07 dezembro 2014


Information Clearing House - The Saker - Dec 2014 - clik 1 - clik 2 - clik 3 
É OFICIAL: Rússia agora vai agir. Desiste de pretenso diálogo com o Ocidente. E nunca avisa antes.
EUA é um arrogante arruaceiro, império decadente e desorientado. 
Europa, são colonias sem voz, territórios ocupados pelos EUA.
It is painfully clear that Russia considers the USA an arrogant bully which Russia can stop and that Russia considers the regimes in power in the EU as voiceless colonies. Equally clear is the fact that the Russians are fed up with trying to plead or reason with anybody in the West. 
The Americans are too arrogant, the Europeans too spineless. Unlike the Americans, Russians always talk to their enemies and some form of “talking” with the West will continue. But it is rather obvious that the Kremlin has given up any hope of achieving anything through any kind of dialog. From now on, Russia will mostly rely on unilateral actions. And since Russians never threaten, these actions will always come as a shock and a surprise to the Western plutocracies. In my opinion what we are seeing is a big “coming out”. For a variety of reasons, Putin and Foreign Minister Lavrov chose not to say this kind of things in the past, but for several months already we have seen a sense of utter disgust manifest itself more and more openly from the Russians. Today, it finally truly came out in the open.
Vai ser uma longa guerra. EUA já usou suas armas, e Rússia apenas começou as operações defensivas.
The AngloZionist Empire has launched a real war against Russia, one in which military forces are less important than the informational war, but a real war nonetheless. What the Empire probably did not realize, is that this would not be a short war, but a long one. And while the Empire has already used most of its weapons, the Russians have just begun their defensive operations. This will be a long war and it will only end when one of the two sides basically breaks down and collapses.