08 abril 2012


YouTube R.T. News - 07 Apr 2012 - clique aqui .
Imprensa ocidental, hipócrita: esconde a repressão brutal no Bahrein, mas expõe a da Síria.
Barhein totalitário, é submisso aos EUA. Síria é aliada do Irã.
As the protests in Bahrain face violent brutal crackdowns western politicians and media remains silent raising scrutiny over their denouncement of similar violence in other regions. While western politicians trumpet their facade of being promoters of democracy, defenders of freedom, and protectors of human rights some when one objectively examines world events as a whole cracks in the story appear and sinister motives are revealed. For evidence of this claim we need to look no further than the silence of western politicians over the violent crackdown in Bahrain. The United States is happy to fuel unrest in nation’s where there are vast oil supplies and other resources to be pillaged but only in nation’s where Shiite Muslims are in control of the government. While attention is constantly focused on Syria a brutal crackdown in Bahrain has been going on for a long time and the corporate media is all but silent on the situation which raises serious questions about the objectivity of such news organizations and whether they are in fact government controlled propaganda outlets.