24 março 2015


YouTube VIDEO - Zero Hedge - USA Watchdog - Mar 2015 - clik1 clik2 clik3 clik4 
MEDIDA PRÉ-COLAPSO: controle de capitais na surdina. Pretexto é 100% fútil: "combate ao terror".
It was just a matter of time before Western governments used the trumped up "War on Terror" as an excuse to drastically ratchet up the very real war on the use of cash and personal privacy that they are waging against their own citizens. 
Taking advantage of public anxiety in the wake of the attacks on Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish supermarket, France has taken the first step. It seems the terrorists involved partially financed these attacks by cash, as well as by consumer loans and the sale of counterfeit goods. What a shockeroo! The terrorists used CASH to purchase some of the stuff they needed--no doubt these murderers were also shod and clothed and used cell phones, cars, and public sidewalks during the planning and execution of their mayhem. Why not restrict their use? A naked , barefoot terrorist without communications is surely less effective than a fully clothed and equipped one. 
Despite the arrant absurdity of blaming cash and financial privacy for these crimes, French Finance Minister Michel Sapin brazenly stated that it was necessary to "fight against the use of cash and anonymity in the French economy." He then announced extreme and despotic measures to further restrict the use of cash by French residents and to spy on and pry into their financial affairs. These measures, which will be implemented in September 2015, include: Prohibiting French residents from making cash payments of more than 1,000 euros, down from the current limit of 3,000 euros. Given the parlous state of the stagnating French economy the limit for foreign tourists on currency payments will remain higher, at 10,000 euros down from the current limit of 15,000 euros. 
The threshold below which a French resident is free to convert euros into other currencies without having to show an identity card will be slashed from the current level of 8,000 euros to 1,000 euros. In addition any cash deposit or withdrawal of more than 10,000 euros during a single month will be reported to the French anti-fraud and money laundering agency Tracfin. French authorities will also have to be notified of any freight transfers within the EU exceeding 10,000 euros, including checks, pre-paid cards, or gold. 
"No colapso eles trancam o seu dinheiro, já estão reduzindo as cédulas em circulação agora".
Weir thinks the powers that be are preparing for a financial calamity. Weir contends, “Both the good guys and the bad guys want the crash to happen. The bad guys want the crash to happen because they know they are in trouble. They think if they crash the system, they will walk away with whatever they have.” And why do the good guys want the crash? Weir says, “They want the crash to end the reign of the bad guys and to end this crazy system we are in now and put in a gold standard, or something to that effect. They have been planning for this for a long, long time, which includes the Federal Reserve and the Treasury. There are good guys and bad guys in both institutions. The thing that has stopped them is the fear of the transition because nobody knows how it’s going to go. . . . There is no doubt there will be chaos. . . . The banks will freeze up and derivatives are going to go sideways, and you are not going to be worried about your 401K. You are going to be worried about where you are going to get food, gas and water.”

Weir also says, “There will be very little cash, and most people will not have gold and silver. I would say change will be more valuable than the Federal Reserve Note because change is minted by the U.S. mint, and it is not an I.O.U. That’s the money of the United States. We are talking about two different institutions. One issues Federal Reserve Notes because it is a debt instrument. The other is change made by the U.S. Mint, authorized by Congress.”In closing, Weir says, “I do believe it will be this year that they end the manipulation and end this monetary system. . . . . You can see it happening already in Europe. It won’t take long when the Greeks say okay Germany, we are done with you. . . . That whole system will go down, and that will come to the United States. If you have a crash of the system, you will have a crash of the banks. You can’t have one of the big banks go down, because they are all interconnected, and have everybody else stay fine. That is where the disappearance of the dollar will be. . . . This time, they will not be able to stop it because the United States wants the system to crash to get us out of this mess, and we can start fresh again.”