21 fevereiro 2016


YouTube VIDEO - SuperStation95 - Feb 2016 - clik 1 - clik 2 
ALARMANTE, sauditas admitem: têm arma nuclear do Paquistão. "As grande potências já sabem".
An alarming video has been aired on YouTube this week claiming Saudi Arabia has nuclear weapons ready to use against Russia, Iran and President Basher Al- Asad. This week the build up to WW III has taken a huge step closer with the Saudis said they had troops ready to move into Syria with the Russians warning it would trigger a world war. They have now thrown down the gauntlet to the Russians and Iran by claiming they have nuclear weapons. Daham Al-Anzi said the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is acting like a responsible country. Therefore the Saudi leadership represented by the Ministry of Defence have taken steps to minimise the Iranian threat in Yemen and is now focused on minimising the Iranian and Russian threat in the Levant and Syria.

YouTube VIDEO - Super Station 95 - Feb 2016 - clik 1 - clik 2 
EUA "vaza" pela CIA: os sauditas já têm 4 a 7 armas nucleares.