17 março 2010


AlterNet.Org >>  EUA.
A Elite dos EUA lançou uma guerra: Aniquilará a Classe Média Americana.
- Já são 50 milhões na pobreza, aumentando 20 mil por dia.
- Todo dia, 10 mil familias são despejadas por falta de pagamento das hipotecas. Até 2014, mais 13 milhões de famílias serão despejadas.
- É um crime contra a Humanidade, que a mídia prostituta busca esconder, atendendo aos interesses dos Oligarcas.
The Economic Elite Have Engineered an Extraordinary Coup, Threatening the Very Existence of the Middle Class.
February 15, 2010 - clique aqui .

The economic elite have robbed us all. The amount of suffering in the United States of America is literally a crime against humanity.
"The American oligarchy spares no pains in promoting the belief that it does not exist, but the success of its disappearing act depends on equally strenuous efforts on the part of an American public anxious to believe in egalitarian fictions and unwilling to see what is hidden in plain sight." -- Michael Lind, To Have and to Have Not.
The Economic Elite have engineered a financial coup and have brought war to our doorstep...and make no mistake, they have launched a war to eliminate the U.S. middle class.
America is the richest nation in history, yet we now have the highest poverty rate in the industrialized world with an unprecedented amount of Americans living in dire straights and over 50 million citizens already living in poverty.
Approximately 20,000 people are added to this total every day. In 2009, one out of five U.S. households didn't have enough money to buy food. ." Every day 10,000 U.S. homes enter foreclosure. Over five million U.S. families have already lost their homes, in total 13 million U.S. families are expected to lose their home by 2014.
A Crime Against Humanity
The mainstream news media will numb us to this horrifying reality by endlessly talking about the latest numbers, but they never piece them together to show you the whole devastating picture, and they rarely show you all the immense individual suffering behind them. This is how they "normalize the unthinkable" and make us become passive in the face of such a high causality count