13 março 2015


  Global Research - Odnako - Lyndon Larouche - Mar 2015 - clik1 clik2 clik3 clik4 clik5 
EUA atacará Rússia num 3° front: já vai desestabilizar Ásia Central.
Nagorno-Karabah, Kirguistão, Turcomenistão, Tajiquistão.
So 2015 will be marked by preparations for widespread destabilization in Central Asia and the transformation of AfPak into an Islamic State subsidiary on the borders of Russia, India, China, and Iran. The start of full-scale war, which will inevitably follow once chaos engulfs the region, will lead to a bloodbath in the “Eurasian Balkans,” automatically involving more than a third of the world’s population and almost all the United States’ geopolitical rivals. 
It’s an opportunity Washington will find too good to miss. Russia’s response to this challenge has to be multifaceted: involving the region in the process of Eurasian integration, providing military, economic, and political assistance, working closely with its allies in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the BRICS, strengthening the Pakistani army, and of course assisting with the capture of the bearded servants of the Caliphate. But the most important response should be the accelerated modernization of its armed forces as well as those of its allies and efforts to strengthen the Collective Security Treaty Organization and give it the right to circumvent the highly inefficient United Nations. The region is extremely important: if Ukraine is a fuse of war, then Central Asia is a munitions depot. If it blows up, half the continent will be hit. 
As linhas de defesa da Rússia.
EUA cercando Rússia e China com conflitos regionais, forças navais, defesa balística e tropas.
Map representing the encirclement of Russia and China through local conflicts, deployment of troop and naval forces, and BMD systems.