30 agosto 2015


YouTube - Thrive Movement - Collective Evolution - Aug 2015 - clik 1 clik 2 - clik 3 
Pirâmide: Elites controlam cartel de bancos, estes as corporações, estas os  governos, estes o povo.

The global domination agenda is a plan by powerful private bankers to take over all our primary systems (money, energy, food, media, etc.) and to establish a sole global authority – with themselves in charge. 
"Bancos privados que fabricam dinheiro do nada, daí engordam parasitando toda a sociedade".
They use the media, central banks, multinational corporations, governments, major foundations, and international agencies such as the IMF and World Bank to implement their strategies. So far they have successfully brought down countries across the globe, including Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Argentina, Tanzania, Indonesia, Brazil, Poland, Mexico, Bolivia, Thailand, Iceland, the Soviet Union, Japan, Greece and scores of others. They are now attempting to dismantle the U.S. by collapsing the dollar and making sure Americans are in debt they can’t repay.
This pyramid shows the basic structure of control. The financial elite are at the top. They use international and national central banks to control corporations (which they loan to at special rates), manipulate national economies and hence their governments, and get everyone in debt to the bankers.
Inexiste democracia: Corporações detém governos, ditam políticas.
Presidents, politicians, and overall governmental policy is heavily influenced by major corporations, and this reality is not really a secret anymore. A great example is the revolving door between Monsanto and various government agencies, like the FDA. Similarly, there is the example of Obama appointing Michael Taylor, former Monsanto VP, to food safety czar. We see this type of thing happening throughout history. For example, David W. Beier, former head of Government Affairs for Genentech, Inc., was also chief domestic policy advisor to Al Gore when he was Vice President. Another example is Linda J. Fisher, former Assistant Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Pollution Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances, also a Vice President of Government and Public Affairs for Monsanto Corporation. The list goes on and on. Most of this is done through lobbying. 
There are always lobbyists for GMOs, fracking, nuclear power, bank regulation, and more. This is why we always see government policy favouring the interests of these big corporations, despite being against the interests of the rest of the planet. There is a great article in The Guardian titled 10 Ways Big Business Controls The Government which goes into more detail. Below is an excellent breakdown from Foster Gamble, heir to the Foster Gamble corporations. He was groomed to be a part of this system, but instead took a different route. I’d also like to mention that corporations are constantly breaking the law, destroying the environment with toxic dumps, dislocating and uprooting people from their homes, and wreaking havoc on the planet. At this moment this degradation is out of control, but we still have a small window of opportunity to change it.