31 maio 2014


Folha de São Paulo - May 2014 - clik 1 - clik 2
'Estímulo do Fed é tão eficaz como uma dança de chuva indígena', diz ganhador de Prêmio Nobel.
Ganhador do Prêmio Nobel de Economia em 2004, o economista norueguês Finn Kydland, professor da Universidade Califórnia (Santa Barbara), é um crítico do momento da economia americana e do trabalho do Federal Reserve (Fed, o BC dos EUA). 

Para ele, a maior economia mundial está em recessão –o NBER, órgão não governamental que analisa esses ciclos, diz que o período de declínio acabou em 2009. Afirma ainda que o estímulo de US$ 85 bilhões adotado pelo banco central dos EUA em 2012 e que começou a ser reduzido recentemente tem tanto efeito sobre o mercado de trabalho como uma dança de chuva indígena tem sobre a produção de chuva.


Public TV 3sat, Germany - Washington Blog - May 2014 - clik 1 - clik 2
VAZOU : TV alemã escancara a manipulação do ouro, foi armada para minorar a queda do dólar.

0) - EUA armaram estrutura capaz de suprimir o preço do ouro com manipulação.
1) - Preço é manipulado por tres mega-bancos : HSBC, City Bank e J.P. Morgan.
2) - Deflagram vendas de papéis para provocar ondas de medo, público vende.
3) - Ouro é oponente do dólar, daí Federal Reserve tem interesse num preço baixo.
4) - O governo dos EUA então protege esta manipulação.
5) - Para previnir uma queda de confiança no dólar, ouro tem que ser enfraquecido.
6) - Órgãos de fiscalização fazem vista grossa.
7) - Objetivo conjunto é impedir que suba acima de 1400 dólares por onça-troy.
8) - Isso é só a ponta do iceberg da manipulação.
9) - Exemplo recente: J.P. Morgan publicou "estudo" prevendo queda no preço, mas ao mesmo tempo comprou 20% a mais de papéis.
1) - Mercado sendo determinado pela China, ascensão de 200 milhões à classe média.
2) - Povo chines está comprando em grandes quantidades e de forma contínua.
3) - E vem muito mais por aí.
4) - Conclusão : ouro está migrando do Ocidente para o Oriente.

Der Spiegel - Global Research - Resistir.Info - clik 1 - clik 2 - clik 3
Jan 2012, histeria no mercado: Alemanha exige seu ouro e EUA não devolve. E recusa vistoria.
A decisão do Bundesbank da Alemanha de repatriar parte das suas Reservas de Ouro mantidas no New York Federal Reserve Bank disparou uma histeria no mercado do ouro. Fontes noticiosas alemãs sugerem que uma grande porção do ouro alemão armazenado nos cofres do Fed de Nova York e do Banque de France está para ser levada de volta para a Alemanha. Segundo analistas, este movimento poderia potencialmente "disparar uma reacção em cadeia, levando outros países a começarem a repatriar o ouro armazenado em Londres, Nova York ou Paris...
" Se a repatriação de ouro se tornar uma tendência mundial, será óbvio que tanto os EUA como o Reino Unidos perderam a sua credibilidade como guardiões de ouro. Para os mercados mundiais de ouro, este movimento assinala uma comutação do "ouro financeiro" para "ouro físico", mas o processo está claramente nas suas etapas iniciais. A decisão de repatriar o ouro alemão é uma grande vitória para a parte da imprensa alemã que forçou o Bundesbank a admitir que 69% do seu ouro é armazenado fora da Alemanha. Quase com certeza a imprensa alemã e pelo menos vários legisladores do país exigirão uma verificação das barras de ouro retornadas de Nova York, simplesmente para garantir que a Alemanha não recebe tungsténio folheado a ouro ao invés de ouro. Parece que decisores alemães já não confiam nos seus parceiros americanos. (Voice of Russia, January 15, 2013, ênfase acrescentada). Se bem que a questão seja debatida activamente na Alemanha, relatórios financeiros dos EUA têm subestimado o significado desta decisão histórica, aprovada pelo governo alemão em Setembro último. Entretanto, foi lançada uma campanha "Repatriar o nosso ouro" por vários economistas alemães, executivos de negócios e juristas. A iniciativa não se aplica unicamente à Alemanha. Ela conclama países a iniciarem a repatriação de TODOS os haveres em ouro mantidos em bancos centrais estrangeiros. 


Consortium News - Robert Parry - May 2014 - clique aqui.
NYT também adere à distorção da narrativa dos fatos, tornou-se um megafone da indústria da guerra.
The U.S. press coverage of the Ukraine crisis has been stunningly biased and one-sided, placing virtually all the blame on Russian President Putin. One of the worst offenders in this journalistic travesty has been the New York Times. As part of the New York Times’ sorry descent into becoming a propaganda sheet for the U.S. State Department, the Times’ front-page story on the Ukrainian presidential election offered a near perfect distillation of Official Washington’s false narrative on the crisis. 
Very little about Times’ summary is either accurate or balanced. It is at best a one-sided account of the tumultuous events over the past several months in Ukraine and leaves out context that would enable a Times’ reader to get a more accurate understanding of the crisis. Indeed, that false narrative, which has now become engrained as American conventional wisdom, has itself become a threat to U.S. interests because, if you believe the preferred storyline, you would tend to support aggressive counter-measures that could have dangerous and counter-productive consequences. Beyond that, there is the broader risk to U.S. democracy when major news organizations routinely engage in this sort of propaganda. Just in recent years, the U.S. government has launched wars under such fake pretenses, inflicting casualties in faraway lands, engendering profound hatred of the United States, depleting the U.S. Treasury, and maiming and killing American soldiers. That is why it’s important for journalists and news outlets to do all they can to get these kinds of stories right and not just pander to the powers-that-be.

30 maio 2014


Business Insider - May 2014 - clique aqui.
"EUA tenta insuflar guerra entre Rússia e Europeus, e é para o seu próprio ganho economico".
ASTANA (Reuters) – An outspoken Kremlin adviser accused the United States on Thursday of trying to stoke a military conflict between Russia and European nations over Ukraine for its own economic gain. Sergei Glazyev, an economic adviser to President Vladimir Putin with responsibility for ties with Ukraine, said the United States’ economy and global standing had benefited in the past from wars in Europe. “Now they (the United States) are unfurling a war in Ukraine, after organising a coup and putting their own people in charge, to use Ukraine as a detonator against Russia and Europe,” Glazyev told reporters in the Kazakh capital, Astana. “There is growing chaos in Ukraine, and the chaos is increasingly acquiring the traits of a global catastrophe,” he said before Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan signed a treaty creating a new trading bloc.
Glazyev did not provide any evidence to support his comments but said unidentified foreign mercenaries had been seen arriving in Ukraine to fight pro-Russian armed rebels in the east. His comments were characteristically confrontational for an adviser who has regularly staked out more radical positions than the Russian government or the Kremlin, which at times has distanced itself from his remarks. The crisis in Ukraine, from which Russia has annexed the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea, has caused the worst tensions in relations with the West since the Cold War ended. The United States has denied instigating events which forced the removal of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich, described by Moscow as a coup d’etat, and says it wants a peaceful resolution to the crisis. Washington has denied reports about U.S. mercenaries operating in Ukraine and says there is evidence of Russian support for the rebels there. Pro-Russian separatists shot down a Ukrainian army helicopter on Thursday, killing 14 soldiers including a general, as government forces pressed ahead with an offensive to crush the rebellion. Glazyev said the situation in Ukraine was already a “de facto war”. “Any war in Europe results in great gains for America, in the strengthening of its geopolitical influence, and they are sticking to their tradition,” he said. Glazyev said Ukraine’s newly elected president, Petro Poroshenko, could be considered legitimate only if he halted a military operation to flush out the rebels in the east. “The only the thing he could undertake to legitimise his position, would be to stop the clearly illegal and inhumane operation in the southeast,” he said.


YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - clique aqui.
Mídia ocidental é sordidez pura: despreza morte de civis inocentes nos ataques de Kiev a Slaviansk.
Media is all over the Military casualties in Ukraine - 14 soldiers got killed as anti-Kiev gunmen shoot down their military helicopter. But the army's shelling of residential area, including schools go largely unnoticed.


YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - May 2014 - clique aqui.
Eurásia unida abala poder global dos EUA, retira controle sobre energia e esvazia poder do dólar.
Russia has secured another huge economic deal, by bringing together some of its neighbours, to create the largest common market on Post-Soviet territory. It's hoped the new union - with Belarus and Kazakhstan - will compete with the economic powerhouses of the EU and the US. Patrick Young, an expert in global financial markets, joins RT to discuss this deal.


Info Wars - May 2014 - clique aqui.
EUA asperge céus com alumínio e bário. Doenças respiratórias vão de 8º para 2º em causa mortis.
We know that nano sized particulate of aluminum is very harmful to the brain and is responsible for killing everything that lives and yet it is rarely discussed and very little effort is directed to exposing it and stopping it. Have you noticed that everyone around you is congested and coughing? I am calling this new syndrome “chemtrail cough.” My wife is coughing, I am coughing and now even our dogs are coughing. 
In just four years death by respiratory disease has skyrocketed from 8th in the world to 3rd and possibly even 2nd. Just one hour before his show started I heard the world’s leading expert on the subject of chemtrails and geoengineering (Dane Wiginton) conduct an interview and he sounded terrible too. They are turning the sky over the entire country white daily. I have saved these recent satellite images to illustrate just how much material they are dumping on us. The sprayers repeat the same pattern day after day with very few exceptions.


Anti War - May 2014 - clique aqui.
EUA perdendo  na Ucrânia, daí golpistas partem para violência. Pilhas de corpos em Donetsk.
The US doesn’t want peace in Ukraine — it wants control. So now that the situation there has largely blown up in their face, it’s not unreasonable to suspect them of fomenting more unrest in an attempt to change momentum. Monday’s ruthless attack by the Ukrainian government in Donetsk in which up to 100 people were killed was a clear indication of this. Although the government labeled the offensive as an "anti-terrorist" operation, the reality is that it was either a case of Ukraine killing its own people, or it was a military assault against a sovereign population, depending on one’s interpretation of the Donetsk People’s Republic referendum of May 11 in which the people overwhelmingly voted for independence from Ukraine. . 
Either way, given that the past two weeks have been filled with bad news for the US and its puppet government in Kiev, we should be on the lookout for more of these types of violent provocations. That’s what desperate, crumbling powers do when things don’t go their way. The first bit of recent devastating news for the US were the aforementioned May 11 referendums in which almost 90 percent of voters in Donetsk Region and 96 percent of voters in Lugansk Region endorsed political independence from Kiev. No matter what happens from this point forward, now that the Donetsk and Lugansk Regions have joined Crimea in voting for self-rule, there are 9.1 million fewer people, and approximately 30,000 fewer square miles the US can have in its "sphere of influence." Knowing that the grand prize of owning control of Ukraine has just been reduced by 20 percent has got to hurt Washington’s empire builders. 


YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - May 2014 - clique aqui.
Com apoio dos EUA, golpistas de Kiev bombardeiam residências e creches com mulheres e crianças.
Eastern Ukraine has woken up to airstrikes and shelling - as the army resumes what it calls an anti-terrorist operation. It is focused on Slavyansk and Kramatorsk. Fighting is reported in and around the two cities, with smoke rising from industrial and residential areas.

EUA sórdido finge desconhecer que seus aliados usam armas de guerra e matam civis inocentes.
Despite dozens of bodies being taken to the morgue in Donetsk, the Ukrainian government is denying that innocent locals are among the casualties of the army operation. The army's supporters in US also deny that government troops could be to blame.

Lançaram projéteis militares contra escola e cheche. Oito feridos, uma criança atingida.
A school and a kindergarten have been shelled in Slavyansk as the city becomes increasingly unsafe in the intensified Kiev military campaign. At least 9 civilians were injured in Wednesday's shelling incidents, including a child.

Há um milhão de inocentes na região sob ataques militares.
 clique aqui  : Em 26 de Maio a junta de Kiev intensificou abruptamente as acções de combate quando prossegue a operação punitiva contra o Donbass. Foi a primeira vez que a aviação e a artilharia efectuaram ataques para destruir casas nas áreas povoadas da região de Donetsk. O combate foi furioso durante o dia inteiro na proximidade do aeroporto da cidade. Donetsk tem uma população de cerca de 1 milhão de pessoas. Helicópteros de ataque e caças SU-25 dispararam às formações de auto-defesa da República Popular de Donetsk posicionadas dentro da cidade... Repetindo os eventos em Kramatorsk, o exército ucraniano utilizou aviões Mi-24 marcados com UN (United Nations). 
De acordo com o direito internacional, só as forças internacionais da ONU têm o direito de utilizar a insígnia da organização. Diante disto a Organização das Nações Unidas parece ter fechado os olhos e tapado os ouvidos aos crimes militares e violações chocantes das normas internacionais cometidas pela junta. Indagado acerca dos helicópteros marcados UN vistos na Ucrânia em 23 de Maio, Stephane Dujarric, porta-voz do secretário-geral Ban Ki-moon, disse que as Nações Unidas transmitiram suas preocupações ao governo da Ucrânia quanto às suas obrigações referentes à utilização de equipamento proporcionado às operações de paz das Nações Unidas. Ele disse que a informação sobre a utilização de marcações UN por helicópteros ucranianos não estava confirmada naquele momento. Um vídeo clips para servir como prova e disponível para toda a gente que tenha acesso à Internet não era bastante convincente para responsáveis da ONU, os quais dançam conforme a música tocada pela Casa Branca.

28 maio 2014


YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - May 2014 - clique aqui.
"Dólar perde status de reserva".
The biggest energy deal in history could be the catalyst that leads to the greenback losing its place as the world's reserve currency. That's the opinion of a range of economists commenting on Russia and China's 400 billion dollar natural gas agreement. James G. Rickards, senior managing director at Tangent Capital, joins RT to discuss this issue.


YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - May 2014 - clik 1clik 2
Europa e EUA cruzam braços e assistem pela TV a guerra civil que deflagraram na Ucrânia.
Governo bombardeia civis com jatos de combate e helicópteros.
Presidente eleito promete força total para destruir separatistas.
Ukraine's president-elect, billionaire Petro Poroshenko, has promised to use full force until all separatists have been destroyed. He has now vowed to strengthen the military crackdown, making it faster and more efficient. Political scientist Mateusz Piskorski from the European Center of Geopolitical Analysis joins RT to discuss this issue.

Ucrânia sob golpistas, usa armas de guerra contra o proprio povo.
Imprensa ocidental silencia, hipócrita prostituta.
Governos ocidentais também, mesmo cinismo.

Atinge residências, escolas e creches em Slavyansk, Donetsk, Mariupol e Lugansk. clique


CNN News - InfoWars - May 2014 - clik1 - clik2
EUA, INÉDITO: magnata confessa na TV que financiou as revoltas na Ucrânia e no Leste Europeu.
Golpe sangrento mergulhou Ucrania em guerra civil.
George Soros told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria over the weekend he is responsible for establishing a foundation in Ukraine that ultimately contributed to the overthrow of the country’s elected leader and the installation of a junta handpicked by the State Department. “First on Ukraine, one of the things that many people recognized about you was that you during the revolutions of 1989 funded a lot of dissident activities, civil society groups in eastern Europe and Poland, the Czech Republic. 
Are you doing similar things in Ukraine?” Zakaria asked Soros. “Well, I set up a foundation in Ukraine before Ukraine became independent of Russia. And the foundation has been functioning ever since and played an important part in events now,” Soros responded. It is well-known, although forbidden for the establishment media to mention, that Soros worked closely with USAID, the National Endowment for Democracy (now doing work formerly assigned to the CIA), the International Republican Institute, the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, the Freedom House, and the Albert Einstein Institute to initiate a series of color revolutions in Eastern Europe and Central Asia following the engineered collapse of the Soviet Union. “Many of the participants in Kiev’s ‘EuroMaidan’ demonstrations were members of Soros-funded NGOs and/or were trained by the same NGOs in the many workshops and conferences sponsored by Soros’ International Renaissance Foundation (IRF), and his various Open Society institutes and foundations. The IRF, founded and funded by Soros, boasts that it has given ‘more than any other donor organization’ to ‘democratic transformation’ of Ukraine,” writes William F. Jasper. This transformation led to fascist ultra-nationalists controlling Ukraine’s security services.

26 maio 2014


YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - May 2014 - clique aqui.
"Com ameaças, EUA afugenta do dólar mais e mais países".
Sanction threats against Russia sent shock waves of panic across the world of investment. There's still those who still believe in the prospects of the Russian economy, despite the political turmoil. So, what are these prospects? How are sanctions affecting the financial balance of power? And, finally, what does Moscow's turn to Beijing mean for the future of the global economy? We ask these questions to a renowned investor and businessman -- Jim Rogers.


Press TV - Dr Paul Craig Roberts - May 2014 - clik 1click 2
Ao gerar caos na Ucrânia, EUA traiu Alemanha e europeus, e assim desagrega OTAN.
Former German chancellors Helmut Schmidt and Gerhard Schroeder have slammed Merkel for her subservience to Washington. Merkel’s position is weak, because she has put herself in the position of sacrificing the interests of Germany to Washington’s interests. Putin, who has demonstrated that he is not the typical dumb Western politician, sees in the conflict between Washington’s pressure on Germany and Germany’s real interests a chance to break up NATO and the EU. If Germany decides, as Yanukovych did, that Germany’s interests lie in its economic relations with Russia, not in being a puppet state of Washington, can Washington overthrow the government of Germany and install a more reliable puppet? 
Perhaps Germany has had enough of Washington. Still occupied by Washington’s troops 69 years after the end of World War II, Germany has had its educational practices, its history, its foreign policy, and its membership in the EU and euro mechanism coerced by Washington. If Germans have any national pride - and as a very recently unified people, they might still have some national pride - these impositions by Washington are too much to accept. The last thing Germany wants is a confrontation, economic or military, with Russia. Germany’s vice chancellor, Sigmar Gabriel, said that it “was certainly not smart to create the impression in Ukraine that it had to decide between Russia and the EU.” If the Russian government decides that Washington’s control of Ukraine, or whatever part remains after secession, is an unacceptable strategic threat to Russia, the Russian military will seize Ukraine, historically part of Russia. If Russia occupies Ukraine, there is nothing Washington can do but resort to nuclear war. NATO countries, with their own existence at stake, will not agree to this option. Putin can take the Ukraine back whenever he wants and turn his back on the West, a declining corrupt entity mired in depression and looting by the capitalist class. The 21st century belongs to the East, to China and India. The enormous expanse of Russia sits above both of these most populous of all countries. Russia can rise to power with the East. There is no reason for Russia to beg the West for acceptance. The basis for US foreign policy are the Brzezinski and Wolfowitz doctrines, which state that Washington must prevent the rise of Russia. Washington has no good will toward Russia and will hamper Russia at every opportunity. As long as Washington controls Europe, Russia has no prospects of being a part of the West, unless Russia becomes Washington’s puppet state, like Germany, Britain, and France. 


Newsmax - Money News - May 2014 - clik 1 - clik 2
"Colapso derrubará todo sistema financeiro, pois terá intensidade 10 a 100 vezes maior que 2008".
Bancos centrais usam teorias que não se aplicam ao mundo real.
Inicia por evento qualquer : um floco de neve inicia a avalanche.
But the Fed's tactics didn't change the dynamics, Rickards maintained, as bad debt and leverage haven't gone away. "That's all still there. Except now, it's worse, because in 2008, what did we hear about? 'Too big to fail,' right? Well guess what, the five biggest banks in America today are bigger than they were in 2008," he insisted. "So everything about '08 that was too big to fail is bigger today. Those dominoes are still waiting." Meanwhile, the Fed has printed $4 trillion during the last six years. "So, they've got no more drive power," Rickards contended. Liquidity crises arise every five years, he said. "So what's going to happen when the next liquidity crisis comes?" It won't be pretty. "The next time it happens, it's going to be bigger than the Fed, that's why they're not going to be able to stop it," he predicted. The fact that the financial system is bigger than in 2008 will make this crisis worse, Rickards added. 

25 maio 2014


YouTube VIDEO - MSNBC - Counter Information - May 2014 - clik 1 - clik 2
EUA, INÉDITO: imprensa vai à Rússia, abre espaço para Putin falar, sem cortes nem distorções.
Putin : ... " ... what happened later was coup d’état. Name it what you may, but force was used, rebels were used, who is on what side now? Who is in the past? Who is in the future? What tools are we using to attain our goals? One needs to be very careful and cautious when dealing with constitutions and any changes or transformations in newly-born states. What happened in Ukraine now is chaos, the country is sliding into chaos. Yanukovych agreed to do anything, whatever, had it all been done legally, we’d continue subsidising them, we’d keep gas prices low, we’d allocate the 15 billion we’d promised. Let us be frank, we’re all grownups in the room, we’re all smart and educated people. The West supported anti-constitutional coup d’état, not just by giving away cookies, but by giving political support, support in the media, using all sorts of tools. And are you blaming us? What we suggested was dialogue. We were denied. When I last came to Brussels we agreed that dialogue would continue but that was before the coup d’état. And now Mr Ulyukaev, who sits opposite me, he is a well-respected man, speaks decent English, by the way. He’s got market economy way of thinking, he’s one of our top economic experts. So Mr Ulyukaev came to Kiev for (unclear) consultations, well ask him, no real discussion ever took place, they were just spitting out mottos.

And now what happens next? Coup d’état took place, they refused to talk to us, so we think the next step Ukraine is going to take, it’s going to become NATO member for the past two decades, they’ve refused to engage in any dialogue. We’re saying military, NATO military infrastructure is approaching our borders, they say not to worry it has nothing to do with you. But tomorrow Ukraine might become a NATO member, and the day after tomorrow missile defence units of NATO could be deployed in this country. And again they would say we refuse to talk to you, it’s none of your business. We’re sick and tired of discussing, because it’s not a real discussion. Look, we have concerns, both economic and security concerns for that matter, what are we supposed to do? People in the southeast of Ukraine, in Crimea in particular were frightened by the development and people of the Crimea opted for a referendum on accession to Russia. All we did, we guaranteed freedom of, expression of their will and I’m sure you’ll all agree, and the majority of people in this room, and most people in the world, they understand because no one’s stupid. Had we not done that in Crimea, the situation in Crimea would have been even worse than the situation in Odessa, where people were burned alive. No one’s trying to give any explanation or condemn those who are to blame for the Odessa tragedy. Now you tell me who is stuck in the past, and who is acting, taking into account the realities of today’s world.


Washington Post - May 2014 - clique aqui.
EUA se expande por toda a Terra:
tropas em doze países na África.
May 25 2014 “ICH” – “WP” - President Obama’s announcement that United States has deployed 80 troops to Chad came as a surprise to many. But as my colleague Craig Whitlock points out, the United States already has boots on the ground in a surprising number of African countries. 
This map shows what sub-Saharan nations currently have a U.S. military presence engaged in actual military operations. It should be noted that in most of these countries, there is a pretty small number of troops. But it is a clear sign of the U.S. Africa Command’s increasingly broad position on the continent in what could be described as a growing shadow war against al-Qaeda affiliates and other militant groups. It also shows an increasingly blurred line between U.S. military operations and the CIA in Africa.

24 maio 2014


Voltaire Network - Thierry Meissan - May 2014 - clique aqui.
Desmorona propaganda secular do império anglo-saxão: "nossas guerras são por ideais nobres".
Perdeu a hegemonia do controle sobre as informações.
The Anglo-Saxon Empire is based on a century of propaganda. It managed to convince us that the United States is "the land of the free" and that it engaged in wars to defend its ideals. For the rapid spread of its lies since 1989, Washington relied on CNN. Over time, the United States created a cartel of satellite information (Al- Arabiya , Al- Jazeera , BBC , CNN, France 24 , Sky) channels..
But the current crisis over Ukraine has changed the rules of the game. Now Washington and its allies are not the only speakers. Their lies are openly challenged by the government and media of another major state, Russia. In the era of satellites and the Internet, Anglo-Saxon propaganda no longer works. The current crisis between Washington and Moscow about Ukraine has forced the Obama administration to review its system. Indeed, Washington is now no longer the sole speaker, it must contradict the Russian government and media accessible anywhere in the world via satellite and Internet. Secretary of State John Kerry appointed a new deputy for propaganda, in the person of the former editor of Time Magazine, Richard Stengel [3]. Before taking the oath on April 15, he was already occupying his office and, on March 5, sent a "fact sheet" to major Atlanticist media on "10 counter-truths" that Putin would have pronounced on the Ukraine [4]. He reoffended on April 13 with a second sheet with "10 other counter-truths " [5]. What strikes one in reading this prose is its ineptitude. It aims to validate the official history of a revolution in Kiev and discredit the Russian discourse on the Nazi presence in the new government. 
However, we know today that in fact this “revolution” was indeed a coup staged by NATO and implemented by Poland and Israel by mixing recipes for "color revolutions" and the "Arab spring". [6] Journalists who received these files and relayed them are fully aware of the recordings of telephone conversations between the Assistant Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland and Minister for Estonian Foreign Affairs, Urmas Paets, on how Washington would change the regime at the expense of the European Union, and on the true identities of the Maidan snipers. In addition, they learned later revelations of the Polish weekly Nie about the training two months before the events of the Nazi rioters at the Academy of Polish police. As to denying the presence of Nazis in the new Ukrainian government, this amounts to a claim that the night is luminous. It is not necessary to go to Kiev but just to read the writings of the current ministers or listen to their remarks to see this is the case. [7Ultimately, if these arguments help give the illusion of a consensus in the large Atlanticist media, they have no chance of convincing curious citizens. Instead, it is so easy with the Internet to discover the deception that this type of manipulation cannot but further undermine Washington’s credibility.
The unanimity of the Atlanticist media on September 11 helped convince international public opinion, but the work done by many journalists and citizens, of which I was the precursor, showed the physical impossibility of the official version. Thirteen years later, hundreds of millions of people have become aware of these lies. This process will only grow with the new propaganda devices manipulated by the US. In short, all those who relay the arguments of the White House , including the governments and media of NATO, destroy their own credibility. Barack Obama and Benjamin Rhodes , John Kerry and Richard Stengel act only in the short term. Their propaganda convinces the masses for only a few weeks and then helps create revulsion when the people understand they are being manipulated. Unwittingly, they undermine the credibility of the state institutions of NATO who consciously relay them. They forget that the propaganda of the twentieth century could only succeed because the world was divided into blocks that did not communicate with one another, and this monolithic principle is incompatible with the new means of communication. 
The crisis in Ukraine is not over, but it has already profoundly changed the world : by publicly contradicting the President of the United States, Vladimir Putin has taken a step that henceforth prevents the success of U.S. propaganda. 


YouTube - R.T. News - Chris Hedges, Pulitzer Prize - Info Clearing House
May 2014 - clik 1 - clik 2 - clik 3
"Última coisa que EUA quer para o mundo é democracia. Quer mesmo é controlar os países".
SS: Right now I want to talk to you a little bit about America’s interests versus America’s principles. Do you think Washington’s stated foreign policy goals and its interests always coincide? Because sometimes it does seem like the US is hostage of its principles.
CH: You know, that kind of rhetoric is for domestic and international consumption. I’ve spent my life on the outer reaches of empire, whether that was the Latin America, the Middle East, Africa, the Balkans, and I know the dirty work of empire. All the things about liberating Iraq and bringing democracy to people in the Middle East – that is to give a kind of moral veneer to war crimes. I mean, preemptive war under post-Nuremberg laws is a war crime. So I don’t think any of us – and I’ve spent 20 years overseas – take any of that rhetoric seriously at all. The last thing the US wants in countries like Afghanistan or anywhere else is democracy. They want control, and we have a long history, whether it’s Mosaddegh in Iran or Arbenz in Guatemala, of overthrowing democratic systems when they do things we don’t like.

SS: We’re seeing kind of same thing in Ukraine, there’s a lot of very tough talk over the country and there’s been a gunboat diplomacy as well, with NATO ships in the Baltic and the Black Sea, troop surge in the eastern area etc., but we’ve already seen how cautious Americans get when there’s talk of war, and I mean, the American public, polls, show no support for a strike on Syria. And President Obama didn’t even go to the Congress for approval. That means nobody really wants to fight, right?CH: That’s my impression. And I don’t think the Administration wants to fight either. I mean they’ve sent 600 troops to Poland or something – is this really… Yeah, I’m worried about it, and I’m worried about it because, to go back to the beginning of the interview, I think the American public is utterly misinformed about what has been happening in Ukraine, and the provocation that is being carried out by the US and NATO on Russia’s border, which we should not be doing. And Russia reacts as we would react in the similar situation. I think it’s just a very short-sighted and foolish foreign policy, the whole idea of trying to incorporate the Baltic States – and there were even overtures made to Ukraine – into NATO is insane. And that makes it dangerous. I don’t think there’s any stomach here, certainly not on streets, but I think even at official levels for any kind of a real war. I certainly pray that’s the case.


Voltair Network - Pierre Charrase - David Icke - May 2014 - clik 1 - clik 2
Ao tentar asfixiar a Rússia na Ucrânia, aí Ocidente precipitou avanço global que queria evitar. 
The Ukrainian crisis has not radically changed the international situation but it has precipitated ongoing developments. Western propaganda, which has never been stronger, especially hides the reality of Western decline to the populations of NATO, but has no further effect on political reality. Inexorably, Russia and China, assisted by the other BRICS, occupy their rightful place in international relations. The G7 had not calculated that, by taking steps to isolate Russia, besides the fact that it will have applied to itself a "sado-masochistic punishment" in the words of Hubert Vedrine, former French Minister of Foreign Affairs, it, in spite of itself, precipitated a process, already well under way, of deep restructuring of the world for the benefit of a non-Western group led by China and Russia under the aegis of BRICS. 
In response to the G7 communiqué of March 24 [3] , the foreign ministers of BRICS have expressed their rejection of any measures to isolate Russia and they immediately took the opportunity to denounce the U.S. practices of espionage against their leaders and for good measure they demanded that the United States ratify the new distribution of voting rights at the IMF and the World Bank as a first step towards a "more equitable world order" [4]. The G7 did not expect such a quick and virulent reply from BRICS. This episode may suggest that the G20, of which G7 and BRICS are the two main pillars, could traverse a serious crisis before the next summit in Brisbane (Australia) on November 15 and 16, especially if the G7 continues to marginalize and punish Russia. It is just about certain there will be a majority in the G20 to condemn the sanctions on Russia, which will in fact have the effect of isolating the G7. In their statement to the press, the ministers of BRICS felt that to decide who is a member of the group and what is its purpose is up to all its members "on an equal footing" and none of its members "may unilaterally determine its nature and its character." The Ministers call to resolve the current crisis in the context of the United Nations "with calm, high road vision, by renouncing hostile language, penalties and sanctions against". A snub to the G7 and the EU! The G7, which alone put itself in a bind, is warned that it will need to make significant concessions if it wants to continue to have some influence in the G20.
Evento expôs um grande poder:
mídia manipula povos ocidentais em magnitude impressionante.
Ukrainian crisis has highlighted the magnitude of Western public opinion manipulation by major media, TV channels like CNN, Foxnews, Euronews and many others as well as the entire printed press powered by Western news agencies. 
The manner in which the Western public is misinformed is impressive, yet it is easy to have access to a wealth of information on all sides. It is very worrying to see how many citizens of the world are being lured into a russophobia never seen even in the worst moments of the Cold War. The image that enters the collective unconscious through the powerful Western media machine is that Russians are "barbaric and backward" compared to the Western "civilized" world. The very important speech that Vladimir Putin delivered on March 18, after the referendum in Crimea, was literally boycotted by Western media [1], as they alotted a large place to Western reactions, all negative of course. However, in his speech Putin explained that the crisis in Ukraine was not triggered by Russia and he presented, with great rationality, Russia’s position and the legitimate strategic interests of his country in the post- ideological conflict.
Rússia cansada de humilhação e ameaça, impõe: é potência global.
Humiliated by its treatment by the West since 1989, Russia woke up with Putin and began to reconnect with a great power policy by trying to reconstruct the lines of the traditional historical strength of Tsarist Russia and the Soviet Union. Geography often controls strategy. Having lost much of its "historical territories", in the words of Putin and his Russian and non-Russian population, Russia has set a great national and patriotic project for recovering its superpower status of "global" actor by first securing the safety of its land and sea borders. This is exactly what the West wants to prevent in its unipolar worldview. Good chess player that he is, Putin is several moves ahead thanks to a deep knowledge of history, the real world and the aspirations of a large part of the population of the territories formerly controlled by the Soviet Union. 
He knows the European Union to perfection, its divisions and weaknesses, the real military capability of NATO and the state of Western public opinion reluctant to see an increase in military spending in times of economic recession. Unlike the European Commission, whose project coincides with that of the United States to strengthen the Euro-Atlantic political-economic-military bloc, European citizens in their majority do not seek more eastward enlargement of the EU, neither with Ukraine nor with Georgia, nor with any other country of the former Soviet Union. With its posturing and its threats of sanctions, the EU, slavishly aligned with Washington, shows that it is powerless to "punish" Russia seriously. Its actual weight is not up to its ambitions always proclaimed to shape the world in its image. The very responsive and malicious Russian government applies "gradual ripostes," deriding Western punitive measures. Putin, haughty, even allows himself the luxury of announcing that he will open an account at the Rossyia Bank of New York to deposit his salary! He has not yet mentioned limiting the supply of gas to Ukraine and Western Europe but everyone knows he has this card in hand, which has already forced the Europeans to think about a complete reorganization of their energy supply, which will take years to materialize. 
Cutucaram o urso, ele acordou.
Western Errors and divisions put Russia in a position of strength. Putin enjoys exceptional popularity in his country and in the Russian communities in neighboring countries, and we can be sure that his intelligence services have penetrated deeply into countries formerly controlled by the Soviet Union, abundantly supplying first-hand information on internal power balances. Its diplomatic apparatus gives strong arguments to remove the monopoly of interpretation of international law from the "West", particularly on the thorny issue of self-determination. 
As might be expected, Putin does not hesitate to cite the precedent of Kosovo to vilify the double standards of the West, its inconsistencie , and the destabilizing role it played in the Balkans. While Western media propaganda had been in full swing after the referendum of March 16 in Crimea, Western shouts have suddenly dropped a tone and the G7, at its summit in The Hague on the sidelines of the conference on nuclear safety, has not threatened to exclude Russia from the G8, as it had trumpeted a few days earlier, but simply announced that it "would not participate in the Sochi summit ." This allowed it the opportunity to reactivate at any time this privileged forum for dialogue with Russia, established in 1994 at its express request. First retreat of the G7. Obama in turn hastened to announce that there would be no military intervention by NATO to help Ukraine, but only a promise of cooperation to rebuild the military potential of Ukraine, composed largely of obsolete Soviet equipment. Second retreat. It will take years to put a Ukrainian army worthy of the name on its feet, and one wonders who will pay considering the plight of the country’s finances. In addition, we do not know exactly what is the status of the Ukrainian Armed Forces after Moscow’s inviting, with some success, it seems, the Ukrainian military, heirs of the Red Army, to join the Russian army while maintaining individual rank.
Rússia já controla toda a Marinha da Ucrânia.
The Ukrainian fleet is already fully under Russian control. Finally, another spectacular reversal on the part of the United States: there would have been very advanced secret conversations between Moscow and Washington to adopt a new constitution in Ukraine, to install a coalition government whose neo-Nazi extremists would be excluded in Kiev on the occasion of the May 25 elections and, especially to impose a neutral status on Ukraine, its "Finlandisation" (recommended by Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski) [2], which prohibits its entry into NATO, but allows economic agreements with both the EU and with the Eurasian customs Union (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan). If such an agreement is reached, the EU will be faced with a fait accompli and will have to resign itself to pay the bill of the Russian-US head-to-head. With such guarantees Moscow could consider its safety requirements are met. It will have regained its footing in its former sphere of influence with Washington’s agreement and will refrain from fomenting separatism in other Ukrainian provinces or in Transnistria (Moldova province populated by Russians ) while reaffirming its strong respect for European borders. The Kremlin will at the same time have offered an honorable exit to Obama. A master stroke for Putin.


Voltaire.Net, André Chamy, Larouche PAC, Global Research, Mother Jones 
May 2014 - clik 1clik 2 - clik 3 - clik 4 - clik 5 
Ocidente em expansão agressiva produz tudo que queria evitar: Eurásia aglutina-se para defesa.
Falha tática divisionista de insuflar conflitos étnicos e religiosos.
An axis has set itself up that starts at the gates of Russia and China to end at those of Tel Aviv. This axis is rooted in Western politicies reserved for this region. The United States, followed by major Western countries, have declared how its economic interests must be preserved at all costs. This biased policy has generated tensions over the years, the source of armed conflicts and street fights that incessantly feed the televised news. This policy, enshrined for some time, was implemented with the support of local stakeholders. 

However, an acceleration took place after the fall of the Berlin Wall, lived as an historical event, which it obviously was, but that marked the advent of an aggressive and contemptuous strategy toward the Middle East. The USSR having disappeared, the countries of the region could not hope for anything other than to rely on Western control, notably that of the United States. Instead of taking advantage of this privileged position as arbitrator, the latter and some other Western countries would favor the crash and the domination of the "extended Middle East" through direct interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan, but also in Lebanon, in Yemen and the Maghreb with the declared intention of intervening in Syria and in Iran. The United States has known, since the seventies, following the oil shock, that they must control the sources of raw materials, especially oil, as well as routes for accessing these resources, because they had the bitter experience of discovering this vital necessity both for their economy and for the comfort of their citizens. 
The opinions of experts differ on the assessment of gas reserves and hydrocarbons, but an idea remains constant, that of the finite nature of these treasures that lie in greedy Bedouin hands who have no need of their gold as long as their leisure and fun are funded. At a time when Samuel Huntington’s "clash of civilizations" has replaced the Cold War, Islam has become for the United States the new useful enemy, an "ally" of sorts, against Europe. 
Pragmatic and opportunistic, they have seen in the Islamic movement a "groundswell" and chose to play the Muslim card to better control the arteries of black gold. They had sensed the usefulness of this dangerous ally long before the implosion of communism. Starting also in the 1970s, the United States supported Islamist extremists, from the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood to the Islamist Bosnians and Albanians, from the Taliban to the Egyptian Jamaa Islamyah. There was even talk of their relationship with the FIS (Islamic Salvation Front) which became the violent "GIA" in Algeria. They pampered the Wahhabis at the head of the pro-US Saudi monarchy which finances almost all Islamist networks in the world. They played the sorcerer’s apprentice and fundamentalist movements they believed they could handle sometimes turned against the "Great Satan " to achieve their own goals. In contrast, the U.S. has abandoned or wanted to neutralize Muslim countries likely to gain political power and relative autonomy. Consider President Jimmy Carter’s abandoning the Shah, while Iran was becoming master of its oil. To this is added the will to crush any hint of intellectual independence for even secular Arab countries such as Syria, Egypt and Iraq. Playing with Islamism came to the detriment of secular movements representing an alternative to radical political Islam, the latter representing a safe haven after each failure in this area. 
However, this "Islamism" is obviously not to be confused with the "Islamic" Republic of Iran which has an unusual genesis. Moreover, several authors of distinction studying Islamist movements sometimes make the mistake of confusing the Islamic Republic of Iran with the Islamists, though they have nothing in common, except the fact they reference Islam and Sharia. The fundamental difference is the very definition of political Islam advocated by one and the other.


Voltaire.Net - Manlio Dinucci - May 2014 - clique aqui.
Em magistral contra-ataque, Rússia derrota tíbio golpe do Ocidente para isolá-la. 
Opção à China fortalece Rússia, atrai mais europeus ao seu gás.
While NATO convenes its 28 defense ministers in Brussels on May 21 to strengthen its forces to confront Russia, which includes improving the training of Kiev’s military and paramilitary forces (including squads that have attempted the murder of the Secretary of the Ukrainian Communist Party), and the EU adopts new sanctions against Russia, this aggression is being answered not from Moscow but from far-away Beijing. President Putin begins his official visit to China May 21, during which the two countries will sign 30 bilateral agreements, whose first effect will be to neutralize Washington’s plan aimed at "isolating Putin’s Russia by cutting off its economic and political ties to the outside world." 
The agreements’ scope is strategic. A contract worth $270 billion between the Russian state company Ros- neft and China’s National Petroleum Company provides that Russia will supply more than 700 million tons of oil to China over the next 25 years. Another contract provides that the Russian state company Gazprom will supply 38 billion cubic meters of gas per year to China, by 2018, or about a quarter of what it provides today to Europe. The Chinese plan investments amounting to $20 billion, concentrated in infrastructure, Moscow plans to strengthen the pipeline between eastern Siberia and the Pacific, joining it to a 2500-mile pipeline to supply China. Beijing is also interested in making investments in the Crimea, in particular for the production and export of liquefied natural gas, and for the modernization of agriculture and the construction of a cereal terminal. At the same time Moscow and Beijing are planning to abandon the dollar as the currency for trade in the Asian region. And Russia is planning its own payment system, modeled on China’s Union Pay, whose credit cards can be used in more than 140 countries, which ranks it second in the world after Visa. But, as it was easy to guess, Russian-Chinese cooperation will not be limited to the economic area. Presidents Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, according to diplomatic sources, will make a "substantial declaration” on the international situation.
Alarmada, Eurásia aglutina-se para defesa continental anti-EUA.
Rússia fornece à China algumas avançadas armas militares.
Their convergence on strategic interests will be exemplified by a strategic joint exercise that navies of the two countries plan to carry out in the South China Sea, taking place just after a large U.S. air and naval exercise in the Philippines. And a military agreement under which Moscow will supply Beijing with the multirole fighter Sukhoi Su-35, Lada class submarines and the most advanced S-400 missile defense systems has practically been concluded. 
To emphasize the convergence of interests between Moscow and Beijing, Putin is speaking at the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA), which be chaired by Xi Jinping, to be held in Shanghai on May 20-21 with the participation of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, Afghan President Hamid Karzai and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. That’s a slap in the face for the United States, which, after having spent $6 trillion in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan now sees China increasing its economic presence in these countries. China is buying about half of the oil produced in Iraq and is making large investments in the oil industry; in Afghanistan, China is investing primarily in mining, after Pentagon geologists have discovered rich deposits of lithium, cobalt, gold and other metals. And, by opening outlets for Iran to the east, Russia and China effectively nullify the embargo carried out by the U.S. and EU. It’s not going any better for Washington on the western front. The possibility, proposed by the Obama administration, of reducing within a decade the gas furnished by Russia to Europe by more than 25 percent and replacing it with liquefied natural gas supplied by the United States, is proving to be a bluff. This is confirmed by the fact that, despite the sanctions announced by Berlin, German companies continue to invest in the Russian energy industry — the RMA Pipeline Equipment, a manufacturer of valves for oil and gas pipelines, is opening its largest facility in the Volga region. And Gazprom has already signed all the contracts, including one for $2.75 billion, with the Italian company Saipem (Eni) for the implementation of the South Stream gas pipeline that, bypassing Ukraine, will bring Russian gas via the Black Sea up to Bulgaria and from there into the EU. Even if the U.S. were able to block the South Stream, Russia could divert the gas to China. From now on, the "East Stream" is open. 

21 maio 2014


YouTube VIDEO - 4th Midia - May 2014 - clik 1 - clik 2 - clik 3
Século da Eurásia nascendo no Contrato do Século: $1 trilhão por 30 anos de gás russo à China.
HONG KONG — A specter is haunting Washington, an unnerving vision of a Sino-Russian alliance wedded to an expansive symbiosis of trade and commerce across much of the Eurasian land mass — at the expense of the United States. And no wonder Washington is anxious. 
That alliance is already a done deal in a variety of ways: through the BRICS group of emerging powers (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa); at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Asian counterweight to NATO; inside the G20; and via the 120-member-nation Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). Trade and commerce are just part of the future bargain. Synergies in the development of new military technologies beckon as well. After Russia’s Star Wars-style, ultra-sophisticated S-500 air defense anti-missile system comes online in 2018, Beijing is sure to want a version of it. Meanwhile, Russia is about to sell dozens of state-of-the-art Sukhoi Su-35 jet fighters to the Chinese as Beijing and Moscow move to seal an aviation-industrial partnership. This week should provide the first real fireworks in the celebration of a new Eurasian century-in-the-making when Russian President Vladimir Putin drops in on Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing. You remember “Pipelineistan,” all those crucial oil and gas pipelines crisscrossing Eurasia that make up the true circulatory system for the life of the region. 
Now, it looks like the ultimate Pipelineistan deal, worth $1 trillion and 10 years in the making, will be inked as well. In it, the giant, state-controlled Russian energy giant Gazprom will agree to supply the giant state-controlled China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) with 3.75 billion cubic feet of liquefied natural gas a day for no less than 30 years, starting in 2018. That’s the equivalent of a quarter of Russia’s massive gas exports to all of Europe. China’s current daily gas demand is around 16 billion cubic feet a day, and imports account for 31.6% of total consumption. Gazprom may still collect the bulk of its profits from Europe, but Asia could turn out to be its Everest. The company will use this mega-deal to boost investment in Eastern Siberia and the whole region will be reconfigured as a privileged gas hub for Japan and South Korea as well. If you want to know why no key country in Asia has been willing to “isolate” Russia in the midst of the Ukrainian crisis — and in defiance of the Obama administration — look no further than Pipelineistan.

Sem atacar o dólar, este trato o exclue, secando domínio dos EUA sobre a energia da Terra.
In a symbolic blow to U.S. global financial hegemony, Russia and China took a small step toward undercutting the domination of the U.S. dollar as the international reserve currency on Tuesday when Russia’s second biggest financial institution, VTB, signed a deal with the Bank of China to bypass the dollar and pay each other in domestic currencies. 
Demand for the dollar, which has long served as a safe and reliable reserve currency in international transactions, has allowed the U.S. to borrow almost unlimited cash and spend well beyond its means, which some economists say has afforded the United States an outsize influence on world affairs. But the BRICS countries — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, a bloc of the world’s five major emerging economies — have long sought to diminish their dependence on the dollar as a means of reshaping the world financial and geopolitical order. In the absence of a viable alternative, however, replacing it has proved difficult. For its part, “China sees the dominance of the dollar in international trade transactions as a remnant of American global dominance, which they hope to overthrow in the years ahead,” said Michael Klare, a professor of peace and world security studies at Hampshire College. “This is a small step in that direction, to reduce the primacy of the dollar in international trade.”
Sai Petro-Dolar, entra Gas-Yuan.
And then, talking about anxiety in Washington, there’s the fate of the petrodollar to consider, or rather the “thermonuclear” possibility that Moscow and Beijing will agree on payment for the Gazprom-CNPC deal not in petrodollars but in Chinese yuan. One can hardly imagine a more tectonic shift, with Pipelineistan intersecting with a growing Sino-Russian political-economic-energy partnership. Along with it goes the future possibility of a push, led again by China and Russia, toward a new international reserve currency — actually a basket of currencies — that would supersede the dollar (at least in the optimistic dreams of BRICS members). Right after the potentially game-changing Sino-Russian summit comes a BRICS summit in Brazil in July. That’s when a $100 billion BRICS development bank, announced in 2012, will officially be born as a potential alternative to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank as a source of project financing for the developing world. 
More BRICS cooperation meant to bypass the dollar is reflected in the “Gas-o-yuan,” as in natural gas bought and paid for in Chinese currency. Gazprom is even considering marketing bonds in yuan as part of the financial planning for its expansion. Yuan-backed bonds are already trading in Hong Kong, Singapore, London, and most recently Frankfurt. Nothing could be more sensible for the new Pipelineistan deal than to have it settled in yuan. Beijing would pay Gazprom in that currency (convertible into rubles); Gazprom would accumulate the yuan; and Russia would then buy myriad made-in-China goods and services in yuan convertible into rubles. It’s common knowledge that banks in Hong Kong, from Standard Chartered to HSBC — as well as others closely linked to China via trade deals — have been diversifying into the yuan, which implies that it could become one of the de facto global reserve currencies even before it’s fully convertible. (Beijing is unofficially working for a fully convertible yuan by 2018.) The Russia-China gas deal is inextricably tied up with the energy relationship between the European Union (EU) and Russia. After all, the bulk of Russia’s gross domestic product comes from oil and gas sales, as does much of its leverage in the Ukraine crisis. In turn, Germany depends on Russia for a hefty 30% of its natural gas supplies. Yet Washington’s geopolitical imperatives — spiced up with Polish hysteria — have meant pushing Brussels to find ways to “punish” Moscow in the future energy sphere (while not imperiling present day energy relationships).