28 novembro 2012


Zero Hedge - 20 Nov 2012 - clik 1 - clik 2 - clik 3 - clik 4
EUA, 'Abandone Barco II' : mais paises tiram seu ouro custodiado. Agora Holanda e Equador. 
Apos Alemanha, Suica, Austria e Venezuela.
The calls for full audits, and in some cases, repatriation, of foreign gold reserves being held by the New York Federal Reserve are growing, as now Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Ecuador have joined Germany in those calls and in Ecuador’s case, repatriation, of its gold. Countries no longer trust the Federal Reserve, they have begun to demand that their gold that is stored in the Fed’s vaults in NY be repatriated. Venezuela repatriated 160 tons recently from NY and the Bank of England. Switzerland, and the Netherlands are also demanding their gold back. Germany went to inspect their gold that the Feds hold in NY. The Feds refused to let the Germans see it, citing security issues. The security of the Feds relies on people not wanting their gold back; people suspect the gold has been looted by the Feds and that it is not there anymore. I imagine Germany will now make a formal request for all of its 3000+ tons back. Very sensible.