31 janeiro 2015


YouTube VIDEO - Jan 2015 - clik 1 
"Guerra cambial pipocando em tantos lugares, que aí fica difícil acompanhar tantos eventos".
Bank of Canada governor Stephen Poloz said early Wednesday that the drop in oil prices is unambiguously negative for Canadian economy. As a result, the Bank of Canada unexpectedly cut interest rates by a quarter-percentage point to 0.75%, sending the Canadian dollar to a six-year low against the US dollar. In effect, the Bank of Canada is following the lead of the Swiss National Bank both in making an unannounced and unexpected policy decision and in noting that it expects US growth and US interest rates to remain higher than elsewhere in the developed world. Edward Harrison weighs in. Then, Edward is joined by Jim Rickards – chief global strategist at West Shore Funds and author of “The Death of Money.” Jim gives us his take on the Canadian central bank’s moves and how it plays into his currency wars thesis. Jim also tells us what to expect from the ECB regarding quantitative easing.


Tom Dispatch - The Nation - Jan 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2 
União Européia indo a colapso.
And yet, for all this success, the European project is currently teetering on the edge of failure. Growth is anemic at best and socio-economic inequality is on the rise. The countries of Eastern and Central Europe, even relatively successful Poland, have failed to bridge the income gap with the richer half of the continent. And the highly indebted periphery is in revolt. Politically, the center may not hold and things seem to be falling apart. From the left, parties like Syriza in Greece are challenging the EU’s prescriptions of austerity. From the right, Euroskeptic parties are taking aim at the entire quasi-federal model. Racism and xenophobia are gaining ever more adherents, even in previously placid regions like Scandinavia.
Perhaps the primary social challenge facing Europe at the moment, however, is the surging popularity of Islamophobia, the latest “socialism of fools.” From the killings at the Munich Olympics in 1972 to the recent attacks at Charlie Hebdo and a kosher supermarket in Paris, wars in the Middle East have long inspired proxy battles in Europe. Today, however, the continent finds itself ever more divided between a handful of would-be combatants who claim the mantle of true Islam and an ever-growing contingent who believe Islam—all of Islam—has no place in Europe. The fracturing European Union of 2015 is not the Europe that political scientist Frances Fukuyama imagined when, in 1989, he so famously predicted “the end of history,” as well as the ultimate triumph of liberal democracy and the bureaucracy in Brussels, the EU’s headquarters, that now oversees continental affairs. Nor is it the Europe that British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher imagined when, in the 1980s, she spoke of the global triumph of TINA (“there is no alternative”) and of her brand of market liberalism. 
Instead, today’s Europe increasingly harkens back to the period between the two world wars when politicians of the far right and left polarized public debate, economies went into a financial tailspin, anti-Semitism surged out of the sewer and storm clouds gathered on the horizon. Another continent-wide war may not be in the offing, but Europe does face the potential for regime collapse: that is, the end of the Eurozone and the unraveling of regional integration. Its possible dystopian future can be glimpsed in what has happened in its eastern borderlands. There, federal structures binding together culturally diverse people have had a lousy track record over the last quarter-century. After all, the Soviet Union imploded in 1991; Czechoslovakia divorced in 1993; and Yugoslavia was torn asunder in a series of wars later in the 1990s. If its economic, political and social structures succumb to fractiousness, the European Union could well follow the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia into the waste bin of failed federalisms. Europe as a continent will remain, its nation-states will continue to enjoy varying degrees of prosperity, but Europe as an idea will be over. Worse yet, if, in the end, the EU snatches defeat from the jaws of its Cold War victory, it will have no one to blame but itself.


Wall Street Journal - Russia Insider - YouTube VIDEO - Jan 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2 - clik 3
OTAN já monta seis comandos militares às fronteiras da Rússia.
BRUSSELS—NATO will establish command centers in six of its eastern countries in coming months, Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said Friday, in part of a beefed-up response to Russian aggressiveness. The outposts will form a chain of potential command centers for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s already announced new rapid-response force, which will consist of roughly 5,000 troops. Details are to be finalized at a meeting next week of NATO defense ministers. The centers also will provide a link between NATO and the armed forces of the six countries where they will be located—Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Mr. Stoltenberg announced the new centers at a news conference in Brussels, where he also urged NATO allies to spend more on defense to counter Russia’s military budget
Mr. Stoltenberg also said he would meet with Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov in the sidelines of a security conference in Munich in two weeks. “Especially when times are difficult, as they are now, it is important to meet and discuss also difficult issues,” Mr. Stoltenberg said. The command centers are intended partly as a warning to Russia and a reassurance to NATO allies who have become increasingly jittery following Moscow’s aggressive actions in Ukraine and elsewhere. The creation of the spearhead rapid-response force, designed to mobilize within two days in case of a belligerent move by an adversary, is the highest-profile move by NATO to bolster its defenses in the aftermath of Russia’s takeover of Crimea and its incursions into eastern Ukraine, which Moscow denies.


YouTube VIDEO - Jan 2015 - clik 1 
"Cultura da guerra: usar glória, honra e patriotismo para obter licensa para destruir e matar".


YouTube VIDEO - Thrive Movement - Jan 2015 - clik 1 
"Lavagem de dinheiro sustenta a arrecadação dos governos, daí não pode acabar, não se mexe".


YouTube VIDEO - USA WatchDog - Greg Hunter - Jan 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2
"2015 caótico, volátil e violento. Líderes no crime mudam mundo".
Financial expert Catherine Austin Fitts says the world is changing through crime by our leaders. Fitts contends, “We are dealing with a lawlessness that is happening with the build out of the global systems, which is very ugly. If you look at what has happened to the Ukraine, so far, over a million people have lost their homes. That’s pretty lawless. The fighting is getting very, very painful. The other thing you have is as people see a power vacuum and the lawlessness of the leaders, they say hey let’s be lawless too. It translates all the way down into our communities. The lawlessness of drug dealing and organized crime is enormous, and it’s happening globally. . . . For markets to function, they require trust in the rule of law. We’ve seen the breakdown in the rule of law.”

Fitts predicts that 2015 is going to be “volatile and violent.” Fitts says, “I think 2015 is going to be a very rough year. I think you have to be prepared for wild swings. We’ve seen oil come down 50%.” Fitts also points out, “The creative destructive aspects are pretty scary. The thing that your listeners are struggling with is we’ve been through a lot of change. The change has been painful because the American leadership encouraged the taxpayer to misbehave. . . . I think a lot of people feel they have been left high and dry; and in fact, they have. The reality is if you look at the change we’ve experienced over the last 20 years, it’s nothing compared to the next 10 years. In the next 10 years, the change is going to accelerate. We need to stop and take a big breath, and say I don’t want to be a patsy. I was a patsy in the last 20 years. I don’t want to be a patsy in the next 10 years.”


YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - clik 1 
"Imprimir moeda não é estímulo, não gera produção ou empregos".


YouTube - R.T. News - Jan 2015 - click 1 
GUERRAS CAMBIAIS: "bancos centrais fraudam, manipulam. Mentem a mercados e povos".


YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - Tom Hartmann - Jan 2015 - clik 1 
EUA reafirma discurso imperial.
Obama's most arrogant State of the Union yet, U.S. drone pilots are dropping like flies and Hollywood's fake baby are In the NOW. "In the Now" with RT's Senior Political correspondent Anissa Naouai is the first dedicated nightly Primetime show to air live out of our Moscow headquarters. Host Anissa Naouai has worked in the field for almost a decade and has reported from over 80 cities across the globe. Now from Monday to Thursday viewers can enjoy fresh, honest, and hard-hitting news coverage on some of the world's most pressing issues with one of RT's most experienced journalists . We'll put the spotlight on stories you'll never hear on mainstream networks or even in RT's daily news bulletins. "In the Now" - 8pm Moscow, 5pm London, 12pm New York.

"O discurso é esquizofrênico".

Cheio de mentiras econômicas, políticas e até traz mais tirania.


YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - clik 1 
Escândalo: Ocidente exclui russos - libertadores de Auschwitz - do evento de 70 anos da libertação.


Washington Times - Business Insider - Jan 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2 
"Ocidente apoia Kiev pró-guerra, isto levará a grande catástrofe".
MOSCOW (Reuters) – Russia’s envoy to the European security watchdog OSCE urged the United States and Europe on Thursday to stop supporting the “party of war” in Ukraine and warned “catastrophe” could result, Interfax news agency reported. “I would like to appeal to the states that have influence on Kiev’s leadership, most of all to Washington. It’s time to stop indulging Ukraine’s party of war,” said Russia’s OSCE envoy, Andrei Kelin. “Only a big catastrophe can result from such developments.” 
Russia has increasingly blamed the United States and NATO for the flare-up in violence in eastern Ukraine. The West accuses Moscow of feeding a pro-Russian insurgency with guns and soldiers. Russian President Vladimir Putin said this week the Ukrainian army itself was a legion of NATO sent to geopolitically contain Russia. “It’s time to stop covering (Kiev’s) inhuman actions, it is unacceptable to push (them) toward the continuation of war in eastern Ukraine,” said Kelin. Russia denies accusations it is sending money, arms or weapons to eastern Ukraine, where a pro-Russian uprising began months after Ukraine’s Moscow-backed PresidentViktor Yanukovich was ousted by street protests.

30 janeiro 2015


YouTube VIDEO - Life News - Jan 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2 
Kiev admite: "Exército russo não está na Ucrânia", Alto Comando.
Kiev admitted that he has no facts presence in the conflict zone in the south-eastern Ukraine, any regular units of the Russian army. The corresponding statement today on the air Channel Five TV Ukraine made ​​Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Viktor Muzhenko.
29.01.2015 Viktor Muzhenko: "To date, we have only the involvement of some members of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Russian citizens as part of illegal armed groups in the fighting. Military operations do not carry out against the regular Russian army. We have enough forces to inflict a final defeat illegal armed formation".
"На сегодняшний день мы имеем только факты участия отдельных военнослужащих Вооруженных сил РФ, граждан РФ в составе незаконных вооруженных формирований в боевых действиях. Боевых действий с подразделениями регулярной российской армии на сегодняшний день мы тоже не ведем. У нас достаточно сил и средств для того, чтобы нанести окончательное поражение незаконным вооруженным формированием".


YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - Jan 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2 -
Europa extende sanções à Rússia.
35x34, cutuca urso com vareta.
EU foreign ministers have decided to extend targeted sanctions against Russian officials and the militias in eastern Ukraine until September, according to Federica Mogherini, the European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs.

Quase metade foi contra sanções.
Pretexto é Ucrânia, mas motivo é dissimulado: enfraquecer Rússia.


Zero Hedge - Coomon Dreams - Jan 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2
Gorbachev: "EUA perderam a cabeça, e nos arrastam junto".
Today, in an interview with Russian news agency Interfax, the 83-year-old former Soviet leader, asks "have they lost their minds?" raging that "the U.S. has already dragged us into a new Cold War, trying to openly implement its idea of triumphalism," warning that "the 'cold' war will "lead to a 'hot' war,"concluding "The U.S. has been totally 'lost in the jungle' and is dragging us there as well."  Mikhail Gorbachev stated that the United States has pulled Russia into a new Cold War that faces the risk of further escalation. 
The 83-year-old former Soviet leader made the comments on Thursday in an interview with Russian news agency Interfax. "The U.S. has already dragged us into a new Cold War, trying to openly implement its idea of triumphalism," he is quoted as saying. "Where will that lead all of us?" he said. "What’s next? Unfortunately, I cannot be sure that the Cold War will not bring about a ‘hot’ one. I’m afraid they might take the risk," Gorbachev said, referring to the United States. "All you hear is about sanctions towards Russia from America and the European Union. Have they totally lost their minds? The U.S. has been totally 'lost in the jungle' and is dragging us there as well." 

29 janeiro 2015


Zero Hedge - Russian Insider - Jan 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2 
Goldman Sachs: "petróleo russo incólume às sanções dos EUA, pois produz a custo baixíssimo".
However, Goldman Sachs prefers facts in its analysis of the Russian oil sector and concludes, investor concerns about the health of Russia's oil industry should remain more myth than reality. Via Goldman Sachs, Geydar Mamedov discusses myths and realities in the outlook for Russia's oil sector.

There are increasing concerns among investors that lower oil prices might hit Russian crude production and materially worsen Russian oil companies' financial position. Where are the myths and realities in this narrative? While refining segment margins will narrow, low upstream sensitivity to changes in the oil prices means that, if anything, Russian oil production should grow. And Russian oil companies' strong financial position makes them capable of navigating the oil price downturn - even in the face of sanctions limiting their access to external funding.

Myth: Lower oil prices mean lower production

Two factors contribute to the low sensitivity of Russian upstream cash flow to oil prices. The first is upstream industry taxation: the per-barrel tax rate decreases as oil prices fall, shifting most of the upside/downside due to changes in the oil price from the oil producers to the state. The second factor is a ruble-denominated cost structure. Russian oil producers' opex and capex mainly consist of ruble-denominated contracts, as the services industry is localized. These factors offset the negative impact of oil price declines on upstream earnings.

Effectively, at US$110/bbl oil and 33 RUB/USD, Russian upstream free cash flow (FCF) for the companies we cover is roughly the same as under US$60 oil and 60 RUB/USD. Hence, we do not expect to see a slowdown in upstream activity. Moreover, the Russian government is likely to incentivize output growth in order to mitigate the impact of lower oil prices on budget revenues. Given that Russia has one of the lowest cash costs of production in the world, it would make sense in the current oil price environment for Russia to maintain its market share. We therefore expect production to reach 532 million tonnes in 2015 from 527 in 2014.


Market Oracle - Jim Willie CB - Jan 2015 - clik 1 
Acelera-se o colapso dos quatro pilares do sistema petro-dólar.

banking system :  turned insolvent. been kept liquid by means of narco money laundering (confirmed by the United Nations). If one big Western bank enters failure, the entire set of big banks will risk failure simultaneously in direct contagion.
the FOREX currencies :  The major currencies are in a grand disruption right here right now. The rush into the USD for settling derivatives and as safe haven has rattled the FOREX worse than at any time in recent history. Defaults lie directly ahead. The USEconomy will be greatly victimized by the higher USD valuation, with respect to stock and property investments, in addition to export trade.
Sovereign bonds :  they are being supported by Quantitative Easing, the highly corrosive monetary policy by the US Federal Reserve. Other central banks had been well coordinated at the Bank of England, the European Central Bank, and the Bank of Japan. The Swiss ensured that all nations will break the coordinated monetary policy with the USFed.. In the last couple months, evidence has grown that the major central banks are on their own, acting to preserve their economies, and taking action with local motive. 
Crude Oil price :  The connection with the USDollar has been broken, in ways not described or reported in the press. A vast system of FOREX derivatives are being dissolved that connect to the Crude Oil price, resulting on lost control. The rising USD and falling oil price is evidence of the breakdown. 

Alucinante aceleração no ocorrer de eventos cruciais e decisivos.

1. Russia jumped off the Petro-Dollar recycle wagon.
2. The Swiss removed the 120 Euro peg to their Franc currency.
3. The Greeks have prepared to exit the European Union and to default on debt. 
4. The Euro Central Bank announced details on their newest QE tampering.
5. King Abdullah died and the transition for the royal family begins.
6. Merkel offered a trade union proposal to Russia, which discards US-led TTIP trade pact.
7. German watchdog financial cop BaFin found no improper manipulation in gold market. 
8. The Swiss have set up a major RMB trading center in Zurich. 
9. The details for Gazprom pipeline extension through Turkey have been revealed
10. The USEconomy had an enormous miss in expected Durable Good orders.
11. US , Canadian shale oil , gas sector is shutting down, without a single event to point to. 
12. The shale subprime debt implosion is imminent, already have triggered. The damage will be progressively worse over time. 


YouTube VIDEO - CNN - Daily Mail , UK - National Post - Jan 2015 clik1 clik2 clik3 
Imprensa abafa: ascende ao trono saudita um idoso senil que sofre de demência e alzheimer.
Salman bin Abdulaziz will ascend to the throne of Saudi Arabia after a single year as its Crown Prince. But his reportedly conservative outlook has put him at odds with his moderate predecessor, King Abdullah - and concerns have been raised about his own medical state. Over the last year, the 79-year-old had increasingly taken on the duties of the former ruler as his half-brother's own health deteriorated. With reports that King Salman is battling with both Alzheimer's and dementia, his former task as ruler-by-proxy could be taken by another member of the sprawling royal family. He has suffered at least one stroke which left him with limited movement in his left arm. His own successor was announced as Prince Muqrin bin Abdul Aziz February 2013, to ensure the royal family's continuity. The 71-year-old, who was educated at the Royal Air Force College in UK, has been serving as the second Deputy Prime Minister and Director General of the Saudi Intelligence Agency.

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah bin Adbul Aziz died early Friday, setting the stage for a transition of power at a critical moment as the key U.S. ally in the Middle East struggles with falling oil prices and rising Islamist violence. The monarch, believed to be 90, was succeeded by his brother, Crown Prince Salman, according to state television. That put the region’s most important Sunni power and America’s closest Arab ally in the hands of a 79-year-old who is reportedly in poor health and suffering from dementia. Salman’s rise to the throne postpones the question of when the Saudi monarchy will turn to the next generation of princes to run the country of 28 million people at a crucial moment in a region mired in crisis. While observers in Riyadh widely predicted a smooth transition to Salman, his poor health means his rule could be relatively short. Should there be a power struggle to succeed him, it could leave a vacuum in the Middle East at a critical time. Saudi Arabia is a key member of the U.S.-led coalition against the Islamic State extremist group and a major ally of the government that just fell in neighboring Yemen. “Despite so many people saying it will be a smooth transition, there’s every reason to believe that Saudi Arabia is heading for rough times,” Simon Henderson, an expert on the Saudi succession at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said in an interview Thursday.


YouTube VIDEO - Jan 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2 
Colapso do xisto deflagra efeito cascata financeiro, aí arrastará frágil economia EUA a colapso.
It all starts with the fact that debt in the energy sector over the last six years has exploded to $1.7 Trillion on the hopes that oil would continue to trade at around $80 to $100. As we know, that’s no longer the case, which means that all of the companies who took out large loans are no longer able to service their debt. The end result will be widespread defaults in the oil industry. It’s a recipe for disaster and one that will likely play out right before our eyes in coming months. In the context of current central bank money printing, deflation scares and currency wars; this could cause the most destructive economic situation since the Great Depression. We could see the oil price spike and crash in wild swings of volatility; further scaring already timid capital markets and destroying any thoughts of economic recovery. This will be felt the worst in the United States.
Multi-billion dollar companies like Sanchez Energy and Goodrich Petroleum crashed 80 and 90% since June 2014. Not only will our energy sector be drastically cut down, the rest of the economy may suffer even more. We’ve created financial structures that only function properly under conditions of constant economic growth. The financial system almost went out of control in 2008. For the first time in 18 years, oil exporters are pulling liquidity out of world markets rather than putting money in. The world is now fast approaching a world reserve currency shift. If we see 8 to 12 months at these oil prices; U.S. shale industry will be wiped out. The effect on junk bonds will cascade to the rest of the stock market and U.S. economy. …and this time there will be nothing left to catch the falling knife before it hits the American economy right in the heart. Not the FED nor the U.S. government can stop what’s coming. Liquidity will freeze up, our credit will be downgraded, the stock market will start to collapse, and then we can expect the FED to come in and hyper-inflate the dollar. This will cause the world to finish abandoning the world reserve currency in the last rungs of trade. This will be the end of the petrodollar. While lower gas prices have been great for Americans historically, we are now facing a completely different animal because so much debt is tied to an industry that believed it was unstoppable. We have literally hundreds of thousands of layoffs being predicted across the sector and many analysts are forecasting recessionary environments in states like Texas that are most dependent on the oil boom. Layoffs will have an almost immediate impact on local economies, as well as an already fragile real estate market. Couple that with the panic that will undoubtedly come when big oil companies start closing up shop and can no longer pay those hundreds of billions of dollars in debts, and you can see how this could well be the trigger for a serious meltdown in global financial markets and debt instruments. 


The Mirror , UK - The Guardian - Jan 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2 - clik 3 - clik 4 - clik 5
No pré-colapso, super-ricos em pânico preparam refúgios para escapar das turbas em fúria.
Super rich hedge fund managers are buying 'secret boltholes' where they can hideout in the event of civil uprising against growing inequality, it has been claimed. Nervous financiers from across the globe have begun purchasing landing strips, homes and land in areas such as New Zealand so they can flee should people rise up. With growing inequality and riots such as those in London in 2011 and in Fergusonand other parts of the USA last year, many financial leaders fear they could become targets for public fury. Robert Johnson, president of the Institute of New Economic Thinking, told people at the World Economic Forum in Davos that many hedge fund managers were already planning their escapes. Mr Johnson, said the economic situation could soon become intolerable as even in the richest countries inequality was increasing. He said: "People need to know there are possibilities for their children – that they will have the same opportunity as anyone else. 

"There is a wicked feedback loop. Politicians who get more money tend to use it to get more even money." His comments were backed up by Stewart Wallis, executive director of the New Economics Foundation, who when asked about the comments told CNBC Africa: "Getaway cars the airstrips in New Zealand and all that sort of thing, so basically a way to get off. If they can get off, onto another planet, some of them would." He added: "I think the rich are worried and they should be worried. I mean inequality, why does it matter?


YouTube VIDEO - Jan 2013 - clik 1 
"EUA em Kiev engendra guerra civil para derrubar governo". 
Parlamento da Ucrânia, nov 2013.


Financial Times - Forbes - Pravda, PYMNST, Zero Hedge, Russia Insider - R.T.
Jan 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2 - clik 3 - clik 4 - clik 5 - clik 6 - clik 7 - clik 8 - clik 9 
"Excluir Rússia do sistema Swift equivale a iniciar uma guerra".
Andrei Kostin, chief executive of Russia’s second-largest bank VTB, warned Friday that keeping his country from the Swift banking payment system would be tantamount to “war”. The possibility that Russia might be locked out of Swift has set off alarm bells in Moscow’s financial community as Russia’s banks rely heavily on the Belgium-based payments system for both domestic and international payments. When the notion first surfaced in 2014, it was shelved as too punitive and only to be considered as a nuclear option.
 “If there is no Swift, there is no banking . . . relationship, it means that the countries are on the verge of war, or they are definitely in a cold war,” Kostin noted. “The next day, the Russian and American ambassadors would have to leave the capitals,” he added. Mr Kostin’s comment indicated a Russian financial class that is increasingly feeling under threat and angered. “The more you press Russia, I do not think the situation will change. We have already created a domestic alternative to the Swift system . . . and we need to create alternatives internationally.” Kostin further noted that Russia and its neighbor to the east China are currently working together to develop their own platform as an alternative to Swift that would remain outside western influence. Igor Shuvalov, Russia’s deputy prime minister, echoed this theme. “We are developing our eastern vector,” Mr Shuvalov declared, noting that while Russia’s efforts with China predated the potentially looming Swift crisis, Russia’s ever increasing issues on the international stage certainly put the plan into over-drive.
"Se Ocidente cortar Rússia do sistema bancário Swift, nossa resposta será sem limites".
KHMELYOVO VILLAGE (Bryansk Region), January 27, (TASS) - Western countries’ threats to restrict Russia’s operations through the SWIFT international bank transaction system will prompt Russia’s counter-response without limits, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said on Tuesday. "We’ll watch developments and if such decisions are made, I want to note that our economic reaction and generally any other reaction will be without limits," he said.

In late August 2014, media reports said the UK had proposed banning Russia from the SWIFT network as part of an upcoming new round of sanctions against Moscow over its stance on developments in neighboring Ukraine. However, this proposal was not supported by the EU countries at the time. After recent shelling of the Ukrainian city of Mariupol some western countries again started calling to disconnect Russia from SWIFT. The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) transmits 1.8 billion transactions a year, remitting payment orders worth $6 trillion a day. The system comprises over 10,000 financial organizations from 210 countries. Under the SWIFT charter, groups of members and users are set up in each country covered by the system. In Russia, these groups are united in the RosSWIFT association.
Sob ataque, Rússia prepara seu próprio sistema Swift, maio 2015.
Russia intends to have its own international inter-bank system up and running by May 2015. The Central of Russia says it needs to speed up preparations for its version of SWIFT in case of possible ”challenges” from the West. "Given the challenges, Bank of Russia is creating its own system for transmitting financial messaging... It’s time to hurry up, so in the next few months we will have certain work done.

The entire project for transmitting financial messages will be completed in May 2015," said Ramilya Kanafina, deputy head of the national payment system department at the Central Bank of Russia (CBR). Calls not to use the SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) system in Russian banks began to grow as relations between Russia and the West deteriorated over sanctions. So far, SWIFT says despite pressure from some Western countries to join the anti-Russian sanctions, it has no intention of doing so. According to Itar-Tass, Russia and China are discussing setting up a system of interbank transactions which will become an analogue to International banking transaction system SWIFT, First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov told PRIME on Wednesday after negotiations in Beijing.
Já prepara com China um Swift comum: desviar ataque dos EUA.
"Yes, we have discussed and we have approved this idea," he said. But wait: wasn't it the UK's desire to force Russia out of SWIFT just two weeks ago? Why yes, and the fact that Russia is happy to do so, and on its own terms, once again shows just who has all the leverage, and who really needs, or rather doesn't, the US Dollar. More from TassRussian authorities wanted to decrease the financial market’s dependence on SWIFT since the introduction of the first U.S. sanctions, when international payment systems Visa and MasterCard denied services to some Russian banks owned by blacklisted individuals. According to Shuvalov, Russia has been also discussing establishment of an independent ratings agency with China. Concrete proposals will be made by the end of 2014, he said. As regards China’s payment system UnionPay cooperation with the yet-to-be-established Russian national payment system, Shuvalov said that UnionPay is ready for a full-scale collaboration and will provide all infrastructural capacities for that.


YouTube VIDEO - jan 2015 - clik 1
EUA vai já entrando na guerra: condecora ucraniano como herói.
До Києва прибула військова делегація на чолі з Головнокомандуючим сухопутних військ США в Європі генералом Беном Ходжесом. Гості відвідали Головний військовий шпиталь, де зустрілися з пораненими на Сході українськими бійцями. Потому Генерал Бен Ходжес зазначив, що його держава готова надати допомогу пораненим українським військовослужбовцям, і можливо, забрати визначену групу на лікування до США.


Oil Price News - Russia Insider - Jan 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2 
EUA, tiro pela culatra: fortalece China ao tentar afugentar Rússia para fora da Europa.
One of the greatest foreign policy blunders of the Obama Administration was the push by the U.S. for economic sanctions against Russia. That led to Russia fleeing into the arms of China for refuge. In response, Russia, Europe’s largest and most populated country, is now intent on moving its vast storehouse of resources eastward, strengthening America’s largest emerging rival. Over the last two years, the two countries have completed a $700 billion agreement for Russia to deliver energy to China, amounting to about 17% of Chinese annual supply, for a period covering twenty years, with China financing much of the initial costs of pipeline construction. 
What Russia has done, in that one move, is to help repair a major hole in China’s military armor, making it invulnerable to a U.S. cut-off of sea bourn energy supplies, which until now was one of the greatest fears of Chinese military strategists. From the Chinese perspective, this is a gift that fulfills its wildest dreams. It’s also a gift that could severely undermine the West's plans to deliver expensive Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) to China and Asia, while already facing competition from Qatar and Australia LNG, will now also run up against Russian pipeline gas through China. That can’t be wise policy for the U.S. Consider the fact that prior to adoption of the sanction regime, Russia and China were not even military allies. Their histories are fraught with mutual distrust, competition, and border conflicts. Although Russia has often supplied China with military equipment, it has always held back on high-tech weapons because of mistrust. Why supply advanced weapons to a country that might one day become your adversary?


The Moscow Times - Jan 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2 
"EUA não tem como se defender dos mísseis nucleares russos".
The deputy prime minister of Russia, Dmitry Ragozin, said Monday that a breakthrough in Russian missile technology means that the United States will no longer be able to intercept Russian ballistic nuclear missiles. The claim, which relates to an unspecified technology, came just a day after NATO leaders announced a summit in February to discuss the alliance’s strategy in dealing with Russia’s nuclear threat. 
But rather than an ominous throwback to the nuclear deterrence of the Cold War, based on mutually assured destruction, this may be a way for Russia to still look like a superpower, despite adeepening economic crisis and backlash from the West due to its involvement in the East Ukraine war. Ragozin said the details of the technology would “not be disclosed to anybody” and that Russian technology “shows that neither the current, nor even the projected American missile defense system could stop or cast doubt on Russia’s strategic missile potential.” His comments regarding missile defense conjure memories of the U.S. proposal to build a missile defense hub in Poland and the Czech Republic. The project was scrapped in 2009 amid Russia’s objections that it was a direct threat.


YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - Jan 2015 - click 1 
"Manter seu domínio global: EUA tudo  fará para deter os BRICS".
China is warning India that an economic partnership with the US is a “zero-sum trap,” and the nation should be wary about Washington’s increasing efforts to court the increasingly influential nation. The message comes as world leaders, including President Barack Obama, gather in India to celebrate its “R-Day” holiday and woo top officials to their side in an expanding effort to gain the most influence in the region. Though the US has for decades maintained the top spot in the world in terms of economic power, the increasingly popular BRICS bloc—of which India and China are members—has American officials worried about their ability to exert power, as former Reagan administration official Paul Craig Roberts explains.

28 janeiro 2015


The Telegraph, UK - Russia insider - jan 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2 
"Russos sabem: país sob ataque".
The Russian people will endure any hardship to defend President Vladimir Putin against aggression by the West even if they don't have enough to eat, the country's deputy leader vowed in Davos. "Read our history: the Russians will never give up their leader. We will tighten our belt, eat less food, suffer any privations, but if outsiders want to force changes on us, we will be united as never before," said Igor Shuvalov, the deputy prime minister. Mr Shuvalov said Russia's dispute with Europe and America goes far beyond Ukraine: "It erupted there but it could have been anywhere. 
This is about the West trying to show us our place and refusing to treat us an equal. They are telling us to sit in a corner quietly." "If this doesn't change, it will be a bleeding wound for decades. People don't blame Putin because they know this is an attack against Russia," he said. Despite the hot rhetoric, he revealed that Russia is to seek urgent support from China to boost its vanishing foreign exchange reserves as the combination of sanctions and the crash in oil prices cripple the Russian economy. 


Veterans Now - Strategic Culture Foundation - Jan 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2 
Merkel tenta subornar Rússia a subjugar-se, após lhe chantagear com sanções, ameaças e punições.
At the World Economic Forum last week, German Chancellor Angela Merkel let the cat out of the bag with her sly offer, or rather bribe, to Russia. The German leader told delegates in Davos that European Union sanctions on Russia would be lifted in exchange for a «peace deal» in Ukraine. She promised a «free trade pact from Lisbon to Vladivostok». That’s a bit rich coming from the bankrupt EU, but nevertheless let’s accept the assumption that Frau Merkel is offering something very juicy. Why would she do that, and right at this time when civilians are being massacred in eastern Ukraine? In other words, Merkel is saying if Moscow capitulates to Western objectives of ceding Ukraine to its full political, economic and military control, then Russia will be «paid off» with respite from Western sanctions and can look forward to a tantalizing free trade «happy ending» with the EU. 
How generous of Frau Merkel! The Russian-speaking population of Ukraine’s eastern Donbas regions will then be abandoned to their fate of accepting the legitimacy of the Western-installed Kiev regime. The New York Times spelled out the reasoning further in an article at the weekend headlined: ‘War Is Exploding Anew in Ukraine; Rebels Vow More’. The Times reported with dripping innuendo blaming Russia for the violence and quoting its usual NATO and Kiev regime «sources». But take note of this little giveaway nugget in the NYT: «The renewed fighting has… put to rest the notion that Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin, would be so staggered by the twin blows of Western sanctions and a collapse in oil prices that he would forsake the separatists in order to foster better relations with the West». So, the Western calculus revealed by Merkel and the New York Times is that Putin has not been «staggered by the twin blows of sanctions and a collapse in oil prices to forsake the separatists in order to foster better relations with the West». 
In this context, Angela Merkel is shamelessly dangling a «free trade bribe» in Russia’s face. Behave yourself, she is saying: just be a good boy, roll over to our geopolitical objectives and we will call off the economic war in the form of sanctions and the crash in oil prices, the latter courtesy of the Western puppets in Saudi Arabia pumping oil into an over-supplied world market. Merkel, who is known for her ardent «transatlantic» partnership with America, is thus showing herself to be dutifully doing Washington’s bidding over the Ukraine crisis and the bigger objective of subordinating Russia to Western hegemony, or as the New York Times euphemistically calls it «better relations with the West». 


The Rutherford Institute - US SEnate Comission Report - Jan 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2 
EUA totalitário: escolas públicas punem 1.500 crianças/dia: tasers, grilhões, algema, confina, prende.
Roughly 1500 kids are tied up or locked down every day by school officials in the United States. At least 500 students are locked up in some form of solitary confinement every day, whether it be a padded room, a closet or a duffel bag. In many cases, parents are rarely notified when such methods are used.

On any given day when school is in session, kids who “act up” in class are pinned facedown on the floor, locked in dark closets, tied up with straps, bungee cords and duct tape, handcuffed, leg shackled, tasered or otherwise restrained, immobilized or placed in solitary confinement in order to bring them under “control.”  In almost every case, these undeniably harsh methods are used to punish kids for simply failing to follow directions or throwing tantrums. Very rarely do the kids pose any credible danger to themselves or others. Unbelievably, these tactics are all legal, at least when employed by school officials or school resource officers (a.k.a. police officers) in the nation’s public schools. For example, in what may be the youngest example of a child being restrained in this way, in October 2014, a 4-year-old Virginia preschooler was handcuffed, leg shackled and transported to the sheriff’s office after reportedly throwing blocks and climbing on top of the furniture. School officials claim the restraints were necessary to protect the adults from injury. In New York, “school safety agents” tied a 5-year-old ADHD student to a chair with Velcro straps as a punishment for throwing a tantrum in class. Police officers claim the straps were necessary because the boy had tried to bite one of the adults. A 6-year-old kindergarten student in a Georgia public school was handcuffed, transported to the police station, and charged with simple battery of a schoolteacher and criminal damage to property for throwing a temper tantrum at school. A second-grader in Arizona who suffers from ADHD was duct-taped to her chair after getting up to sharpen her pencil too often.