28 novembro 2012


The Market Oracle - Jim Willie CB - 20 Nov 2012 - clik 1 - clik 2
2012, fabulosas 6000 ton de ouro migram: Ocidente para Oriente. Ele lastreia o poder global. 
Silencio absoluto na imprensa ocidental.
The law can be stated: With Gold goes the geopolitical power. As huge amounts of Gold are shipped Eastward, with huge tonnage leaving London for points East like China, so goes the important shift in geopolitical power. A Paradigm Shift is in progress, at work. Since March 2012, a whopping 6000 metric tons of gold bullion has been shipped from London to the East, primarily China. The circumstances behind the shipments are murky, but they indicate private off-market transactions that are intended to avoid publicity. My suspicion is that old wealthy Chinese families had their Allocated Gold Accounts improperly used in leasing practices by London bankers, associated with posted margin on a gaggle of leveraged contracts spanning from sovereign debt to currencies. The trades went sour. Margin calls were enforced with lost gold in a grand forfeit, the London bankers feet put to the fire reportedly. Publicity was avoided, but in the process a tremendous amount of gold was forfeited. With the gold went a transfer of power, to the East. 
They will dictate terms of the new trade settlement system. They will become the world’s more prominent lenders. They will control the next geopolitical chapter. One private important location is the Carlyle Group, which holds significant counter-party positions to the vast short positions that Wall Street banks are responsible for. The biggest hidden gold hoards, truly magnificent in size, are located in Basel Switzerland, the Roman Catacombs, under the Kremlin, and by the ancient Chinese families, along with Wilbur & Mack who buried a hoard in their Arkansas backyard ready with buddies Smith & Wesson. The divergence will continue until the official gold supply is demonstrated, with shock and awe, to be near zero.