldreserven im Ausland gefordert. Die Rechnungsprüfer begründen dies in einem am Montag bekanntgewordenen Bericht an den Haushaltsausschuss des Bundestags auch mit dem "hohen Wert der Goldbestände". Die bei anderen Notenbanken gelagerten deutschen Bestände seien zudem noch nie von der Bundesbank selbst oder durch andere unabhängige Prüfer "körperlich aufgenommen und auf Echtheit und Gewicht" geprüft worden. Tatsächlich halten sich zu dem Thema zahlreiche Verschwörungstheorien - so sollen die US-Goldreserven in Fort Knox seit langem geplündert sein.

Bullion Street, Bloomberg, MSNBC - Jan 2012 clik1 clik2 clik3
Venezuela tirou 160 ton em 2012.
CARACAS(BullionStreet) : Six months after President Hugo Chavez announced the repatriation of Venezuela's gold reserves kept abroad, last shipment of 23 tons of gold arrived in the capital on Monday. With the arrival of the last shipment, Venezuela completed the repatriation of a total of 160 tonnes worth more than $11 billion. Venezuelan gold reserves amount to 372.53 tons, and 59% out of the total were sent abroad between 1986 and 1992. The repatriation of Venezuelan gold began on November 25, after President Hugo Chavez instructed the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) to repatriate gold reserves. Country's central bank said it decided to bring back the gold for sovereignty reasons and for financial prudence in view of the global financial crisis. The operation to move the gold from storage in Europe where it has been kept since the 1980s, came about due to uncertain economic conditions in the region.


YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - 28 - clique aqui .
Agora é a Itália. Protestos irrompem em caos, violência. Crise se alastra pela Europa.
VIOLENT RIOTS: clashes ERUPT as TENS of THOUSANDS protests austerity in Italy.

26 outubro 2012


YouTube VIDEO - Ted Goldenberg - 20 Oct 2012 - clique aqui.
"Em 1 dia China pode dizimar o sistema monetário da Terra, e impor ouro como padrão global". 
Jim Rickards, Consultor do Pentágono e CIA.

20 outubro 2012


Press TV - Washington Post - 16 Oct 2012 - - clik 1 - clik 2
Liberdade de imprensa: Europa desliga 19 rádios e TVs do Irã.
 Ironia: ganhou prêmio Nobel da Paz.
It's a sad day for free speech; Iran says after the EU the same entity that recently won the Noble Peace prize ordered a ban on 19 Iranian TV and radio stations. On this edition of News Analysis we are asking why Iranian media have become the latest target of western sanctions. The question that many are asking is now the Europe's airway have been closed to these TV and radio stations can the EU still say it's a supporter of freedom of speech.

PARIS — A leading European satellite provider took 19 Iranian television and radio broadcasters off the air Monday as a result of European Union sanctions aimed at punishing " human rights abusers ". People in Iran still have access to most of the channels, operated by Iranian state broadcaster Irib, but they’re no longer broadcast in Europe and elsewhere.
Liberdade de expressão na EU?
Motivo: silenciar a oposição.


YouTube VIDEO - Oct 2012 - clique aqui.
Índia reage contra Europa, rejeita embargo ao Irã: "não pode impor seus termos ao mundo".
Tehran says it's working with New Delhi to find ways to settle payments for Iranian oil. Currently about half of India's payments are made in Euros, but the latest EU sanctions ban all dealings with Iranian banks. Iran's been under consistent pressure over its nuclear programme, amid fears it might be after an atomic bomb. On top of the EU oil embargo, financial and trade sanctions, 19 Iranian TV and radio stations were taken off air in Europe. But energy-hungry Asian countries refuse to comply with the European restrictions, with India saying it won't reduce the amount of oil it buys from Iran. Political analyst Sreeram Chaulia says the EU can't dictate to the rest of the world.


Financial Sense - Axel Merck - 17 Oct 2012 - clique aqui .
É guerra monetária global. 
empurra problema para o mundo.
It becomes a war because someone’s weak currency is someone else’s strong currency, with the “winner” being the country with the weaker currency. The logic being a weaker currency promotes net exports and GDP growth. If the dollar is debased through expansionary monetary policy, there is upward pressure on other currencies. Those other countries like to export to the U.S. and feel squeezed by U.S. monetary policy. Given that politicians the world over never like to blame themselves for any shortcomings, the focus of international policy makers quickly becomes the Fed’s monetary largesse. Bernanke speaking at an IMF sponsored seminar in Tokyo pointed to the other side of the coin: if China, Brazil and others don’t like his policies because they create inflation back home, they should allow their currencies to appreciate. But these countries are reluctant as stronger currencies lead to a tougher export environment.


You Tube VIDEO - Hope and Tragedy - 11 Jul 2012 - clique aqui.
EUA em 2012: 1,6 tri em armas e guerras. E míseros 0,1 tri em gastos sociais: só 6% para o povo.

19 outubro 2012


YouTube VIDEO - BrickOutOfTheWall - 18 Oct 2012 - clik 1 - clik 2.
Europa: crescerá instabilidade política. Revoltas sangrentas, ascendem déspotas, ditadores.
Dr. Karl Albrecht Schachtschneider, Professor Emeritus of public and civil law at the University of Nuremberg, gives a grim but realistic prognosis of what lies ahead for the European Union as the euro crisis inevitably worsens. Switzerland is predicting bloody unrests in the coming years in Europe due to the Euro crisis. Because of fears that it may spread to their own country, and huge floods of refugees may arrive from Southern Europe, the authorities in Bern are arming their military forces and securing the borders at the four regions of the country. "I cannot rule out that in the coming years we will need the army", Swiss defense minister Ueli Maurer declared to the Swiss press. Simulations for serious scenarios are already being carried out under the name of maneuver "Stabilo Due".

„Effecten Spiegel" warned already at the beginning of the crisis 2 years ago that the „Greek burning garbage containers" are only the beginning of a social conflagration. Nowadays, mass demonstrations and street clashes have turned something usual. In Spain, people go to the streets almost daily since May of the last year demonstrating against the European policies. The job market reform, the raising of the VAT, cuts in health care and education, payment cuts and rising unemployment steadily worsen the mood in the country. Pictures of looting rioters setting cars and garbage containers in fire and of teargas clouds and furious arrive on a regular basis from Italy, Portugal and France...

18 outubro 2012


YouTube VIDEO - ABC News - 23 May 2012 - clik 1 - clik 2.
EUA protegem produção de heroína que Talibã exterminou. Lucram CIA e Wall Street.
The U.S. protecting opium fields in Afghanistan, maintaining the addiction of Wall Street and the CIA to billions of dollars in profit. More than 95 percent of the revenue generated by opium production is siphoned off to business syndicates, organized crime and banking and financial institutions. In many instances, drug money is currently the only liquid investment capital, said Vienna-based UNODC Executive Director Antonio Maria Costa said last January. In the second half of 2008, liquidity was the banking systems main problem and hence liquid capital became an important factor. Former Managing Director and board member of Wall Street investment bank Dillon Read, Catherine Austin Fitts, has long alleged that the banksters launder imponderable amounts of drug money. According to the Department of Justice, the US launders between $500 billion $1 trillion annually. I have little idea what percentage of that is narco dollars, but it is probably safe to assume that at least $100-200 billion relates to US drug import-exports and retail trade, writes Fitts.

The CIA has long secured the lucrative global drug market for Wall Street and for its own operational off-the-books purposes. The CIAs operational directorate, in other words thats their covert operations, para-military, dirty tricks — call it whatever you want — has for at least 40 years that we can document paid for a significant amount of its work through the sales of heroin and cocaine, Guerrilla News Network reported in an interview with Christopher Simpson. The CIA has been in the drug running business since the 1950s. In Burma, Vietnam, Laos, Latin America, and Afghanistan, the CIA — also known as the Cocaine Import Agency — has remained at the forefront of the international illicit drug trade. The journalist Gary Webb and the San Jose Mercury News tied the CIA and the Contras to a large crack cocaine ring in Los Angeles. Webb paid with his life for revealing this information to the public.


The Weekly Standard - 19 Oct 2012 - clique aqui .
EUA: 46 milhões no seguro desemprego. Dobrou em 10 anos.
Food stamps enrollment has hit a new record high. 46,681,833 are now enrolled in the social welfare program, according to the United States Department of Agriculture, the federal department that runs the program.
Here's a chart from the minority side of the Senate Budget Committee, outlining the program's enormous growth:
As the chart shows, when President Obama took office, enrollment in the food stamps program was 31.98 million. Now, not even four years later, it's a whopping 46.48 million. (In 2002, as the chart states, "19.1 million Americans received food stamps.") . In fact, the newly released data represents enrollment in July (the last month for which data is available). Assuming the program remained on its projected path, the number of those enrolled in food stamps is likely now larger by several hundreds of thousands. "USDA has engaged in an aggressive outreach and promotional campaign to boost food stamp enrollment. Among these efforts are an ongoing partnership with the Mexican government to advertise food stamps to Mexican nationals, migrant workers, and non-citizen immigrants. Partly as a result of these efforts, the number of non-citizens on food stamps has quadrupled since 2001," explains the Republican side of the Senate Budget Committee. And the cost, the committee explains, is astronomical. "Total spending on food stamps is projected to reach nearly $800 billion over the next 10 years, with no fewer than 1 in 9 people on the program at any given time. Neither food stamp participation nor spending on the program are ever projected to return to pre-recession levels at any point in the next 10 years."


YouTube VIDEO - La Gazzetta Del Apocalipse - 26 Jul 2012 - clique aqui .
Governo Global em 10-30 anos: Epidemias, Chip implantado, mega guerras. Controle absoluto.
Contra-ataque? repudie TV, acorde pessoas, unifique mentes.

11 outubro 2012


YouTube VIDEO - 11 Oct 2012 - clique aqui .
Começou guerra Turquia-Síria, pode dar na 3a Guerra Mundial.
Turquia convoca povo, prepara-se para atacar a Síria - sob pretextos infundados.
OTAN vai aderir com o peso dos EUA, do Reino Unido e da Franca. Irã vai defender Síria, e Rússia vai defender Irã. China vai defender Irã. Paquistão vai defender Irã. Israel aproveita oportunidade e invade Líbano. Rússia atropela a Geórgia.


YouTube VIDEO - 02 Sep 2012 - clique aqui.
NOTÍCIA VETADA: povo reage, prende banqueiros e políticos. Cancelam dívidas extorsivas.
Depois até reescreveram a própria Constituição da Islândia.
A negativa do povo da Islândia a pagar a dívida que as elites abastadas tinham adquirido com a Grã Bretanha e a Holanda gerou muito medo no seio da União Europeia. Prova deste temor foi o absoluto silêncio na mídia sobre o que aconteceu. Nesta pequena nação de 320.000 habitantes a voz da classe política burguesa tem sido substituída pela do povo indignado perante tanto abuso de poder e roubo do dinheiro da classe trabalhadora. O mais admirável é que esta guinada na política sócio-económica islandesa aconteceu de um jeito pacífico e irrevogável. Uma autêntica revolução contra o poder que conduziu tantos outros países maiores até a crise atual. Este processo de democratização da vida política que já dura dois anos é um claro exemplo de como é possível que o povo não pague a crise gerada pelos ricos.
Hoje crescem mais que EUA e EU.

10 outubro 2012


YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - 10 Oct 2012 - clique aqui .
EUA, imprensa mente e mente: "terroristas nos atacam porque somos prósperos e livres".
Não é porque bombardeamos eles, não !!! Juro !!!
Abby dissects the ongoing narrative of sweeping generalizations resounding in the establishment following a wave of protests that have spread across the Muslim world and explores why 'they' really hate the West. Abbie Martin is an American living in Oakland and works for RT America. She uses "our" to refer to your's, mine and her's; therefore our way of life. She worked as a correspondent and writer for an Internet news show where she conducted investigative citizen journalism and is now a contributing writer for numerous publications. Abby pioneered the creation of Media Roots to help inform and connect the community.


YouTube News VIDEO - Sky News - Apr 2010 - clik1 - clik 2
China: governo e povo em massa compram ouro. Fugir da corrosão do dólar em queda. Desde 2010.
China is buying gold with no end in sight. With their stock piles of fiat currency called yen, China is becoming a power player in the world of precious metals. And this makes perfect sense. The BRICs countries have decided NOT to accept the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency. China will be trading in their fake currency that is backed with real metals of value. And with voracious vigor, the country is buying as much gold as they can. In preparation for the future, this gold frenzy makes sense. By converting their fiat currency (the Yuan) into actual and exchangeable money they are securing their country’s future. This gold could be used to support their nation’s efforts toward moving forward as the next super power. It could also be a leverage tool to assist other flailing countries as insurance for a favor at a later date.

09 outubro 2012


Der Spiegel - 02 Oct 2012 - clique aqui.
Prêmio Nobel: "Indústria Financeira predatória aos pobres. Destruiu Sonho Americano". 
The finance industry is to blame for the growing divide between the rich and poor in the United States, says Nobel Prize-winning economics professor Joseph Stiglitz. In an interview with SPIEGEL, he accuses the industry of preying on the poor and buying government policies that help them get richer. This belief is still powerful, but the American dream has become a myth. The life chances of a young US citizen are more dependent on the income and education of his parents than in any other advanced industrial country for which there is data. The belief in the American dream is reinforced by anecdotes, by dramatic examples of individuals who have made it from the bottom to the top -- but what matters most are an individual's life chances. The belief in the American dream is not supported by the data. 

08 outubro 2012


YouTube VIDEO - Real News Network - 02 Oct 2012 - clique aqui .
EUA, eleições. "Escolha o seu veneno: cianureto ou arsênico?". Jornalista Chris Hedges, Pulitzer Prize.
Chris Hedges: The system has not been able to respond in a rational way, the way the Roosevelt administration responded rationally through the New Deal. And because of that, we're in deep, deep trouble. So I think all of our hope now has to be invested in acts of civil disobedience. HEDGES: Well, certainly there are differences, but not enough that they matter. It's how you want to ingest your poison. You can get it from Romney, who will tell you to stop whining and playing the victim, or you can get it from Obama, who will tell you that it hurts him more than it hurts you. But either way you're going to get it.

We are all going to walk off what they call the fiscal cliff in January, no matter who is president. Wall Street will continue its malfeasance and criminal activity and fraud unimpeded. The imperial wars and proxy wars will expand. There's—the paralysis that has made the ruling elite unable to respond to the chronic underemployment and unemployment will continue. The savaging of municipal, state, and federal budgets will continue. The power of the fossil fuel industry to determine our relationship to the ecosystem, you know, in essence ultimately making life for the human species extremely precarious, will continue. The assault against civil liberties—and Obama's assault against civil liberties have been worse than those carried out under George W. Bush, not only interpreting the authorization to use military force act of 2001 as giving the executive the prerogative to assassinate American citizens, but of course the FISA Amendments Act, which sees tens of millions of Americans monitored without warrants, eavesdropped, all of their communications stored in supercomputers in Utah, the use of the Espionage Act six times under the Obama administration to shut down whistleblowers, anything that challenges the government narrative, exposes corruption, crimes, including war crimes, and, of course, the National Defense Authorization Act—and I was part of a lawsuit against the president in that, which allows the U.S. military to seize American citizens, hold them without due process in military facilities until the end of hostilities, which in an age of permanent war is forever. All this is under Obama.


Info Wars - 07 Oct 2012 - clique aqui .
Jornais inventam fato em incrível sincronia. Querem insuflar guerra Síria-Turquia, catastrófe.
Oct 7, 2012 - Bloomberg, Guardian, Ynet, and others are all posting in their headlines an identical unconfirmed report that Turkey and Syria have “agreed” to establish a 6 mile wide “buffer zone” running the length of the Turkish-Syrian border. Neither Turkey’s government nor Syrian officials confirmed the report.

07 outubro 2012


You Tube VIDEO - R.T. News - 06 Oct 2012 - clique aqui .
Espanha, caos se agrava. À toa, polícia descontrolada espanca até mulheres e idosos. Perversidade. 
Mas os banqueiros criminosos ficam soltos.
Spain’s police state has spiraled out of control as riot police are now running throughout the streets beating everyone in sight, men and woman, young and old. When the people demand democracy from an oligarchy that rules their subjects trough the strong-arm of a totalitarian police state the streets fill with the madness and mayhem seen in this video. Since September 25th the masses of Spain, no longer being able to feed themselves or their families, have risen up against the oligarchy to protest further budget cuts and massive tax increases a situation so dire it threatens their very survival. While the masses suffer those the poor are being robbed yet again to bail out the rich. The overlords have no sympathy for the less fortunate and instead of forcing the bankers to take the loses on their investments the ruling class remains disconnected from the reality of millions. The unrest has spans across Europe into several nations being forced the pinch out the masses by globalist regulatory bodies claiming nations need to get their fiscal house in order .

05 outubro 2012


YouTube VIDEO - Sep 2012 - clique aqui.
EUA segue delirando. Candidatos da Oligarquia: "seguir gastando muito em armas, 6 a 8 trilhões". 
Mas querem cortar mais gastos sociais.
Following his own logic, in the case of a Romney victory, Mitt would borrow and spend $8 trillion over the next 10 years just for the military. Obama is not much better with plans to borrow and spend $6 trillion on the U.S. war machine in the same period.

04 outubro 2012


Video Rebel`s Blog - 14 Sep 2012 - clique aqui .
Planeta está com pior índice de endividamento em 500 anos. Pior desastre financeiro em 500 anos.
1) We have the greatest level of debt to GDP to cancel in 500 years which means we are approaching the greatest Depression in 500 years. That means the greatest levels of Austerity unemployment, wage cuts, defaults, bankruptcies and starvation in 500 years in Europe, North America and the rest of the world. Of course if we followed Dr Keen’s advice on Debt Cancellation we know for a certainty: ‘This need not be.’ 2) The nations which have been deindustrialized (emphasis on America) will face the hardest landing when debts are cancelled and we are forced to face reality. He said he feared for the fate of those people in deindustrialized nations when the paper Bubble is pierced.

The Petrodollar is near death. I recently wrote that the Chinese are buying gold as if they knew the dollar would die very soon. Consider this fact. The FED is starting to accelerate inflation from a 10% base which will severely punish anyone holding dollars. And with the Federal Reserve announcing they will keep interest rates low through 2015 we know the dollar will decline rapidly. Who would buy a Treasury bond paying 3% interest when he reads that the inflation rate has just reached 15%? Who would hold onto a Treasury bond he bought last year after he reads that the American inflation rate has soared to 20%? And will anyone hold dollars after the inflation rate reaches 25%? I have defined a 25% inflation as the beginning point for Hyperinflation for an international reserve currency like the dollar. There is a tipping point at which everyone including America’s best friends will clearly see the end is nigh and dump the dollar.

03 outubro 2012


Yahoo News - 03 Sep 2012 - clique aqui
Diz FMI: "É crise até 2018".
Budapeste, 3 out (EFE).- O economista-chefe do Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI), Olivier Blanchard, acredita que será preciso uma década para superar a crise financeira e econômica que começou em 2008 e adverte que reduzir demais a dívida pode afogar a economia. "Ainda não podemos falar de uma década perdida, mas desde a explosão da crise, deverá passar, pelo menos, dez anos para que a economia mundial saia dela", disse Blanchard em entrevista publicada nesta quarta-feira pelo portal econômico húngaro "portfolio.hu". O responsável pelo FMI explicou que o elevado nível da dívida em muitos países da Europa é algo perigoso, porque poderia levar os Estados a terem que declarar falta de pagamentos. "É inquestionável que devemos reduzir a dívida", afirma. Neste sentindo, o economista pede que cada país encontre seu ritmo adequado para reduzir a dívida e adverte que se a velocidade baixar muito, poderá afogar a economia.


YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - 03 Sep 2012 - clique aqui .
Jornalista da CNN demite-se: "Manipula e censura. Corrupta, ditadores compram noticias".
Abby Interviews former CNN Investigative Journalist, Amber Lyon, about CNN's corrupt media empire, puts into question media establishment where censorship can be bought. 


YouTube VIDEO - 03 Sep 2012 - clique aqui.
EUA ataca outro país: rebeldes 'sírios' são 95% estrangeiros mercenários. É invasão externa.
(RT) The Syrian crisis is a result of a coherent collective effort by a gang of foreign states – that’s the message Syria’s foreign minister laid out for the UN General Assembly. International law professor Daoud Khairallah says that Syrians would never inflict such vicious destruction on their homeland and the fact that foreign fighters are involved in the war runs against the UN charter.