02 fevereiro 2016


YouTube VIDEO - Feb 2016 - clik 1 
"Engendram invasão de milhões de refugiados: deflagrar guerra civil na Europa e Guerra Global".
Zsolt Bayer, Hungarian journalist, publicist, and co-founder of Hungary's currently ruling political party, and Dr. László Bogár, former politician and leading economist, discuss the Cologne sexual assaults committed by migrants on New Year's Eve, 2016. Bayer says that the deliberate displacement of millions of people will inevitably cause a "decade-long" civil war in Europe - the precise goal of the forces that dragged Europe into WWI and WWII. Middle Eastern Countries were purposefully destabilized to cause massive amounts of refugees - but only through the help of human smugglers, a well organized propaganda campaign and traitorous politicians could European countries be convinced to commit suicide. He claims that the sexual harassment and gang rape attacks of thousands of migrants on hundreds of German women on New Year's eve were just a "mild foretaste" of the civil war in Europe - which will be followed by yet another world war. He does not specify the "secret forces" behind this, but I'm sure most of you know what he means. This short part of the 60-minute long television program that aired on Echo TV on January 8, 2016, is of a rant by Mr. Bogár warning of WWIII and the background powers inciting the whole thing.