28 agosto 2014


The Fourth Media - Aug 2014 - clik aqui.
EUA na surdina trava guerra economica à Europa, que tem grandes laços com a Rússia.
Querem engolfar Europa em guerra, faze-los arcar com gastos.
Anyone who can think realizes that the United States is waging war to subjugate Europe with the help of Ukrainian leadership and its agents in Brussels. They exert great effort to demonize Russia and provoke it into a direct intervention in Ukraine to justify the story invented by Washington about «Russian aggression» that is spread around in Europe fooling people. 
The Europe’s intent to re-industrialize prompted the United States to launch a new phase of economic war. At that Russia remains the main Europe’s energy supplier. There was an attempt to interrupt energy deliveries during the Russia-Ukraine gas wars in 2006-2009. The start of «sanctions war» against Russia was an hour of triumph for the United States eager to destroy the European economy. Under the US pressure the European Union joined the punitive measures that led Europe to stagnation. The main goal is to damage the Russian oil and gas industry and complicate Russian energy supplies to Europe. In other words the United Sates aims to create obstacles on the way of re-industrialization. European experts have already come to the conclusion that there is no alternative to Russian gas.