12 maio 2014


YouTube VIDEO - Real News Network - May 2014 - clik 1clik 2.
"Oligarcas ditam política externa EUA desde 1829, não presidente".
So what I'm saying is it's centralized in the White House. But what does that mean in terms of, I think, your real question, who's behind the White House, and who's therefore behind U.S. foreign policy, more or less? I think the answer today is the oligarchs, which would be the same answer, incidentally, ironically, if you will, for Putin in Russia, the people who own the wealth, the people who therefore have the power and who more or less (and I'm not being too facetious here, I don't think) buy the president and thus buy American foreign policy. So that's as succinct an answer as I can give you and touch on a few historical points.