29 setembro 2014


R.T. News - Sep 2014 - clik 1 - clik 2 - clik 3 
Rússia detona EUA hipócrita: "financiava estes terroristas antes, e agora já os combate?"
Diz EUA : há "bons" terroristas, quando quer derrubar um governo.
The Western powers that fostered Islamic extremists to incite them against Middle Eastern regimes should stop dividing terrorists into good and bad, Russia’s foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, said in a TV interview. In an interview to Channel 5 in St. Petersburg, Lavrov said: “Now that the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant has been appointed United States’ archenemy, I’d like to recall that [ISIS militants] are the very same people that evolved and got powerful sponsorship and material support from abroad at the time of the regime change efforts in Libya and later on when the same process was attempted in Syria.” 
The Russian foreign minister recalled the no-holds-barred time when Americans and Europeans were justifying their help to Islamic fundamentalists as providing support to those opposing unpopular regimes. “When we called their attention to the fact that there were a large number of terrorists and extremists fighting the regimes, [the Americans and Europeans] essentially told us that all such things would pass once they overthrew the regimes, and that they would deal with this later on,” Lavrov said. “But all this turned out to be wrong.” In another example, Lavrov said that France had armed the militants fighting against Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi, yet some time later faced the same people in Mali, where French troops had to oppose Islamic fundamentalists who migrated there from a ravaged Libya after Gaddafi’s fall. 
“We need a general criterion: if we do fight terrorism – we do it everywhere and always. You cannot divide terrorists into good and bad, only because some of them help you to oust a legitimately elected leader of a UN member country that you don’t like,” Lavrov said. Washington insists that it is the “bad” terrorists that are being killed by the Americans, Lavrov said, adding that Americans became agitated only after “the disgusting video of American journalists being executed was broadcasted.”
"Não há bons terroristas". Rússia conclama Ocidente a combatê-los, e deixar oportunismos políticos.
Ocidente fabricando pretexto para derrubar governo na Síria.


Wall Street Journal - The New American - Sep 2014 - clik 1 - clik 2
Globalista Kissinger : "acelerar a implantação de Governo Mundial sobre os povos da Terra".
Estrutura imposta está em crise : povos reagem contra domínio.
As awareness grows of the international establishment’s globalist plotting against liberty and national sovereignty, problems on the road toward a “New World Order” are becoming increasingly obvious, and opposition is surging in tandem. It seems that insider bigwigs are getting nervous. Changes in strategy may be forthcoming as a result. Still, as a recent “analysis” by establishment spokesman Henry Kissinger (shown) makes clear, the powerful forces of globalism and totalitarianism have no intention of backing down from their plot to impose their “New World Order” on humanity. 
Former Secretary of State and national security adviser Kissinger — a key front man for a powerful movement aiming to impose what he and other globalists refer to as a “New World Order” — recently outlined some of the establishment’s concerns. In a piece published on August 29 in the Wall Street Journal, headlined “Henry Kissinger on the Assembly of a New World Order,” the prominent foreign policy Machiavellian also proposed the acceleration of efforts to impose global governance on humanity. Adapted from a soon-to-be-released book on the subject of “World Order,” Kissinger’s analysis purports to identify various speed bumps on the road toward the globalist vision of planetary government. It then offers some policy prescriptions to overcome them, buried between the lines of unexciting and opaque writing. And it warns about what may befall the world if humanity refuses to submit to the global order pushed by Kissinger and company. “The concept of order that has underpinned the modern era is in crisis,” argued the globalist apparatchik. As evidence, he cited theplanned collapse of Libya after being “liberated” by the United Nations and Obama; the Islamic State’s efforts to impose a “caliphate” in the Middle East (without mentioning the crucial role played by the U.S. government and its allies in creating the threat to begin with); and alleged tensions between Russia and the West. Again without mentioning the U.S. government or his own role in the trends, Kissinger also points to “a relationship with China divided between pledges of cooperation and public recrimination.” 
"Muitos países fingem aceitar os comandos do Ocidente".
One of the key problems, Kissinger’s analysis falsely suggests, is that many of the world’s ruling governments and dictatorships never fully embraced the globalist “New World Order” scheming pushed by the Western establishment. “Vast regions of the world have never shared and only acquiesced in the Western concept of order,” he wrote. In reality, as The New American and countless scholars have documented, even the regimes he implies are hostile to the Western establishment’s vision of “world order” are largely the product of that same establishment — including the brutal regime ruling mainland China. They all seem to be largely on the same page, too. Just this summer, for example, the Communist Chinese dictatorship and more than 130 Third World regimes in the G77 signed a declaration calling for what they termed a “New World Order to Live Well.” While taking shots at Western governments for not re-distributing enough taxpayer wealth to their regimes, the massive screed outlines essentially the same vision of a “New World Order” pushed openly by Western globalists such as Kissinger. Even UN boss Ban Ki-moon joined the festivities in Bolivia and celebrated the declaration and the renewed Third World push for the world order, complete with global governance and regional regimes under the UN itself. “The order established and proclaimed by the West stands at a turning point,” Kissinger continued, citing, firstly, challenges to the “nature of the state.” His first example is the globalist-orchestrated attack on national sovereignty that has essentially imposed a transnational, unelected, unaccountable regime on the formerly independent peoples of Europe — without even a semblance of public consent
Kissinger, though, frames the top-down attack in a different light. “Europe has set out to transcend the state and craft a foreign policy based primarily on the principles of soft power,” he claims, giving the false impression that “Europe,” rather than the establishment ruling over it, was behind the radical scheme. Now, however, Kissinger implies without saying it directly, that the controversial European Union must usurp even more power, wealth, and liberty from the peoples and formerly sovereign nations its unelected bureaucrats rule from Brussels. “It is doubtful that claims to legitimacy separated from a concept of strategy can sustain a world order,” the establishment operative declared.
"Europeus têm que entregar sua soberania ao Governo Central".
“And Europe has not yet given itself attributes of statehood, tempting a vacuum of authority internally and an imbalance of power along its borders.” In other words, turn the EU into a true “state” — despite the fact that Europeans have repeatedly rejected such machinations — or face various crises and horrors. “The economic system has become global, while the political structure of the world remains based on the nation-state,” Kissinger complained. 
“The international order thus faces a paradox: Its prosperity is dependent on the success of globalization, but the process produces a political reaction that often works counter to its aspirations.” In other words, globalists are worried that the public backlash — or “political reaction,” as Kissinger put it — to the “international order” created partly by Kissinger and his radical comrades is growing and must be dealt with. Kissinger acknowledges the almost absurd amount of “multilateral forums” proliferating all over the world today, many of which have been explored in depth in these pages and almost all of which depend on the continued usurpation of national sovereignty and wealth for their existence. However, in his analysis, the former secretary of state argues that the time has come to take the emerging world order to the next level. “A contemporary structure of international rules and norms, if it is to prove relevant, cannot merely be affirmed by joint declarations; it must be fostered as a matter of common conviction,” he wrote. 


YouTube VIDEO - Sep 2014 - clique aqui 
"Terroristas, são apenas grupos de pessoas que rejeitam o Sistema Internacional". Henry Kissinger.
What happens if you don't want to submit to the United Nations, or reject a central bank system of rule? You get defined as a terrorist. One of the United States' most Machiavellian diplomats in history, Henry Kissinger, acknowledged that most of the people we're fighting in the Middle East known as "terrorists" in America are actually just resistant to international control. And how do you think they'll treat independent minded Americans who refuse to submit to the new world order? Here's a short excerpt from Henry Kissinger in a speech given in Istanbul, Turkey on May 31, 2007, while the Bilderberg conference was simultaneously underway, just a few miles down the road. "In the Middle East, we live in a different world. The nations do not represent historic entities in the same sense that European nations did. Turkey of course does, and Iran in a considerable extent does. But in the region in between, the borders were drawn by the victors of World War I on the basis largely of what would facilitate their influence. So therefore, the identities of these countries, and of their borders, can be challenged more easily."  "What we in America call terrorists are really groups of people that reject the international system, and they're trying to regroup it to a radical Islamic fundamentalists kind."

28 setembro 2014


YouTube VIDEO - Sep 2014 - clique aqui.
"Eles nos atacam porque nós ocupamos a terra deles. Nosso governo sabe e esconde isso".


Associated Press - R.T. News - YouTube VIDEO - Sep 2014 - clik 1 - clik 2
AP detona EUA: "Todo o governo federal bloqueia notícias, e coage até os estados e municípios".
The fight for access to public information has never been harder, Associated Press Washington Bureau Chief Sally Buzbee said recently at a joint meeting of the American Society of News Editors, the Associated Press Media Editors and the Associated Press Photo Managers. The problem extends across the entire federal government and is now trickling down to state and local governments. The administration is trying to control the information that state and local officials can give out. The FBI has directed local police not to disclose details about surveillance technology the police departments use to sweep up cellphone data. In some cases, federal officials have formally intervened in state open records cases, arguing for secrecy.


YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - Sep 2014 - clique aqui
JORNALISMO É COMPRADO: "imprensa recebe da CIA para tornar as notícias em pró-EUA".
The media is a key tool in the battle for hearts and minds. But a new bestseller by a German author reveals some details on journalism that would be considered too outlandish, even in a spy novel. RT's Peter Oliver reports.


YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - Sep 2014 - clik 1 - clik 2
"Ocidente rejeita o princípio da igualdade das nações, enquanto advoga democracia para todos".
Política de ultimatos, e filosofia de superioridade e dominação.
The US-led Western block rejects the principle of the equality of sovereign states secured by the UN Charter while advocating democracy in the international arena, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov addressing the UNGA.

"Ocidente pratica moral dupla, usando intervenção militar só com foco de interesse próprio".

"Tenta estruturar verticalmente a Humanidade inteira, para ela se encaixar nos seus padrões".
The Western bloc has taken a course of "vertical structuring of humanity” according to its standards, said Lavrov describing the latter as “far from harmless”. “Proclaiming victory in the Cold War and the onset of ‘history’s end’ the US and the EU committed to expanding their geopolitical space without balancing the legitimate interests of all the peoples of Europe.”


CNBC - Saxo Bank - Zero Hedge - Trading Floor - Sep 2014 - clik1 - clik2 - clik3 
'Momento Minsk' já chegando: colapso global do valor de ativos, detona bolhas de crédito e dívida.
- EUA, Europa e China : ativos sobrevalorizados cairão.
- Minsk : Quando produtividade sobe menos que carga de juros.
- Modelos baseados em consumo, e não em produtividade.
- Mais parecem a velha URSS, e não economias de mercado.
- Resposta tem sido apenas "enrolar", tocar problema adiante.
The world's three economic superpowers - the U.S., China and Europe - are heading for a major collapse in asset values because their economic models favor consumption instead of productivity, one economist has warned. "We're still not wise enough to realize that our current model is a 'Ponzi' scheme rushing toward its inevitable 'Minsky moment'," Steen Jakobsen, a chief economist at Danish investment bank Saxo Bank, said in a research note on Friday. The term "Minsky moment" refers to a phrase coined for the Asian debt crisis of the late 1990s by Pimco's Paul McCulley. Unsustainable debt will be the cause of the crash, according to Jakobsen, and will occur when the cash returns on assets become insufficient to service the debt taken on to acquire those assets in the first place. He gives no timeframe for his thesis but says that the problem of huge debts has been swept under the carpet by central bankers and policymakers and will come back as low inflation or even deflation.

.Investors and pundits seem to have forgotten that we were promised 2014 would be the end of the crisis. Whatever the timing, the US, China and Europe are all headed for another Minsky moment: the point in debt inflation where the cash generated by assets is insufficient to service the debt taken on to acquire the asset. Anything which is not productivity is consumption of capital. 
So, the only way to grow an economy without productivity growth is to do so temporarily through the use of debt – about 75% debt and 25% productivity growth, in this case. Since the 1970s, US productivity growth rates have fallen by 81% – the move onto the internet has ironically made us bigger consumers and less productive. Had we remained at pre-1970s productivity, the US GDP would have been 55% higher and the outstanding debt to GDP would be easily fundable.

27 setembro 2014


YouTube VIDEO - Sep 2014 - clique aqui.
MINI DOCUMENTÁRIO : "Anatomia do domínio e colapso do dólar, e a queda dos EUA".


YouTube VIDEO - CBS News - Sep 2014 - clik 1 - clik 2
EUA, Estado Policial: centenas de universidades recebem blindados de guerra. Para sua "segurança".
A CBS News review shows campus police across the country have received millions of dollars worth of military gear from the Pentagon. Now, there are calls to halt those transfers, even though some agencies say the weapons are necessary. CBS News correspondent Manuel Bojorquez reports from the University of Texas, Arlington, that the University of Texas System’s police protect more than a dozen campuses and 330,000 people across the state.

Para escolas, blindados militares com lançadores de granadas.


YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - Sep 2014 - clique aqui.
"Ocidente é causa do problema. Por cem anos forjou um caldo de guerra e ódio na região toda".
British MP George Galloway has been met with praise and criticism for his speech given in Parliament today, where he set out his case against military intervention in Iraq.

26 setembro 2014


R.T. News - Jamestown Foundation - Sep 2014 - clik 1 - clik 2
Rússia, maior exercício militar da história: repelir invasão dos EUA.
To prepare to meet the external US-led threat, the Russian military is currently carrying out the unprecedentedly massive military exercise Vostok 2014, involving 155,000 men as well as thousands of tanks, jets, naval ships and other heavy equipment. Thousands of reservists were called up. According to Russia’s defense minister, Army-General Sergei Shoigu, Vostok 2014 is the biggest war exercises in the country’s history, larger in size than any war games during the Cold War. The defense of the Russian Arctic was also practiced, according to Shoigu, as Russian forces on a newly established military base on the New Siberian Islands fired anti-aircraft and anti-ship missiles. Paratroopers and marines were deployed to the Arctic island of Wrangel and on the Chukotka shore to prepare to repel an enemy invasion (kremlin.ru, September 23). Arguably, Vostok 2014 was exclusively a preparation for war with the US. The Vostok 2014 scenario reportedly involved a foreign power called “Missouria” (a stand in for the US) provoking a clash between Russia and an unnamed Asian nation (Japan) over a territorial dispute (the South Kuril Islands). In the scenario being practiced, “Missouria,” with allied support, was using this conflict as a pretext to begin a full-scale invasion of Russia. The Russian Armed Forces taking part in Vostok 2014 were thus tasked with defending against “Missourian” (US) air force and navy attacks and invasions from the Arctic to Vladivostok in the south. In the scenario, enemy marines and army units also landed in Chukotka, Kamchatka, the Kurils, Sakhalin and other outlying regions. During the exercise, Russia is forced to mobilize all the forces and resources at its disposal to counter this treacherous air-sea-land invasion (Vzglad, September 23).Anti-Western and anti-American rhetoric continues to dominate Russian TV channels and other state-controlled media. 
And this rhetoric is followed up with action to prepare to fight US-led external enemies that are presumed to be preparing to attack Russia and its interests on different fronts. Simultaneously, however, Moscow believes it must deal with an internal foe: Western agents and traitors who are preparing diversions and regime change from within. Apparently, the ceasefire in Donbas is seen in the Kremlin as a temporary armistice—essentially one between Moscow and Washington, which are both fighting a war by proxy within Ukraine, as during the Cold War in Vietnam or Afghanistan. This ceasefire is shaky and may collapse, possibly followed by further escalation and the conflict spreading, involving the entire globe.


Voices of Liberty - Sep 2014 - clique aqui.
Fed diz: "não há recuperação".
Yellen’s statement also requires a bit of parsing. When she said “in 2016 or by the end,” did she mean by the end of 2016 or by the end of the decade? Given her view that full policy normalization won’t occur until the end of the decade, the latter interpretation would not be at all surprising. This would mean that the Fed believes that we are still at best only at the halfway point toward economic recovery
The last financial crisis recovery that took that long was the recovery from the Great Depression, in which the economy really didn’t return to normal until after World War II. How many American households can deal with another six years or more of middling economic performance? More importantly, Yellen’s admission of non-recovery belies all of her previous statements about the rosy condition of the economy and the job market. From now on, every time you hear someone from the Fed talking about how well the economy is doing, take it with a huge grain of salt. It is just a continuation of the Greenspan-Bernanke conduct of monetary policy via psychological manipulation, euphemistically referred to as “expectations management.” With one hand the Fed tinkers with the levers of monetary policy while with the other hand it holds the megaphone with which it announces that the economy is doing just fine, even if bubbles are beginning to burst all around. The Federal Reserve’s thinking is that if it can convince people to believe that everything is alright then things actually will be alright. The power of positive thinking only goes so far, however. 
At some point it will run into the brick wall of economic reality. No amount of happy thoughts can overcome the reality that the Fed’s money creation is leading to rising prices and inflating asset bubbles. Positive thinking won’t find jobs for the unemployed and underemployed, nor will it put food on the table of families who are living from paycheck to paycheck. Expectations can only be managed so far, until people realize that they are being sold a bill of goods.

25 setembro 2014


Estadão - Sep 2014 - clique aqui.
EUA joga bombas neles, e aí diz: "ódio terrorista é gerado por ideologias extremistas".
Faltando inimigos, EUA inventa: vai combater "ideologias".
Por gasto eterno com armas, é melhor ter inimigo indefinido.
"Nenhuma criança nasce odiando e nenhuma criança deve ser ensinada a odiar outras pessoas", disse Obama, defendendo a "redução dos espaços" nos quais o extremismo é cultivado. "Não deve mais haver tolerância aos chamados clérigos que pedem a pessoas que firam inocentes porque eles são judeus, cristãos ou muçulmanos. 
É o momento de um novo pacto entre povos civilizados desse mundo para erradicar a mais fundamental fonte da guerra: a corrupção de mentes jovens pela ideologia violenta."  Propôs o ataque à ideologia que sustenta esses grupos, professada na internet e nas redes sociais e reproduzida em algumas escolas religiosas no mundo muçulmano.do pelo Estadão é protegido por lei. Para compartilhar este conteúdo, utilize o link:http://internacional.estadao.com.br/noticias/geral,na-onu-obama-propoe-medidas-que-combatam-causas-do-extremismo,1565400material jornalístico produzido pelo Estadão é protegido por lei. Para compartilhar este conteúdo, utilize o link:http://internacional.estadao.com.br/noticias/geral,na-onu-obama-propoe-medidas-que-combatam-causas-do-extremismo,1565400rial jornalístico produzido pelo Estadão é protegido por lei. Para compartilhar este conteúdo, utilize o link:http://internacional.estadao.com.br/noticias/geral,na-onu-obama-propoe-medidas-que-combatam-causas-do-extremismo,1565400


Global Research - Sep 2014 - clique aqui
Para ridicularizar dissidentes, CIA criou expressão pejorativa "conspiracy theorist" em 1961.
In his 2013 book, Conspiracy Theory in America, author Lance deHaven-Smith traced the term “conspiracy theory” back to a CIA propaganda campaign that was designed to discredit doubters of the Warren Commission’s fake search into who assassinated President Kennedy in Dallas. In this light, the use of this pejorative term is obviously a tactic to shame and humiliate those who saw through the ulterior motives of the commission, and thus effectively censor out or even banish anyone who questions official government accounts. 
The Warren Commission, to its eternal shame, ignored the testimony of a multitude of eye witnesses to the crime that proved that there were shooters both behind and in front of Kennedy’s motorcade. Many witnesses, none of whom were called to testify, had heard shots coming from the grassy knoll in front of the motorcade. One of those eye-witnesses was an emergency room physician that attended Kennedy’s dying body. He would have testified to the commission that there was a tiny entry wound in JFK’s throat as well as a large exit wound that blew off the back of his head (depositing a chunk of his brain on the trunk of the limousine – which Jackie was shown retrieving in the famous film of the assassination by Abraham Zapruder). Anyone with discerning eyes saw JFK’s head being violently thrown backwards from the head shot, thus proving that that shot had come from the front (as did the neck shot), thus disproving the single shooter theory and proving that the assassination of the president was indeed a conspiracy (i.e., more than one entity plotting an evil deed). 
Hence the CIA’s cunning ploy (with the pejorative “conspiracy theorist” label) to discredit those who had taken on as their duty to be skeptical of what was indeed another of the Big Lies that regularly come from political entities that want our trust and votes; from advertising campaigns from corporations that want our trust and money; from government and military entities that want our trust and support; and from the for-profit media entities that want our trust and money. All those entities had to be involved in the crime and cover-up of the events of 9/11/01. Both the Warren and 9/11 commissions were, in effect, saying “Hey you American idiots, listen up. How many times do we have to tell you that this case is closed? We got our crazed lone gunman; now just be obedient children and resume your shopping, brain-numbing amusements. celebrity worship and vegetating on the couch cheering for your favorite professional football, baseball, hockey or basketball teams.” Or they may try to reassure us a bit more diplomatically by saying “trust us when we say that those heinous crimes were simply committed by lone gunman like Lee Harvey Oswald, James Earl Ray, Sirhan Sirhan, Osama bin Laden or Adam Lanza (despite all the evidence to the contrary) – and those cases have been neatly wrapped up (by hook or by crook).” 
“So just move on – there is nothing more to see here; and, should you continue to have doubts about our official stories, just be sure to remember what happens to conscientious whistleblowers like Martin Luther King, Chelsey Manning, Edward Snowden and Julian Assange when they go poking around where they’re not wanted.” 


C-SPAN - AE9-11 Truth - Sep 2014 - clik 1 - clik 2
2.200 arquitetos e engenheiros demoliram versão oficial do 9-11.
Não atingido, WTC-7 não poderia desabar sozinho, foi implodido.
Mas uma demolição requer semanas de preparação.
Mas WTC-7 foi implodido em apenas algumas horas.
If you haven’t already watched the following video of Richard Gage from ARCHITECTS and ENGINEERS For 9/11 TRUTH shown on C-SPAN, then only seeing is believing. This unparalleled breakthrough of 9/11 truth into the mainstream media is as consequential as it is explosive for both the real perpetrators and the entire nation. This irrefutable presentation on the collapse of Building #7 of the World Trade Center Complex is particularly damning because of the authoritative science offered as proof that the 9/11 Commission Report is a fraud. The ramifications are so far-reaching and profound that the entire world will undoubtedly change with the dissemination of these stunning, yet self-evident, revelations!

Conclusion: The official 9/11 Commission Report has been proven to be an entirely fraudulent document covering up an investigation that never really took place. The engineering experts and architectural authorities have presented irrefutable evidence of that the World Trade Center buildings were not brought down by airplanes and fires. What, then, caused the three buildings to implode and fall neatly into their own footprints? Every aspect of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon remains under serious question thirteen years later. Each of these unanswered questions begs for government responses that, at the very, least do not violate the laws of engineering and architecture, physics and chemistry, metallurgy and fire science. If the US Federal Government refuses to open a high integrity investigation of the greatest terror event in US history, then perhaps the 9/11 TRUTH Movement ought to constitute a formal commission to bring the necessary closure.

Muitas testemunhas sabiam que WTC-7 iria 'vir abaixo'. E até o próprio dono diz: "foi demolido".
Fez seguro umas semanas antes , e daí recebeu 7 bilhões.
Seguro foi contra "ataques terroristas".
Todo dia ele trabalhava no prédio, menos naquele dia.


YouTube VIDEO - Sep 2014 - clik 1 - clik 2 - clik 3 - clik 4
Na Síria, EUA ataca "terroristas" que financiou. E sem pedir à Síria.
Na surdina, o pretexto é atacar Síria e Iraque, aliados da Rússia.
US military has confirmed that the US-led coalition have launched five airstrikes on the Islamic State militants. Geopolitical expert William Engdahl joins RT to discuss this issue.
EUA alega atacar "só" terroristas, mas logo vai invadir com tropas.

Conselho de Segurança da ONU não autorizou. EUA já violando território de país soberano.
President Obama addressed the General Assembly during which he defended the U.S.-led military campaign in Iraq and Syria. RT's Anastasia Churkina has the details.
Rússia exige: "respeitar tratado internacional. Pedir permissão ao governo da Síria, que seja antes".

22 setembro 2014


Global Post - Mint Press News - Daily Bell - Sep 2014 - clik 1 - clik2 - clik 3
EUA estão agora envolvidos em 134 guerras pelo mundo afora.
In 2013, the US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) — one of the nine organizational units that make up the Unified Combatant Command — had special operations forces (SOFs) in 134 countries, where they were either involved in combat, special missions, or advising and training foreign forces. (Mostly this last thing, according to public statements.) Since most of what SOFs do is classified, all we know about them is what we get told about them. Here's what we're told by the Joint Chiefs of Staff
What are SOFs?  "Special operations forces (SOF) are small, specially organized units manned by people carefully selected and trained to operate under physically demanding and psychologically stressful conditions to accomplish missions using modified equipment and unconventional applications of tactics against strategic and operational objectives. The unique capabilities of SOF complement those of conventional forces." And what do they do? "Joint special operations (SO) are conducted by SOF from more than one Service in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments to achieve military, diplomatic, informational, and/or economic objectives employing military capabilities for which there is no broad conventional force requirement. These operations may require low visibility, clandestine, or covert capabilities. SO are applicable across the range of military operations.
They can be conducted independently or in conjunction with operations of conventional forces or other government agencies and may include operations through, with, or by indigenous or surrogate forces. SO differ from conventional operations in degree of physical and political risk, operational techniques, use of special equipment, modes of employment, independence from friendly support, and dependence on detailed operational intelligence and indigenous assets." Examples: These tasks include special reconnaissance (SR), direct action (DA), unconventional warfare (UW), foreign internal defense (FID), counterterrorism, counterproliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD)[.]" SOCOM admits to having forces on the ground in 134 countries around the world. That doesn't mean its forces are carrying out capture or kill raids in every country, but it's almost impossible to know where and when different operations are taking place. 

21 setembro 2014


The Guardian, UK - Sep 2014 - clik 1 - clik 2
Rússia prepara-se para séria confrontação militar. Pronta para desplugar-se da Internet.
The Kremlin is considering radical plans to unplug Russia from the globalinternet in the event of a serious military confrontation or big anti-government protests at home, Russian officials hinted on Friday. President Vladimir Putin will convene a meeting of his security council on Monday. It will discuss what steps Moscow might take to disconnect Russian citizens from the web "in an emergency", the Vedomosti newspaper reported. The goal would be to strengthen Russia's sovereignty in cyberspace. The proposals could also bring the domain .ru under state control, it suggested. Russian TV and most of the country's newspapers are under the Kremlin's thumb. 
But unlike in China, the Russian internet has so far remained a comparatively open place for discussion, albeit one contested by state-sponsored bloggers and Putin fans. The move comes at a time when Russia has been bitterly critical of the western media, which Moscow says has adopted a biased attitude towards events in Ukraine. Russian channels have portrayed the conflict in Ukraine as a heroic fight against "fascists" in Kiev. They have disputed western reports that Russian soldiers and heavy weapons are involved. A BBC team that went to investigate reports of Russian servicemen killed in Ukraine was beaten up this week. According to Vedomosti, Russia plans to introduce the new measures early next year. The Kremlin has been wrestling for some time with how to reduce Russia's dependency on American technology and digital infrastructure, amid fears that its communications are vulnerable to US spying. It has mooted building a "national internet", which would in effect be a domestic intranet. These proposals go further, expanding the government's control over ordinary Russian internet users and their digital habits. Andrei Soldatov, an expert on Russia's spy agencies, described the plans as big news. In an email from Moscow he said he "didn't actually believe" Russian officials would disconnect the internet. But he said the moves were a "real step forward in the development of a besieged fortress mentality".


Reuters News - Investment Watch - Sep 2014 - clik 1 - clik 2
China lança sua Bolsa do Ouro: destruirá tramóia que suprime o prêço para dar sustento ao dólar.
(Reuters) - China will launch its international gold exchange 11 days ahead of schedule, sources said on Tuesday, racing ahead in the scramble to set up an Asian bullion benchmark as rival Singapore is forced to delay its gold contract due to technical issues. 
Asia, home to the world's top two gold buyers - China and India, has been clamoring to gain pricing power over the metal and challenge the dominance of London and New York in trading. The state-run Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE) will launch the global gold bourse in the Shanghai free-trade zone on Thursday, two sources familiar with the matter told Reuters. 
The SGE had initially planned the launch for Sept. 29. The change was made based on the availability of some government officials to participate in the launch event, one of the sources said, adding that all 11 physical gold contracts will begin trading on Thursday. The ability to bring forward the launch, which will mark the first time foreign players will be allowed to participate directly in China's physical gold market - the biggest in the world, shows the country's preparedness with the exchange that it is hoping will become the center of Asian gold trading. The response has been strong, with the bourse exceeding expectations in signing up trading members, Reuters reported earlier. Meanwhile, Singapore has delayed the launch of its gold contract to October, two other sources said. The 25 kg contract was set to be launched on the Singapore Exchange this month. The delay was due to some technical issues in setting up the trading system, the sources said.


New Eastern Outlook - Sep 2014 - clik 1 - clik 2
EUA joga última cartada: rachar eixo Russia-Irã, donos do preço do gás. Mas não tem chances.
The US administration is determined to do everything to drive a wedge between Moscow and Tehran. This raises the question of whether there is a real opportunity for strategic convergence between Tehran and Washington to the detriment of the partnership between Russia and Iran? Officially, in reaction to the events in the Ukraine, Tehran did not side with the West against Russia. The US is firmly believed to be the main enemy of both countries. 
In this context, the deterioration of the relations between Moscow and Washington could become a certain bonus for Tehran in deepening the cooperation between Russia and Tehran on a bilateral and regional level. Iranians are not happy about possible enlargement of NATO close to Russia’s borders. Ukraine is a testing ground which, if the Kremlin withdraws, may be followed by the states in the South Caucasus and Central Asia. Iranians also see that instead of the promised democracy in the Ukraine the world has witnessed the triumph of radicalism and extremism, even though not Islamic. The Ukraine, relying on the United States, has already lost part of its territory and it is now one step away from a breakup into two and even more pieces. In reality, Tehran is interested in building strategic relations with Russia and has never acted behind its back even when it would have been very profitable for Iran. 
A striking example of this is the relatively recent proposal of the Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev during his visit to Tehran to mediate an arrangement on delivery of Iranian gas to Europe bypassing Russia in the context of the Ukrainian crisis. Iran refused flat out saying that it will never sign any contracts with Europe behind Russia’s back and without its consent. Even more so that Russia and Iran have made progress in the negotiations on the supply of Russian goods in exchange for Iranian oil. The total amount of the contract is $20 billion and it covers plans for procurement of 500,000 barrels of Iranian oil per day. Moscow believes that the deal with Iran does not violate the international sanctions imposed against Tehran. Russia only signed the sanctions adopted by the UN Security Council and considers illegal the unilateral restrictions adopted by the United States and the European Union. By doing this, Moscow takes the leverage over Tehran away from the White House and destroys the entire US-backed system of dictating terms to the Iranians. Americans fear exactly this, rather than that the translation will be implemented. 
Iran is not only a major oil supplier. The country is estimated to have largest gas reserves in the world and we can build a coalition to prevent such US-controlled actors as Saudi Arabia and Qatar from using illegal unilateral US sanctions for their own advantage. Russia can become a trader for Iranian oil if the US refuses to lift sanctions after the signing of a final agreement with Iran on its nuclear program. And, by creating a Moscow – Tehran gas-axis instead of the failed GECF, the two countries will be able to dictate to Washington and Brussels its conditions in the global gas market, including gas prices. But we must act now taking into account that the US has already begun to implement its new policy toward Russia and Iran.


Silver Doctors - Jim Willie CB - Sep 2014 - clique aqui.
TERREMOTO GEOPOLÍTICO : Sauditas aceitarão Yuan. Dólar em parafuso, EUA em colapso.
The central bank franchise system has failed. The bankers are cornered, some being murdered. Others might be prosecuted. They are the principal cause of the systemic failure, the other cause being the massive outsourcing initiatives over three decades and the outsized USGovt social welfare state. The bigger principal cause of the systemic failure is the US War Machine, which has been around longer than the debutante Fascist Business Model that made its introduction in 2002. Half the $17 trillion in USGovt debt comes from war spending. They defend the indefensible USDollar, but also the narco business.Putin kicked out the Rothschild bankers from his country. Putin interrupted the USGovt heroin trade supply routes out of Afghanistan. 
Like Abraham Lincoln 150 years ago, the elite banker chambers wish to remove Putin and to suppress Russia, but the sprawling nation has joined at the hip with China. Thus Russia cannot be isolated any more than a bear can be bear hugged. The nation spans 12 time zones and is a top supplier of numerous important commodities. The Russia & China bond is growing and will result in a marriage, the consummation being a baby called the Gold Trade Standard. The King Dollar is being displaced, kicked off its throne. Its squire the Petro-Dollar is undergoing demise. The Ukraine War is the USDollar Waterloo event. The Saudi rejection of the USD in exclusive oil payments will be the crash heard around the world. The marriage between the Saudis and Chinese is a process well along, with each month featuring yet another high level conference. The Saudis will make the announcement in the coming weeks or months, as a genuflection before the Chinese, with a hat tip to the Russians. Soon the crude oil price will be set by the Russia-China tag team, priced in Yuan. 
When the Gold Trade Standard is entrenched, the diversification away from USTreasurys in the global banking system will become a torrent. Bank system practices will follow trade payment practices. When installed, it will cause prosperity in the East and havoc in the West. The Crash Heard Round the World is coming. The USDollar will be rejected, and replaced by the Gold Trade Standard. 

20 setembro 2014


Slavyangrad.Org - Varyag Journal - Sep 2014 - clik 1 - clik 2
Fascismo totalitário pró-EUA ascende absoluto na Ucrânia. Arbítrio, e sem côrtes de justiça.
Extingue direito de defesa, julgará o Conselho de Defesa Nacional.
Imprensa ocidental : silencio absoluto, cumplicidade e hipocrisia.
All decisions will be made by the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of Ukraine and will be approved by the President and the Rada among other things in relation to its own citizens. Falling under suspicion that you are a “terrorist”, the sanctions will be immediately applied against you. Under this Law, the citizens of Ukraine—without any court order—can be deprived of the ability to enjoy their possessions, to privatize them, to import currency, as well as other sanctions. 
Moreover, this is in addition to the measures provided by the Criminal Code of Ukraine, where in addition to the articles concerning the “national security” of the country and prison time, huge changes are made on the deprivation of citizenship. Taking into account that the country is on a “witch hunt”; and just today Ministry of Internal Affairs reported “four thousand terrorists on the Internet”; the results are expected to be impressive.
Article 4. Types of sanctions
1. Under the present Law the types of sanctions include:

1) – blocking of assets – temporal restriction of rights of a person to use and dispose property;
2) – restriction of the trade transactions;
3) – restriction, full or partial termination of the resource transit, flights and transportation across the territory of Ukraine;
4) – prevention of capital withdrawal from Ukraine;
5) suspension of economic and financial obligations fulfillment;
6) cancellation or suspension of licenses and other permits, obtainment (availability) of which is a condition for implementing certain activities, in particular, annulment or suspension of special permits for subsoil use;
7) prohibition of participation in privatization, rent of state property by foreign state residents or persons who are directly or indirectly controlled by foreign state residents or act on behalf;
8) restriction or termination of postal services;
9) prohibition or restriction of re-transmission of television and radio channels;
10) prohibition of usage of radio frequency resources of Ukraine;
11) restriction or termination of mass media, other business information activities, including Internet;
12) limitation or prohibition of the production or distribution of printed matters and other information materials;
13) restriction or termination of the provision of telecommunication services and use of the public telecommunication networks;

19 setembro 2014


YouTube VIDEO - Sep 2014 - clique aqui.
EUA: imprensa pró-guerra vai e atiça povo à próxima guerra.


Resistir.Info - Strategic Culture - Set 2014 - clik 1 - clik 2
"Retalhar a Rússia em pedaços".
O objetivo final dos EUA e da NATO é dividir (balcanizar) e pacificar (finlandizar) o maior país do mundo, a Federação Russa, e estender mesmo um manto de desordem perpétua (somalização) sobre o seu vasto território ou, pelo menos, sobre uma parte da Rússia e do espaço pós-soviético, à semelhança do que está a ser feito no Médio Oriente e no Norte de África. A futura Rússia ou as muitas futuras Rússias, uma pluralidade de estados enfraquecidos e divididos, que Washington e os seus aliados da NATO prevêem, estará/estarão demograficamente em declínio, desindustrializadas, pobres, sem qualquer capacidade de defesa e sem zonas interiores que possam ser exploradas para obter recursos.
Os planos imperiais de caos para a Rússia
Washington e a NATO não se contentaram com a destruição da União Soviética. O objetivo final dos EUA é impedir que surjam quaisquer alternativas a uma integração euro-atlântica na Europa e na Eurásia. É por isso que a destruição da Rússia é um dos seus objetivos estratégicos. De ocidente para oriente fazem-se as seguintes alterações à geografia da Rússia: 

  • O oblast russo de Kaliningrado será anexado pela Lituânia, pela Polónia ou pela Alemanha. Seja como for, passará a fazer parte duma União Europeia alargada. 
  • A Carélia de leste (Carélia russa) e o que é atualmente o súbdito federal da República da Carélia no interior do Distrito Federal Noroeste da Rússia, juntamente com a cidade federal de S. Petersburgo, o oblast de Novgorod, os dois terços do norte do oblast Pskov e o oblast de Murmansk são separados da Rússia para formarem um país alinhado com a Finlândia. Esta área até pode ser absorvida pela Finlândia para criar uma Grande Finlândia. Embora o oblast de Arcangel (Arkhangelsk) esteja listado no artigo como uma parte desta área repartida, não está incluída no mapa (provavelmente devido a um erro no mapa). 
  • Os distritos administrativos a sul, de Sebezhsky, Pustoshkinsky, Nevelsky, e Usvyatsky no oblast de Pskov do Distrito Federal Noroeste e os distritos administrativos mais ocidentais de Demidovsky, Desnogorsk, Dukhovshchinsky, Kardymovsky, Khislavichsky, Krasninsky, Monastyrshchinsky, Pochinkovsky, Roslavlsky, Rudnyansky, Shumyachsky, Smolensky, Velizhsky, Yartsevsky e Yershichsky, assim como as cidades de Smolensk e Roslavl, no oblast de Smolensk do Distrito Federal Central, são ligados à Bielorrússia. Os distritos de Dorogobuzhsky, Kholm-Zhirkovsky, Safonovsky, Ugransky, e Yelninsky do oblast de Smolensk e os distritos Yelninsky aparecem ainda mais repartidos no mapa, com a nova fronteira entre a Bielorrússia e a Rússia amputada conforme proposto. 
  • O Distrito Federal do Cáucaso Norte da Rússia, que engloba a República de Inguchétia, a República Cabárdia-Balcária, a República Carachai-Circácia, a República da Ossétia-Alânia do Norte, o Krai de Stavropol, e a Chechénia, fica separado da Rússia como uma confederação caucasiana sob a influência da União Europeia. 
  • O Distrito Federal Sul da Rússia, que é formado pela República da Adigueia, o oblast de Astracã, o oblast de Volgogrado, a República da Calmúquia, o Krai de Krasnodar e o oblast de Rostov, é totalmente anexado pela Ucrânia; isso leva a uma fronteira partilhada entre a Ucrânia e o Cazaquistão e corta a Rússia do Mar Cáspio, rico em energia, e também a sul a uma fronteira direta com o Irão. 
  • A Ucrânia também anexa os oblasts de Belgorod, Bryansk, Kursk, e Voronej do distrito federal mais densamente povoado e de maior área da Rússia, o Distrito Federal Central. 
  • A Sibéria e o extremo oriente russo, especificamente o Distrito Federal da Sibéria e o Distrito Federal do Extremo Oriente, são separados da Rússia. 
  • O texto diz que todo o território da Sibéria e a maior parte do território do extremo oriente russo, que englobam a República do Altai, Altai Krai, o oblast de Amur, a República da Buriácia, Chukotka, o oblast Autónomo Judaico, o oblast de Irkutsk, Kamchatka Krai, o oblast de Kemerovo, Khabarovsk Krai, a República de Cacássia, Krasnoyarsk Krai, o oblast de Magadan, o oblast de Novosibirsk, o oblast de Omsk, Primorsky Krai, a República Iacútia, o oblast Tomsk, a República Tuva e Zabaykalsky Krai, ou passam a ser vários estados independentes dominados pelos chineses ou, juntamente com a Mongólia, passam a ser novos territórios da República Popular da China. O mapa desenha categoricamente a Sibéria, a maior parte do extremo oriente russo e a Mongólia como território chinês. A única exceção é o oblast Sacalina. 
  • A Rússia perde a Ilha Sacalina (chamada Saharin e Karafuto em japonês) e as Ilhas Curilas, que constituem o oblast Sacalina. Estas ilhas são anexadas pelo Japão.


YouTube VIDEO - Money Morning -     Sept 2014 - clik 1 - clik2 - clik 3
"EUA 2015, Grande Depressão, pior da história. Dura 25 anos".
Primeira fase : colapso quase instantaneo das ações em 70%.
You will want to remember this date March 19, 2015. According to one of the top minds in the U.S. Intelligence Community, that is when the United States will enter the darkest economic period in our nation's history. And alarmingly, he and his colleagues believe the evidence they've uncovered proves this outcome is impossible to avoid. In an exclusive interview with Money Morning, Jim Rickards, the CIA's Financial Threat and Asymmetric Warfare Advisor, has stepped forward to warn the American people that time is running out to prepare for this $100 trillion meltdown. "Everybody knows we have a dangerous level of debt. Everybody knows the Fed has recklessly printed trillions of dollars. 

And our reign as the leading superpower being annihilated in a way "equivalent to the end of the British Empire in the post-World War II period." The nightmarish endgame presented in this report involved "a worldwide economic breakdown and an extended period of global anarchy." And Jim Rickards believes we can no longer stop this, we can only prepare for it. These are secrets to no one," he said. "But all signs are now flashing bright red that our chickens are about to come home to roost." During the discussion, Rickards shared a series of dangerous signals he fears reveals an economy that has reached a super critical state. One of the signals the CIA is most concerned with is the Misery Index. Decades back this unique warning sign was created for determining how close our country was to a social collapse. It simply adds the true inflation rate with the true unemployment rate. However, the Federal Reserve has repeatedly changed the way the Misery Index has been calculated over the years. Which Rickards believes is now being used to cover up the true scope of the problem.
16 gráficos: "sinais de complexo sistema entrando em colapso".

Descreve como irá se desenrolar.
"I expect the first phase will appear as a nearly instantaneous 70% stock market crash. From the outside, nobody will see it coming." Rickards explained. "Once it becomes clear that it's not a flash crash - it's a systemic meltdown in the economy itself, that's when the gravity of the situation will sink in. And there will be no digging out from it. "$100 trillion is a conservative estimate for the damage. A lot can happen over 25-years as our country struggles to recover from this." Along with his CIA responsibilities, Jim Rickards has spent more than 3 decades on Wall Street as a leading international investment banker, hedge fund manager, and as the architect behind the technology nicknamed “the brains” of the NASDAQ.

O mundo já desova títulos EUA. Também Rússia e China. Petrodólar sendo dizimado.

Reservas de ouro disparam. China pode destruir dólar ao anunciar grandes reservas.