16 janeiro 2013


Activist Post - Resistir.info, R.T. News - Jan 2013 - Em Portugues.
Em ingles : clik 1 - clik 2 - clik 3 - clik 4
Arruinada, França ataca outro na África : urânio, diamantes, ouro, ferro, alumínio, manganês.
Também petróleo, cobre, zinco, lítio, chumbo, fosfato, mármore, calcáreo, caulim, gesso, linhita, diatomita, xisto betuminoso. 
France is supported by other NATO members. US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta confirmed that the US was providing intelligence to French forces in Mali. [2] Canada, Belgium, Denmark and Germany have also publicly backed the French incursion, pledging logistical support in the crackdown on the rebels.
Gold: Mali: Africa’s third largest gold producer with large scale exploration ongoing. Uranium: Exploration is currently being carried out by several companies with clear indications of deposits of uranium in Mali. Uranium potential in Falea is thought to be 5000 tonnes.
Diamonds: Mali has potential to develop its diamond exploration: in the Kayes administrative region (Mining region 1). Iron Ore, Bauxite and Manganese: significant resources present in Mali but still unexploited. Mali has according to estimates more than 2 million tonnes of potential iron ore reserves located in the areas of Djidian-Kenieba, Diamou and Bale. 
Bauxite reserves are thought to be 1.2 million tonnes located in Kita, Kenieba and Bafing- Makana. Traces of manganese have been found in Bafing – Makana, Tondibi and Tassiga.Other mineral resources and potential in Mali
Calcarous rock deposits: 10 million tonnes est. (Gangotery), 30 million tonnes est. (Astro) and Bah El Heri (Nord de Goundam) 2.2 Million tonnes est.
Copper: potentialities in Bafing Makan (Western Region) and Ouatagouna (Northern Region)
Marble : Selinkegny (Bafoulabe) 10.6 MT estimated reserves and traces at Madibaya
Gypsum: Taoudenit (35 MT est.), Indice Kereit (Nord de Tessalit) 0.37 MT est.
Kaolin: Potential estimated reserves (1MT) located in Gao (Northern Region)

Phosphate: Reserve located at Tamaguilelt, production of 18,000 t/per annum and an estimated potential of 12 million tonnes. There are four other potential deposits in the North of 10 million tonnes.
Lead and zinc: Tessalit in the Northern Region (1.7 MT of estimated reserves) and traces in Bafing Makana (Western Region) and Fafa (Northern Mali)
Lithium: Indications in Kayes (Western Region) and estimated potential of 4 million tonnes in Bougouni (Southern Region)
Bitumen schist: Potential estimated at 870 million tonnes, indications found in Agamor and Almoustrat in the Northern Region.
Lignite: Potential estimated at 1.3 million tonnes, indications found in Bourem (Northern Region)
Rock Salt: Estimated potential of 53 million tonnes in Taoudenni (Northern Region)
Diatomite: Estimated potential of 65 million tonnes in Douna Behri (Northern Region)