21 setembro 2014


Silver Doctors - Jim Willie CB - Sep 2014 - clique aqui.
TERREMOTO GEOPOLÍTICO : Sauditas aceitarão Yuan. Dólar em parafuso, EUA em colapso.
The central bank franchise system has failed. The bankers are cornered, some being murdered. Others might be prosecuted. They are the principal cause of the systemic failure, the other cause being the massive outsourcing initiatives over three decades and the outsized USGovt social welfare state. The bigger principal cause of the systemic failure is the US War Machine, which has been around longer than the debutante Fascist Business Model that made its introduction in 2002. Half the $17 trillion in USGovt debt comes from war spending. They defend the indefensible USDollar, but also the narco business.Putin kicked out the Rothschild bankers from his country. Putin interrupted the USGovt heroin trade supply routes out of Afghanistan. 
Like Abraham Lincoln 150 years ago, the elite banker chambers wish to remove Putin and to suppress Russia, but the sprawling nation has joined at the hip with China. Thus Russia cannot be isolated any more than a bear can be bear hugged. The nation spans 12 time zones and is a top supplier of numerous important commodities. The Russia & China bond is growing and will result in a marriage, the consummation being a baby called the Gold Trade Standard. The King Dollar is being displaced, kicked off its throne. Its squire the Petro-Dollar is undergoing demise. The Ukraine War is the USDollar Waterloo event. The Saudi rejection of the USD in exclusive oil payments will be the crash heard around the world. The marriage between the Saudis and Chinese is a process well along, with each month featuring yet another high level conference. The Saudis will make the announcement in the coming weeks or months, as a genuflection before the Chinese, with a hat tip to the Russians. Soon the crude oil price will be set by the Russia-China tag team, priced in Yuan. 
When the Gold Trade Standard is entrenched, the diversification away from USTreasurys in the global banking system will become a torrent. Bank system practices will follow trade payment practices. When installed, it will cause prosperity in the East and havoc in the West. The Crash Heard Round the World is coming. The USDollar will be rejected, and replaced by the Gold Trade Standard.