26 fevereiro 2016


YouTube VIDEO - Financial Sense - clik 1 - clik 2 -
"Muito pior que 2007. Êrro fatal: entendem economia, presumem que conseguirão controlá-la". 
William White, chairman at the OECD, ex-chief economist BIS.
If you think about a crisis period as a period of deleveraging, in fact this has not happened and we’ve gone in the very opposite direction. Now, on the household side, clearly there have been some improvements made but on the corporate side in the US, things have gotten significantly worse—the debt ratios for corporations have gone up very substantially as has government debt… More importantly—again, when I say the situation is worse today than it was in 2007—in 2007 this debt problem was essentially confined to the advanced market economies. Since then, the debt ratios—the private debt ratios in particular—have exploded in the emerging market countries and so we now have in a sense a global problem whereas in 2007 you might say we had a regional problem with the advanced market economies. But now it’s basically everywhere so, yes, I do think that the situation is worse than it was then… 
When I first came to the BIS in 1994, we started warning about the credit flows into Southeast Asia well before the Asian crisis happened and…it was in the early 2000s that we really started to focus on what was going on in the advanced market economies… The story that we were telling then was really one of the Greenspan put starting in 1987 and every time there was a problem, the answer was to print the money or ease monetary conditions and the debt ratios ratcheted up and up and up… So we had this problem in ’87 and the answer was easy money; then we had this problem in 1990-1991 and, again, the answer was easy money. The response to the Southeast Asian crisis was don’t raise rates even though all sorts of other indicators said you should. Then it was easy money again in 2001 and, of course, in 2007…every time the headwinds of debt have been getting higher and higher and the monetary easing required to overcome that has had to get greater and greater and the logic of that takes you to the point where you say, well,in the end monetary easing is not going to work at all and…that’s where I am today… Unfortunately, we are still, as far as I can tell, both the BIS and myself are still talking to a brick wall…

.There are a lot of reforms that could be carried out that in the fullness of time would increase growth, increase potential, and increase the capacity to service debt so there’s a lot of things that might be done but it all starts off with a recognition, which we do not have, that monetary policy is not the solution to this particular problem and that it may, in fact, be making it worse. To put it in a nutshell, if it’s a debt problem we face and a problem of insolvency, it cannot be solved by central banks through simply printing the money. We can deal with illiquidity problems but the central banks can’t deal with insolvency problems… In a way, I think the economists have made what the philosophers would call a profound ontological error. They have assumed that the economy is understandable and they have therefore assumed that if they can understand it they can control it.  And I guess the point is—and this is the ontological error—what you can understand about a system depends upon its nature and the nature of the economy…and all the interactions between the real and the financial side are in constant change…constant evolution. Systems like that cannot be completely understood and they certainly can’t be completely controlled so this is a fundamental mistake that I think the economists and modelers have made.  The difficulty with having made a mistake of that sort is that it leads you to do things that in the end prove to be just wrong. The difference is how do you tend a machine and how do you tend a forest? These are very different animals and they have a very different nature. And if you look at the economy as a complex adaptive system basically you end up with a bunch of assumptions about how it works that are absolutely at the opposite end of the spectrum of the assumptions made in modern macroeconomics… Just the very fact that you embrace the concept of the economy being a complex adaptive system can lead you to some very simple but very important lessons. 
Lesson number one from all of these other areas of complexity, like traffic, crowd movements, spread of crime, social webs, mobility of disease and epidemics—this list goes on and on of these things…but if you embrace this then what you can do is go back to the basic lessons that have been learned from all of these other disciplines and say what does this teach us for economics? And lesson number one—and these are all very simple lessons—is these systems break down all the time and they break down according to a power law, which basically says you get a big breakdown very infrequently and you get little breakdowns all the time… Lesson number two is that you can’t predict when the system will break down precisely or where it will break down precisely but in a sense it doesn’t matter because it’s the system you want to focus on. And it is possible to get some sense of this system is getting stretched beyond its capacity to recover. And I think this is one of the central lessons of the BIS, which is the levels of credit—the stock of credit—and sometimes the rate of growth of that credit is of such a magnitude that it is clear that there’s going to be some bad things that come out of it…which is what makes me so fearful about China…”

24 fevereiro 2016


YouTube VIDEO - USA Watchdog - Feb 2016 - clik 1 - clik 2 
M. Snyder: "tempestade perfeita do colapso financeiro, economia global desaba, implodindo".
Journalist and book author Michael Snyder says the collapse is not an event, but a “process.” Snyder explains, “I believe it is already in the process of coming apart. . . . One fifth of global stock market value is already gone. That means we only have four fifths left. At one point this month, $16.5 trillion had been wiped out from global stock markets since mid-2015. So, this started last year. We saw oil collapse. We’ve seen junk bonds collapse. We’ve seen commodity prices collapse. The $16.5 trillion I just mentioned is just for stocks, and when you add up the other losses, that’s trillions of dollars more wealth that has been wiped out all over the world. What we have seen already has been extraordinary, but we are still in the process. People want to think of it as an event or a single day or a month, but this is a process.” Snyder also contends, “The Baltic Dry Index dropped below 300 for the first time ever. We did not even see that during the 2008 Great Recession and financial crisis. I didn’t know the Baltic Dry Index could go that low. We are seeing exports decline dramatically in South Korea. New numbers for Japan came out . . . their exports were down 12% year over year. Exports in China have been falling month, after month, after month. U.S. exports were down 7% for the last monthly figure we had. India’s exports are down. This is happening all over the world. Real economic activity is grinding to a halt.”
Snyder says the problems with some global banks are far worse than in 2008. Snyder says, “The collapse of Deutsche Bank would be a far bigger event than the collapse of Lehman Brothers was back in 2008. If you are looking for another Lehman Brothers moment with their derivatives exposure . . . and now the biggest bank, in the biggest and most important economy in Europe, is in the process of coming apart.” On war, Snyder says keep your eyes on the Middle East and Syria. Snyder explains, “Saudi Arabia and Turkey have to give up and cut their losses or they have to go in and do the job themselves. The Sunni militants, including ISIS, are not getting the job done. Turkey and Saudi Arabia are seriously considering a ground invasion of Syria. Are the Russians and Hezbollah and Iran going to stand aside and let them do it? I say almost certainly not and, in fact, could very easily erupt into WWIII.” Either way, Snyder thinks we get “global financial collapse” and “World War III” but does not know which one comes first. Snyder says, “We already have the global economy grinding to a halt, but if we get WWIII, that just accelerates things greatly. It’s the chicken or the egg, whichever comes first, but without a doubt, we are moving into a time described as a perfect storm.”

21 fevereiro 2016


YouTube VIDEO - SuperStation95 - Feb 2016 - clik 1 - clik 2 
ALARMANTE, sauditas admitem: têm arma nuclear do Paquistão. "As grande potências já sabem".
An alarming video has been aired on YouTube this week claiming Saudi Arabia has nuclear weapons ready to use against Russia, Iran and President Basher Al- Asad. This week the build up to WW III has taken a huge step closer with the Saudis said they had troops ready to move into Syria with the Russians warning it would trigger a world war. They have now thrown down the gauntlet to the Russians and Iran by claiming they have nuclear weapons. Daham Al-Anzi said the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is acting like a responsible country. Therefore the Saudi leadership represented by the Ministry of Defence have taken steps to minimise the Iranian threat in Yemen and is now focused on minimising the Iranian and Russian threat in the Levant and Syria.

YouTube VIDEO - Super Station 95 - Feb 2016 - clik 1 - clik 2 
EUA "vaza" pela CIA: os sauditas já têm 4 a 7 armas nucleares.


YouTube VIDEO - Sputnik News - Next News Network - clik 1 - clik 2 
Mais cruzadores russos entram no Mediterrâneo com mísseis Kalibr, em prontidão de batalha.
MOSCOW/ZELENODOLSK (Sputnik) – New Russian Navy cruisers from the Black Sea Fleet armed with Kalibr cruise missile systems will be on permanent duty in Russia’s naval group in the Mediterranean Sea that are tasked with operations in Syria, Black Sea Fleet Commander Adm. Alexander Vitko said Friday. “Yes, we’ll have rotations and all the new ships, including ships from the Buyan-M project, will be on battle duty,” Vitko told RIA Novosti.


YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - Russia Insider - clik 1 - clik 2 
"Desde 1941, quando os nazistas invadiram a Rússia, que ela não se vê cercada por tantas fôrças".
Top Russia Scholar Stephen F. Cohen - the Man the US Should Be Listening to on Russia. The Obama administration’s and NATO’s recent ramp up of forces on the Russian border has raised many questions on why the mainstream media and the presidential campaigns have failed to acknowledge the growing military presence in the region. RT’s Ed Schultz speaks with Stephen F. Cohen, professor and author of The Nation article called “The Obama Administration Recklessly Escalates Confrontation With Russia,” about the situation.

14 fevereiro 2016


YouTube - Independent - RT News - Sputnik - Feb 2016 - clik 1 clik 2 clik 3 clik 4 
Turquia confirma ato de guerra contra exército sírio. Artilharia.
EUA cúmplice, faz vista grossa.
The Turkish army has shelled Kurdish targets near the city of Azaz in northwest Syria, including an air base recently retaken from Islamist rebels, with a massive attack. It also hit Syrian forces across the border, according to media reports. Anatolia news agency reported that the Turkish military hit Syrian government forces on Saturday, adding that the shelling had been in response to fire inflicted on a Turkish military guard post in Turkey’s southern Hatay region. Turkish artillery targeted Syrian forces again late on Saturday, according to a military source quoted by RIA Novosti. The attack targeted the town of Deir Jamal in the Aleppo Governorate. Meanwhile, the Turkish shelling of Kurdish positions continued for more than three hours almost uninterruptedly, a Kurdish source told RT, adding that the Turkish forces are using mortars and missiles and firing from the Turkish border not far from the city of Azaz in the Aleppo Governorate. 

The shelling targeted the Menagh military air base and the nearby village of Maranaz, where “many civilians were wounded,” local journalist Barzan Iso told RT. He added that Kurdish forces and their allies among “the Syrian democratic forces” had taken control of the air base on Thursday. According to Iso, the Menagh base had previously been controlled by the Ahrar ash-Sham Islamist rebel group, which seized it in August of 2013. The journalist also added that Ahrar ash-Sham militants at the base had been supported by Al-Nusra terrorists and some extremist groups coming from Turkey. Ahrar ash-Sham is a militant group that has trained teenagers to commit acts of terror in Damascus, Homs, and Latakia provinces, according to data provided to the Russian Defense Ministry by Syrian opposition forces. The group, which has intensified its attacks on the Syrian government forces since January, was getting “serious reinforcements from Turkey,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said during a briefing in Moscow on January 21. 

A source in the Turkish government confirmed to Reuters that the Turkish military had shelled Kurdish militia targets near Azaz on Saturday. “The Turkish Armed Forces fired shells at PYD positions in the Azaz area,” the source said, referring to the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD), which Ankara views as a terrorist group. A Turkish security official told Reuters that the shelling of the Kurds had been a response to a shelling of Turkish border military outposts by the PYD and forces loyal to Damascus, as required under Turkish military rules of engagement. Turkey’s PM Davutoglu also confirmed that the country’s forces had struck Syrian Kurdish fighters and demanded that the Kurds retreat from all of the areas that they had recently seized. “The YPG will immediately withdraw from Azaz and the surrounding area and will not go close to it again,” he told reporters, adding that Turkey “will retaliate against every step [by the YPG],” Reuters reports. A Kurdish official confirmed to Reuters that the shelling had targeted the Menagh air base located south of Azaz. According to the official, the base had been captured by the Jaysh al-Thuwwar rebel group, which is an ally of PYD and a member of the Syria Democratic Forces alliance.


YouTube VIDEO - Feb 2016 - clik 1 - clik 2 - clik 3 - clik 4
ALARMANTE maio 2015: armas nucleares já vão sendo usadas.


South Front - Feb 2016 - clik 1 - clik 2
Rússia destrói mais 1.888 alvos terroristas. Fôrças sírias em terra avançam, retomam vila por vila.

12 fevereiro 2016


YouTube VIDEO - South Front - Feb 2016 - clik 1 - clik 2 
Terroristas em colapso, Turquia prepara invadir a Síria: 18.000 homens, artilharia e aviação.

11 fevereiro 2016


Yahoo News - Feb 2016 - clik 1 
ALARME. Rússia adverte: "dá em guerra mundial se invadir Síria".
O primeiro-ministro russo, Dmitri Medvedev, avaliou que uma ofensiva terrestre estrangeira na Síria poderia provocar "uma nova guerra mundial", durante entrevista concedida ao jornal econômico alemão Handelsblatt, que será publicada na sexta-feira. "As ofensivas terrestres geralmente conduzem a uma guerra que acaba sendo permanente", advertiu o primeiro-ministro, para quem "todas as partes devem ser obrigadas a se sentar à mesa de negociações ao invés de desencadear uma nova guerra mundial". "Os americanos e nossos parceiros árabes precisam pensar muito sobre isto: eles querem uma guerra permanente?", teria perguntado durante a entrevista ao jornal. "Eles realmente acham que vão vencer uma guerra assim rapidamente? É impossível, especialmente no mundo árabe. Lá todo mundo combate todo mundo... Tudo é muito mais complicado. Pode levar anos ou décadas", prosseguiu. "Por que isto é necessário?", perguntou, segundo um trecho divulgado da edição de sexta-feira do jornal. "Todos os lados precisam ser levados à mesa de negociações ao invés de incentivar uma nova guerra mundial", acrescentou.

08 fevereiro 2016


South Front - Interpoliti - Feb 2016 - clik 1 - clik 2 - clik 3 
Rússia prepara poderosa linha de defesa no Mar Negro, retaguarda.
Vladimir Putin may or may not have lost his grip on reality, but his desire to tighten his grip on Crimea is surprisingly logical if you consider the history and strategic importance of Russia's Black Sea Fleet. A closer look at Russia's forces along the southern Ukrainian coast reveals a lot of Putin's thinking. The Black Sea is not a small place. It is roughly the size of California, or about 60% larger than the Persian Gulf, and is bordered by Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia and Turkey. That being said, when it comes to large naval armadas like an American Carrier Strike Group, it is not exactly the Pacific Ocean. This is especially true considering that a Peninsula at the center of this body of water is bristling with anti-ship missiles… and they don't even belong to the country that they're based in.
NATO will also have to worry about Russian Air Force. According to PR office of the Southern Military Disctrict, recently, in Rostov-on-Don, the new commander of the 4th Air Force Army and AA defense was introduced, lieutenant-general Viktor Sevost’yanov, he was appointed to the position by Putin himself. Before this, he was in charge of the same Army in the Central military district. But the Southern district is a district that has been taking part in combat for a while now, so it must have an experienced commander. Lieutenant-general graduated from Armavirskoe Air Force pilots’ academy, Military AA defense academy of Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K.Zhukov, Military command academy of General HQ of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. 
He served as a pilot-instructor, commander of a squadron, commander of a regiment, commander of a division in North Caucasus, Far Eastern, Zabaikalskiy, Privolzhko-Uralskiy districts. 2010-2015 – he is in charge of Air Force and AA defense troops in Central Military Districts. It is under his leadership the aircraft collection in the region will be modernised and perfected. Currently, the aviation regiments located in Rostovkaya oblast and on the Kuban, are accepting more modern and modernised vehicles (fighters and fighter-bombers) Su-30SM, Su-24M, Su-34 and also Su-25SM sturmoviks and Army aviation helicopters Mi-8AMTSh “Terminator”, attack helicopters Mi-28N “Night Hunter” and Mi-35 “Crocodile”. Their range allows them to control the entire Black Sea. Such capabilities are also posessed by two operational tactical rocket complex brogades armed with “Iskander-M”, that were formed in the Southern District. According to official sources, these brigades are capable to hit any target in the range of 500 km, as in, they can control all naval infrastructure of the plausible enemy in the Black Sea.
The media reported earlier, that fighter aviation regiment in Crimea will also be modernised, and in Djankoy, not far from Ukrainian border, there will be helicopter units created to support the Airborne Assault Regiment in the region. In November 2015 Ukrainian Sovbez voiced its concern when there were about a thousand “polite” paratroopers sent from Ivanovo to the border. So what new can we expect from Russia on the South in 2016? Sevastopol’s city council accepts the possibility of a new naval base being built in Crimea on the lake Donuzlav. If we remember the history, in 1976 to 2014 the base was under Ukrainian authority. The small flotilla there consisted of ground assault ships, rocket boats and supply ships. After Crimea entered Russian Federation, Donuzlav was closed down. But, probably not for long. Increase of Black Sea Fleet’s combat capabilities require increase of the naval infrastructure. “To talk about Donuzlav being a naval base again is still too hard. But we already have a task to create a military group capable to conduct tasks and missions in the region. As we develop this group, Donuzlav’s question will probably arise”, – RIA Novosti cites the city governor. 
He also told us that currently works are being done to modernise already existing naval infrastructure on the peninsula. It is done with joint effort from the Black Sea Fleet and Southern Military District. According to the city governor, while Crimea was under Ukrainian authority, the peninsula’s military infastructure was not developed. After Crimea was returned to Russia, military installations in the area entered a phase of active reconstruction, and the Black Sea Fleet began to spread its influence. The Fleet’s PR office informs that according to rearmament programme 2020, as of 2016 the Black Sea Fleet will accept into service project 11356 guard ships “Admiral Grigorovich”, “Admiral Essen” and “Admiral Makarov”, two diesel submarines “Staryi Oskol” and “Krasnodar”, and several supply and maitenance ships. Probably some of them will be sent over to Donuzlav to be stationed there. As per Spetsstroi Rossii statement, the docking areas and other infrastructural objects are nearing completion in Novorossiysk. They will serve mainly for the Fleet’s submarines. Also, a new Novorossiysk Naval Base is nearing completion on the Northern Shore of Tsemesskaya bay. Therefore, Russia, even with all its economical problems, will continue to modernise and perfect its troops and naval units in the area. These preparations, of course, need a lot of resources. But Moscow is ready to allocate them to guarantee its safety. 


Tass News Agency - Sputnik - South Front - Feb 2016 - clik 1 - clik 2 - clik 3 
ALERTA: Rússia sobe o tom, bota em prontidão de combate maciças fôrças aero-transportadas.
On February 8, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin ordered the Southern Military District Forces, as well as designated Airborne Forces and Military Transport Aviation units, to undergo immediate combat readiness checks. The announcement of the drills was made by Russia’s Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu. He said that the Southern Military District and designated Airborne Forces and Military Transport Aviation units will be brought to the state of full combat readiness as of 5 o’clock on Monday. “We must assess these units’ ability to conduct movement for the purpose of concentration, and also check the ability of the air and air defense units to defeat enemy air raids against important military and state facilities,” Shoygu said. Konstantin Sivkov, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences, said that the sudden readiness check does not imply preparation for war. “We also also sent troops to the East, but the war there still has not begun. A mobilization of this of that military district is not an indicator,” Sivkov believes. Nevertheless, there is a possibility of a serious armed conflict with the participation of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United States, Sivkov believes. The probability of war is quite high. “This is why naval, air, and ground forces are being brought to a state of readiness,” Sivkov added. 
Pavel Felgengauer, a military expert, believes otherwise. He does not believe the sudden SMD check is coincidental. “We are talking of a perfectly possible war with the West and NATO in the vicinity of Syria and Turkey. This is direct mobilization for war. The likelihood of combat is very high, not 100%, of course, but nevertheless,” Felgengauer added. He also noted the mobilization is not being done with maneuvers in mind but “deploying forces for war.” What is more, one cannot rule out that fighting in the Middle East escalates into a big European war. “Clashes between Turkish and Syrian forces can become a Russia-Turkey war which will encompass the whole Black Sea region as well as Caucasus and Crimea, and then a general European war, Russia against NATO. We are in a pre-war stage right now,” Felgengauer emphasized. 

07 fevereiro 2016


YouTube VIDEO - Feb 2016 - clik 1 
Tá chegando a hora, povo acorda: narrativa ilusória do sistema, cada dia mais longe da realidade.

06 fevereiro 2016


Press TV - Die Welt - RT News - South Front - Fakti .
Feb 2016 - clik 1 - clik 2 - clik 3 - clik 4 - clik 5 - clik 6 - clik 7 - clik 8 - clik 9 
Rússia já adverte Sauditas: 
"se invadir a Síria, é guerra".
A Russian deputy has warned Saudi Arabia that any military ground operation in Syria without the Damascus government's consent amounts to a declaration of war.  "Syria has to give official consent, to invite, otherwise it will be a war. The same applies to international law," Pavel Krasheninnikov, the head of the State Duma committee, told Interfax on Friday. Krasheninnikov said that by promising a ground operation in Syria Riyadh now "intends to send troops to the territory of a sovereign state essentially without declaring a war." Saudi Arabia on Thursday voiced readiness to participate in any ground operations in Syria if the US-led coalition allegedly targeting terrorists decides to start such operations. US State Department spokesman John Kirby also welcomed the Saudi decision. 
Saudi Arabia is a member of the so-called US-led coalition that has been conducting air raids against what are claimed to be the Daesh terrorists inside Syria without any authorization from the Syrian government or a UN mandate since September 2014. The US-led strikes have on many occasions targeted infrastructures and left many civilians dead. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said during an interview in March 2015 that the US-led military campaign does not aim to “do away” with the terror group. Washington and its regional allies, including Turkey and Saudi Arabia, have been backing militants fighting against the Syrian government and people. Since the Syria conflict started in 2011, they have been providing military and financial aid to the militants who are accused of widespread war crimes and crimes against civilians. 

Jornal alemão Die Welt dedura: "sauditas vão se unir é aos terroristas do Estado Islâmico".
Intent of Saudi Arabia to intervene in the Syrian conflict has caused shock in all the countries involved in the search for solutions to the fate of this Middle Eastern country – announced Die Welt. German newspaper claims that “even the United States are thinking about how far they are prepared to go in their support of Riyadh”. And stresses: “Washington has said it is ready to support its allies in the fight against the Islamic state, but has avoided commenting on the intention of the Saudis because the West perfectly understands that the entry of Riyadh in the war would further complicate the situation in Syria. The entry of Saudi ground troops in Syria without the permission of the government in Damascus will be a violation of international law and Riyadh will never get such consent”. Die Welt added that Saudi Arabia was the main financier of arming “Islamist insurgent groups” and that, therefore, a major player in the Syrian conflict. And that’s all the more reason that Russia and Iran would never agree to the entry of Saudis in Syria. German newspaper concludes: “In Damascus they don´t believe that the Saudis would want to fight against the Islamic State but also in the international community they are very skeptical about this. It would probably happen quite the opposite so Saudis would in Syria rather give support the rebels and that would bring the region in even bigger mess. “

"Emirados oferece adesão, mas é pretexto para envolver EUA".
Following in the footsteps of Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, The United Arab Emirates (UAE) stated on Sunday that it was ready to ground troops to Syria to fight Islamic State. Damascus earlier said it would send unwelcomed invaders back ‘in coffins.’ The UAE’s preparedness to participate in a ground military operation in Syria was confirmed by Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash, who said that "US leadership on this" would be a prerequisite. "We are not talking about thousands of troops, but we are talking about troops on the ground that will lead the way ... that will support ... and I think our position remains the same and we will have to see how this progresses," he added, as cited by Reuters. Earlier this week, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain said they would contribute troops for a ground operation in Syria, should the US choose to start one. The three countries are already participating in the aerial bombing campaign spearheaded by Washington. The US however has repeatedly said it would not send ground troops to fight Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) and wants the Arab nations to do the fighting on the ground.

Síria adverte: "invasores voltarão para suas casas em caixões".
The Syrian government warned that any foreign army entering Syria without an invitation would be considered an enemy and resisted. "Let no one think they can attack Syria or violate its sovereignty because I assure you any aggressor will return to their country in a wooden coffin," Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem said on Saturday. Iran, the key regional ally of Damascus and a rival of Saudi Arabia, said Riyadh lacked the courage to deliver on the premise. "(The Saudis) have made such a claim, but I don't think they are brave enough to do so ... Even if they send troops, they would be definitely defeated ... it would be suicide,” Iran's Revolutionary guards Commander Mohammad Ali Jafari said. Russia, which is providing air support to the Syrian government army in a campaign separate from the US-led coalition, dismissed the Saudi statement, pointing out the lack of progress in its other ongoing military operation in Yemen. Saudi Arabia sent its warplanes and troops to the neighboring country to fight against the Shiite rebels from the Ansar Allah movement, also known as the Houthis. The intervention, which the UAE is supporting militarily, resulted in significant civilian casualties and a humanitarian crisis, but has not seen a military victory.

Síria luta já à beira de aniquilar terroristas pró-EUA: seu exército cresceu muito com suporte russo.
The ultimate defeat of terrorists in Syria’s north-west is inexorably approaching. Latakia province governor Ibrahim Hodr as-Salem believes that it’s difficult to overestimate Russian airpower’s contribution. Effective air support facilitated the government forces’ significant successes when the terrorists had a sizable numerical advantage in most sectors. Government successes are an encouragement and inspiration to Syrian citizens who are joining volunteer units. This is exactly the opposite of what happened four years ago when the fighting began, when the active part of the population supported the opposition. But now nobody in Syria doubts Assad will triumph in the end. The unfolding operations remind one of 1944, when the former allies of Nazi Germany declared war on the Axis powers, one after another. Volunteer units are formed on a territorial basis. They will protect liberated cities against raids and sabotage, in other words act as police forces. They will also form army reserve units that could be used to support regular forces in crucial sectors. The volunteers retain their jobs and receive half of a soldier’s salary each, moreover the volunteers’ families are regularly supplied with food and provided benefits by the government of Syria. 

This policy adds an economic incentive to the sense of patriotism and feelings of hatred toward the terrorists, in order to motivate them to join Assad’s forces. On the terrorist side, money flows have greatly weakened, therefore the Islamists cannot count on new recruits. Rather the opposite–the less radical formations are losing fighters who have opted to join government forces instead. In Aleppo, Syrian forces have already severed the main arms and reinforcements supply channels from Turkish territory. Aleppo province saw the end of the four-year siege of Nubel and az-Zakhra, where some 70 thousand were blockaded by the terrorists. The Aleppo operation has now entered its deciding phase, whose objective is to take control of the entire length of border with Turkey. The West expected Syrian government forces to become bogged down in Latakia at least until April, when the change in weather would impose an operational pause. This area is vital to ensure continued supply of reinforcements and munitions by Turkey, which is why its control is a matter of life and death for the Islamists. Fighting in Latakia and Aleppo is tying down significant Syrian forces which otherwise could be used to annihilate the demoralized militants in Idlib province. But now, as it to spite the West, the terrorists are on the brink of complete defeat in Syria’s north-west. The victory will free sizable forces that could next be used to defeat Idlib province militants. That defeat, in turn, will destroy the terrorist front leaving the militants no choice but to flee to Turkey. Erdogan is no doubt breaking out in cold sweat, knowing that his terrorist chickens are about to come home to roost.

05 fevereiro 2016


Zero Hedge - SHTF Plan - Feb 2016 - clik 1 - clik 2 
EUA, DEVASTADOR: desaba 48% o transporte rodoviário, espinha dorsal do comércio e logística.
We have previously shown just how bad the situation in the US heavy trucking space - trucks with a gross weight over 33K pounds - was most recently in "US Trucking Has Not Been This Bad Since The Financial Crisis" in which we looked at November data and found, that "Class 8 truck net orders at 16,475, were 59% below a year ago and the lowest level since September 2012. This was the weakest November order activity since 2009 and was a major disappointment, coming in significantly below expectations. All of the OEMs, except one, experienced unusually low orders for the month."
For those who missed the proverbial wheels falling of the heavy trucks, so to speak, the charts below do the situation justice:
So with 2015 in the history books, and as we start 2016 where the base effect was supposed to make the annual comps far more palatable, we just got the latest, January data. In short: the drop continues to be one of Great Recession proportions, manifesting in yet another massive 48% collapse in truck orders in the first month of the year as demand appears to have gone in a state of deep hibernation. From Reuters: U.S. January Class 8 truck orders fell 48 percent on the year, preliminary data from freight transportation forecaster FTR showed, indicating that 2016 could be another weak year for truck makers. FTR estimated that orders for the heavy trucks that move goods around America's highways totaled 18,062 units in January. This follows on from a full-year decline in 2015 of nearly 25 percent to 284,000 units from 276,000. "It is not looking to be a strong year," for the market, FTR chief operating officer Jonathan Starks said in a statement.  Amid uncertainty over U.S. economic growth and a lackluster performance for retailers in the fourth quarter, trucking companies have been holding back on buying new models. As a reminder, unlike trains, which one can say are used to transport oil and coal, Class 8 trucks make up the backbone of U.S. trade infrastructure and logistics: what they represent is both domestic and global trade. Or in this the devastating collapse thereof. Should one be concerned by this precipitous drop? Absolutely not: as the Federal Reserve would certainly say "it's probably nothing" and blame it on the weather.

03 fevereiro 2016


YouTube - TéléObs - Russia Insider - FortRuss .
Feb 2016 clik1 clik2 clik3 clik4 clik5 
DOCUMENTÁRIO desmascarou farsa midiática. Ucrânia 2014: EUA engendrou golpe neonazista.
We still remember the images of the Ukrainians protesting against the power of corrupt and authoritarian rule of president Viktor Yanukovych, pro-Russian. It was in February of 2014, and the movement resulted in the fall of the regime of Kiev. But, two years after, the promises of liberty the new government is pro-western, have they been kept ? No, to believe in the remarkable investigation of Paul Moreira : because “the revolution has been armed and installed close to the power” of the president mr Poroshenko far-right groups. With the support of Washington. In Ukraine torn between pro-Ukrainians (in the west) and pro-Russians (in the east), the reporter has met the leaders of the radical nationalists : the former spokesperson of the extreme nationalists of the right Sector, Igor Mosiychuk, elected as an mp. Andriy Biletsky, the head of the battalion neo-nazi Azov. The leader of the fascist party Svoboda, Oleg Tiagnibok, currently in the opposition, refused him the interview. The police seemed overwhelmed by the activities of these armed bands. This is not her but the militia of right Sector, which controls the border with Crimea, annexed by Putin, and blocks all of the trucks for refueling. The investigation of the “Special investigation” is also on the massacre in Odessa, may 2 2014, 42 activists pro-Russian, most of them burned alive in the fire of the House of trade Unions. Comment of the head of the local militia : “These bastards have tried to impose on us this fucking world Russian. They have deserved this death.”






TED - Feb 2016 - clik 1 - clik 2 
Varoufakis: "Capitalismo sem controle, devora democracia. Poder foi da política à economia".
Have you wondered why politicians aren’t what they used to be, why governments seem unable to solve real problems? Economist Yanis Varoufakis, the former Minister of Finance for Greece, says that it’s because you can be in politics today but not be in power — because real power now belongs to those who control the economy. He believes that the mega-rich and corporations are cannibalizing the political sphere, causing financial crisis. In this talk, hear his dream for a world in which capital and labor no longer struggle against each other, “one that is simultaneously libertarian, Marxist and Keynesian.”

Democracy. In the West, we make a colossal mistake taking it for granted. We see democracy not as the most fragile of flowers that it really is, but we see it as part of our society's furniture. We tend to think of it as an intransigent given. We mistakenly believe that capitalism begets inevitably democracy.It doesn't.
00:40 Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew and his great imitators in Beijing have demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt that it is perfectly possible to have a flourishing capitalism, spectacular growth, while politics remains democracy-free. Indeed, democracy is receding in our neck of the woods, here in Europe.
01:03 Earlier this year, while I was representing Greece -- the newly elected Greek government -- in the Eurogroup as its Finance Minister, I was told in no uncertain terms that our nation's democratic process -- our elections -- could not be allowed to interfere with economic policies that were being implemented in Greece. At that moment, I felt that there could be no greater vindication of Lee Kuan Yew, or the Chinese Communist Party, indeed of some recalcitrant friends of mine who kept telling methat democracy would be banned if it ever threatened to change anything.
01:40 Tonight, here, I want to present to you an economic case for an authentic democracy. I want to ask you to join me in believing again that Lee Kuan Yew, the Chinese Communist Party and indeed the Eurogroup are wrong in believing that we can dispense with democracy -- that we need an authentic, boisterous democracy. And without democracy, our societies will be nastier, our future bleak and our great, new technologies wasted.
02:17 Speaking of waste, allow me to point out an interesting paradox that is threatening our economies as we speak. I call it the twin peaks paradox. One peak you understand -- you know it, you recognize it --is the mountain of debts that has been casting a long shadow over the United States, Europe, the whole world. We all recognize the mountain of debts. But few people discern its twin. A mountain of idle cash belonging to rich savers and to corporations, too terrified to invest it into the productive activities that can generate the incomes from which you can extinguish the mountain of debts and which can produce all those things that humanity desperately needs, like green energy.
03:06 Now let me give you two numbers. Over the last three months, in the United States, in Britain and in the Eurozone, we have invested, collectively, 3.4 trillion dollars on all the wealth-producing goods -- things like industrial plants, machinery, office blocks, schools, roads, railways, machinery, and so on and so forth. $3.4 trillion sounds like a lot of money until you compare it to the $5.1 trillion that has been slushing around in the same countries, in our financial institutions, doing absolutely nothing during the same period except inflating stock exchanges and bidding up house prices.
03:49 So a mountain of debt and a mountain of idle cash form twin peaks, failing to cancel each other outthrough the normal operation of the markets.


YouTube VIDEO - Feb 2016 - clik 1 
"A nível global, instituições todas estão contra nós. Há que derrubá-las todas, não só o governo".

02 fevereiro 2016


YouTube VIDEO - In The Now - Feb 2016 - clik 1 - clik 2 
"Homem europeu, ser afeminado inútil para proteger as mulheres e a cultura. Criado como mulher".
Danish journalist Iben Thranholm on RT (interviewed by Anissa Naouai):
- If you look at our politicians, they are like mothers. I mean, they are embracing, they´re inclusive and they talk about how we should embrace refugees. Of course we should help people that are in need, but they can´t deal with the rapings, they can't deal with terrorism. So, I mean, european politicians look weak, and that is because our culture has become feminized. This militant feminism that has been going on for decades, now has had the consequences that many men here have been brought up to be women - and think like women - and be soft minded.


YouTube VIDEO - Feb 2016 - clik 1 
"Engendram invasão de milhões de refugiados: deflagrar guerra civil na Europa e Guerra Global".
Zsolt Bayer, Hungarian journalist, publicist, and co-founder of Hungary's currently ruling political party, and Dr. László Bogár, former politician and leading economist, discuss the Cologne sexual assaults committed by migrants on New Year's Eve, 2016. Bayer says that the deliberate displacement of millions of people will inevitably cause a "decade-long" civil war in Europe - the precise goal of the forces that dragged Europe into WWI and WWII. Middle Eastern Countries were purposefully destabilized to cause massive amounts of refugees - but only through the help of human smugglers, a well organized propaganda campaign and traitorous politicians could European countries be convinced to commit suicide. He claims that the sexual harassment and gang rape attacks of thousands of migrants on hundreds of German women on New Year's eve were just a "mild foretaste" of the civil war in Europe - which will be followed by yet another world war. He does not specify the "secret forces" behind this, but I'm sure most of you know what he means. This short part of the 60-minute long television program that aired on Echo TV on January 8, 2016, is of a rant by Mr. Bogár warning of WWIII and the background powers inciting the whole thing.