15 novembro 2013


Munknee News - Nov 2013 - clique aqui.
EUA, dívida cresce 3x mais rápido que PIB. Colapso é inevitável.
The relationships in this graph are terrifying! Debt is shown relative to GDP. GDP growth has been one-third the growth in debt for the period. That is, the economy required $3 of debt to produce $1 more in real GDP. In recent years diminishing returns to debt required $6 of debt to increase GDP by a $1. Whatever the benefits of debt, they have clearly diminished, almost to zero. Debt expansion has gone exponential in order to salvage the weak growth in GDP.
To put this into a perspective the average reader can understand, think of GDP as a household’s spending: The “family” depicted above has to borrow each year in order to maintain its spending level. Imagine the condition of your family if you borrowed 6 times the amount of incremental spending each year. Then imagine the condition of your family after 40 years of continuously increasing your debt levels substantially in excess of your income. It is impossible for a family without a printing press and a cooperative Federal Reserve to engage in such behavior.