15 abril 2012


R.T. News , Alexander Higgins Blog - 14 Apr 2012 - click 1 - click 2
China e Irã: defender Síria de ataque dos EUA. Rússia botou frota de guerra em patrulha.
The Russian Defense Ministry has announced the permanent deployment of Russian navy warships to guard the coastline of Syria in response to the recent escalation of hostilities toward by NATO allies. the US and its NATO allies are choosing to escalate the crisis in despite the Syria’s agreement to a UN and Arab League backed peace plan and ceasefire. Sadly all of the media outlets are fabricating news stories, including Al Jazeera, CNN, Al Arabiya andother news outlets. This whole chain of events is a World War III trigger in direct disregard of stern warnings from China and Russia to respect Syria’s sovereignty. We already know that Iranian military forces are on the ground. Let’s also not forget that Syria has hundreds, if not thousands of Surface to Air missiles, which are more than capable of shooting down military air craft in their skies. Clearly with Iran knowing they are the next target after Syria, it is more likely Iran will wage a proxy war on Syrian soil than their own. That war of course will have the full backing of both Russian and China. Make no mistake about it, the situation in the Middle East looks like it is head straight toward a dead-end called World War 3 faster than we know it.