Market Oracle - Jim Willie CB - Jan 2015 - clik 1
Acelera-se o colapso dos quatro pilares do sistema petro-dólar.
banking system : turned insolvent. been kept liquid by means of narco money laundering (confirmed by the United Nations). If one big Western bank enters failure, the entire set of big banks will risk failure simultaneously in direct contagion.
the FOREX currencies : The major currencies are in a grand disruption right here right now. The rush into the USD for settling derivatives and as safe haven has rattled the FOREX worse than at any time in recent history. Defaults lie directly ahead. The USEconomy will be greatly victimized by the higher USD valuation, with respect to stock and property investments, in addition to export trade.
Sovereign bonds : they are being supported by Quantitative Easing, the highly corrosive monetary policy by the US Federal Reserve. Other central banks had been well coordinated at the Bank of England, the European Central Bank, and the Bank of Japan. The Swiss ensured that all nations will break the coordinated monetary policy with the USFed.. In the last couple months, evidence has grown that the major central banks are on their own, acting to preserve their economies, and taking action with local motive.
Crude Oil price : The connection with the USDollar has been broken, in ways not described or reported in the press. A vast system of FOREX derivatives are being dissolved that connect to the Crude Oil price, resulting on lost control. The rising USD and falling oil price is evidence of the breakdown.
Alucinante aceleração no ocorrer de eventos cruciais e decisivos.
1. Russia jumped off the Petro-Dollar recycle wagon.
2. The Swiss removed the 120 Euro peg to their Franc currency.
3. The Greeks have prepared to exit the European Union and to default on debt.
4. The Euro Central Bank announced details on their newest QE tampering.
5. King Abdullah died and the transition for the royal family begins.
6. Merkel offered a trade union proposal to Russia, which discards US-led TTIP trade pact.
7. German watchdog financial cop BaFin found no improper manipulation in gold market.
8. The Swiss have set up a major RMB trading center in Zurich.
9. The details for Gazprom pipeline extension through Turkey have been revealed
10. The USEconomy had an enormous miss in expected Durable Good orders.
11. US , Canadian shale oil , gas sector is shutting down, without a single event to point to.
12. The shale subprime debt implosion is imminent, already have triggered. The damage will be progressively worse over time.