11 abril 2010


Telegraph, U.K.  >>
Obama estima déficit em 1,6 trilhões adicionais, só para 2010.
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Barack Obama to forecast $1.6 trillion deficit in budget
President Barack Obama will forecast a record $1.6 trillion deficit in the 2010 fiscal year, the biggest since World War Two, when he presents his budget today.
Published: 7:13AM GMT 01 Feb 2010
Mr Obama's budget proposal for 2011, to be released on Monday morning, will predict a narrowing of the deficits to $700 billion by 2013 before they gradually rise back to $1 trillion by the end of the decade, said sources in Congress. He will submit his spending blueprint for the 2011 fiscal year that begins Oct 1 and runs through Sep 30 next year. Mr Obama is trying to strike a balance between long-term deficit reduction and easing the pain of double-digit unemployment through proposals such as tax credits to encourage business hiring and tax breaks for middle class families. Criticized by Republicans as a big spender, Mr Obama used his State of the Union address last week to tell Americans he would dig the country out of a "massive fiscal hole". That hole is even deeper than previously believed, according to the estimate by the White House's Office of Management and Budget. The estimate for the current 2010 fiscal year that ends Sep 30 is significantly higher than the $1.35 trillion figure forecast by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office last week. Despite the difference, both estimates indicate that the deficit will continue to hover near 10 percent of gross domestic product, a level not seen since World War Two, when measured as a percentage of the economy. Last year, the government posted a $1.4 trillion deficit, equivalent to 9.9 percent of GDP.