24 janeiro 2013


YouTube VIDEO - 17 Jan 2013 - clique aqui.
"Obama não hesita em matar crianças estrangeiras. Sem moral ao dizer que 'protege' crianças".
"We have a president who has not hesitated to kill foreign innocent children or American innocent children when they are in a foreign country. He loses credibility when he stands with innocent American children and says 'I'm going to keep you safe,'" Napolitano said.
YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - The Examiner - Dec 2012 - clik 1 - clik 2
Só no Paquistão assassinaram 175 crianças, dentre 2386 civis em 312 ataques com aviões drones.

The Bureau of Investigative Journalism (TBIJ) concludes that "the CIA's drone campaign in Pakistan has killed dozens of civilians who had gone to help rescue victims or were attending funerals... at least 50 civilians were killed in follow-up strikes when they had gone to help victims." In the past, it was the terrorists who used the barbaric tactic of killing first responders; unfortunately TBIJ says the Obama Administration has adopted a similar strategy. And unlike his predecessor, George .W Bush, Obama has amped up his covert drone war. The numbers paint a startling picture of the devastation left behind when missiles hit their human targets.
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