03 junho 2010


DEBKAfile - Special Report May 27, 2010, 7:45 PM (GMT+02:00)
EUA sigilosamente posiciona submarino com armas nucleares dentro do Golfo Pérsico. clique aqui .
Inteligência de países ocidentais e fontes navais confirmaram. Irã entra em alerta máximo. video aqui . Imprensa ocidental em silêncio absoluto, e tambem no Brasil.

Tehran reports that an Iranian naval patrol Thursday, May 27, detected a US nuclear submarine sailing through the strategic Strait of Hormuz, through which most of the oil produced by Persian Gulf states passes on its way to world markets. debkafile's Iranian sources report Tehran has placed its navy and army on high alert.
Western intelligence and naval sources confirm that a nuclear-armed American submarine has in fact entered the Persian Gulf.