21 janeiro 2013


The Telegraph, UK - Jan 2013 - clique aqui.
Ocidente falido abocanha África:  invadir sem limites, por décadas. Vai combater 'radicais islâmicos'.
Os mesmos que apoiou na Líbia para derrubar governo insubmisso.
Britain and the West face a decades-long battle against Islamist terrorism in North Africa, a grim-faced David Cameron warned today. The Prime Minister said the attack was a 'stark reminder' of the threat from the region, which he likened to that from Afghanistan and Pakistan - and vowed to use Britain's chairmanship of the G8 group of leading nations to shape the international response. Government sources played down the prospect of British 'boots on the ground' in support of a French-led intervention against terrorists in Mali but said a new approach was needed to address Africa's 'huge, lawless, ungoverned spaces'. 

The Prime Minister, who will address the Commons again on the crisis tomorrow, said: 'This is a global threat and it will require a global response. 'It will require a response that is about years, even decades, rather than months. 'It requires a response that is patient and painstaking, that is tough but also intelligent, but above all has an absolutely iron resolve and that is what we will deliver over these coming years. 'What we face is an extremist, Islamist, al Qaeda-linked terrorist group. Just as we had to deal with that in Pakistan and in Afghanistan so the world needs to come together to deal with this threat in north Africa.