18 novembro 2013


Zero Hedge - Mark Faber - Nov 2013 - clique aqui.
"Um barril de pólvora. É fim desta forma de capitalismo econômico".
Papel financeiro-EUA dá 400% da economia do planeta inteiro".
É insustentável. Planeta tem 200 tri de dívidas e só 71 tri de PIB".
The market capitalization has reached over 100 percent of GDP, the debt about 300 percent. This is consistent with figures from the consulting firm McKinsey. After calculation, the global debt still stood in 2010 at 158 trillion. In 2012, there were already $ 200 trillion - and rising. 
This makes for a worldwide economic power of slightly more than $71 trillion about three times. It is a powder keg on which we sit. In a normal real economy, said Marc Faber, the debt and equity markets are small - and there in order to steer the accumulated capital into investments. Net interest acts as a regulator. That is, there are only those made with the capital investment that is truly an attractive return, so a higher yield than fixed-income investments bring.