Fox News - Hang The Bankers - 30 Apr 2013 - clique aqui.
EUA, pesquisa: povo teme mais o governo que os terroristas.
According to a pair of recent polls, for the first time since the 9/11 terrorist hijackings, Americans are more fearful their government will abuse constitutional liberties than fail to keep citizens safe. Even in the wake of the April 15 Boston Marathon bombing – in which a pair of Islamic radicals are accused of planting explosives that took the lives of three and wounded more than 280 – the polls indicate Americans are hesitant to give up any further freedoms in exchange for increased “security.”
A Fox News survey polling a random national sample of 619 registered voters the day after the bombing found Americans responded very differently than after 9/11. For the first time since a similar question was asked in May 2001, more Americans answered “no” to the question, “Would you be willing to give up some of your personal freedom in order to reduce the threat of terrorism?” Of those surveyed on April 16, 2013, 45 percent answered no to the question, compared to 43 percent answering yes. In May 2001, before 9/11, the balance was similar, with 40 percent answering no to 33 percent answering yes. But after the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the numbers flipped dramatically, to 71 percent agreeing to sacrifice personal freedom to reduce the threat of terrorism. Subsequent polls asking the same question in 2002, 2005 and 2006 found Americans consistently willing to give up freedom in exchange for security. Yet the numbers declined from 71 percent following 9/11 to only 54 percent by May 2006.
30 abril 2013
YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - 30 April 2013 - clique aqui.
Texas se prepara para sobreviver ao colapso econômico global.
Don't mess with Texas. RT travels to the Republic of Texas and meets Texans who are proud of their heritage, embrace self-reliance and are ready to live by what they preach, even if it strays from the norms of mainstream American society.
Texas se prepara para sobreviver ao colapso econômico global.
Don't mess with Texas. RT travels to the Republic of Texas and meets Texans who are proud of their heritage, embrace self-reliance and are ready to live by what they preach, even if it strays from the norms of mainstream American society.
29 abril 2013
YouTube VIDEO - Al Jazeera - All Voices - 29 Apr 2013 - clik 1 - clik 2
EUA, Depto Defesa: "Precisamos de uma nova ameaça, justifica continuar a gastar em armas".
Chuck Spinney, worked as an analyst in the US Secretary of Defense's office for over a quarter of a century. Spinney argues:"We need a threat. Al-Qaeda has sort of run out of strength and we have to have a new threat to justify continued spending. We are going to pivot to Asia and increase the defence budget.".The Al Qaeda threat will be met by means that leave a smaller footprint and although the threat is regarded as expanding, a new enemy such as China or perhaps Russia will offer opportunities for greater expenditures. He claims that the way that the military-industrial complex works makes it very difficult to reap much of a peace dividend from ending the war in Iraq and Afghanistan: "It's what in Washington we call an iron triangle, you have an alliance between the private sector, the defence contractors, the executive branch, in this case the Pentagon, and the legislative branch.
EUA, Depto Defesa: "Precisamos de uma nova ameaça, justifica continuar a gastar em armas".
Chuck Spinney, worked as an analyst in the US Secretary of Defense's office for over a quarter of a century. Spinney argues:"We need a threat. Al-Qaeda has sort of run out of strength and we have to have a new threat to justify continued spending. We are going to pivot to Asia and increase the defence budget.".The Al Qaeda threat will be met by means that leave a smaller footprint and although the threat is regarded as expanding, a new enemy such as China or perhaps Russia will offer opportunities for greater expenditures. He claims that the way that the military-industrial complex works makes it very difficult to reap much of a peace dividend from ending the war in Iraq and Afghanistan: "It's what in Washington we call an iron triangle, you have an alliance between the private sector, the defence contractors, the executive branch, in this case the Pentagon, and the legislative branch.
"Since every one of the three groups benefits from defense expenditures, the result is a budget "that is packed to the gills with weapons we don't need, with weapons that are underestimated in their future costs". The situation is exacerbated by the fact that the defense contractors estimate the costs of projects much too low and also give positive spin to early results in order to "turn on the money spigot". The companies also engage in what Spinney calls "political engineering" by spreading contracts around so that many politicians support the project even after costs increase.
Business Insider - 29 Apr 2013 - clique aqui.
Força de trabalho empregada continua a cair nos EUA.
People are discouraged by the lack of job opportunities and are simply "dropping out" of the labor force after having exhausted their unemployment benefits. But that's easier said than done. Most people need some sort of income to survive - so where does that income come from? A portion of the decline can be explained by households with two incomes going to one. But that's by no means all of it.
Força de trabalho empregada continua a cair nos EUA.
People are discouraged by the lack of job opportunities and are simply "dropping out" of the labor force after having exhausted their unemployment benefits. But that's easier said than done. Most people need some sort of income to survive - so where does that income come from? A portion of the decline can be explained by households with two incomes going to one. But that's by no means all of it.
28 abril 2013
YouTube VIDEO - 28 Apr 2013 - clique aqui
ESPANHA VIRANDO GRÉCIA: Povo cerca Parlamento, ataca 14 mil policiais. Pedras e barricadas.
Pular para 02:10 minutos, o pau come solto.
ESPANHA VIRANDO GRÉCIA: Povo cerca Parlamento, ataca 14 mil policiais. Pedras e barricadas.
Pular para 02:10 minutos, o pau come solto.
Yahoo News - 28 Apr 2013 - clique aqui.
HISTÓRICO. Golpe fatal à dominação global do Ocidente: Turquia adere à Eurásia.
Laços milenares prevaleceram, além do desprezo da Europa.
ALMATY (Reuters) - NATO member Turkey signed up on Friday to became a "dialogue partner" of a security bloc dominated by China and Russia, and declared that its destiny is in Asia. "This is really a historic day for us," Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said in Kazakhstan's commercial capital Almaty after signing a memorandum of understanding with Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Secretary General Dmitry Mezentsev. "Now, with this choice, Turkey is declaring that our destiny is the same as the destiny of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) countries." China, Russia and four Central Asian nations - Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan - formed the SCO in 2001 as a regional security bloc to fight threats posed by radical Islam and drug trafficking from neighboring Afghanistan.
HISTÓRICO. Golpe fatal à dominação global do Ocidente: Turquia adere à Eurásia.
Laços milenares prevaleceram, além do desprezo da Europa.
ALMATY (Reuters) - NATO member Turkey signed up on Friday to became a "dialogue partner" of a security bloc dominated by China and Russia, and declared that its destiny is in Asia. "This is really a historic day for us," Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said in Kazakhstan's commercial capital Almaty after signing a memorandum of understanding with Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Secretary General Dmitry Mezentsev. "Now, with this choice, Turkey is declaring that our destiny is the same as the destiny of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) countries." China, Russia and four Central Asian nations - Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan - formed the SCO in 2001 as a regional security bloc to fight threats posed by radical Islam and drug trafficking from neighboring Afghanistan.
Since then, Central Asia's former imperial master Russia has watched with unease China's economic expansion in the resource-rich region, with Beijing investing billions of dollars in oil and gas and issuing large loans to local governments. Turkey has displayed interest in closer ties with the SCO at a time when it is upset by the slow progress of accession talks with the European Union. Ankara began talks on joining the EU in 2005 but has only completed one of the 35 policy areas, or "chapters", every candidate must conclude to be allowed entry due to disagreements largely over the divided island of Cyprus. Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan has called Turkey's wait to join the bloc "unforgivable" and has accused Brussels of not being a fair or genuine negotiating partner. While China vies with Russia and the West for access to Central Asia's vast natural resources, some analysts view the SCO as a potential counter-balance to NATO. Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan speak Turkic languages, and while pledging to cooperate with the SCO economically and in fighting terrorist threats and drug trade together, Davutoglu stressed common historic roots. "Turkey will be part of a family, which is composed of the countries which lived together not for centuries - for millennia," he said.
YouTube VIDEO - Fox News - 09 Nov 2011 - clik 1 - clik 2
Foram 17 atentados forjados pelo próprio FBI, e depois abortados.
According to Judge Andrew Napolitano, in the past 10 years, there’ve been 20 Terrorist plots against the US. Three of those plots were real but were discovered and stopped by private Americans. The other 17 were created–and then stopped–by the FBI. The apparent purpose of these false flag operations was to deceive Americans into believing we’re under attack by foreign or domestic terrorists who are fictional. Based on the false belief that we’re being persistently attacked, Americans tend to accept and even our government’s invasions of foreign countries and our own growing police state. If you want to fly on an airplane, you must first be x-rayed or groped based, in part, on 17 plots created by the FBI to prove the existence of terrorists who don’t actually exist. Every government agent–right up to the President–who authorized or participated in such fraudulent terrorist attacks should be tried for treason and, if found guilty, hanged by the neck until dead.
Foram 17 atentados forjados pelo próprio FBI, e depois abortados.
According to Judge Andrew Napolitano, in the past 10 years, there’ve been 20 Terrorist plots against the US. Three of those plots were real but were discovered and stopped by private Americans. The other 17 were created–and then stopped–by the FBI. The apparent purpose of these false flag operations was to deceive Americans into believing we’re under attack by foreign or domestic terrorists who are fictional. Based on the false belief that we’re being persistently attacked, Americans tend to accept and even our government’s invasions of foreign countries and our own growing police state. If you want to fly on an airplane, you must first be x-rayed or groped based, in part, on 17 plots created by the FBI to prove the existence of terrorists who don’t actually exist. Every government agent–right up to the President–who authorized or participated in such fraudulent terrorist attacks should be tried for treason and, if found guilty, hanged by the neck until dead.
23 abril 2013
Ouro: Ágio dispara a 20%, cresce demanda global, anuncia colapso do sistema petro-dólar.
Saiu pela culatra a manipulação feita, deflagrou forte procura.
In the U.S., all of the dealers I talk to are reporting huge demand and brisk buying. Silver in any form is quite hard to come by unless you want to pay premiums of 20%+ per ounce above spot price. Delivery times are 5 to 6 weeks out now – that's an unusual situation. If this recent slam was designed to scare people away from gold, it did not have that desired outcome; in fact, just the opposite. The crash of the price of paper gold on Monday has unleashed an unprecedented global frenzy to buy physical gold and silver. All over the planet, people are recognizing that this is a unique opportunity to be able to acquire large amounts of gold and silver at a bargain price. So precious metals dealers now find themselves being overwhelmed with orders in the United States, in Canada, in Europe and over in Asia.
Notícia de estoques vazios ainda não saiu, deve disparar efeito-manada.
Will this massive run on physical gold and silver soon lead to widespread shortages of those metals? Instead of frightening people away from gold and silver, the takedown of paper gold seems to have had just the opposite effect. People just can't seem to get enough physical gold and silver right now. Those that wish that they had gotten into gold when it was less than $1400 an ounce are able to do so now, and it is absolutely insane that silver is sitting at about $23 an ounce.
If the big banks continue to play games with the price of gold, we are going to see existing supplies of physical gold and silver dry up very quickly. And once reports of physical shortages of gold and silver become widespread, it is going to absolutely rock the financial world. But this is what happens when you manipulate free markets - it often has unintended consequences far beyond anything that you ever imagined.
18 abril 2013
Zero Hedge - Egan Jones Ratings - 18 Apr 2013 - clique aqui.
Alemanha rebaixada na nota de crédito, ligada aos fracos PIGS.
Although Germany's credit metrics are respectable, the country has exposure to its banks and the weaker EU members. Deutche Bank has adjusted shareholders' equity to asset near 2% and might need EUR 100B of support. Via the ECB's Target 2, Germany is owed EUR700B of which perhaps 50% is collectible and then there is the banks' southern EMU exposures.
Germany's debt to GDP was 80.6% as of 2011. However, increasing Germany's debt by EUR500B raises the adjusted debt to GDP to 100%. The deficit to GDP of .8% is reasonably strong. Unemployment is 6.9% but will probably rise as global economies continue to show weakness. The positive (EUR16.8B) balance of trade (per GFSO) and the positive EUR5.59B current account (per the OECD) help. Inflation has been moderate at 1.4% (per GFSO).
Alemanha rebaixada na nota de crédito, ligada aos fracos PIGS.
Although Germany's credit metrics are respectable, the country has exposure to its banks and the weaker EU members. Deutche Bank has adjusted shareholders' equity to asset near 2% and might need EUR 100B of support. Via the ECB's Target 2, Germany is owed EUR700B of which perhaps 50% is collectible and then there is the banks' southern EMU exposures.
Germany's debt to GDP was 80.6% as of 2011. However, increasing Germany's debt by EUR500B raises the adjusted debt to GDP to 100%. The deficit to GDP of .8% is reasonably strong. Unemployment is 6.9% but will probably rise as global economies continue to show weakness. The positive (EUR16.8B) balance of trade (per GFSO) and the positive EUR5.59B current account (per the OECD) help. Inflation has been moderate at 1.4% (per GFSO).
17 abril 2013
GEAB 74 - Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin - April 16, 2013 - clique aqui.
Está declarada a guerra:
Nações vs Cartéis Financeiros.
Mundo político-economico vs interesses financeiros e bancários.
Tradução Portugues clik aqui : An impressive number of explosive factors are combining: new financial bubbles inflated by massive injections of public money, worldwide geopolitical instability, currency wars, political the beginning of the political war against “financial terrorism”, political crisis in Europe, massive unemployment and a damaged real economy, not counting of course public debt which is at its highest. “Building a new crisis on the existing one” seems to be the objective of politicians in Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. Like these financial products which exploded in mid-air in 2008, “CDO squared” (9) are complex structures on complex structures (CDOs on CDOs) aiming to dilute the risk but actually exacerbating it, the headlong flight lead in these countries builds a kind of “crisis squared”, a new crisis on the 2008 crisis. They claim to be putting out the fire by watering it, without realizing that it’s not water but petrol which they are using.
Supremacia dos EUA está na dominação do dólar. Política é preservá-la a qualquer custo.
But actually the dollar is the ultimate bubble. All the United States’ supremacy rests on dollar domination, and the whole objective of their foreign policy is to preserve this domination at all costs. However, they don’t have this option anymore. The dollar role is fading away on all sides, with sudden swap agreements or ex-dollar foreign trade (19) ; abrupt loss of confidence, in the United States included, where the Fed’s inflationary policy has led several States to authorize gold as a currency or at least to consider it (20) ; China’s progressive dumping of US treasury bonds (21) (would be this only be because it’s amazing trade surpluses have disappeared), etc. In order to prolong the dollar’s supremacy, in addition to the increasingly less effective usual means using oil and their military power, the United States seeks to create free exchange zones left and right.
Está declarada a guerra:
Nações vs Cartéis Financeiros.
Mundo político-economico vs interesses financeiros e bancários.
Tradução Portugues clik aqui : An impressive number of explosive factors are combining: new financial bubbles inflated by massive injections of public money, worldwide geopolitical instability, currency wars, political the beginning of the political war against “financial terrorism”, political crisis in Europe, massive unemployment and a damaged real economy, not counting of course public debt which is at its highest. “Building a new crisis on the existing one” seems to be the objective of politicians in Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. Like these financial products which exploded in mid-air in 2008, “CDO squared” (9) are complex structures on complex structures (CDOs on CDOs) aiming to dilute the risk but actually exacerbating it, the headlong flight lead in these countries builds a kind of “crisis squared”, a new crisis on the 2008 crisis. They claim to be putting out the fire by watering it, without realizing that it’s not water but petrol which they are using.
Supremacia dos EUA está na dominação do dólar. Política é preservá-la a qualquer custo.
But actually the dollar is the ultimate bubble. All the United States’ supremacy rests on dollar domination, and the whole objective of their foreign policy is to preserve this domination at all costs. However, they don’t have this option anymore. The dollar role is fading away on all sides, with sudden swap agreements or ex-dollar foreign trade (19) ; abrupt loss of confidence, in the United States included, where the Fed’s inflationary policy has led several States to authorize gold as a currency or at least to consider it (20) ; China’s progressive dumping of US treasury bonds (21) (would be this only be because it’s amazing trade surpluses have disappeared), etc. In order to prolong the dollar’s supremacy, in addition to the increasingly less effective usual means using oil and their military power, the United States seeks to create free exchange zones left and right.
The Economic Collapse Blog - April 2013 - clique aqui.
FED EM DESESPÊRO: teve que gastar 25 bilhões em 1 só dia, tenta frear corrida para ouro.
Investidores aproveitam para comprar mais, só caiu 14%.
EUA vende hoje, com entrega para 3 meses. Não vai ter como.
Foi orquestração : avisaram antes às corretoras e clientes.
According to Andrew Maguire, on Friday, April 12, the Fed’s agents hit the market with 500 tons of naked shorts. Consider the 500 tons of paper gold sold on Friday. Begin with the question, how many ounces is 500 tons? There are 2,000 pounds to one ton. 500 tons equal 1,000,000 pounds. There are 16 ounces to one pound, which comes to 16 million ounces of short sales on Friday. Who has 16 million ounces of gold? At the beginning gold price that day of about $1,550, that comes to $24,800,000,000. Who has that kind of money?
Somebody out there is sure getting prepared for something really big. We have just witnessed a takedown of gold and silver unlike anything that we have witnessed in decades. On Monday, the price of gold had fallen by more than 10 percent at one point. It shocked investors all over the globe, and overall what we have just seen was the largest two day decline in the price of gold in 30 years. The price of silver dropped even more rapidly on Monday. It was down more than 14 percent at one point. There was an atmosphere of "panic selling" as investors and financial institutions raced to liquidate their holdings of silver and gold. But was this exactly what someone out there wanted? As I wrote about the other day, big banks and news outlets all over the world have been boldly proclaiming for weeks that gold is entering a "bear market" and that now is the time for all of us to sell our gold. In particular, Goldman Sachs reportedly told their clients earlier this month that they "recommend initiating a short COMEX gold position". Was that just a "good guess" on their part, or was something else going on? Were they actually trying to help create a "selling frenzy" that would drive the price of gold much lower?
According to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under President Ronald Reagan, all of this panic selling is the result ofan orchestrated takedown of gold and silver : "This is an orchestration (the smash in gold). It’s been going on now from the beginning of April. Brokerage houses told their individual clients the word was out that hedge funds and institutional investors were going to be dumping gold and that they should get out in advance". Then, a couple of days ago, Goldman Sachs announced there would be further departures from gold. So what they are trying to do is scare the individual investor out of bullion. Clearly there is something desperate going on... So who is behind all of this orchestration? Well, according to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, it is actually the Federal Reserve... The Federal Reserve began its April Fool’s assault on gold by sending the word to brokerage houses, which quickly went out to clients, that hedge funds and other large investors were going to unload their gold positions and that clients should get out of the precious metal market prior to these sales.
Mas gráfico de 10 anos diz tudo: ouro em breve substituirá dólar.
As this inside information was the government’s own strategy, individuals cannot be prosecuted for acting on it. By this operation, the Federal Reserve, a totally corrupt entity, was able to combine individual flight with institutional flight. Bullion prices took a big hit, and bullishness departed from the gold and silver markets. The flow of dollars into bullion, which threatened to become a torrent, was stopped.
FED EM DESESPÊRO: teve que gastar 25 bilhões em 1 só dia, tenta frear corrida para ouro.
Investidores aproveitam para comprar mais, só caiu 14%.
EUA vende hoje, com entrega para 3 meses. Não vai ter como.
Foi orquestração : avisaram antes às corretoras e clientes.
According to Andrew Maguire, on Friday, April 12, the Fed’s agents hit the market with 500 tons of naked shorts. Consider the 500 tons of paper gold sold on Friday. Begin with the question, how many ounces is 500 tons? There are 2,000 pounds to one ton. 500 tons equal 1,000,000 pounds. There are 16 ounces to one pound, which comes to 16 million ounces of short sales on Friday. Who has 16 million ounces of gold? At the beginning gold price that day of about $1,550, that comes to $24,800,000,000. Who has that kind of money?
Somebody out there is sure getting prepared for something really big. We have just witnessed a takedown of gold and silver unlike anything that we have witnessed in decades. On Monday, the price of gold had fallen by more than 10 percent at one point. It shocked investors all over the globe, and overall what we have just seen was the largest two day decline in the price of gold in 30 years. The price of silver dropped even more rapidly on Monday. It was down more than 14 percent at one point. There was an atmosphere of "panic selling" as investors and financial institutions raced to liquidate their holdings of silver and gold. But was this exactly what someone out there wanted? As I wrote about the other day, big banks and news outlets all over the world have been boldly proclaiming for weeks that gold is entering a "bear market" and that now is the time for all of us to sell our gold. In particular, Goldman Sachs reportedly told their clients earlier this month that they "recommend initiating a short COMEX gold position". Was that just a "good guess" on their part, or was something else going on? Were they actually trying to help create a "selling frenzy" that would drive the price of gold much lower?
According to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under President Ronald Reagan, all of this panic selling is the result ofan orchestrated takedown of gold and silver : "This is an orchestration (the smash in gold). It’s been going on now from the beginning of April. Brokerage houses told their individual clients the word was out that hedge funds and institutional investors were going to be dumping gold and that they should get out in advance". Then, a couple of days ago, Goldman Sachs announced there would be further departures from gold. So what they are trying to do is scare the individual investor out of bullion. Clearly there is something desperate going on... So who is behind all of this orchestration? Well, according to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, it is actually the Federal Reserve... The Federal Reserve began its April Fool’s assault on gold by sending the word to brokerage houses, which quickly went out to clients, that hedge funds and other large investors were going to unload their gold positions and that clients should get out of the precious metal market prior to these sales.
Mas gráfico de 10 anos diz tudo: ouro em breve substituirá dólar.
As this inside information was the government’s own strategy, individuals cannot be prosecuted for acting on it. By this operation, the Federal Reserve, a totally corrupt entity, was able to combine individual flight with institutional flight. Bullion prices took a big hit, and bullishness departed from the gold and silver markets. The flow of dollars into bullion, which threatened to become a torrent, was stopped.
In News Serbia - April 2013 - clique aqui.
PODER GLOBAL MIGRA: desviar oleodutos do Ocidente para China. Nem Paquistão obecede.
EUA tenta chantagear com sanções, esforço inútil.
Since the early 2000s, analysts and diplomats across Asia have been dreaming of a future Asian Energy Security Grid. This – among other developments – is what it’s all about, the conclusion of the final stretch of the $7.5 billion, 1,100-mile natural gas Iran-Pakistan (IP) pipeline, starting from Iran’s giant South Pars field in the Persian Gulf, and expected to be online by the end of 2014. Nobody lost money betting on Washington’s reaction; IP would put Islamabad in “violation of United Nations sanctions over [Iran’s] nuclear program.” Yet this has nothing to do with the UN, but with US sanctions made up by Congress and the Treasury Department.
PODER GLOBAL MIGRA: desviar oleodutos do Ocidente para China. Nem Paquistão obecede.
EUA tenta chantagear com sanções, esforço inútil.
Since the early 2000s, analysts and diplomats across Asia have been dreaming of a future Asian Energy Security Grid. This – among other developments – is what it’s all about, the conclusion of the final stretch of the $7.5 billion, 1,100-mile natural gas Iran-Pakistan (IP) pipeline, starting from Iran’s giant South Pars field in the Persian Gulf, and expected to be online by the end of 2014. Nobody lost money betting on Washington’s reaction; IP would put Islamabad in “violation of United Nations sanctions over [Iran’s] nuclear program.” Yet this has nothing to do with the UN, but with US sanctions made up by Congress and the Treasury Department.
Sanctions? What sanctions? Islamabad badly needs energy. China badly needs energy. And India will be extremely tempted to follow, especially when IP reaches Lahore, which is only 100 km from the Indian border. India, by the way, already imports Iranian oil and is not sanctioned for it. When Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Pakistani President Asif Zardari met at the Iranian port of Chabahar in early March, that was a long way after IP was first considered in 1994 – then as Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI), also known as the ‘peace pipeline.’ Subsequent pressure by both Bush administrations was so overwhelming that India abandoned the idea in 2009. IP is what the Chinese call a win-win deal. The Iranian stretch is already finished.
Aware of Islamabad’s immense cash flow problems, Tehran is loaning it $500 million, and Islamabad will come up with $1 billion to finish the Pakistani section. It’s enlightening to note that Tehran only agreed to the loan after Islamabad certified it won’t back out (unlike India) under Washington pressure. IP, as a key umbilical (steel) cord, makes a mockery of the artificial – US-encouraged – Sunni-Shia divide. Tehran needs the windfall, and the enhanced influence in South Asia. Ahmadinejad even cracked that “with natural gas, you cannot make atomic bombs.” Zardari, for his part, boosted his profile ahead of Pakistan’s elections on May 11. With IP pumping 750 million cubic feet of natural gas into the Pakistani economy everyday, power cuts will fade, and factories won’t close. Pakistan has no oil. It may have huge potential for solar and wind energy, but no investment capital and knowhow to develop them.
Politically, snubbing Washington is a certified hit all across Pakistan, especially after the territorial invasion linked to the 2011 targeted assassination of Bin Laden, plus Obama and the CIA’s non-stop drone wars in the tribal areas. Moreover, Islamabad will need close cooperation with Tehran to assert a measure of control of Afghanistan after 2014. Otherwise an India-Iran alliance will be in the driver’s seat. Washington’s suggestion of a Plan B amounted to vague promises to help building hydroelectric dams; and yet another push for that ultimate ‘Pipelineistan’ desert mirage – the which has existed only on paper since the Bill Clinton era. The Foreign Office in Islamabad argued for Washington to at least try to show some understanding. As for the lively Pakistani press, it is having none of it.
Aware of Islamabad’s immense cash flow problems, Tehran is loaning it $500 million, and Islamabad will come up with $1 billion to finish the Pakistani section. It’s enlightening to note that Tehran only agreed to the loan after Islamabad certified it won’t back out (unlike India) under Washington pressure. IP, as a key umbilical (steel) cord, makes a mockery of the artificial – US-encouraged – Sunni-Shia divide. Tehran needs the windfall, and the enhanced influence in South Asia. Ahmadinejad even cracked that “with natural gas, you cannot make atomic bombs.” Zardari, for his part, boosted his profile ahead of Pakistan’s elections on May 11. With IP pumping 750 million cubic feet of natural gas into the Pakistani economy everyday, power cuts will fade, and factories won’t close. Pakistan has no oil. It may have huge potential for solar and wind energy, but no investment capital and knowhow to develop them.
Politically, snubbing Washington is a certified hit all across Pakistan, especially after the territorial invasion linked to the 2011 targeted assassination of Bin Laden, plus Obama and the CIA’s non-stop drone wars in the tribal areas. Moreover, Islamabad will need close cooperation with Tehran to assert a measure of control of Afghanistan after 2014. Otherwise an India-Iran alliance will be in the driver’s seat. Washington’s suggestion of a Plan B amounted to vague promises to help building hydroelectric dams; and yet another push for that ultimate ‘Pipelineistan’ desert mirage – the which has existed only on paper since the Bill Clinton era. The Foreign Office in Islamabad argued for Washington to at least try to show some understanding. As for the lively Pakistani press, it is having none of it.
Max Kaiser Report - April 2013 - clique aqui.
EUA faz como Roma Antiga: gasta demais, deprecia moeda, declina, entra em colapso. E vai rápido.
E em apenas 40 anos, é muitíssimo mais rápido.
EUA faz como Roma Antiga: gasta demais, deprecia moeda, declina, entra em colapso. E vai rápido.
E em apenas 40 anos, é muitíssimo mais rápido.
Roma não divulgava dados da inflação.
The denarius was originally introduced by Augustus at around 95% silver purity, but it was Nero who in 68AD began to debase it from 92% purity[4]. The Denarius debasement between Nero and Antoninus Pius bears the greatest similarity to the US dollar index. However this period of debasement, the US dollar debasement we see now – from Nixon to Obama’s second term, is over a mere 40 years. The denarius debasement didn’t end there; successive Roman Emperors dragged out the currency debasement until the fourth century. If we look at the denarius debasement up until it was rarely used then we can see how long the Roman Emperors managed to prolong the painful debasement. The Antoninianus was introduced by Caracalla in 215. It contained 80% of the silver of two denarii. The coin was demonetized by Elagabalus in 219 AD, but later Pupienus and Balbinus (238 AD) named the Antoninianus as the principal silver denomination. In contrast to the denarii, the destruction of the antoninianus was a far more brutal process – falling from a silver purity 49.5% under Pupienus & Balbinus in 238 to mere 5% silver content by the time of Aurelian (274 AD). Comparing the antoninianus to the US dollar index, as we did with the denarius earlier, we see the debasement of the US dollar is a far more extreme example of government abuse of monetary policy than the Emperors of Rome.
The denarius was originally introduced by Augustus at around 95% silver purity, but it was Nero who in 68AD began to debase it from 92% purity[4]. The Denarius debasement between Nero and Antoninus Pius bears the greatest similarity to the US dollar index. However this period of debasement, the US dollar debasement we see now – from Nixon to Obama’s second term, is over a mere 40 years. The denarius debasement didn’t end there; successive Roman Emperors dragged out the currency debasement until the fourth century. If we look at the denarius debasement up until it was rarely used then we can see how long the Roman Emperors managed to prolong the painful debasement. The Antoninianus was introduced by Caracalla in 215. It contained 80% of the silver of two denarii. The coin was demonetized by Elagabalus in 219 AD, but later Pupienus and Balbinus (238 AD) named the Antoninianus as the principal silver denomination. In contrast to the denarii, the destruction of the antoninianus was a far more brutal process – falling from a silver purity 49.5% under Pupienus & Balbinus in 238 to mere 5% silver content by the time of Aurelian (274 AD). Comparing the antoninianus to the US dollar index, as we did with the denarius earlier, we see the debasement of the US dollar is a far more extreme example of government abuse of monetary policy than the Emperors of Rome.
Financial Sense - April 2013 - clique aqui.
HISTÓRICO: Poder global migra do Ocidente para Oriente. Sobe petroYuan, cai petroDólar.
How the Chinese currency is replacing the U.S. Dollar in global oil markets
History is being written in the East. As the U.S. stays distracted with stone age warriors in Central Asia and the Middle East, the last platform of the American economic foundation, the U.S. Dollar's currency reserve status, is being underminded by their trade partners in Asia. Both Australia and Japan are set to start direct-trading in Chinese currency and they are not the only ones. There are almost 20 countries whom have currency swaps in place with China all in order to side-step the U.S. Dollar in global trade. At the China Money Report, we have written extensively on the "Rise of the Renminbi".
What is new and largely unreported and what we will cover in this article is the "Rise of the Petroyuan," as China is now converting its oil imports into Chinese Yuan as opposed to U.S. Dollars. This will be a new challenge and possibly the fatal blow to the U.S. Dollar as the dominant global reserve currency. With their industrial base all but gone, the housing market bubble popped, and the Federal Resereve funding the majority of the government debt with printed currency, the American economy can ill-afford a new challenge to its currency's reserve status. It is this very reserve status which has led to America being able to consume more than it produces for decades upon decades as foriegn countries were willing to trade consumer products for paper IOU's.The Dollar's reserve status came about naturally after WW2 as the U.S. was the world's larget trading nation, exporter, and creditor. Today, China occuppies all of these slots. China will soon occupy a new slot: That of the world's largest oil importer. OPEC has confirmed on April 4th of this year that they expect China to surpass the United States as the world's largest oil importer in 2014. This shift in global oil flows is being driven by the twin pillars of a booming Chinese economy and America’s newfound booming domestic oil and gas supply. This shift in the oil trade carries with it massive geopolitical implications that will reshape the world as we know it.
HISTÓRICO: Poder global migra do Ocidente para Oriente. Sobe petroYuan, cai petroDólar.
How the Chinese currency is replacing the U.S. Dollar in global oil markets
History is being written in the East. As the U.S. stays distracted with stone age warriors in Central Asia and the Middle East, the last platform of the American economic foundation, the U.S. Dollar's currency reserve status, is being underminded by their trade partners in Asia. Both Australia and Japan are set to start direct-trading in Chinese currency and they are not the only ones. There are almost 20 countries whom have currency swaps in place with China all in order to side-step the U.S. Dollar in global trade. At the China Money Report, we have written extensively on the "Rise of the Renminbi".
What is new and largely unreported and what we will cover in this article is the "Rise of the Petroyuan," as China is now converting its oil imports into Chinese Yuan as opposed to U.S. Dollars. This will be a new challenge and possibly the fatal blow to the U.S. Dollar as the dominant global reserve currency. With their industrial base all but gone, the housing market bubble popped, and the Federal Resereve funding the majority of the government debt with printed currency, the American economy can ill-afford a new challenge to its currency's reserve status. It is this very reserve status which has led to America being able to consume more than it produces for decades upon decades as foriegn countries were willing to trade consumer products for paper IOU's.The Dollar's reserve status came about naturally after WW2 as the U.S. was the world's larget trading nation, exporter, and creditor. Today, China occuppies all of these slots. China will soon occupy a new slot: That of the world's largest oil importer. OPEC has confirmed on April 4th of this year that they expect China to surpass the United States as the world's largest oil importer in 2014. This shift in global oil flows is being driven by the twin pillars of a booming Chinese economy and America’s newfound booming domestic oil and gas supply. This shift in the oil trade carries with it massive geopolitical implications that will reshape the world as we know it.
Agencia Reuters - April 2013 - clique aqui.
ALIADO ABANDONA BARCO: até França exclue dólar do comércio bilateral com China.
E em breve até o aliadíssimo Reino Unido.
(Reuters) - France intends to set up a currency swap line with China to make Paris a major offshore yuantrading hub in Europe, competing against London, the China Daily on Saturday cited Bank of France Governor Christian Noyer as saying. Yuan deposits in Paris amount to 10 billion yuan ($1.6 billion), making it the second largest pool for the Chinese currency in Europe after London.
ALIADO ABANDONA BARCO: até França exclue dólar do comércio bilateral com China.
E em breve até o aliadíssimo Reino Unido.
(Reuters) - France intends to set up a currency swap line with China to make Paris a major offshore yuantrading hub in Europe, competing against London, the China Daily on Saturday cited Bank of France Governor Christian Noyer as saying. Yuan deposits in Paris amount to 10 billion yuan ($1.6 billion), making it the second largest pool for the Chinese currency in Europe after London.
Almost 10 percent of Sino-French trade is settled in yuan, also called the renminbi or RMB, according to French data cited by the official newspaper. "The Bank of France has been working on ways to develop a RMB liquidity safety net in the euro area with due consideration of a supporting currency swap agreement with the People's Bank of China," Noyer told the English-language newspaper. The yuan's internationalization and bilateral financial cooperation could be among the main topics during French President Francois Hollande's visit to China in late April, the paper said.
Washington Blog - April 2013 - clique aqui.
Renomados especialistas e organizações multilaterais prevendo uma grande guerra.
Kyle Bass, Martin Armstrong, Larry Edelson, Charles Nenner, James Dines, Nouriel Roubini, Jim Rogers, Marc Faber, Jim Rickards, etc.
1) - Martin Armstrong writes this week:
2) - Charles Nenner says there will be “a major war starting around 2013”
3) - James Dines forecast a war is epochal as World Wars I and II.
Renomados especialistas e organizações multilaterais prevendo uma grande guerra.
Kyle Bass, Martin Armstrong, Larry Edelson, Charles Nenner, James Dines, Nouriel Roubini, Jim Rogers, Marc Faber, Jim Rickards, etc.
1) - Martin Armstrong writes this week:
2) - Charles Nenner says there will be “a major war starting around 2013”
3) - James Dines forecast a war is epochal as World Wars I and II.
4) - Nouriel Roubini has warned of war with Iran.
5) - And when Roubini was asked, he responded:
6) - Billionaire investor Jim Rogers notes:
7) - Marc Faber says that the US government will start new wars:
8) - And Brazilian president-elect Rousseff said in 2010:
9) - Jim Rickards agrees:
10) - As does Jim Rogers:
11) - Multi-billionaire investor Hugo Salinas Price says:
12) - Senior CNBC editor John Carney noted:
13) - some say it's to bring countries into fold of our central banking.
14) - The head of the World Trade Organization
15) - The head of the International Monetary Fund
16) - The head of the World Bank
17) - Leading economic historian Niall Ferguson
18) - Leading economist John Williams
11 abril 2013
The New American - 11 Nov 2011 - clique aqui.
O dinar-ouro do plano de Gadhafi teria derrubado o dólar dos EUA.
It remains unclear exactly why or how the Gadhafi regime went from “a model” and an “important ally” to the next target for regime change in a period of just a few years. But after claims of “genocide” as the justification for NATO intervention were disputed by experts, several other theories have been floated.
O dinar-ouro do plano de Gadhafi teria derrubado o dólar dos EUA.
It remains unclear exactly why or how the Gadhafi regime went from “a model” and an “important ally” to the next target for regime change in a period of just a few years. But after claims of “genocide” as the justification for NATO intervention were disputed by experts, several other theories have been floated.
Oil, of course, has been mentioned frequently — Libya is Africa‘s largest oil producer. But one possible reason in particular for Gadhafi’s fall from grace has gained significant traction among analysts and segments of the non-Western media: central banking and the global monetary system. According to more than a few observers, Gadhafi’s plan to quit selling Libyan oil in U.S. dollars — demanding payment instead in gold-backed “dinars” (a single African currency made from gold) — was the real cause. The regime, sitting on massive amounts of gold, estimated at close to 150 tons, was also pushing other African and Middle Eastern governments to follow suit. And it literally had the potential to bring down the dollar and the world monetary system by extension, according to analysts. French President Nicolas Sarkozy reportedly went so far as to call Libya a “threat” to the financial security of the world. The “Insiders” were apparently panicking over Gadhafi’s plan. "Any move such as that would certainly not be welcomed by the power elite today, who are responsible for controlling the world's central banks,” noted financial analyst Anthony Wile, editor of the free market-oriented Daily Bell, in an interview with RT.
“So yes, that would certainly be something that would cause his immediate dismissal and the need for other reasons to be brought forward [for] removing him from power." According to Wile, Gadhafi’s plan would have strengthened the whole continent of Africa in the eyes of economists backing sound money — not to mention investors. But it would have been especially devastating for the U.S. economy, the American dollar, and particularly the elite in charge of the system. “The central banking Ponzi scheme requires an ever-increasing base of demand and the immediate silencing of those who would threaten its existence,” Wile noted in a piece entitled “Gaddafi Planned Gold Dinar, Now Under Attack” earlier this year. “Perhaps that is what the hurry [was] in removing Gaddafi in particular and those who might have been sympathetic to his monetary idea.”
Al Jazeera - 15 Mar 2013 - clique aqui.
MONSTRUOSO: nascem mais bebês com anomalias congênitas no Iraque que Hiroshima-1945.
Nascendo com duas cabeças, ou um só olho, ou diversos membros disformes, ou múltiplos tumores, ou rosto desfigurado, etc.
Al Jazeera’s Dahr Jamail reports that contamination from U.S. weapons, particularly Depleted Uranium (DU) munitions, has led to an Iraqi health crisis of epic proportions. “[C]hildren being born with two heads, children born with only one eye, multiple tumours, disfiguring facial and body deformities, and complex nervous system problems,” are just some of the congenital birth defects being linked to military-related pollution.
Fallujah’s babies have also experienced heart defects 13 times the European rate and nervous system defects 33 times that of Europe. That comes on top of a 12-fold rise in childhood cancer rates since 2004. Furthermore, the male-to-female birth ratio is now 86 boys for every 100 girls, indicating genetic damage that affects males more than females.
MONSTRUOSO: nascem mais bebês com anomalias congênitas no Iraque que Hiroshima-1945.
Nascendo com duas cabeças, ou um só olho, ou diversos membros disformes, ou múltiplos tumores, ou rosto desfigurado, etc.
Al Jazeera’s Dahr Jamail reports that contamination from U.S. weapons, particularly Depleted Uranium (DU) munitions, has led to an Iraqi health crisis of epic proportions. “[C]hildren being born with two heads, children born with only one eye, multiple tumours, disfiguring facial and body deformities, and complex nervous system problems,” are just some of the congenital birth defects being linked to military-related pollution.
In certain Iraqi cities, the health consequences are significantly worse than those seen in the aftermath of the atomic bombing of Japan at the end of WWII. The highest rates are in the city of Fallujah, which underwent two massive US bombing campaigns in 2004. Though the U.S. initially denied it, officials later admitted using white phosphorous. In addition, U.S. and British forces unleashed an estimated 2,000 tons of depleted uranium ammunitions in populated Iraqi cities in 2003. DU, a chemically toxic heavy metal produced in nuclear waste, is used in weapons due to its ability to pierce through armor. That’s why the US and UK were among a handful of nations (France and Israel) who in December refused to sign an international agreement to limit its use, insisting DU is not harmful, science be damned. Meanwhile, the Pentagon’s refusal to release details about where DU munitions were fired has made it difficult to clean up. Today, 14.7 percent of Fallujah’s babies are born with a birth defect, 14 times the documented rate in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Cuidado, cenas muito fortes. clique aqui.
Cuidado, cenas muito fortes. clique aqui.
Fallujah’s babies have also experienced heart defects 13 times the European rate and nervous system defects 33 times that of Europe. That comes on top of a 12-fold rise in childhood cancer rates since 2004. Furthermore, the male-to-female birth ratio is now 86 boys for every 100 girls, indicating genetic damage that affects males more than females.
09 abril 2013
YouTube VIDEO - 25 Sept 2011 - clique aqui.
"Estes predadores deflagraram a bancarrota global em 2008".
Jimmy Cayne, Angelo Mozilo, Henry Paulson, Richard Fuld, etc.
De imediato, gerou desemprego para 30 milhões, e subindo.
Investigação do Congresso só deu em pizza, como sempre.
Origem maior foi a destruição em 1999 das leis anti-especulação.
The first of a four-part investigation into a world of greed and recklessness that led to financial collapse. In the first episode of Meltdown, we hear about four men who brought down the global economy: a billionaire mortgage-seller who fooled millions; a high-rolling banker with a fatal weakness; a ferocious Wall Street predator; and the power behind the throne. The crash of September 2008 brought the largest bankruptcies in world history, pushing more than 30 million people into unemployment and bringing many countries to the edge of insolvency. Wall Street turned back the clock to 1929. But how did it all go so wrong? Lack of government regulation; easy lending in the US housing market meant anyone could qualify for a home loan with no government regulations in place.
Also, London was competing with New York as the banking capital of the world. Gordon Brown, the British finance minister at the time, introduced 'light touch regulation' - giving bankers a free hand in the marketplace. All this, and with key players making the wrong financial decisions, saw the world's biggest financial collapse.
"Estes predadores deflagraram a bancarrota global em 2008".
Jimmy Cayne, Angelo Mozilo, Henry Paulson, Richard Fuld, etc.
De imediato, gerou desemprego para 30 milhões, e subindo.
Investigação do Congresso só deu em pizza, como sempre.
Origem maior foi a destruição em 1999 das leis anti-especulação.
The first of a four-part investigation into a world of greed and recklessness that led to financial collapse. In the first episode of Meltdown, we hear about four men who brought down the global economy: a billionaire mortgage-seller who fooled millions; a high-rolling banker with a fatal weakness; a ferocious Wall Street predator; and the power behind the throne. The crash of September 2008 brought the largest bankruptcies in world history, pushing more than 30 million people into unemployment and bringing many countries to the edge of insolvency. Wall Street turned back the clock to 1929. But how did it all go so wrong? Lack of government regulation; easy lending in the US housing market meant anyone could qualify for a home loan with no government regulations in place.
Also, London was competing with New York as the banking capital of the world. Gordon Brown, the British finance minister at the time, introduced 'light touch regulation' - giving bankers a free hand in the marketplace. All this, and with key players making the wrong financial decisions, saw the world's biggest financial collapse.
Investment Watch, Daily Mail, Global Research, April 2013 clik1 clik2 clik3
EUA, pobreza assola: 47,8 milhões só no 'ticket-refeição' do governo. Este, corta programas sociais.
Mas mantém programas de armamentos quase intactos.
Enrollment in the food stamp program has increased by 70 percent since 2008, to a record 47.8 million people as of December 2012, the Wall Street Journal reported Thursday. The biggest factor driving the increase is the stagnating job market and a rising poverty rate. This means that a staggering 15 percent of the US population receives food stamp benefits, nearly double the rate of 1975. In 2008, at the onset of the recession, 28.2 million people were enrolled in SNAP. While the official jobless rate, which peaked at 10 percent in 2009, had dipped slightly to 7.7 percent as of February this year, the SNAP program has continued to grow. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) predicts that food stamp usage will drop only marginally, to 43.3 million people, by 2017. Even this estimate is predicated on the unemployment rate dropping to 5.6 percent over the next four years.

EUA, pobreza assola: 47,8 milhões só no 'ticket-refeição' do governo. Este, corta programas sociais.
Mas mantém programas de armamentos quase intactos.
Enrollment in the food stamp program has increased by 70 percent since 2008, to a record 47.8 million people as of December 2012, the Wall Street Journal reported Thursday. The biggest factor driving the increase is the stagnating job market and a rising poverty rate. This means that a staggering 15 percent of the US population receives food stamp benefits, nearly double the rate of 1975. In 2008, at the onset of the recession, 28.2 million people were enrolled in SNAP. While the official jobless rate, which peaked at 10 percent in 2009, had dipped slightly to 7.7 percent as of February this year, the SNAP program has continued to grow. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) predicts that food stamp usage will drop only marginally, to 43.3 million people, by 2017. Even this estimate is predicated on the unemployment rate dropping to 5.6 percent over the next four years.

The number of people using food stamps roughly corresponds to the number of Americans living in poverty, which rose to just below 50 million people in 2011. Utilizing the Supplementary Poverty Measure (SPM), which factors in expenses for food, clothing, shelter, health care and other essentials, the US Census Bureau estimates that nearly one in six people in the US is living in poverty.

The average monthly benefit per person receiving SNAP benefits was only $133 last year. In order to qualify, a household’s income cannot be more than 130 percent of the poverty level, which is about $25,000 for a family of three, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP). Enrollees receive benefits on a debit card, which can to be used to purchase cereal, meats, fruits, vegetables, bread, milk and other staples. When food is running low, recipients often seek out 24-hour grocery stores, waiting for 12 a.m. for their monthly benefits to kick in.
The fact that 15 percent of the population must rely on SNAP benefits has received little attention in the media or from politicians of either big business party. Earlier this week, President Obama signed a bill making permanent $85 billion in sequester cuts, which will slash billions of dollars from programs benefiting the poor, including Head Start, special education, housing and many other programs.
EUA, 90 milhões desempregados. É 47,6% da força de trabalho, mais baixo em 34 anos. Horror.
É catastrófico, mas sua TV jura que só são 9% desempregados.
A mídia é hipócrita, diz que o país está "em recuperação".
The number of people not in the labor force which in March soared by a massive 663,000 to a record 90 million Americans who are no longer even looking for work. This was the biggest monthly increase in people dropping out of the labor force since January 2012, when the BLS did its census recast of the labor numbers. And even worse, the labor force participation rate plunged from an already abysmal 63.5% to 63.3% - the lowest since 1979! But at least it helped with the now painfully grotesque propaganda that the US unemployment rate is "improving."
08 abril 2013
Bloomberg - 08 April 2013 - clique aqui.
Nos EUA, já são 12 estados que promovem ouro como moeda oficial, temem colapso do dólar.
“There is a fear that the government, or Bernanke in particular and the Federal Reserve, is pursuing a policy that will lead to the collapse of the dollar. That’s what is behind it.” Bernanke has pushed interest rates to near zero since the 18-month recession that began in December 2007.
Nos EUA, já são 12 estados que promovem ouro como moeda oficial, temem colapso do dólar.
“There is a fear that the government, or Bernanke in particular and the Federal Reserve, is pursuing a policy that will lead to the collapse of the dollar. That’s what is behind it.” Bernanke has pushed interest rates to near zero since the 18-month recession that began in December 2007.
The Fed said in March it would continue buying $85 billion in securities each month in a program known as quantitative easing that has ballooned its assets beyond $3 trillion and is aimed at keeping long-term borrowing costs low to support economic growth.
07 abril 2013
Washigton Blog - April 2013 - clique aqui.
NÃO MUDOU NADA: eles fazem exatamente as mesmas 20 coisas que geraram a crise de 2008.
1) - Pushing banks to make home loans to people with weaker credit (sound familiar?)
2) - Deregulating and even promoting insane levels of derivatives (ring a bell?)
3) - Following policies which lead to rampant inequality (that didn’t work out last time)
4) - Letting white collar criminals know that they have free rein to do whatever they want, and they won’t be prosecuted (once again)
5) - Letting giant banks get bigger and bigger (government helped them get big before)
6) - Bailing out the banks with hundreds of billions a year (it creates dangerous “moral hazard” – just like before 2007 crisis – and again destroys sovereign nations)
7) - Crony capitalism has gotten worse than ever (though heroes fought it for 100 years)
8) - Enacting policies which suck money out of the U.S. , and ship it abroad (as doing for 50-plus years)
NÃO MUDOU NADA: eles fazem exatamente as mesmas 20 coisas que geraram a crise de 2008.
1) - Pushing banks to make home loans to people with weaker credit (sound familiar?)
2) - Deregulating and even promoting insane levels of derivatives (ring a bell?)
3) - Following policies which lead to rampant inequality (that didn’t work out last time)
4) - Letting white collar criminals know that they have free rein to do whatever they want, and they won’t be prosecuted (once again)
5) - Letting giant banks get bigger and bigger (government helped them get big before)
6) - Bailing out the banks with hundreds of billions a year (it creates dangerous “moral hazard” – just like before 2007 crisis – and again destroys sovereign nations)
7) - Crony capitalism has gotten worse than ever (though heroes fought it for 100 years)
8) - Enacting policies which suck money out of the U.S. , and ship it abroad (as doing for 50-plus years)
A QUEDA DO IMPÉRIO : Studios - April 2013 - clique aqui.
DOCUMENTÁRIO: "É o fim da estrada. Como dinheiro tornou-se algo sem valor". Legendado em portugues.
"Wall Street está a ser ocupada. A Europa está a colapsar sobre si mesma. Por todo o mundo, as pessoas são consumidas pelo medo e pela raiva, e existe uma pergunta na boca de todos: a crise financeira acabou ou estamos a caminhar para o desastre económico? “O Fim da Estrada” é um documentário de 55 minutos que narra o colapso financeiro global. Num estilo divertido e fácil de seguir, o filme conta a história de como o mundo chegou a este estado, fruto das sementes lançadas após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, que provocaram os problemas que enfrentamos hoje e que nos permitem antever um futuro possível para todos nós. Algumas das mais brilhantes mentes na área da economia partilham a história escondida por detrás da má gestão das finanças mundiais e dão-nos uma visão de como uma má política e um sistema monetário falacioso se uniram para criar uma catástrofe. “O Fim da Estrada” perfila onze comentadores influentes no seio das comunidades financeira e de investimento, que partilham o seu conhecimento da estrutura financeira atual. Através de cada uma das suas narrativas, constrói-se uma história que narra o atual dilema económico e pinta um quadro do futuro financeiro do mundo."
DOCUMENTÁRIO: "É o fim da estrada. Como dinheiro tornou-se algo sem valor". Legendado em portugues.
"Wall Street está a ser ocupada. A Europa está a colapsar sobre si mesma. Por todo o mundo, as pessoas são consumidas pelo medo e pela raiva, e existe uma pergunta na boca de todos: a crise financeira acabou ou estamos a caminhar para o desastre económico? “O Fim da Estrada” é um documentário de 55 minutos que narra o colapso financeiro global. Num estilo divertido e fácil de seguir, o filme conta a história de como o mundo chegou a este estado, fruto das sementes lançadas após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, que provocaram os problemas que enfrentamos hoje e que nos permitem antever um futuro possível para todos nós. Algumas das mais brilhantes mentes na área da economia partilham a história escondida por detrás da má gestão das finanças mundiais e dão-nos uma visão de como uma má política e um sistema monetário falacioso se uniram para criar uma catástrofe. “O Fim da Estrada” perfila onze comentadores influentes no seio das comunidades financeira e de investimento, que partilham o seu conhecimento da estrutura financeira atual. Através de cada uma das suas narrativas, constrói-se uma história que narra o atual dilema económico e pinta um quadro do futuro financeiro do mundo."
Enterprising Investor - April 2013 - click aqui.
O Federal Reserve está brincando é com um reator nuclear".
Jim Rickards, consultor do Pentágono e CIA.
Sistemas complexos à beira de um estado crítico, e tendentes a um colapso. Usam monetarismo, é profundamente falho, ciencia lixo.
The United States is at war, but not in the conventional sense. There are no troops on the ground. There are no drone strikes. Instead, the weapon of choice is the US dollar and the “enemy” is America’s trading partners. Welcome to Currency War III. That, at any rate, is James G. Rickards’s view of the world. In a presentation at the recent Global Investment Risk Symposium, Rickards, a partner at JAC Capital Advisors and author of Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis, outlined the case for why the international monetary system is dominated by currency wars.
O Federal Reserve está brincando é com um reator nuclear".
Jim Rickards, consultor do Pentágono e CIA.
Sistemas complexos à beira de um estado crítico, e tendentes a um colapso. Usam monetarismo, é profundamente falho, ciencia lixo.
The United States is at war, but not in the conventional sense. There are no troops on the ground. There are no drone strikes. Instead, the weapon of choice is the US dollar and the “enemy” is America’s trading partners. Welcome to Currency War III. That, at any rate, is James G. Rickards’s view of the world. In a presentation at the recent Global Investment Risk Symposium, Rickards, a partner at JAC Capital Advisors and author of Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis, outlined the case for why the international monetary system is dominated by currency wars.
He also argued that capital markets are complex systems that are bordering on a “critical state” and are “potentially prone to collapse” — and that the US Federal Reserve risks “melting down the system.” As Rickards sees it, we are well into the third currency war of the past 100 years. President Obama fired the first salvo during his 2010 State of the Union address, when he announced the launch of the National Export Initiative and said the goal was to double exports over the next five years. The easiest way to do that, of course, is to cheapen the US dollar. But that is only part of the explanation, Rickards said. Rickards believes the Fed, its staff, and its economists “misapprehend the statistical probabilities of risk” because they don’t understand how risk works in complex systems.
“They are using Keynesianism, they are using monetarism, they are using modern financial economics,” he said. “Most of this stuff is deeply flawed, if not completely junk science.” He believes the right way to think about risk is by using complexity theory. “When you start looking at things that way, you will see that this is a system that is bordering on the critical state and potentially prone to collapse.” Rickards said capital markets are “not only complex systems,” but also “complex systems nonpareil. They are the quintessence of complexity.” And all complex systems have various features, including “phase transitions,” which is just a change in the state (think of water and steam), and ”critical state dynamics,” which Rickards explained “is just an extreme version of the change in the state.”
R.T. News - Russia and India Report - 07 April 2013 - clik 1 clik 2
Prédios em chamas não desabam, otário! Só explosivos derrubam edifícios de concreto e aço.
The new understanding of physics since September 11, 2001, that limited fire damage can cause buildings to implode at almost free fall speed into their own footprints, was confounded once again as a 40-storey skyscraper in Chechnya was engulfed with flames for hours yet did not collapse. The blaze consumed an apartment building in Grozny, the Chechen capital yesterday evening before it was eventually put out in the early hours of Thursday morning. Fires burned on every single floor of the structure apart from the ground floor. “According to the emergencies service, the blaze has damaged an area of more than 14,000 square meters. It has completely destroyed the plastic trimming used on the building’s exterior, but the interior remained untouched,” reports RIA Novosti. The building is the tallest structure in the region outside of Moscow, standing at 145-meters (475-foot). No one was injured or killed in the blaze but dozens had to be evacuated. Although officials expressed concern at one point that the building could collapse, its core structure was not affected by the huge fire. Compare the skyscraper in Grozny to the similar-sized WTC Building 7 on 9/11, which was not hit by a plane, suffered comparably limited fire damage, and yet collapsed almost into its own footprint at near free fall speed.
Following 9/11, scientists agreed that instead of accepting the premise that some form of explosives must have been used to bring down WTC 7, physics itself must be wrong and that normal fires can burn hot enough to weaken steel cores, despite the fact that they were barely hot enough to break the vast majority of windows in Building 7. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) was forced to invent a “new phenomenon” of “thermal expansion” to explain the collapse of WTC 7, labeling it “the first known instance of fire causing the total collapse of a tall building” in history. YouTube - clik aqui .
WTC-7 é demolido em 5h, mas ... preparar fiação tomaria mais de duas semanas!!!
Isto significa que foi preparada com grande antescedencia.
You Tube VIDEO - clik aqui.
Compare, e veja por si próprio.
Só para quem teve Física no Ensino Médio.
YouTube VIDEO - clik aqui.
'Armação' malfeita: TV noticia o 'desabamento' do prédio WTC-7, mas foi 23min antes dele cair!
The collapse of Building 7 was so highly anticipated that it was reported before it happened by several news stations, including BBC and CNN. Firefighters, police and first responders were all told to get back from the building because it was about to be brought down. The Grozny skyscraper is just the latest example of a building refuse to conform to our new post-9/11 understanding of physics, following the example of a similar sized building in Beijing which was also consumed by fire in 2009 but remained standing.
Estarrece: o dono confessa, foi demolido, 'pull it' , mas ... isto levaria semanas em preparos !
Prédios em chamas não desabam, otário! Só explosivos derrubam edifícios de concreto e aço.
The new understanding of physics since September 11, 2001, that limited fire damage can cause buildings to implode at almost free fall speed into their own footprints, was confounded once again as a 40-storey skyscraper in Chechnya was engulfed with flames for hours yet did not collapse. The blaze consumed an apartment building in Grozny, the Chechen capital yesterday evening before it was eventually put out in the early hours of Thursday morning. Fires burned on every single floor of the structure apart from the ground floor. “According to the emergencies service, the blaze has damaged an area of more than 14,000 square meters. It has completely destroyed the plastic trimming used on the building’s exterior, but the interior remained untouched,” reports RIA Novosti. The building is the tallest structure in the region outside of Moscow, standing at 145-meters (475-foot). No one was injured or killed in the blaze but dozens had to be evacuated. Although officials expressed concern at one point that the building could collapse, its core structure was not affected by the huge fire. Compare the skyscraper in Grozny to the similar-sized WTC Building 7 on 9/11, which was not hit by a plane, suffered comparably limited fire damage, and yet collapsed almost into its own footprint at near free fall speed.
Following 9/11, scientists agreed that instead of accepting the premise that some form of explosives must have been used to bring down WTC 7, physics itself must be wrong and that normal fires can burn hot enough to weaken steel cores, despite the fact that they were barely hot enough to break the vast majority of windows in Building 7. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) was forced to invent a “new phenomenon” of “thermal expansion” to explain the collapse of WTC 7, labeling it “the first known instance of fire causing the total collapse of a tall building” in history. YouTube - clik aqui .
WTC-7 é demolido em 5h, mas ... preparar fiação tomaria mais de duas semanas!!!
Isto significa que foi preparada com grande antescedencia.
You Tube VIDEO - clik aqui.
Compare, e veja por si próprio.
Só para quem teve Física no Ensino Médio.
YouTube VIDEO - clik aqui.
'Armação' malfeita: TV noticia o 'desabamento' do prédio WTC-7, mas foi 23min antes dele cair!
The collapse of Building 7 was so highly anticipated that it was reported before it happened by several news stations, including BBC and CNN. Firefighters, police and first responders were all told to get back from the building because it was about to be brought down. The Grozny skyscraper is just the latest example of a building refuse to conform to our new post-9/11 understanding of physics, following the example of a similar sized building in Beijing which was also consumed by fire in 2009 but remained standing.
Estarrece: o dono confessa, foi demolido, 'pull it' , mas ... isto levaria semanas em preparos !
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