24 abril 2012


Alexander Higgins Blog - 23 Apr 2012 - click aqui .
EUA, Obama censura imprensa:
proibe notícias sobre Síria, alega motivo de "emergência nacional".
President Obama issues a constitution trampling executive order declaring Syria a national emergency and outlaws reporting on terrorist rebel activities.
In perhaps the most unconstitutional power grab by the Obama administration to date the constitutional rights of Freedom of Press and Freedom of speech have now been suspended under the false premise that the “human rights violations” in Syria and Iran constitute as “national emergency”. Specifically it authorizes the government to action against any who is said to have 11) a ii(A) operated, or to have directed the operation of, information and communications technology . Moreover, people running applications like the Syria Tracker which keeps tabs on reported attacks by terrorists and reported attacks by the government by the terrorist can now find themselves in the crosshairs of the US government under this new executive order. If you donated to a website or news organization that reported on the activities of the terrorists you may find yourself under review for violating this executive order. Of course the order gets even broader, as it goes on to state you are guilty if any in anything in violation of this executive order is 1) a ii(D) owned or controlled by you or if you, or if you have acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order. Of course, donations are considered free speech according Supreme Court to Citizens United when it comes to corrupting our politicians, but the same rights aren’t extended to you as an individual and the government will mandates strict time and place restrictions on the free speech you can exercise if they allow you to exercise it. Clearly free speech is anything from “free” when it is controlled by the government.