12 dezembro 2014


Sputnik News - William Enghdal - Dec 2014 - clik 1 - clik 2 
"Ocidente perdendo controle da Terra, daí criam desordem para tentar reagrupar o seu poder".
They are losing their global grip on power. And what they are losing, too, is something that they don’t yet fully control, and that makes them very upset, because they are used to controlling everything. The American century is the story of that control over the last 70 years. So, what are they doing? They are creating disorder everywhere, in order to regroup and to reorganize their power. They are creating disorder in the ME. They call it the Arab Spring, but it is really the Arab nightmare. They are causing color revolutions in Egypt and they are trying to create a regime change in Syria (so far that hasn’t happened, fortunately). With the ISIS or the Islamic State, as they call themselves, they are trying to create disorder all across from Syria to Iraq and beyond. None of that is working. They are trying to create disorder in Ukraine to seduce Russia into making stupid mistakes, and, fortunately, Russia has not made the stupid mistakes on Ukraine. 
The Crimea question was an urgent question that, I think, had to be resolved in the way it was given the US provocation in Kiev with the regime coup d'état that they pulled in February. I think that is the primary battle going on in the world. There are banks connected with the financial groups, but this is a new kind of warfare or a new kind of competition for the future of the planet, really, and the future of mankind. So, the stakes are enormous. There is no resolution of this in the friendly peaceful way of shaking hands over the table with Secretary John Kerry or President Obama and Vladimir Putin. It is a dying system and this may sound dramatic, but the American century is a dying system. It’s been rotting dramatically since the early 1970s when the dollar decoupled from gold unilaterally. And everything that has happened since then, the banks and financial powers have rotted out and hollowed out the productive economy in the US. I've seen that in my own lifetime as an American. It is a tragedy. And then they outsourced to Mexico. That became too expensive, so they outsourced to places in Asia. And then, China began to come into the WTO. So, they made a massive outsourcing to China, which became the workshop of the world. And now China wants to decide its own fate, and these globalists suddenly realized that they don’t control China in the way they thought they did. The same with Russia. So, as Russia and China are forced to work more closely together to simply defend their own national interests, it is creating the very thing these American oligarchs, I call them…you know, the American media loves to talk about the Russian oligarchs or the Ukrainian oligarchs, but America has its own oligarchs. And these are the people like David Rockefeller, or Bill Gates, or Warren Buffett, George Soros. And they think that their money makes them almighty. But they are not gods.