08 setembro 2015


Global research - R.T. News - Sep 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2 
EUA joga bombas, daí Europa calada e submissa arca com 3 milhões refugiados, e com culpa.
Starting in 2011 in Libya, the United States dropped bombs on Libya in order to replace Muammar Gaddafi. The EU is now tearing itself apart with guilt-feelings at European nations’ responses to the refugee-crisis that was caused by this American bombing-campaign in Libya, and then by the one in Syria. Europe has also received refugees from the American-sponsored bombing-campaign in eastern Ukraine (the bombing-campaign that the 2014 American-installed anti-Russian Ukrainian government calls an ‘Anti-Terrorist Operation,’ or ‘ATO,’ which labels the residents in that pro-Russian area — where the residents reject the February 2014 U.S. coup — as ‘Terrorists’ and thus as being suitable to be bombed, and even firebombed). And yet, despite these millions of U.S.-caused refugees into Europe, European nations still permit U.S. troops to remain stationed on European soil decades after the entire reason for NATO’s very existence (which was protection of Europe against a communist invasion from the east) ended. 
(The Soviet Union’s equivalent Warsaw Pact had dissolved and ended in 1991, when the Soviet Union itself did — yet NATO continued on, and constantly touts ‘the Russian threat,’ just as it did the Soviet threat, as if there were no change when communism collapsed, as if the ideological reason for the Cold War had been fake all along. There is no justification whatsoever for «the New Cold War».) Russia is now responding to this new American-created hostility of Europeans against Russia, by its matching this newly transformed now anti-Russian NATO’s war-games against Russia, with similar Russian defensive maneuvers to prepare for an increasingly possible NATO invasion into Russia. So: the current refugee-crisis was, in fact, caused by America’s continuing obsession to destroy Russia — an obsession that the EU goes along with, and now suffers greatly from, not only because of loss of their Russian trading-partner, but because of the influx into Europe of millions of refugees that were caused by this New Cold War. This crisis was not caused by Russia’s defensive measures against an increasingly aggressive NATO. It was caused by U.S. aggressions, which the EU continues to endorse. 
Press TV - Sep 2015 - clik 1 
"Por décadas EUA incendeia a região, destruiu Iraque e Líbia, agora é a vez da Síria".
The head of Austria's opposition Freedom Party has censured the United States and the NATO for sparking the ongoing refugee crisis that has engulfed European countries. "The USA and NATO have destroyed Iraq and Libya with their military intervention, bombs and missiles; provided financial, logistical and military support to the opposition against President [Bashar al-] Assad in Syria, and thus made possible the destruction, chaos, suffering," and Takfirism in the region, Heinz-Christian Strache wrote on his Facebook page on Saturday. Strache also scorned what he called US President Barack Obama's suggestion that Europe should bear the main responsibility for dealing with the influx of asylum seekers hailing from conflict-stricken parts of the globe in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. "The USA for decades has started fires in the Middle East and then has … the chutzpah to claim that responsibility for the flood of refugees unleashed lies with Europe. That's geostrategic detribalization at its finest," he wrote.
YouTube VIDEO - Sep 2015 - clik 1 
Mas a sórdida mídia joga culpa no governo sírio e nos terroristas - mas omite que EUA os apoia.

YouTube VIDEO - Fox News - Sep 2015 - clik 1 
Teatro do absurdo: mídia quer que o eleito governo sírio pare de resistir aos terroristas.
Fox News recently decided to tackle the refugee crisis in Europe. Caitlin McFarland, a Fox News 'National Security Analyst' was quick to blame… Russia and China. Why? Because they're "sending weapons that have kept the civil war war going", and thus caused the refugee crisis. She of course made no mention of US weapons, special forces, and explicit drive for regime change in Syria...

But the Fox News anchor went one step further than McFarland's lie-by-omission by suggesting that the waves of refugees heading for Europe are being "sloughed off" onto Europe by the two Eurasian powers. Why? To "give Europe something to deal with." You will be hard pressed to find a clearer example of WASHINGTON policy revealed via US media talking points...

YouTube VIDEO - Sep 2015 - clik 1 
Rússia e Irã vão à guerra ao lado do governo sírio, contra ISIS.