Wall Street Journal
Ouro em carros-blindados deixa Nova York em massa.
clique aqui.. Banco HSBC manda seus clientes se afastarem do seu cofre gigante, literalmente expulsando-os. Frotas de carros blindados deixam Manhattan em correnteza, repletos de barras de ouro de clientes. Banco ameaça os clientes de mandar entregar nas suas casas, caso não indiquem local específico.
Alegação divulgada: abrir espaço para clientes maiores, então vocês procurem outro lugar .
Provável motivo real : Num eventual confisco ou bloqueio governamental destes bens, o banco não quer vir a ser obrigado a servir de "ferramenta" contra seus clientes.

In a letter seen by the WSJ, the bank warned some clients that their bullion "will be returned to the address of record... at your expense," unless they issued clear instructions as to where it should be moved.

NOVEMBER 25, 2009 By CAROLYN CUI . clique aqui.
Fleets of armored trucks piled with gold bars and coins have been streaming out of midtown Manhattan in one unexpected consequence of the gold craze.
Amid gold's rise—it has gained 32% this year and reached yet another record on Tuesday—investors have been loading up on bullion and coins. One big problem now is where to store it.
The solution from HSBC, owner of one of the biggest vaults in the U.S.: somewhere else.
HSBC has told retail clients to remove their small holdings from its fortress beneath its tower on New York City's Fifth Avenue. The bank has decided retail customers aren't profitable enough and is demanding those clients remove their gold to make room for more lucrative institutional customers.
An HSBC spokeswoman said the firm doesn't comment on its vault because of "security concerns."
HSBC's decision has created a logistical nightmare for both the investors and the security teams in charge of relocating the gold, silver and platinum to new vaults across the country. Many of those vaults are also feeling pressure from the surge in demand for space from clients that have stocked up on metal.